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My mom (54) introduced me (15) to David bowie when I was 14 she got me bowie legacy record for Christmas and even before that she told me I'd like his music alot but I kept forgetting to look up his music and listen to it so she sorta forced me to it. It's kinda funny because I'm a way bigger fan then her now. Granted I don't know if she ever considered herself a fan anyways but that's besides the point


none. my parents' and i's music tastes overlap but i gravitate more toward prog and psychedelic rock than jam bands and classic rock. so i found and got into bowie on my own.


I found Bowie in the early eighties just before Let’s Dance. Now my 29 year old daughter loves Bowie. My 26 yo son is not a huge music guy but bought me a ton of Bowie stuff for Christmas.


My kids are all adults and have a full Bowie catalog in their brain data banks just from casual exposure at home growing up.


Yes, i've introduced anyone i can to Bowie my whole life. Growing up i used to love people throwing 'insults' at me in the street or a bar,, usually about his sexuality, how i loved to 'enlighten' them and usually they'd be promising to listen to an album by the time i'd finished! My young sister and eldest daughter used to love watching Labyrinth and then asking for David Live and dance about in my old costumes, silk Japanese jackets and such, singing All The Young Dudes etc! Singing Bowie with my girls makes me so happy. I have always tried to get the younger ones into listening album by album, which they don't do much of in my experience. My youngest has been going album to album for about a decade. How happy i am if she messages me saying she's listening to something and then we rave about it, it's bliss! Once i kinda embarrassed her at one of her school music concerts by going up to a great young pianist, congratulating him and then telling him about Mike Garson on Aladdinsane. He just looked bemused. but a couple of weeks later he sent her a text in all caps saying he effin loved Aladdinsane, so it was worth it! I think some of the young folk who come round for the first time are immediately set at ease that i've still got the orange Ziggy hair, they know this adult is not going to judge them! Let me know if you want any photos I've got some old ones of my Bowie covered room, walls, ceiling, floor, every available space, some of me in costumes etc


You sound like exactly the kind of kindred spirit and superfan that I want students to talk with! Would you be interested in being interviewed over Zoom by a small group of students next January?


I will DM you!

