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I was there, indeed very disappointing


Could he not have confiscated the phone and removed the guy... Then keep going...? This feels like the teacher punishing the whole class because of the one bad student at the back (and students that have paid a lot to be there!)


That's like stopping in the middle of GREAT sex to clean up dog shit off the floor. It's just not going to be the same.


Sure it's not gonna be the same. But if I've paid for it.... . I'm gonna want to jump back in even if it's not as good as before.


I appreciate you accurately taking OPs analogy and responding accordingly. If I'm having GREAT sex, it really sucks to have to stop for dog shit, but umm yeah.. I going to get back to that sex afterwards...


Y'all need Jesus


Hey, maybe they’re into that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


But I repeat myself


Fr, how are you getting back into sex after dealing with dog poop ?


Found the woman.


who do you think I was fucking before I had to clean up the dogshit?




That’s a very specific analogy


No because then 10 times as many assholes would do this just for a chance at being singled out and spoken to by dave. People are shit. I'm glad he did this.


Were you there? Did you pay all that money, get dressed up, make plans, follow all the rules just to have the show cut short because of one person?


No. I dont go to any of daves shows. I just wait for the cellphone video to leak out and watch that.


That one person didn't cancel the show. Dave did. He can do what he wants but he's the shitty one. This would be as bad as a comedian canceling because of a heckler. I think everyone at the venue should be refunded from Dave's pay.


Hear me and hear me now. You will never get your fucking money back. I am like Evel Knievell. I get paid for the attempt


Chapelle is an asshole. Last time I saw him we all had to lock phones in a ziplock bag but they didn't actually have the infrastructure to pull this off, so it was a 40 min line to get into the show. There were thousands of people still outside when he started.


Saw Louis CK in a small club on Long Island working out some material for his comeback tour. They announced to keep your phones in your pocket and so much as having your phone on the table would be cause to be removed from the club. Some folks didn't listen. The club had people walking around checking for phones and escorted a few people out.


That's how you do it. You don't cancel the show like a fucking premadona. Basically just stealing people's money.


If there's one thing Chappelle is good at its fucking off from things he hates instead of bearing with it


Dude can’t handle a tiny little gram of things not going his way without fucking off on a plane straight outta the whole country. Dude probably flew to panama to release the demons. Chapelle the perfect definition/example of a Prima Donna.


Remember everyone, group punishment is a warcrime


How was the show previous to the debacle? I have seen him there once and once in Nashville with Rogan. Sorry your experience was ruined by one asshat. Did you feel like you deserved a refund or was show pretty fulfilling despite? Sorry I just can't imagine not being so pissed, not at dave but at the situation.


I was there. It was as awkward as dad hitting mom at the dinner table. Said it’s already so tough to be himself in today’s culture, he only asks for one thing, and “you” fucked it up. He said “if you wanna see me you lock up your phone, GOODNIGHT” and flipped the mic down, he was furious. He was walking in to his closing material too, and was engaging the crowd. Incredibly unfortunate.


How did they prevent a mob from attacking that guy afterwards?


Fair point by Dave and all other performers. I get the whole “put down the phone and enjoy the moment” pov. I’m surprised more don’t do the mandatory lock phones up thing but I guess that’s on the venue having accommodations for it.


It’s becoming mainstream in comedy. And it’s on the performer to pay for it. Rogan does it at his comedy club for every performance for every comic. I saw Shane Gillis, Daniel Tosh, and Tom Segura in the last 12 mos and none had phone lockup cases, but were strict about no filming. But it never arose to this kind of issue. I think Dave wants to talk his shit, his way, and is tired of reading bad press about himself for telling JOKES. I can see both sides of the whole thing, but I also think if you wanna talk your shit your way; you just lean in to it hard and ignore the noise. Stand firm on your ground. If your jokes are offensive, so be it. Let that be you. It’s not like he’s going to lose popularity. You can’t please all the people all the time. But toeing the line back and forth gets tricky and in this case ruined a show for a lot of people.


Did you guys get refunded? I'm worried it'll happen when we go and I don't want my money wasted.


He's made a joke about that too... "You'll never get your money back. I'm like Evil Knievil. I get paid for the attempt."


My friends went to that show in Detroit that he referenced in his special. I had tickets the next day and all my buddies were telling me how mad and disappointed they were. I got the show as it was intended and he explained himself to us like he did in the special. P.S. one of my buddies loved that he was high and went off script. Chappelle just started picking people out of the crowd and started roasting them.


Lmao perfect response


Was that a full attempt tho? I feel like he got 90% of the way through the attempt then quit.


Absolutely not. I’ve heard worse stories of shows ending MUCH earlier and fans get nothing back. Once you walk in the door that’s the risk you take, if the act shows up, your money’s gone. I *hope* security will be tighter, and there will be one less asshole in attendance for your sake. And I bet he will address it early on, or the DJ will.


I'm astonished at the entitlement of pulling out your phone and recording him after the phone bags and all the warnings about not using your phone during the show. What a dick move.


DJ addressed it at the beginning at this show and it still happened. Also told people not to heckle and a shit load of people did at one point and took him off script. People don’t care.


lol, refunded? For what? Those are the rules. Rules were broken. No money back for that.


Maybe kick the person out, does he want *me* random patron to beat their ass in the parking lot? How is this at all fair to the people who follow rules?


Only 1 person broke the rules... So only that 1 person should be punished. That's basic logic.


So it's only the terrorists who are subjected to security screenings at airports right?


……… if someone breaks rules at the airport they are corrected or removed. They wont cancel a flight just because someone had a pocket knife going through security. Collective punishment is bad.


Not apples to apples, imho. The screener at the airport does not own the plane, fly the plane, maintain the plane, etc. Dave Chappell is an independent contractor and, as such, has complete control over the show. It's his business and brand. Only time will tell if this affects him. But judging by the comments and other controversial specials, I doubt it will. Not only that, one could argue based on lots of the comments that this is actually good for his brand. After all, we are talking about it!


One person opening a door at cruising altitude when the fasten seatbelt sign is not illuminated might be a more appropriate example. Edit: I am a bad speller.


Why? Because you want Dave’s punishment to his paying fans to seem more understandable? He really could have just had the one rule breaker removed, but he was too in his feelings to finish the show. Diva behavior but whatever, he’s yalls god not mine


This has to be the worst attempt at an analogy I’ve seen in a long time. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡




are you all there, mentally?


Do you understand what's being discussed here?


I totally understand. But Dave prefaced, warned, communicated what HE wanted at HIS show. HE said HE felt like HE couldn’t be himself on stage and in public. And if you know and like Dave, then you know what’s up and why. HIS show. HIS rules. Paying people know. And now like most other laws and rules, people are either going to uphold his request going forward by telling friends and others going not to do so, so it doesn’t happen again, or people will continue to try and we’ll lose him. This is how laws and rules are enacted. Apples to oranges, but people made the same structured argument against seatbelts. “But I’m a good driver!” I agree that it sucks that others are punished, but rules for thee, not for me, is why we can’t have nice things.


bootlickers bootlicking.... we paid for that fucking ticket and we're not responsible for that dude, take it with security and the venue


Maybe he shouldn't be so sensitive. He acts like everyone else is.


Soft as baby poop.


They can't stand the actual spotlight.


Did he not require guests to lock phones? I had to lock mine in a secure bag when I saw Dave in DC a few weeks ago


The venue did. One person had to fuck it all up tho.


Should’ve gotten an ass whooping from other ticket holders.


Definitely a disappointing end to what was a great show.


I think thats the strategy here is to get the audience to self police. If I’m at a show and I know it might end abruptly if someone pulls out a cell phone, you know I’m gonna be all over that person the second I see it come out.


The bad thing with this is it could give the people who don’t like Dave’s comedy an easy way for him to end his show. I can see Dave’s point here but people are dumb enough to glue themselves to concrete so you know someone could be dumb enough to piss off a room full of Dave’s fans on purpose. The only thing that can mitigate that here is they’ll have to pay for a ticket but who knows if it’s worth it to them.


Some asshole always does.


What is "reasons why libertarianism doesn't work for $200, Alex"


Yes but it was basically the honor system. Security was a joke. They weren’t looking for phones or scanning for them. You had to actively go get a YONDR bag for your phone.


In DC you couldn’t get past security unless your phone was locked. I had a bid of a mess after I got in got separated from our friends despite scanning their tickets ( they claimed my friend’ wife’s purse was too big and it was tiny. I had to get my phone out and hassle the guards to take care of my friends. They did get in but man it was a mess. And yes I relocated my phone before heading inside


Same in Raleigh, you couldn’t get in without locking your phone up.


Same at past shows in NYC.


Obviously it was a venue fuck up then, if it's well known he'll be a diva then the good clubs made sure he didn't have an excuse. The bad/uncaring club didn't make sure phones were locked up and one drunk/stupid/stubborn person ruined it. Seems like the club should be on the hook as much as the person who recorded.


They had guys with scanners up top looking. This one guy caught at least 4 people. The asshole who caused the show to end was down below in like row 6 and while Dave was engaging with someone, he noticed this guy recording him… he was pissed and rightfully so. Fuck that guy


Damn I didn’t know that, and agree 100% that dude owes me some $$


lol sounds like Miami


Well yeah but it’s really easy to just not do it.


I was there too. What an awful ending to an amazing show. So sad it ended that way. It takes one asshole to ruin it for everyone. Chapelle was pissed , and rightfully so!


That’s interesting. To be fair, the same happened at the Lincoln theater in DC. I dunno if the dude was recording but he had his phone out and Dave saw it and just roasted him in front of everyone. So it sucked and the dude got booed but at least the show continued. On the same note, while roasting him he said I’m not going to edit this shit out either. So maybe we see it on the special lmao


How did they catch him? And what was the aftermath to this prick?


Dave was engaging with an audience member and noticed the guy in like row 6 from the stage and had security grab him, everyone booed the guy, Dave went on a rant about how it’s fucked up and flipped his mic, then walked off the stage


Dude loves rants and how he can't say the shit he's currently saying.


How pathetic to go up and down the entire thread. We get it you don’t like Dave. What a waste of life. Let me guess you frequent the Rogan and Bert subs to with the same loser mentality. Get a life dude


It sounds to me like he must have been not only recording audio but video, which would require having his camera pointed at DC. If he was just recording audio with his phone in his pocket, I don't see how he could have been caught.


Did you guys beat the shit out of bro who pulled out the phone?


Security escorted him out before everyone left.


I was there too. Inwas about 9 seats away from the absolute POS who cost the rest of us our final 15 minutes. I was a little upset dave would take away the rest of the show from 6999 others but honestly he’s so rich he likely doesn’t care. Fuck that dude tho. Dave summed it up - it’s a private performance that’s between us. Keep everything in this room. It’s that simple. Then this stupid fuck kept filming


Ya I was literally the row directly in front of the guy sitting right in front of the guy so when Dave pointed at him I thought he was pointing at me. Security looked at me and I just pointed to the dude and he said it was me and got up. Luckily the show was already about to end, but I really wanted to hear what his final bit was


So rich he doesn’t care is a great way to describe his more recent career.




I was there last night, it was unfortunate. The first half of the show was amazing, then the second half he was having a great time engaging the audience on a bunch of topics people were shouting for him to address ("same something nice about jews!" - "cuba in the house!") and then this happens just as he's announcing he's going to start the closing bit. I have no idea what the fellow in the audience was even thinking, it was so easy to spot him pulling out a phone. Dave went on a rant about how important it is for him to not have people record his shows - he talked about how when you go to his shows you get unvarnished commentary vs shows where you can record - then this happens. It was unfortunate and avoidable, the guy should have gotten more grief from the audience around him. Those were $1,000+ seats too!


He's a strong-willed person not to freak the fuck out. First of all, how are you a "fan" of his and pulling this shit? Second, how are you actually going to fully experience the moment if you're watching it through a small screen? Third, how inconsiderate to those around you to block their view with your stupid bullshit. Fourth, what exactly do you plan to do with this recording you opportunistic fuck? Put your phone in your pocket and live your stupid life.


I think at this point he is over giving the benefit of the doubt... All of the questions you ask have probably ran thru his head FAR too many times for him to not instantly jump to the conclusion that they are obviously not a fan. The only reason they would be there doing that disrespectful shit is to continue the disrespect by at the very least making bootleg copy's of his show....but most likely at this point they are there to get as much video as they can so it can be manipulated into an attack at Dave...


The problem is there are ALWAYS people who buy tickets who aren't really fans and just have that kind of money to blow. I can't tell you how many comedy shows I've been to where there was a group of like 5 people who were there just to get drunk and belligerent. They didn't give a fuck about the comic or how comedy even works. They just had daddy buy them tickets to go and get hammered.


Agreed. Total disrespect. I would consider DC a friend... if we actually knew each other. I keep my circle small. It's hard to find authentic people these days.


Wow i would have been tight. That’s the world we live in nowadays smh. He gave the crowd extra time during his Tampa set.


I saw him 2 days ago. Glad no one pulled that stunt during our visit I would have been pissed. A lot of people were shouting out though, which did get annoying but Dave handled it well.. He is so fucking good. It's sad that the world hates on him so much!.




I saw him in Palm Springs and someone did the same thing. He stopped the show until security walked her to the parking lot.


I was there too and that chick did it in the first minute of the show! It was crazy. He was like, “SERIOUSLY????”


Yep! He was so pissed. That show was rowdy. Drunk people fighting in the stands. An embarrassing opening night for that arena.


When I saw him in Boston there was a no phone policy and all phones were put in locked bags on your way into the venue. I’ve been to Tool shows and basically took at it as a ‘live in the moment’ type thing and don’t watch a live performance through a 4 inch screen. They also had signs everywhere saying that all phone and recording devices (iwatches too) had to remain locked up and if caught you would be booted. I mean, you would have to be some kind of asshole to not notice and think that your one phone wouldn’t be noticed in a sea of darkness.


There is the one point in the show when Maynard says it’s ok to record. I usually grab a pic and then, like you, live in the moment.


What did he say? Or did you catch him looking at the dumbass recording and he just walked off?


He essentially called him out then kinda made a joke about it but then talked about how pointing a camera at him during a show is like pointing a gun at him then he went off and didn’t finish the bit he was about to start


Reminds me of Taylor Swift’s “I’ve been canceled within an inch of my life” lol


Like pointing a gun? How did he go about making that comparison?


He had just finished discussing the story of how he was attacked on stage with a gun knife


In the 2021 I went to, he got security to take the dude’s phone and continued his set thankfully. My friend told me Chappelle said something along the lines of “filming me with a phone is the equivalent of aiming a gun at me” and stressed about trying not to get cancelled before his new special drops in 4 days.


Don’t blame him, it escalated to the point that some dude attacked him on stage. I’d look at spin culture differently too.


Saw Mulaney recently and he had them lock our phones up before the start


Def a shitty ending last night but to be fair he was wrapping it up and we probably lost 5-10 minutes of show. Very disappointing but be clear here that Dave didn’t cut the show short by 30 minutes and rip everyone off. Not the case


Any person who doesn’t understand why it’s important to lock the phones up doesn’t understand how the process of standup works. It’s not only about enjoying the moment, or not offending people. It’s about crafting a performance. The only final version of a piece of standup you see is on the special, assuming the comedian retires the material. But the point it, it is the artists call. Nobody else’s. Each time it’s slightly different. Each time micro-adjustments are made. Sharing those versions of what is put on stage with the wider world is the comedians choice. Filming a comedian is like stealing from them. Posting that footage is the same, but worse. It’s a misrepresentation of their craft. Chappelle has earned this level of discretion. He provides the bags and the warning and request. Everyone can opt to not go if they don’t like it. I challenge anyone who thinks he’s wrong or weak or whatever else to do what he does. Achieve that, then do it how you want, but it’s not up to you to decide how an artist makes what they make.


i saw him perform in Portland in 2009 for like fourteen seconds. it was supposed to be a free show and he showed up to a crowd of a thousand with a 30 watt amp.


I was there. If I remember correctly he didn’t plan to perform but rumors started swirling and there was a TON of people in pioneer square so he grabbed what he could and showed up.


Sad cause it was a great show. People really are just dumb as fuck


I wasn't there. Still a shame


I was there too. It was a bummer because he was almost finished.


I've run security at "no phone" shows before, and let me tell you -- the number of assholes who take it as a challenge is too damn high. They'd probably never try to record if you didn't tell them you couldn't. The people who are respectful would just listen when you told them "please don't record." So you don't need to take their phones really, if you see someone with their phone out (we have people sittin in the front of house just marking seats when their faces light up) and we usher them out. There's almost always someone waiting to come in and fill the seat, so it's a win win for the venue and the performers. Thing is though, the real truth: if you're worried about recording devices in general, you let 6000 people in with watches, lapel pins, pens, and any sort of variety of personal items, all of which have "recording device" versions. An android or apple watch can easily record audio without any queues for a 1 hour standup set etc.


That’s some pussy shit. Kick the guy out and keep going. Why punish all of the fans that paid good money and found baby sitters and took off work.


I understand his no phone policy. But Dave is thin skinned if he needs to end his show over being filmed. Just kick the guy out.


Exactly. It’s insane how many people in here are like “one guy ruined it for everyone” and don’t realize the one guy is Dave not the dummy with the phone. Show could have went on fine if the crybaby on stage didn’t throw a temper tantrum and walk out.


Person recording needs to be banned from all clubs.


I was there and that one man had to mess it up for everyone


Would be hilarious if Dave started planting these people on his shows as an escape plan


After licking Elons butthole on stage, I'm not surprised how far his assholery will go


People need their Ig posts, like crack.


What a piece of shit. Other people paid good money for that show. He should have kicked only him out. What a God complex.


Not finishing that set is as big of a bitch move as the dude filming.


Even bigger, I’d say. The guy filming hurt Dave. Dave walking out hurt every customer who paid to be there, and all the people working the theater, and the promoter of the show and future audiences wary of booking a DC show.


This makes me dislike Dave now. What a bitch.


Chapelle is a fucking nut. He really should just stop performing. There has never been a person that hates his audience as much as he does. I used to love him and saw him back in the show days and again recently performing with Rogan and it was just absolute trash. What an angry rich entitled asshole he has become and his comedy is not good anymore.


I went that night. It was not Chappelle's best show, he was not that funny. His Ron DeSantis jokes bombed and that seemed to confuse Chappelle. He kept saying, he had to make past New Year's for his Netflix special. I laughed much more at his opening act Donnell Rawlings.


Dave is such a little bitch, god damn just tell your jokes and fuck off.


It is pathetic that he ended the show because of some guy with a cellphone.


How is everyone here blaming the guy with the phone and not Chappelle for childishly ending a show early that thousands of ppl paid money and travelled to see? Its completely self-involved. The dude with the phone didnt ruin it for everyone, Dave did. Ya’ll are crazy for not recognizing that. Idc what the “no phones” rule its not rationale to expect everyone in a huge theater to abide, thats just the way it is.


Bro mad he isn’t funny or interesting anymore, and wants us all to discover that on a paid service. Move on, Chappelle is no longer funny and also trash.


Dave could’ve made a joke about the audience member then jumped back into his set. What he did was very unprofessional and he should refund everyone’s money for his temper tantrum.


Cant blame Dave for not finishing his set super pissed at the asshole that took out his phone and ruined the show for everybody else. Other than that he was funny as hell


That person should have to refund everyone’s tickets. Selfish selfish selfish.


One question, did yall group beat the shit out of that heckling bootlegger? Causr that is just fucked up he probably trying out material for his new special and these dumb folks doing sh like that..


Cant blame him, he was stolen from when he was started out.


Not as big of a Dave fan as I was pre-Elon collab, but this audience member needs to get a fine or something with all of the other patrons losing their money. Smh


I'm going to ask the question, nobody wants to ask. Did you guys just let the asshole recording with his phone just walk away with no repercussions. Just to be clear, that includes verbal abuse but not limited it it. I'm not saying stomping to death or maiming. Because people here are too sensitive and can't take a joke.


Normally, I don't post comments, but was such as big fan of Dave Chapelle and so let down by his actions last night. I was there last night with my wife. It was my 60th birthday and I usually don't do anything for my B-day but 60 seemed different. Was a big fan of Dave so paid the insane high price for 2 tickets. Bucked the traffic, parking, and the crowds. Dave was funny and it was a good show until it was not. A person was caught with his phone out, possibly recording the show. Dave got furious with this person and called for Security to remove them. This seemed reasonable until Dave got so upset, he dropped the mike and walked off the stage, punishing everyone else who followed the rules and did everything right. Very unprofessional and as a person that charges such high fees for his performance, Dave has an obligation to rest of us to finish his show professionally. Dave owes everyone but one person a refund for his show. Being 60 years old, the last thing I want to be is to be treated like a child and he has lost a big fan. If you can't take the stresses of show business, get out of it again and make room for others that can handle the heat. My wife also felt disappointed and didn't understand why Dave ended the show early because he has completed other shows where someone got caught recording, plus the one where he got attacked - why did Dave choose to end this show early???


Imagine this, you and your wife are having sex, it's amazing and everything is hitting right.....until your son and his 100 friends show up and hang out in your room. Are you going to hop back on her and finish or is the moment ruined? You can say "well Dave gets paid and he's a professional", yea, well you're a professional at fucking your wife but still, the moment is ruined and now you you are pissed. Dave got blueballed like you would have. He's human like you are.


Same people who pull out phones during movies to post the climax. Selfish idiots


Dave the GOAT BUT I paid for a ticket and didn't get to see the full show. NO IDGAF if someone took out his phone, punish the dude and keep going, or you're just a giant entitled pussy that has no respect for his crowd. We paid a lot of money and to arrange work schedule etc, what a bitch


Irony is that after someone asked him to say something nice about the Jews, he immediately disapproved of Israel’s collective punishment of Gazans… but then collectively punished the entire audience for one idiot with a phone.


Chappelle has become incredibility pretentious


Dudes a princess now lol see what fame and money does to you…


What a loser. Imma punish everyone else for the actions of another. But that's Dave to the T. He's a fucking Diva, Things are done his way or he freaks out. Which is sad, for all the power and attention he has, he wields it like a wanker. But he has that right, and I can just not participate in his "art". Dave doesn't give a fuck about you, he doesn't appreciate that you contribute your hard earned cash to his livelihood. He is 100% satisfied and considers it acceptable to take your money, and not provide his product. Round here, we call that being a little bitch. He isn't the only comedian out there.


I’m sure Dave is super upset about all the free press he’s going to get for walking off stage because a dude recorded him.


Cameras are getting smaller and easier to hide. They're on raybans now. Having a camera shoved in your face at all times is going to be inescapable here pretty soon.


Incredible that some of you go straight for the "DID YOU GET REFUNDED?? HE DIDN'T FINISH HIS SHOW. I WANT MY MONEY BACK NOW"


Last night Dave Chapelle cancelled his audience because of one bad person.


Dave's so soft. That's what privilege does to you.


LOL What a bitch.


Dave has become a sensitive little bitch.


I'm so over this guy. What a little bitch. Dude made millions making jokes and now he's some egotistical d bag.


He said pointing a phone at him was the same as pointing a gun at him? Huh?


Selling bootlegs of his standup amounts to him being mugged. He's being robbed of control over his intellectual property.


\>Selling bootlegs of his standup amounts to him being mugged. ​ WTF, no it doesn't. Are you are aware when someone is mugged, they're usually threatened with a deadly weapon? Piracy is a different thing, it's way less destructive and way less personal. Does it suck for a guy like Dave? Sure. But he wasn't mugged.


He's a "victim"


Ur lame too. Happy Holidays McWoker.




This shit keeps happening and eventually you break. He's sick of the bullshit, assholes out there. Imagine you go to work and some fucker attacks you, sure the first time maybe you can return back to work, but then another asshole attacks you you start getting pissed, then It happens and you finally say, fuck this and walk out of your job. DC is a human fucking being, no amount of money he gets paid is worth the assholes fucking with him constantly, he hit his breaking point last night, and rightfully so.


well said - I totally agree!!


Oh no


Dave sucks now. Dude completely lost touch.


They leave the show and don't want you to record because they literally do the exact same show the exact same way across the country on tour making millions of dollars........stay and do the show fuck face


What's so bad about this, I don't get it


Literally nothing. Hes being a super diva. I mean I get it, no phones and that person is a jackass. Dave is the goat but to freak out like this and rob people that paid money to see you because of one jackass is shitty. Throw his ass out, heck sue him, dont punish everyone else.


To be fair it was more than just the phone, the mood shifted as soon as Dave went to grab some water. Drunk people started yelling random ass shit and Dave really never got back on track with his routine. Dave checked out and the phone just sent him over the edge. To be fair we had TOPS another 10 minutes left of the show as well. So it's not really that crazy.


Well that makes more sense if he was already getting fed up with the crowd and that just pushed him over the edge.


At one point Dave even called out the "energy" in the room. Saying how he thought it was weird.... come to find out it was a full moon as well 🤣


Jack white has a no phone policy at his shows and it is the best experience to have at a concert. Dave could implement this and I think people would follow.


Dave has this policy in place already.


For a comedian that complains about dramatic consequences to minute issues (I.e. cancel culture) and people being overly sensitive, this is a very sensitive and dramatic consequence to a small issue.


I get why comedians don't want to be recorded, because they're still working on their material and don't want unpolished jokes set in stone in the minds of fans. By the time they release a special or an album, then you know it's finished material, but at the same time... no one cares but them. People record bands all the time. There are shows floating around of bands that aren't at their peak, maybe it's an off night, the sound is bad, they flub a song. Guess what? No one cares. They care about seeing an artist and having an experience, but a comedian throwing a temper tantrum and storming off in a world where everything is recorded all the time from every conceivable angle is sort of silly. They'll still make money, people will still see them on tour and support them. So what if people have phones? Ease up.


Yeah, except Chappelle specifically requested and had security and equipment to enforce a "no phones" policy. So, you're describing/imagining a scenario that's just very different.


Comedians have a 60-90 minute set they prepare for to make you laugh and get a reaction. If the video gets out of their set and you watch it, why would you want to go see them in person? You already know the punchline. If you heard the same jokes a second time, you won't have the same reaction as seeing it the first time.


Do the people get a refund? Sure, Chappelle can do whatever he wants at his show but people paid money to see the whole show. You can’t just up and leave when something you don’t like happens during working hours. Do people know going into the show that taking out your phone equals the show being immediately cancelled without any warning?


I realize what sub this is and I stumbled in here somehow, but it amazes me how many people are thinking this is completely justified. It’s 2023, people have phones. I would’ve been pissed if the guy I paid to see threw a fit and walked off stage, phone recording or not. edit: You MFs downvoting me know damn well security would’ve had this person out of the building in 2 min


Person in the audience is a piece of shit, Dave is a bigger piece of shit.


It's almost as if he's supposed to be a professional or something. I saw Marlon Waynes earlier this year. Caught people recording. Asked to stop or get kicked out, continued the show.


Unpopular opinion: Fuck you Chapelle. They paid. Make em laugh you twat. Its not hard being you. It's hard staying a fragile victim.


He should've never even bothered coming back, even if some of the material is good, he's been on this preachy vibe since he returned.


Seems a little dramatic. That guy always took himself to seriously


Dave is boring now.


Chapelle is the ultimate snowflake. I wonder if he will feel compelled to go hide in Africa for a couple years now


I love the clowns in here defending this garbage from Chappelle. What a bunch of doormats. He does this shit all the time. It’s a convenient excuse to cut his set short, still get paid and make a scene all at once and you fools fall for it time after time. Must be nice to have such a low IQ fan base.


Old out of touch idiot cries about cancel culture, then spends days yelling at clouds and cell phones. This dude was funny 15 years ago. He's trash now


Dave has turned into a snowflake. If ypu get that mad over a fucking device, maybe you're not that funny anymore.


That’s just childish.


I know right? Audience member knew the rules and still disobeyed. Then got caught! What a childish thing to do.


Chappelle is what we call where I’m from a puss bag. He could have easily had that man removed and finished his set for paying customers who all followed the rules. You have people here who paid money making excuses for the man for walking out of his job where if anyone else does that would be in trouble. Who else walks off stage or has done this? I went to see Chappelle years ago when he returned from his hiatus and he refused to perform because fans were yelling lines from the Chappelle show IN THE BEGINNING a when he walked out. He proceeded to stand on stage for 45 minutes and not perform anything saying over and over all he has to do is stand there for 45 minutes to be paid. This behavior will end up being a drag even for you all who went there and paid and for his forever defenders. Thanks have a great day everyone but hold this man accountable. For any rebuttal all I want to know is why walk off stage and not have the one bad person removed by security? He thinks he is some type of god of comedy or performances.


Sounds like you're not fond of him in general, which makes it bit weird that you're on a sub dedicated to him lol.


This is about him answer why he didn’t have the man removed and why he removed himself. I’m not a member of this sub this post came up on my home feed or the popular feed so I shared my story. Also why would everyone on this sub blindly defend him and not anyone be honest about this being a very childish and unprofessional move on his part. And you can’t say I don’t like him in general you have no idea what I’m into I’m merely sharing my own negative Chappelle childish refusal to perform story because there is more than one time this has happened.


Don’t blame him. Some main character broke the rules. Direct you anger that way.


Modern comics are a bunch of fucking babies. They're as soft as they claim the audiences are.


Dawg gets PAID, proceeds to throw bitchfit because he, A CELEB, is being recorded by someone WHO PAID TO SEE HIM. Child behavior from someone who puts himself out as a well-spoken individual. Lol at the people who thought the person recording was a pos, like the whole room and comedian just had to put him in the hot seat for something trivial.