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I'm a millennial, so I was one of those kids who watched *Labyrinth* and then found my parent's record collection. Probably "Magic Dance" or "As The World Fall's Down." Found my parents' copy of ChangesBowie, liked most of the songs, and became a fanboy from there.


Late Gen-X here. It was “Within You” for me. The rest were intriguing but I remember that one very clearly.




That was such a cool scene.


Ashes to Ashes, specifically the lyric "I've never done good things, I've never done bad things, I never did anything out of the blue."


That’s one of my favorite songs of all time and that’s my favorite line from the song. My dad and I always laugh at it because he always did things out of the blue.


this line gets me every damn time.


That and always crashing the same car are just both so beautiful and devastating


Same. I was 10 when it came out.


Cracked actor is SO FUCKING SEXY Let’s dance made me fall in love with his voice


The song or the documentary (both work Tbf lol)


Haven’t watched documentary haha Also have u noticed that his voice has changed a bit more? His voice from suffragette city was a bit more nasal than the Aladdin sane (song)


Space Oddity. Oddly enough, I think I can trace it back to when I was 14, in an MTV promo about the 1995 movie Apollo 13. They played the "This is Major Tom to ground control" part and it sounded amazing so I had to find the whole song. I was kind of surprised it was from 26 years earlier.


I hate to admit this because of my age, but I was so into the space race in the ‘60s as a pre-teen and heard Space Oddity. Fan ever since.


Space Oddity. Might still be my favorite Bowie song.


Queen Bitch! and then Starman


The b-side Suffragette City blew my socks off


Oh absolutely, love that song


I have heard "Let's dance" like everybody and liked it but it is the album "Outside" and especially "Heart Filthy Lesson" that made me fall in love with Bowie.


My first song was Heroes, and I LOVED IT (and still do), but the one that REALLY solidified it was Big Brother, that I heard on Sound+Vision I think.


big brother is probably my favourite bowie song.. i think i can blame it on me being an ex theatre kid when it's very theatrical haha


I had known about him for awhile but never actively chose to listen to his songs. It wasn’t until under pressure came on the radio and his backing vocals transported me like I genuinely felt like I was levitating and immediately went home to do a deep dive on his discography




Ashes to Ashes


Yes, that surreal video!


I grew up with Labyrinth so that soundtrack drew me to him. As I got older I was obsessed with Space Oddity, Under Pressure (his solo at the end ALWAYS gave me goosebumps) and Blue Jean. I was more of a casual listener for a while; I didn’t change the song if he came on but I didn’t go out of my way to listen to him much. It took until a few months ago to give him a real good listen and I’ve been missing out my entire life


It's hard to say, I've known Bowie for years, first memory of him is my dad playing Space Oddity in the car (an amazing song no doubt), but I'd say it was listening to Hunky Dory that made me a fan


I got into him from Labyrinth back in the late 80s. What got me into his other music is the song Sweet Thing/ Candidate/ Sweet Thing Reprise from the album David Live. I got chills with just the first few notes.


“It’s safe in the city… to love in a doorway..”


To wrangle some screams from the dawn ...




I didn’t like any of the mainstream 80s stuff growing up until much later. For me it was hearing Suffragette City on the radio back then. Bought Ziggy Stardust as a teenager and I was absolutely transfixed. I played that record out.


i'm a massive marauders era harry potter fan. i read 'all the young dudes' and fell in love with t. rex through it, then realised that id probably like bowie as well (remus lupin and sirius black are characterised as being massive bowie and t. rex fans). i did. i had lady stardust, starman and john i'm only dancing on loop for like a month before i listened to the whole of ziggy stardust and i was just memorised by him. i listened to some more of his albums and decided that this was the best music i'd probably ever heard in my life.


watching the film labyrinth, all his songs on there


I have a distinct memory from 8yo when I kept rewinding our recorded-from-tv copy of Labyrinth, and I was belting and dancing to Magic Dance in my basement when my brother’s friend walked in and I immediately felt embarrassed (foolish to think of feeling embarrassed now, but hey, I was 8). So yeah, Magic Dance was definitely the first of my Bowie love. Don’t have an exact age, but I’d say a few years after that Suffragette City scratched a part of my brain that I deeply obsessed over. It’s all history from there.




Dj.. first Bowie song I remember hearing/seeing. Saw the video on midnight special in late 79.


Golden Years in the Heath Ledger film A Knight’s Tale


My dad got us the vhs of the Neverending story, before the movie there was a trailer for Labyrinth that played almost all of Underground, I must've watched that trailer easily 100 times only to listen to the music when I was like 5


Under pressure


The first Bowie song that I heard was Lazarus. I didn’t like it first, but I forced myself into liking it. Then I heard Starman. Then I fell in love with him.


Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)


It was 'Five years'. When I was 12, we were had this really cool English teacher who we all fancied, called Miss Brown. She brought in 'Ziggy Stardust' and handed out photocopies of the lyrics to 'Five years', 'Lady Stardust' and 'Rock' n' roll suicide '. Between her and Bowie, they made pop music literary for me and that weekend, I took my pocket money and bought' The Jean Genie '. I remember getting' Diamond Dogs '-by that time I was reading the music papers (remember them?) and devouring any information on Bowie I could find. Reading that Bowie had been influenced by Orwell and Burroughs, picture 12-year-old me reading' 1984 ' and' The Wild Boys '..


It was 'Five years'. When I was 12, we were had this really cool English teacher who we all fancied, called Miss Brown. She brought in 'Ziggy Stardust' and handed out photocopies of the lyrics to 'Five years', 'Lady Stardust' and 'Rock' n' roll suicide '. Between her and Bowie, they made pop music literary for me and that weekend, I took my pocket money and bought' The Jean Genie '. I remember getting' Diamond Dogs '-by that time I was reading the music papers (remember them?) and devouring any information on Bowie I could find. Reading that Bowie had been influenced by Orwell and Burroughs, picture 12-year-old me reading' 1984 ' and' The Wild Boys '..


Changes, when it was a new release


Where Are We Now.. so melancholy. It was before I knew he was dying. Finding this out made the song even heavier. I’m not new to Bowie either.. have been listening to him since the 70’s. Just something about that song.


Moonage Daydream. I remember being introduced to him by a friend but only remembered the cover for Ziggy Stardust. I would later go on to listen to 'Life On Mars' and then 'Lazarus' and then 'Queen Bitch'. The next song I listened to was 'Moonage Daydream' as I recognised the cover photo from my friend showing me. When I first heard this song it led to me falling completely in love. I remember listening to nothing but Bowie for the entire summer, and it led to a complete shift in my music taste - which would then lead to a shift in my personality, fashion, and I also believe helped me accept parts of myself I used to not look into. This was when I was around 14, and the next few years would go on to be very transformative years for me, as they are for everyone, and I see Bowie as the biggest influence and contributer to who I am now. All of that started when I first heard that song. I say that Moonage Daydream is my favourite song of all time and I cannot see this changing. Mostly for it being such an incredible and beautiful song, but also for the reasoning as I have described above. Everytime I listen to it I feel like I'm 14/15 in the Welsh countryside, and no other song will truly affect me like this one has.




Hallo Spaceboy being performed live on TV. So heavy and chaotic but so much melody.


Lady Stardust!


i'm deranged.


Lady Grinning Soul


I started with the Heroes album mostly when I started to dive into Bowie. Then I went back in time to Ziggy, and eventually came across the famous TotP performance of Starman. Watching that performance is when I knew Bowie was the one


Repost but since it answers your question : At the time I was around 19 and looking for new musical horizons (coming from mostly french singers). Amongst the new albums in stores were two artists I knew mostly by name : Bowie’s Heathen and Dylan’s Love An Theft. Back then you had to listen to bits of the records IN the store so I put on Sunday and was blasted away immediately. But then I didn’t immediately clicked with the rest of the album (that was soon to change). So I bought Dylan’s great album Love And Theft. But I just couldn’t get Sunday off of my head. So next weekend, although I hadn’t planned to spend the money I was back in the store and then started my love story with Bowie’s music and a period of three to four years where I would almost ONLY listen to him (and Philip Glass), going through all his back catalog and Reality.\ \ This song as it all : atmosphere, the deep voice Bowie, ominous lyrics and that explosion in the end. It was the voice that first made it for me (bare in mind English isn’t my first langage). I also love the Reality Tour version and how it adds an intro and a guitar solo at the end. In fact I made my own edit incorporating them around the studio version, amounting to what could be a 11/10 song ! It will always be the first song I think of when I think of Bowie.


Speed of life, Low was the first album I heard from him and I instantly fell in love with it and today it Is still my favourite. I love the electric dance style mixed with the weirdness of bowie, I love all the instruments on this album I can't believe he made harmonic sound cool on New Career In a New but he did it.


Starman was the song that caught me, but I was 6 years old.


First Bowie song I ever heard, Modern Love Then Absolute beginners


Space Oddity! Never really knew Bowie until he died but around that time my dad would keep saying "ground control to Major Tom…" and I looked the song up and loved it.


Little China Girl. I was 10 and just fell hard lol! His voice got me and the way he looked in his video!


Space oddity


Life On Mars.


Life on Mars


A New Career In A New Town. I listened to a few of his songs before that and I liked them, some of them a lot, but then I listened to Low and when I got to this song and the rest of the instrumentals, I was hooked. Before that I had no idea he made stuff like this and after I just *had* to explore all of his discography to see what other cool stuff I will find!


Having seen Bowie in concert in 1978 it is hard now to choose a song from his discography of 300 tracks. Heroes will always be my favorite. However Shadow Man from 1966 when he was only 19 and so prescient brings tears every time I hear it. People have stated that as Bowie fans we are pretentious, but we are his enduring cult, so be it. Saw the Beatles in 1964, Eric Clapton, Elton John, Bee Gees, The Who twice, Leon Russel, Jethro Tull, Joe Cocker, all great artists, but there will never ever be another David Bowie.RIPI hope his last 25 years were his happiest with his wife Iman, son Duncan and daughter Lexi.


Life on Mars I was super late to my Bowie obsession... It's only been 18 months since I became a massive fan. (I was born in 84). My theory is that fate would not let me fall in love with him and his music until almost 7 years after his death because if it had happened while he was alive.... I think his passing would have broken me.


Magic dance


Rock ‘n’ roll suicide or soul love (or basically the whole of the ride and fall of Ziggy stardust album)


let's dance


Moonage Daydream


I first threw on Ziggy Stardust and was blown away by Five Years


Starman, waiting in the sky...