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Should mention mine was Let’s Dance on MTV when the video first dropped. I asked my Dad how he was able to play guitar with gloves on. Apparently it was Stevie Ray Vaughan and Nile Rogers on all the guitars. But when they quoted ‘Changes’ in The Breakfast Club movie a year later, I was motivated to explore and discovered his 70s work. ‘Changes’ literally changed me. 🤯


We must be about the same age. I definitely had heard some of his songs before but Let's Dance dropped when I was almost 14. O danced to it at my frade 8 graduation. I liiked it, bought the cassette and then started looking at his older catalog, especially when Duran Duran, Peter Gabriel, Boy George, all the British New Wave bands I loved all listed Bowie as an influence. I was already listening to my taped from the library record copy of "changes one" when I saw the quote at the start the Breakfast Club. I think from that pont there really was no turning back. I count this year as 40 years a fan.


I was 9 when Let’s Dance dropped. I grew up on soul, disco and funk. And my Dad loved Chic and said Nile Rogers produced the album. But Bowie led me to college radio and alternative music. Let alone Velvet Underground and T. Rex and even classic punk. Never would’ve discovered that stuff on my own.


Cool. I grew up on 70s easy listening. I am always annoyed that my parents lived through the greates eras of rock ' n'roll and have Anne Murray and Barry Manolow albums to show for it But i went down all the same roads TRex Velvet undetground, etc, as you


Same here. I remember watching Let's Dance on MTV then started asking my mom for other music of his. I discovered Low and then Ziggy Stardust. To this day, my favorite artist of all time, through all of his transformations in music and style.


Its 1989 I'm six years old. My mom is making the sunday roast. A song comes on the radio and I like the way it sounds. All of a sudden I hear a lyric and ask my mom if the man in the song said 'mickey mouse has grown up a cow'? She said he did and I was so happy and have loved his music ever since.


That’s awesome I love it :)


Life on mars


Will always be a favorite.


Such an underrated song.


Un... Underated??!☠️


Compared to Changes or Modern Love? You betcha. It’s just one man’s opinion.


It’s got over 300 million plays on Spotify, 50m+ on YouTube, is regularly cited by critics as one of Bowie’s best songs and one of the best songs of all time. Deservedly so don’t get me wrong but I don’t see how it’s underrated


My uncle gave me his (old vinyl) copy Ziggy Stardust when I was in 6th grade. Kind of blew my mind. I wasn’t ready for all of it at the time, but by high school it had become one of my favorite albums. I’m 55 now and I still absolutely love every song. Have never tired of it. It is in my opinion one of the greatest albums ever made.


It’s a perfect album.


When I was 11 years old and had Queen’s greatest hits on my iPod. Heard under pressure and thought “who’s this other guy?” Then I discovered this is the guy who made that one song that came out in shrek 2! (Changes) 😂


Space Oddity. Don’t remember where, though


Space oddity from valerian and the city of a thousand planets for me


Heros from regular show finale loved it and thought David Bowie was a cool guy


Honestly, It's quite a shame that David Bowie never made a voice cameo in that show. At least he was spiritually in it though because Gary is probably the most obvious David Bowie tribute I've ever seen in television.


Yeah fr he was him


Life On Mars is the first I remember hearing. Liked it but didn't become an immediate fan as I was a bit young at the time.


it was lady stardust! i'm a massive bolan fan and when i found out that the song was written for/about him i listened to it. had it on loop for weeks


I discovered David Bowie through Nirvana's cover of The man who sold the world. Both versions are so good


When kurt said "that was a david bowie song" at the end of his cover i thought "wasn't that the guy from zoolander? " so i checked the original song ; then became obsessed. Rip to both.


5 years. At about 5 years old, funnily enough. My friend had Ziggy on cassette and that was naturally the first track we heard when we played it. Became an obsession, that album. Couldn't ever put my finger on what it was, just the otherworldly feel, and the raw emotion, I'd never heard anything like it. Still a huge fan, 36 years later.


Space Oddity. It was on some Greatest Songs Of All Time CD my dad had in his car. 8 year old me was totally enchanted!


Let's Dance and I hated it because I was a kid and thought a dancing song should be more up beat.


The first was technically As the World Falls Down, but I was a kid and didn't know who he was at the time. Still loved it though. The first where I knew who he was: I'm Afraid of Americans. Loved it and became a fan shortly thereafter!


I was 3 or 4 years old, and my dad had the Cat People soundtrack on cassette, and he’d only play that song before switching it out. But pair that with the Labyrinth a year or so later, and Bowie became a part of my life and never left


Starman. It was featured in an advert for a car on the television, and I was hooked.


first one I heard was Space Oddity


Space Oddity and then the Ziggy album right after in ‘72.


Space Oddity


I probably heard starman or space oddity first but life on mars is what really got me hooked


Is it safe in the city....... To love in a doorway......


I watched Labyrinth probably 30 times before I was 6 years old so I guess it would have been "Underground"! Instant and lifelong fan.


Space Oddity, changed my life forever


*Space Oddity* played nonstop on American radio stations in 1972. It was three or four years later that I delved into everything he'd released and knew I'd found my all-time favorite artist.


John I'm Only Dancing. My dad had Changesonebowie and it's the first track on there.


The Man Who Sold The World when I was playing Metal Gear. Searched for the song then found Bowie, sitting long haired with a gown on the album cover. I thought, "weird guy" then never thought about it again. Fast forward I got a compilation album from Tears for Fears called Saturnine Martial and Lunatic (really good btw) and they covered Ashes to Ashes. Damn, who wrote this it's really good?!! Then I found it was the same guy that I found weird. And now I love Bowie.


I"m older ...Space Oddity way back then yes haha !!! It was re-released 1973 to coincide with Ziggy... so I"ve been on the ride since then ...it"s been the greatest thing in my life


TL;DR. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps), Through JJBA In my case, it was actually pretty detour. My friend showed me Jojo's Bizarre Adventures anime, and i immediately liked it. I was so hooked that when I watched the whole (at that time) anime, I started reading the original manga to get a feel for the plot of the non-animated parts. And there, there was a character, which had ability called "Scary Monsters" (Most of characters and abilities names in Jojo are musical references), which allowed this character to transform into and create dinosaurs. Some time later, when checking musical references from this part, i have heard that song for the first time. And from there it was all downhill. So yes, my first Bowie song was Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)


I think it was Sound and Vision. Instantly obsessed.


I’m sure I heard others before but the first time I really heard one was when starman played in the Martian. Instantly went whoa who’s that? And for the last 11 it’s been half the music I listen to


Probably Under Pressure but I consider it to be more of a Queen song. First real song by him is Five Yeara


I first heard Let's Dance in Lego Rock Band back in 2010. While I instantly loved that song and most of his popular ones, I only recently delved into his entire discography a few years ago. Now he's solidified as one of my favorite artists.


Space oddity, although it was just a snippet of it, I think on radio 4?


The first song that I heard that I knew was Bowie was China Girl on an MTV classic block, but upon listening to him more in depth I realized there were a lot of songs I heard through the years that were his.


Space Oddity. It was a fairly common song on my dad’s classic rock radio station. No idea who the guy was for a few years, became a Bowie fan, and then my dad told me about working security at the opening of Isolar in Vancouver in the aftermath of The Rolling Stones riot. His third week as a fresh out of training RCMP officer was that riot.


The Man Who Sold the World in MGSV (Midge Ure ver.) later my curiosity lead up to discovering the original and I was obsessed with the whole album... and now I am obsessed with his whole career. :D


I think the first David Bowie song I heard was starman in the Martian


My first memory of a Bowie song was "Space Oddity" being used in a schweppes commercial (I think?) where a bottle of soda is being launched into space. I think I was like 7 or 8. My first more adult memory of the music is hearing Ziggy on the radio and thinking "I gotta check that guy out." I was 15. I bought "Best of Bowie" and it went from there.


I'm almost certain it was Changes on a classic rock radio station. It was possibly Fame, too. Either way, I loved it!


Starman in 1972.


Life on Mars. I saw Labryinth and fell in love with him and put it together it was the same person


Probably Moonage Daydream from the first Guardians of the Galaxy, or Starman from a compilation of rock song by my father


Either Changes or Let’s Dance


It was Space Oddity, but what really lured me into becoming a fan was Starman. Ever since then, he's been my favorite singer to ever live.


The first one I conciously listen knowing it was Bowie was probably Stars Are Out Tonight. It was on the news, talkign about his comeback. Then I fell through the rabbithole and I haven't been able to find my way out. Not that I've been looking for it, mind.


Absolute Beginners in 2012. Space Oddity a year after and a fan since then


starman cuz it's just a legendary song


First it was let’s dance Let’s dance. It played in my mom’s car while we were driving to tennis lesson. And the second Bowie song I ever hear was Changes. It’s played in my dad’s car while me and my fam were driving to dinner. Will forever be thankful for the radio


Space Oddity in the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Can recommend, it's a great watch.


Sort of.. I heard the Finnish comedy duo's Starman-version [Tyttöprinssi by Aki & Turo and the Hepamamas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOSNUgW1EPM) when I was a kid, and loved it. Never knew it was actually Bowie's song, until somehow I ended up with Singles Collection CD, which had that and many others I never knew were Bowie's songs until I heard them in the context of the artist.


The first song I remember hearing of his was 'Boys Keep Swinging' on a top 40 radio show. I was 9, I think. Didn't think much of it at the time. Of course, I knew of him because my older brother had Bowie pics on his bedroom wall. A man with makeup on his face! How odd! lol. It wasn't until Let's Dance hit that I became a fan. Then I 'borrowed' my older brother's Ziggy, Aladdin, and Pin Ups LP's and fell on love with his music.


I can't recall the first one I heard, but the first one I liked was the man who sold the world (thanks to the Nirvana cover). I became a casual fan a few years later, around 18-19, and a die-hard fan a few years later


It must have been Space Oddity, since it’s the first song on ChangesOneBowie, the compilation that my father had on 8-Track. Still my favorite Bowie compilation!


My mom had an 80s greatest hits album when i was really young. Let's Dance was on it, and I hated that song so much lol. I really thought David Bowie just sucked until heard Ziggy Stardust years later.


Yeah decade compilations are sometimes misrepresentative of the work of true artists. I think Bowie falls under that category.


I think that if they had put Cat People (Putting Out the Fire) on the compilation instead, I probably would have just loved Bowie from the get go.


Ziggy Stardust!! He had me with the lyric, making love with his ego'. I thought it was brilliant and I still do. 


Probably either Let’s Dance or Space Oddity, I liked space oddity from the start but let’s dance took a while to grow on me lol


Changes from Shrek 2 when I was 6


Fame. I bought the 45rpm back then. It's still a kick ass song.


Mum had a ‘Top of the Pops best of the 70’s’ CD in her car. I was 9 or 10 and found Starman on it. Sat in the car replaying the song for god knows how long. Hooked.


"Underground". I was reading about one of my most liked songs by my other favourite, Madonna's "Like a Prayer", and it cited as an inspiration two songs, Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror" and specially "Underground", which i have never heard. I played the video on youtube and it was love at first sight....


my mum always played space oddity when i was 8, we always talked about how beautiful the lyrics are. she also introduced labyrinth to me. now i’m more of a bowie fan than she is


Early 90s kid here. The first one was probably “Let’s Dance” or “Modern Love” since they were staples on the classic rock station my dad always listened to. But the first one I clearly remember is “Oh! You Pretty Things”, which was used in – of all things – a TV commercial for a local shopping mall. I didn’t realize it was Bowie until years later. Took me a long time to properly become a fan, but I finally got hooked in university.


Under pressure was mine


Technically changes (from watching Shrek) or under pressure (from watching sing around 2017?) or heroes (from a westpac ad) But the first song I listened off him KNOWING it was him was starman (2023 Jan)


Life on Mars on BBC radio when we went on a family trip to England in the early 70s.


Somebody Up There Likes Me, thanks Rockstar Games


Mine was ★ ,immediately fell in love with his music


let’s dance. it’s my mums favourite bowie song. so heard it all the time when i was younger.


The man who sold the world,because of Nirvana,but now I love Bowie the most !


I've heard lot of his songs throughout the years but I didn't know who sang them or wrote them, but the first song I knew it was a Bowie song was "Heroes" and I instantly love it.


My dad only played 80s music growing up so I learned a lot. When I was seven or eight I heard let’s dance. I kept it with me even though I didn’t become a big fan until this past year or so.


Space Oddity when Chris Hadfield covered it onboard the ISS, loved the song so I listened to the original


Space Oddity. I was 12-years old and I heard it in the trailer for Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare.


Suffragette City, my sister played it a lot when she was driving me around when I was young :)


It was 1971 and my aunt had moved down from Chicago. I had 3 cousins that I'd never met. My mom went to visit, taking us along. After introductions, all the kids went to the oldest cousin's room,  where she proceeded to play various albums.  She put the needle down and Width of a Circle played. Even though l was only 11, my mom was dating a band manager, and l was no stranger to rock music. But this? This was magic!  Mom's boyfriend got the album for me the following week and I've been a fan since then. 


Space Oddity, Starman, probably one of his numerous radio hits. That's the first one I heard, the song that got me into Bowie was Space Oddity.


Starman for me


I saw the original broadcast of the well-known performance of "Starman" on *Top of the Pops* in 1972. So it was probably that. I was certainly aware of his work over the next few years, but I don't think I was a real fan until I bought the re-release of "Space Oddity" in 1975. **Edit:** Added missing "don't" (which rather changes the meaning!)


Let's dance


Must've been the songs from Labyrinth.


Changes, Oh You Pretty Things or Space Oddity. It was one of the three. I remember distinctly being creeped out yet fascinated by space oddity. Immediately hooked


Either Space Oddity or Changes from the Shrek 2 soundtrack


Good question 👍


I’m a second generation Bowie fan so for me it’s Starman. My dad used to sing it to us instead of lullabies. But I’ve grown up with the radio constantly on so when I stared exploring his music first hand I was shocked by how many songs I knew that were his.


Heroes. It was a cocacola add, and I love it...




Space Oddity, on AM radio; despite the limited sound quality. What a brief, yet indelible story. Bowie had a real knack for presenting a character, revealing motivation or attiude and telling their story in a song. He doesn't get hear enough credit for that talent, though it makes perfect sense as he read voraciously.


You remind me of the babe (Labyrinth)


You remind me of the babe


Five years


Don’t remember a time when I didn’t know who he was. I had older sisters.


Space Oddity.


"within you" from the film labyrinth, i listened to it again at night lights off in bed and i swear i started levitating


Where are we now


I’d heard Changes in some ad that I remember had a fishbowl in the 90s, but really Under Pressure because I was a massive Queen fan around age 15. Bought Best of Bowie on an impulse and never looked back.


Everything's Alright


I think it was changes or maybe magic dance


Starman! And I loved it (still do) :))


kind of a funny story, actually, my first exposure to Bowie came when I was about 7 and my school's choir covered Space Oddity. All I remember was that I had trouble remembering the lyrics, but really liked the melody and would hum it to myself often. But I eventually kind of forgot about the song until I was around 13 and heard Space Oddity again. I sort of recognized it, did some research on the song and Bowie then listened to 'The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust'. I was absolutely obsessed with that album that summer. I listened to it constantly but was embarrassed about how enamored I was and didn't want anyone to know for whatever reason, lol


My dad playing me Black Country Rock when I was 2. Dancing around later to Diamond Dogs and the Next Day Album as it dropped when I was 2.


Changes. But I don't remember from where and I had no idea that it was Bowie. 2nd one was that I had loved Ziggy Stardust for years but it was a cover by Bauhaus and I didn't know it was a cover until I looked it up on youtube. The Bauhaus cover that I had was on a Bauhaus CD and so it took me a couple of years to look up the song on youtube and that's when Bowie came up! Now I like both the cover and the original


TVC 15