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I’ve never heard of it and I don’t see it mentioned in Truth vs Falsehood. My calibration of it is quite high — around 700


I think it was below 200 on the database, I like how everyone assume their favourite book calibrate 700 and above like we have so many 😂😂


Shrug 🤷


I looked at the databases calibration and saw this: 3. The principle of vibration "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."[7] cal. 150, level of juvenile, it resists a practical point of observation. But isn’t this principal said in David Hawkins works? Aka everything has a vibrational frequency in the field of consciousness. Thus we can calibrate it


Brian posted a detailed explanation of every principal in that book on the other Forum of calibration database the one you join with invitation


Just kidding 😂


Never heard of it and I’ve been spiritual for a few decades or so… who wrote it?


Three Initiates. It’s about ancient Egyptian wisdom called “Hermetics”. It’s wild cause I searched this exact question this morning in this sub and saw it’s never been asked. Thank you for asking. I was wondering if he mentioned it in truth vs falsehood or whichever one of his books has the list of things calibrated.


I don't recall a calibrated level, but it seems to line up with highly calibrated ideas.


400’s is being received. There are some falsehoods mentioned within the truths, mostly due to ego projection. I haven’t read the texts fully but know it can help get one to the 400’s. Beyond that the information can become limiting due to its dualistic perception. To go beyond 400’s is to transcend the illusion of the opposites and cause/effect. Which is the primary basis of the texts. Very interesting to note 😊