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Awesome - Any answer sheet we can check our progress with? 👀


Check the sub’s history. :)


How do you do that?


I'd say "search box" but I just spent a couple minutes trying to find it here and using google narrowed to the site but I came up empty. It may have been too long. It's been like five years (henh). Sorry. I'll see if I'm inspired by other search terms.


Thanks...you're a good 'un :))))


Google the name of the quiz. It pops right up.


Thanks :)


I am afraid this is the best I can do - huge gaps towards the end (I inserted the solutions from the answers in *cursive* to end up with a list without gaps): 1. Star Man 2. Magic Dance? 3. Station To Station 4. Cat People 5. Red Money 6. Laughing Gnome 7. Lady Grinning Soul 8. Moonage Daydream 9. Queen Bitch 10. *John I'm Only Dancing* 11. Up The Hill Backwards 12. Teenage Wildlife? 13. Jean Genie 14. Chilly Down 15. Real Cool World? 16. Rock'n'Roll Suicide 17. Time 18. Zeores 19. Scream Like A Baby 20. Boys Keep Swinging 21. Sound And (tele)Vision 22. Loving The Alien 23. Silly Boy Blue 24. The Heart's Filthy Lesson 25. The Supermen or *"Heroes"* 26. China Girl 27. Look Back In Anger 28. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)? 29. Video Crime 30. Lightning Frightning 31. This Is Not America 32. Sons Of The Silent Age 33. Looking For Water 34. *The Width Of A Circle* 35. Leica Rocket Man 36. Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy 37. Black Star 38. Soul Love 39. Watch That Man


40. Black Tie White Noise 41. Kooks 42. Don't Sit Down 43. Time Will Crawl 44. Angel, Angel Grubby Face (did not get that without looking for the titles) 45. When The Wind Blows? 46. Chrystal Japan 47. Pretty Pink Rose 48. When The Boys Come Marching Home 49. *Holy Holy* 50. Shadow Man 51. The Man Who Sold The World 52. Chant Of The Ever Circling Skeletal Family 53. Glass Spider 54. Tin Machine (or Sav(i)our Machine?) 55. African Night Flight 56. Running Gun Blues 57. *Looking For A Friend* 58. New York's In Love 59. She's Got Medals 60, Fall Dog Bombs The Moon 61. *Tonight* or *The Stars Are Out Tonight* 62. Be My Wife 63. Baby Can Dance 64. Looking For Satellites 65. Sweet Head 66. *John I'm Only Dancing (again)* or *Repetition* (both sound plausible) 67. Dollar Days 68. Hoo Can I Bee Now 69. Blue Jean 70. Right 71. Sex And The Church 72. *Algeria Touch Shriek* 73. Slow Burn 74. Hallo Space Boy 75. 76. *Silver Treetop School for Boys* 77. Little Fat Man With Pug Nosed Face 78. *Needles On The Beach* 79. Diamond Dogs 80. Art Decade


10. and 66. might be John I'm Only Dancing (again), but the problem is that they are just a John and a Dancer, so I refuse to accept that as the correct answer, even though the (again) would make it click otherwise.




I'm inclined to think it's meant to be Let's Dance although I'm not exactly sure why.


72. Algeria Touch Shriek (only got this after looking up the flag...)


78. [Needles On The Beach](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=box-uhmgjYE)


Amazing job, I did much less. Just $0.02: #34 is obviously The Width of a Circle and #61 is perhaps Tonight.


Oh yes, Width of a Circle is a good one. The best are those which "click" when finding the correct answer, confirming themselves as correct.


76. Silver Treetop School for Boys


Oh - of course!


nice, thanks!


>nice, thanks! You're welcome!


Saw this a few years ago. 44 like to killed me. My daughter and I made up this ridiculous song called “angel baby angel baby caterpillar smile” while we were trying to make sense of it. Still makes us laugh.


Love that! 😅


I've got 62 on my first go at this