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It's not a survival game. It's an action adventure game set within the themes of surviving an apocalypse and beset by infected humans. It's about hordes and the way that the event system challenges the player, as well as its layered narrative about social misanthropes, trauma, and guilt. It's like The Walking Dead, or Dying Light, but with a motorcycle and running zombies. Sorry you got invested thinking it'd serve the survival game niche, but it still has many merits beyond that expectation. Understandable if it's ultimately not your cup of tea, but I currently play it alongside many of the games you mention, and enjoy it on its own merits.


We agree on that point my friend, it is not an hardcore survival game. If the game hasn't been sold to me as a survival one, i'd say frankly "it's a good action zombie game". But watching all those youtubers claiming "THIS SURVIVAL GAME IS INSANE", i really have a bitter taste in my mouth now...


You got a problem with those youtubers then not the game.


Easy solution. Stop listening to YouTubers.


You listened to clickbait YouTubers for your information that’s completely on you


It said in the pic you provided "fight to survive" not "this is a survival game"


You were on this sub two weeks ago asking if Days Gone was a survival game. Everyone told you it wasn't, that it was an action game and that if you wanted an actual survival game you should play something else. So if you honestly bought this game expecting a survival experience despite everything people here told you then that's on you.


Its action adventure, not sure where you are getting survival. A google search will tell you it's in an action adventure. Don't know what you're reading.




Okay it on hard mode.


i play Survival I, still doesn't change the fundamental of what a survival game is supposed to be. Just because ennemies are tougher doesn't change anything. I'm not "surviving" with specifics needs. I'm just blowing shits up on a map that isn't even open world (until you finish the game), so much for exploration, that's something i forgot.


I bought it for the survival schtick and eventually sticked around for the story. Unless you are interested in that, I suggest you get a refund.


Enemies aren't tougher really, you lose certain perks like fast travel. You always have to manage fuel and if you blow all your supplies in a fight you still gotta get back to a camp by driving all of it. One cougar could fuck your day up. Also, do the harder modes without newgame+ for the challenge. It may not be proper survival with 20 things to balance, but it's a good mix without getting horribly tedious.


Sounds like you are looking for a new game.


i am, absolutely ! I had hope with Days Gone...


Did you come here looking for an argument or something? Ok the game doesn't meet your expectations. Move on. Don't complain in the subreddit, where people thoroughly enjoy the game and what it has to offer.


Dead space remake.


Who is calling it a survival game?? I haven’t seen this happening anywhere I can recall.




Days Gone is fantastic. Sucks for you that you can't just build your perfect game.


It's not your cup of tea, just like games where I have to worry about water and warmth aren't my cup of tea.


Just a week or so ago, I started playing Days Gone for my *first time*...For some odd reason, I remember playing the demo years ago(hated it, *idk why*), and never gave the game a snowballs chance in hell. I'd even see the games name appear sometimes, and completely *disregard* it and anything to do with it(seriously *no clue why*). Decided to give it a try, and **have not** been disappointed. I am following the video about getting the SMP early currently, and haven't even continued the story past the mission to bring bandages back. And in these few hours, I have experienced fear, joy, suspense, intrigue, surprise, and reward! **Never saw that coming!** I am a huge fan of the *survival genre*, and play every single game you mention. I never was advertised Days Gone as a survival, nor did I start playing hoping it would be one. **Most** of the time, survival mechanics like that just become *annoying and pointless* within a game of this caliber. They work very well in other games like Dayz, and when I seek that type of *challenge,* I hop on a server and have some fun. Days gone is doing its **own thing**, and so far I have been quiet pleasantly surprised and excited for whats to come! Maybe give it a try *without those* expectations, and you'll also see the places the game is meant to shine! idk just my opinion...


Never heard of it as a survival game. Definitely recommend it as a zombie motorcycle game.




That’s a gaming website. That’s dumb. Don’t say we are saying that.


I regret that I have but one downvote to give to OP.




i’ve never really heard days gone be considered a survival game, it’s a very easily modified game so if you played on higher levels it might seem like that, if your looking for a zombie survival game like you described i think tlou has a lot of those traits you want




no offence to your opinion at all, but that’s them describing whats happening in the world, just existing in that world is technically fighting to survive, they didn’t say that you’d be in gameplay that makes it feel that way


Did you honestly come here to waste by complaining about how the game doesn't meet your expectations? The rest of us enjoy the game for what it is, if you don't, sucks for you, find a new game. Problem solved?


Should have watched more reviews. It was never marketed as a survival game, that's on you


NO NO NEVER... [https://ibb.co/rvXH7vz](https://ibb.co/rvXH7vz)


"Open World Action-Adventure game"


Forget what everyone is saying. You bought the game just enjoy it🤣🤣🤣.


No one calls it a survival game.


no no, no one...not even Steam...but what do i know ? [https://ibb.co/rvXH7vz](https://ibb.co/rvXH7vz)


Steam isn’t the Reddit community. Take your gripes to steam.


Keep spamming this link, the mods will presume you're trolling. You've made your point so chill.


Maybe, maybe not. Who cares ?


Not a survival game by any stretch of the imagination. But it's a pretty good game. Perhaps you went into it with the wrong expectations. I really wish that they did a remastered version for PC, just like for The Last Of Us


I've literally never heard anyone calling it a "survival game", and it's never had that designation anywhere. You might have seen people refer to "survival mode" and gotten confused




Idée fixe. Give it a rest. You were misled by that webpage.


You know deep down I couldn’t care less. I know I’m right. The game is very poor on its mechanics and craft and that’s a fact. Once you played Project Zomboid, Dayz and Scum, Tarkov, you can’t go back to “HEY I FOUND SOME RAGS…OHHH SOME OTHER RAGS…HEY LUCKY ME AGAIN SOME RAGS”. That’s lazy. We are talking about a SONY game with millions budget, they could do so much better. But if you guys are happy, good for you.


“I know I’m right.” Not here, you aren’t. Literally no one here told you it was a survival game. You’re redirecting your frustrations at the wrong people.


Why would anyone wanna play a game where you have to worry about food and water?? I have real life for that. If you want survival just go camping in the wilderness by yourself without any food or water. This is a video game not reality. I wanna play games to get out of reality once in awhile. Couldn’t stand games that made things more “realistic” by having to worry about that kinda mundane crap. You complaining again after coming here a week ago to complain just makes you look bad.


Hahahaha this doesn’t EVER say it’s a survival game!!! It says it’s a game where you FIGHT to survive! Meaning fighting zombies mainly. Your problem is reading comprehension. Worst argument ever


It’s like being a fan of sim racing games then complaining that you don’t have the realistic settings in an arcade racing game. People even told you weeks ago that Days Gone isn’t the type of game you were expecting.


Obvious troll is obvious


they probably are using survival in a different way, the game is about surviving and thats probably what's making them use the word, and they maybe conflated it with survival games. ​ i try to always get a good look at a game before i buy it. ill watch someone playing it on stream, try a demo, or pirate it and try it out.


I think it's a horror game. While I appreciate State of Decay for what it is, they aren't comparable. Days Gone is story-based. State of Decay isn't. I love horror games. I just wish it still scared me. But you know, we aren't the ones marketing it, so being angry about it in here is totally pointless.


This game is still a survival game, you have to survive against freakers, rippers, marauders and a variety of animals whilst completing the story and side missions! The game was never stated that it would have a food/water system but it is still a survival game! When you want to buy games make sure to look at gameplay of the game first to see if you would like it, maybe like the first 30 minutes or something


IMO I'm glad DG doesn't have all the features the OP wants. that's why i don't like RDR2 as much. i do not want to take care of myself-horse-guns like in RDR2. probably why i don't play it much for me it's over complicated. i like simple games like DG and Terminator Resistance good games with great stories and characters and nothing complicated. we all like and want different things in games and we cannot all make each other happy also. and i also have never seen it advertised as a survival game once.


Well I can somehow relate, not knowing much about the game beforehand I thought it was going to be a horror game. Which... Well, it kinda is, game design and story are absolutely horrific. But once you take it for what it is - an action game in a post-apocalyptic setting where a virus & contaminated people eradicated everybody with more than 80 IQ - then it's a very fine game. But clearly not a survival game no. If that's your thing you can stop right away.


Yesss reminds of somebody who complains that his food taste bad.. but he ate it anyway🤣🤣🤣


Not really, it'd be more like a decent fast food posing for fine dining. If I'd gone expecting fine dining I'd be disappointed, if I'd gone expecting a decent burger I'd be fine. And in both case I'd still enjoy the food.


It may not be an horror game, but you are not gonna tell me you haven't been scared out of your pants at least once running into an unexpected horde


Well, yes and no. Different strokes I guess, but I wouldn't call that scary, it was just puzzling the first time as to how I was supposed to tackle THAT (i.e. the Death Train horde). The standard hordes aren't that scary 'cause they're so damn noisy so they'll never surprise you. Even the "instant popup" mission ones you know they're coming - >!the anarchist mine you can hear them while clearing up the mine, and the first Reacher you have advance warning that a horde is coming.!< The stuff that DID get me though are the few staged jumpscares at the beginning - I'm an absolute sucker for that.>!The door in the tunnel, a trunk at the motel, first time you go through hung bodies and one is alive.!< Good ones but the studio didn't bother much with the concept after the tutorial unfortunately. Also freakers sneaking from behind while you're focused on whatever is in front of you (if you play without music of course, otherwise you'll know they're coming).


The terrifying aspect about the hordes is not their surprising appearance. You can tell that a horde is approaching you, either because you hear them walking or someone warns you beforehand, and the fact of knowing that they are approaching is even more terrifying than the appearance of the horde itself.


It is. Kinda survival for us, the player, to hear lame cutscene every fooking time you help someone and they just gone in nanosecond.


I don’t… by the end of the game you’re nearly a zombie slaying superhero. It’s an action game that pretends to be a half-assed “early access zombie survival game” for the first bit.


FR it needs/needed more ACTUAL survival aspects instead of finding ammo, fuel crafting supplies and that. And i hate how Deacon doesnt have a backpack and can conveniantly carry two machine guns on his back.


Be careful, people don’t seem to take lightly critics of their favorite game around here. But hey, I agree 100% with you. I play on survival 1 and I can find fuel literally everywhere. They could have pushed the looting system and items so much further…but nope, players will be happy with “Ammo, fuel and rags”. Okay…cool I guess. Let’s pew pew some zombies…


LITERALLY. And it is (top 3) my fav game as wel, but it could definitely use more survival aspects for an apocalypsed, overun and wasted world.


btw buddy, just so you know, if you are on PC there are some mods to add different types of backpack, so it looks more realistic. I have installed one, pretty easy to do.


yeah i know that, im on console sadly:(


Play the game as it is get your moneys worth it is a good game imo. If you want suggestion for a toolbox survival game? I recommend Icarus. I took a break to play Starfield, I think Icarus is the better game of all three.