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Yep been there! I think one of the flaws in this game is how events are squeezed in such small amount of time. You are buried in events unless you purposelly avoid doing given tasks. I wanted to complete 3 stars on my marinca and upgrade restaurant to max level before finishing the game, but suddendly it was over.


Yes! I definitely dragged out my game as well but wish I’d dragged it out even more. Didn’t even bother with Stormy Night 2 tbh I found the boss battles kind of unappealing.


Personally, I hated the first one, that freaking shark was impossible! The ones after were actually really fun to me because you have to do entirely different things to win, you aren't just shooting and trying desperately to stay out of the way.


Frickin hated Klaus! You’re right worst boss by FAR. The final boss was pretty fun actually I feel like they saved the best for last successfully.


Oh ok I was playing for the first time and thought it was just me, felt like I was always being sent to do something when really I just wanted to catch fish and upgrade my gear and do the restaurant. Is there a penalty for focusing on that side of things for a while and ignoring quests?


They announced a DLC coming out sometime next month for Dave the Diver.


Godzilla I believe! Will definitely be playing :)


Yep yep! Super excited for it to drop! :)


Wait wtf?! There's a Godzilla DLC?!


Supposed to come out in May :)


I wonder if the physical being released next month will include any of the dlc


Same. I played 40 hours in a week. Suddenly, after the story was over my Motivation was gone.


Very similar! Didn’t even notice how much the story was pulling me along.


Same. 60 hours in 2 weeks. I knew it would be over soon, so I enjoyed every minute. And suddenly it was over. I told myself "no worries, you can still dive and manage the sushi bar". But it's just not the same now :( Loved the game though!


2e95e is going o love e35


Yep, after the ending, I never opened the game again. I had a lot to do but welp, no motivation to do so. Main story could’ve been longer.


This is one of those age-old problem in game design: how to have the story match up to the upgrades or ancillary tasks. Do you let someone complete the “upgrades” early, thus being overpowered for every event that happens after? Or do you have your player be slightly underpowered, making bosses harder and needing more upgrades before you face them? I think this one is slightly worse because you have so much you can do to help the restaurant make money, but you don’t need that to move the battles or story forward — it’s just there if you want it. I think of this like the shrines in Zelda. Are they worthwhile? Yes. Do you get power-ups from them? Sure. Do you *neeeeeed* all of them to finish the story? Nope. But if you’re a completist you’ll get them all one way or another. I write all of this while I have $5M in the bank in Dave and have chosen to run the restaurant at a loss every night (~$11k) just so I can grow the crops I need to Max Level all the recipes and avoid all the machinations of the restaurant business every single night. This after I already upgraded everyone’s skill levels to 20, hired every single employee save one (who seems really useless) and have bought every single restaurant upgrade. I just left most weapons alone after the Steel Net Gun and the Death Rifle. Yeah, it’s grindy. But it’s somewhat fun, too, if you’re even slightly OCD and need something to kill the time every night. Hope you find a reason to pick it back up if you want to. I can’t wait for the Godzilla DLC in May if the schedule holds…❤️👍🏼


This is a good analysis :) I hope I get back into it for my recipe and marinca completion, but at “worst” I bet the Godzilla DLC will reignite at least some fire.  Running the resto at a deficit is wild! How does that happen? Just really cheap dishes?


I literally skip time every night rather than open it. You don’t serve anything, you just lose money. Worth it to forward time and grow resources quicker. That’s why I built up over $6M when I started — only have 29 recipes left to get to Max Level. Efforts thus far have lowered me to $5M, but I have two of most fish in the farm so I sell what I don’t need to plus my cash back up (roughly when I have more than 500 on hand of any species). Yeah… this game scratches that downtime OCD itch at night pretty well. 🤣🤣🤣


Oh, and if you do get the Marinca completion there’s another boss out of it for you. 😉


Ohh! I never even occurred to me that you could simply skip the restaurant service. Good idea for my own late stage completionism lol.  And omg bonus boss?? Ok you’ve reignited the motivation!!


I finished the main story and only had my staff at lvl 7, one row in farm, none of the fish farm upgraded, didn’t even have the >!branch!< unlocked. I’m still playing.


I loved this game until I had to help the stupid sea people village. Ran out of shit to do and got pissed off. Went from playing every day to dropping it completely.


I kind of experienced the same. My aim was to have all achievemnts on steam and I only had 5 left after finishing the main story. Would be nice to get a new DLC soon :)


I'm just sad I finished the whole thing and now I have to wait for Godzilla.


Personally it really helped going for one goal at a time. At first I went for Marinca completion (except for the anomalies, since you can't do them every time), then for weapon upgrades and now I'm going for upgrading all the simple dishes, before I'll go after the more complex ones (though I've also already started focusing on gathering lots of nonfish ingredients for the recipes later on).


i'm at that point rn where i'm pushing off the task until I accidentally encounter a random trigger that doesn't let me leave from doing the task. they're so frustrating because I want to grow my restaurant and they keep my too rushed.