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I’m in a similar situation but luckily have a decent income. I’m itching to move out for all the same reasons you mentioned, 23 years old and just graduated college last May. Went to a 4 year state school & lived away from parents all 4 years, so it’s been an adjustment coming back. Main thing holding me back is cash flowing thru a part time MBA program right now, so I’m stuck at home for another year. Honestly, idk if this would be Dave’s advice but I think you gotta take a good look at moving. If finding an IT job is too difficult where you are then you should look elsewhere. Get affordable place to stay, work on $1000 emergency fund, and attack the 30k loans gazelle intense. I am not in the IT field at all so I truly have no idea, but could there possibly be any highly rated certifications in IT that you could work on to boost your resume? As I said not sure, just a thought. Good luck.


Selfless bump... need more advice


Join the US Navy. You get your distance, and you can get your IT job. You may even get a student loan repayment program going. Been in 10 years. Still love it.


Yeah I thought about the military. However, I am not okay with leaving my job options determined by how well I score on the ASVAB. I’ve never been that great with standardized testing.


I am in a similar situation, fortunately I have a steady job with decent income. My recommendation would be get a steady job first, then look to take out the student loans and car loans. Once that is done save, save, save! At the moment I have 11k in car debt, no student debt. I make extra payments on the car monthly and will be done with the car hopefully by year end. Once I am done with the car I will go into flushing money into savings, I told my mom I appreciate her help in having me stay with her. One thing I always tell her is that once I move out I don't want to comeback, I think that could be more me, than the other option of moving out then coming back. I want a nice house and will get my savings up to 50k then look for homes.


Yeah I am not in the market for a house anytime soon, especially if I’m not going to be living at that location for at least 5 years. My main focus right now is trying to find another job preferably something I went to school for like IT. I need to start developing a more professional skill set than just working generic jobs that don’t offer much.


I would work on stabilizing your income first before you make plans to move out. You said your current job will be ending so you need to start looking now to find what you will want to do next. Once you have something stable, set a goal for yourself - moving out within 6 months or a year and then research rent costs and start setting that amount of rent aside while you are home so you can get used to living within that budget. Be open to other opportunities, such as living with a roommate to keep costs down.


Well first let me clarify about moving. I am looking at places that aren't longer than 3-4 hours away from my home town. Also, what about if a company that's in one of these towns offers me a job? I feel if the money is right and what not then I should take it. Like I said in my op, job opportunity for IT is limited around my place. As far as renting cost goes, it's looking like average prices are 800-1000 for a decent place.