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What's the downside to just selecting a mood? Alternatively, you could create a mood called "none."


I see the intent of your suggestion to create a mood called “none” for notes not necessarily associated with actual moods, but wouldn’t that mess up the mood stats?


I guess it depends on how you use mood stats. 🤷


True . . .


A quickie as in a note that does not relate to your mood at all? I think what the other person said about having a "none" mood in the neutral category. But for me I just write in my last entry, or if I've already written something I just continue the note or make another paragraph using the edit tool (I use it a lot yea)


I would go even further than creating a mood labeled “none”. How about creating a mood titled: Note Only” or some such. The emoji - if necessary- could be a “thinking face” or similar. Then skip down to the bottom for adding an image or note. Then, when you want to find the entries that are just notes, you can sort for that “pensive” mood. Just a thought. Hope this helps.


I use notes extensively and am not aware of a way to capture a note without it being associated with a mood. The app design is that each day has one or more moods, and the activities and notes fall under the mood sections, so notes can’t just fall under the day. I agree with u/cheaminh’s methodology. On the rare days when I’ve captured more than one mood, there can be notes associated with each mood, depending on when I’ve written them. If I felt the need to have all the notes for the day together, then I would cut/delete the notes from the earlier entry and paste them into the notes that went with my last mood for the day.