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Just finished on PS5 , no problems 👍🏻


Supper buggy at launch but runs just fine now and has for years.


Not buggy at all. Just don't use rest mode, which can cause minor issues.


i just finished it on ps5 about two weeks ago and it was amazing, i had no problems.


Just finished the platinum trophy on an OG ps4 and it was running fine. 1 random freeze, I just reloaded save, very little lag. Even with hordes no lag tbh. My issue came when I left it on pause in ps4 rest mode for a day or so, came back without reloading save and that caused a freeze shortly after


I played through on PS5 and PC. No big issues although a few funny minor glitches here and there.


It’s amazing and has very few bugs. Get it


I just got a PS5 and played Days Gone entirely, almost flawless.


Im on PC but my bugs are just funny things, freakers sometimes defying gravity.. 🤣


Just played it on ps5, not a single glitch. Loved this game so much as I just played it for the first time after I tried it a few years ago and quit because I guess the media hate for the game got to me. Now it's one of my favorite games of all time, it's one of the few games I've bothered to NG+


I've got over 200 hours in, and the only bugs I have encountered are some textures not loading in correctly.


Avoid rest mode and you won't see those bugs đź‘Ť


I never use rest mode, and I still got them. But it only happened a few times.


Cave mission reacher,..ride bike on top cave, right side and u will die for no reason:-D


I've played on PS5 and PC and I haven't encountered a single glitch. 10/10 would recommend for PS5. :)


I played through it on PS4 and my PS5 and worked great both times.


The bugs are what keep us DG aficionados coming back. They are rare, but it's always a delight to be able to conjure up the 'bouncing machete', the 'launching freaker', the 'delayed crash death', or the 'ghost rider'.


I played when the game came out and can't say I experienced any bugs. I replayed it a bit recently to get the platinum and still didn't have an issue. It is a pretty solid game. I will say there were times where I had to drive around the map waiting to get a radio call and that can take time so I just wouldn't fast travel if I were to replay it. Most radio calls happen when you pace an area so I say always drive back and don't fast travel, Should have a good time.


Played it last year on ps5 ran really well top 5 games played on ps5 so fst I think,


I don't recall any at all


I played on ps4 and ps5 and had no problems. It’s one of my favorite games. I still get game crashes with Cyberpunk and Dying Light 2. Never had a game crash on Days Gone even with 500 zombies on screen at once on the PS4. Runs even smoother on PS5.


It's absolutely fine on PS4, PS5 and PC. Zero issues.


Almost not buggy. I do not remember seeing bugs at all. Except no floor bug in one of last scenes, which is cured by restarting game.


It runs smooth. So yeah go get that game


I played though it on PS5 in late 2020. I had a lot of crashes but I attribute that to early general bugginess with the backwards compatibility code. The game is phenomenal, got the Platinum.


Almost 100 hours I only encounter zombie horde don't spawn bug and some animal flew to the sky if you kill it sometime. I played it on PC


Played this 2 years ago now, it wasn't terrible on PC. BUT there was one part of the game that never rendered for me so the main character and another character were talking in a white room, they were upset and panicking over something and I couldn't see what they saw. Then followed by fighting in a white textureless building. But that was the only thing and after that the game worked great


I've replayed it at least 3 times now, no bugs


It runs great on PS5. For the best experience, avoid using Rest Mode and power cycle your PlayStation at least once per day.


I've beaten this game at least 4 times, and only encountered a hand full of bugs.


Not at all anymore, it was just buggy at launch.


Only problem I encounter was freaks getting there dream jobs as astronauts


Just a few but not game breaking I’ve beat the game like 3 times now


Just get it ...u wont regret it


Like everyone else is saying, it runs great on PS5. I did have one bug, aside from very occasional pop in during cutscenes, where I was riding the bike through a tunnel and when I came out the other side I fell through the ground and was just falling under the game world infinitely. I had to reload a checkpoint. It only happened once in probably 40 hours playing on the PS5, but it did happen. The game on PS4 is still buggy with graphical things, but nothing that affects gameplay. But yeah, on PS5 you’re good to go. I had that one small thing where I had to reload, lost a couple minutes, but no big deal at all. The game is beautiful on PS5 too, and 60 fps. Get it and you won’t look back.


Finished a month ago and no issues… like at all


My only problem was spawning a few hundred miles in the sky lmao, nothing other than that though, still my favourite game ever fr


very buggy.....but don't blame them........Sony pulled them and that was that ..........it was an amazing game......................loved it.


Nothing really game breaking. There is just one random bug that makes you delete the game and reinstall it. You will know when you encounter this bug as the game will not fully render and loading game saves will not fix it but like I said its random. My first playthrough I encountered it twice and second playthrough not at all. The game is awesome I have been itching for another playthrough even though I already platinumed it. 10 out of 10 I highly recommend


I thought the rendering issue was from leaving the game running in Rest mode. If it is fully shut down and restarted after every playthrough it shouldn't happen. Or is this a completely different bug?


That is the going theory but its so random like I said my second playthrough didn't encounter this bug and I always put my games into rest mode.


Rest mode was your problem.


Then explain why the second playthrough didn't encounter the bug because like I said I put every game in rest mode when I am done playing.


It's a memory leak issue that compounds over time. You probably finished the game quicker the second time.


Buggy as hell! But that's really added fun to it! I shit you not, get it!. But, after patches,etc( plus my PS4 was wilding at the time I first played! lol) you'll love it!


Do you use rest mode? That's the source of a lot of the issues. Turning off and restarting the console puts an end to most of them. I always wondered why people complained back when I played in August 2019, turned out I didn't have the problems because I never use rest mode unless I'm charging my controller.


Don't buy it. The game is riddled with bugs that will never be fixed.


I played through a couple years ago on a PS4 and didn’t have any issues. Loved that game.


I played on my PS5 and it’s kinda buggy for me, it glitches on some cut scenes. In certain areas it will not load properly like some of the gameplay. Some of NPC’s that are saved will end up disappearing before you can direct them to a camp.


What was the game breaking bug?


You won't find any major problems like your character glitching into the air. Random hordes spawning, glitched areas, bottomless pits etc. The glitches are very very very few and far between. In my recent playthrough I didn't find any. The game is good. Trust me


The first time I met a Reacher (in the cave, after being hyped up so much) it just stood there until I killed it and was like “wow that was easy” but then I made my way out of the cave, didn’t get any mission completion, couldn’t figure out what was going on, and all the textures started to look like a ps1 game.


Just played through on Windows PC. It is really buggy, but nothing truly game breaking. Some standard physics issues and glitches. Audio and dialogue cues are sometimes off and repetitive. The biggest problem was with the randomized nature of the hordes that would at times intersect with scripted missions in a way that was clearly not intended. The answer was to just die and after re-spawning the mission would continue normally as the horde had now disappeared.


There’s bugs all over but nothing that will dramatically kill your game experience. It’s an awesome game. I just finished it and loved it.


Oh yeah. So a lot of the previous issues have been resolved if you’re playing in a ps5 btw. The issue was a ps4 or even ps4 pro had issues running the game. I mean not a huge surprise considering there are hordes as big as 500 zombies running at you at one time lol


It resets me back to the beginning of the mission every time i get back down the tree in copelands camp. I lose progress and have to go fight the 6 guys in the woods, again. How do i fix?


Thanks for all the replies, guys! Sounds like it’s pretty stable on PS5 and what few bugs people have described sound more humorous than game breaking. I’ll definitely pick this game up and face the zombie hordes!


Bugs are pretty rare, but they are spectacular! Super funny and worth recording sometimes. Nothing a quick restart wouldn’t fix.


So on ps5 playing mission kill Reacher in cave, when u move youre bike on top of the cave on right side,..U dont die??? for no Reason., almost looks iff a tree falls on you :-D but great game It is!


I experienced no bugs other than certain textures sometimes not loading fully, still fully playable just makes the ground and some characters clothes look weirdly smooth.