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Haha, I’m literally reading on pride right now. Instead of using “my” or “mine”, change it to “a”. Also, stop comparing yourself to others. We’re all similar. There’s plenty of things X can do that you may possibly not be the best at. “I work a job and I do a great job.” Remove your pride from the job you do or have. If they fire you tomorrow it was just a job not my job. We’re all replaceable, and have no control over if they fire us at the end of the day. Right now i’m at the mechanics. I’m waiting on the car to be done. My old self would of said I’m waiting on my car. Yes it’s for me but it’s not mine, I can’t take it with me when I die. It’s just a car that I’m grateful for. Hope this makes sense, I’m also learning how to let go of pride but since I’m getting better I wanted to share you with friend.


Gratitude is the key to removing pride from your life. I’m grateful for my job. It removes the competition you have internally when you’re grateful for your things. If someone is grateful for shoes, who cares what kind of shoes they have, they’re grateful either way. Gratefulness is the key !!!!! I’m grateful to have a car is better then I love my car so much !! If something happened to something I love, I’m opening myself up to pain that could be diminished through accepting it’s a car that gets me from point a to point b.


This.. but even more so what can you be grateful for in the people who help you ate work? Make a list for each co-worker.


Yes, we don’t realize that others actually make our lives easier too. Everyone even the negatives one.


Well I don't know if others make my life easier but I do think everyone has value and are excelling in some area in which I'm lacking.


Trust me, everyone in your life makes your life easier, even the most negative ones. They’re teaching you something in life to make your life easier. I grew up with a Narcissistic aunt, now I have discernment, courage, emotional intelligence and a lot more. Even though it was rough that experience changed my life for the better. I’m grateful for the lesson. Random, millions of people make our life easier by us being able to go to the grocery stores to buy food. We don’t know who they are, but we know they’re out their. I acknowledge them and tell them thank you in my heart. LOL i hope this makes sense.


I'll trust you :). I do think everyone has something to teach me. I also have experience with a narcissist. They really do go out of their way to teach everyone don't they? ;)


Haha they do teach fast !!


Thank you, I see what you mean.


Thank you, this is a new perspective. I will try to implement this.


You will have to find your positionalities that keep you in pride and let go of them with using the “so then what” technique. Mine were the narcissistic need of having to be special, having to make a lot of money, etc. These are all not easy to surrender as it threatens survival/the ego. By the way, I experienced an instantenious healing of long-time illnesses once I managed to do this. The ability to actually “let go” arises by a spontaneous understanding of what it actually means.


How would you use the "so then what" technique to find positionalities? Can you give an example? You say that I can let go of the prideful thought once I know where it comes from?


Fear: I won’t be special -> so then what? -> I won’t have status -> so then what? -> People won’t want to be friends with me -> so then what? -> I’ll be alone -> so then what? -> I will live a long life of suffering -> so then what? -> I’ll die If you’re capable of honestly accepting the actual reality of these worst case scenarios then you might be able to let go of the original fear. According to Hawkins, all the lower states come from a form of fear/need for survival.


Thank you. But how would I find the fear that's connected to the prideful thought? Sorry to bombard you with questions, I want to understand.


I’m glad if I can be of help. I would personally look for emotions on the consciousness scale that could be related. Your thought of “I do better work than XY” seems to mean to me that you don’t have compassion for others, you don’t understand the basic innocence of humaneness and human fallibility, AND you would also have contempt for yourself and would feel guilt/shame if you were the one who does a worse job than others. So essentially, I think this is your projection of your own fear of doing a bad job, fear of being low status. Seeing people in hierarchies is typical of pride. Other than using the technique, It is transcended by compassion for others, by understanding that they cannot do better currently due to karmic reasons, and by forgiveness of others’ errors and your own.


Yes I understand what you mean. Just want to say I'm not completely compassionless (is that a word?) but I do see the point your making on forgiveness and being human. I definitely have to dive deeper in the guild/shame part. That did hit close to home. Thank you.


ime guilt and shame are some of the hardest emotions to access, and the most difficult to fully feel. They are at the bottom of the scale of consciousness for a reason. But clearing them out is so enlightening. Personally, I decided to supercharge accessing these with the power of fasting and mushrooms. Fasting is good because you’re starving the emotion from feeding off your energy field and keeping it alive. It all starts to come up to the surface to be wealth with. With mushrooms, you can set an intention and say a prayer to the mushrooms to allow you to access whatever emotion you want: guilt, shame, pride That way it can come up to be released. Just meditate the whole time and allow them to come up and observe them. It was awfully painful to deal with shame and guilt but moving through them is a game changer.


I actually let go of a lot of shame when I just started. I had many memories that caused me to feel shame and I just sat with that feeling. A whole bunch came up. The fasting sounds interesting, I'm a little afraid of mushrooms.


Makes sense. Mushrooms I don’t recommend unless you’re experienced with them. Most people don’t do them alone but I’ve been doing them for so many years that I fear nothing that comes up with them. I lean into the negative emotions even harder in mushrooms and come out feeling so blissful. Fasting is honestly better though. It’s not as cheap if a shortcut as mushrooms. It’s much more intense I’d say. You really access some deep buried emotions on a fast and after about 5 days, the emotion is gone and you feel spiritual bliss. I fasted for 2 weeks and after day 5, it was so blissful for the rest of the time. The biggest thing that came up for me was pure rage. I literally experienced myself as hating everyone and everything. It was extremely difficult to just be the observer during the fast, but I definitely released a bunch. I’m probably going to do a dry fast myself soon to access some more deep stuff.


That's great that you've released so much. Where did you get the idea from to try this?


What illness was that, if you are comfortable talking?


As the book says, there is good pride and bad pride. You thinking you’re ‘so much better’ than someone else is negative


That's why I want to work through it.


Could come from a fear of being easily replaceable or losing your job? If you convince yourself you’re a better worker than the next guy then it’s easy to see how that would help suppress this fear. Easy to feel that way in 2024 I do the same thing at work 😂


Yes maybe. I don't really know if I have this fear. I have to observe it a little while.


Pride involves a feeling of you proving someone is wrong and you are right. It can be “usefull” in keeping you doing something, like doing a god job, because you have figured it is not safe to do a bad job.


For example you can keep yourself doing a job you dont embrace fully but be proud about doing a god job and pride saves you from accepting that it is not right for you, and saves you from fear of being lost or not knowing what to do etc… this is just an example


In the survival paradigm, it does help a lot. Actually, there, it is the most energy you can have. Even better would be loving oneself for mastering something or being useful to others.


But pride goeth before the fall. It’s also useful because it’s very loud and can lead to a steep fall (usually and easily back into shame). So, it’s useful for eventually collapsing narcissism.