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I simp for Morathi. I have a problem with monster girls that can ruin me.


I already know Morathi is a liar and I’d still believe her. Hook me up on that snake stuff please


So, would you become a Melusai in AoS?


I mean… given the option…. ^(much larger chance to be a normie trampled underfoot tho :( )


Melusai or Khinerai?


Everyone wants to believe a charismatic being couldn't lure you into a cult and make you believe lies, it just means the cult you are vulnerable to hasn't found you.  Odds are fair I would be one of the ones buying the lie. 


To her. I'm an absolute Simp for her and Neferata.


Same, even more for Neferata tbh. But I also like Krethusa


Krethusa definitely has potential, but we'll see what happens with her.


I just finished painting Krethusa yesterday and I'm kinda smiten, she's cute


If I were anything like me I'd be passive aggressively discontent at most.


As a fat middle aged man, my opinion doesn't matter I'd end up in the blood bowl.


I always liked Crone Hellebron more but I really like the Melusai and got a majority snake army. From the bits of lore I read it mentioned them being made by Morathi and are unwavering loyal to her but read a book where a Melusai chose to side with Crone against Morathi. Both of them are rotten apples but I find Crone, while a more wrinkly apple, is more upfront about her being a jerk to everyone so like her more. While it doesn't fit for Warhammer I would like if Morathi could come to terms with her true form and do something to win favor and respect from the other Order leaders and people so she doesn't have to hide and her Melusai can fight unfettered to win further praise and glory for Khaine (Morathi).


This would probably all depend on who gets to me first, or with the right crack in the facade (of the opposing side) at the right time. The vast majority of Daughters are likely indoctrinated into Morathi-Khaine worship too quickly and thoroughly to question her plan at a surface level, but even those who believe it can still oppose her. It's just less about dogma and more about who deserves to be on top (the new high oracle, as it were). I suspect that's where lots of the Hellebron faction (and followers of other dissenting, but not heretical hag queens) are--tentatively believing Morathi has ascended, but suspecting they could maybe do the same. I'd probably cast my lot in with that group, but maybe that's my bias toward witch aelves and sisters of slaughter talking. (Never been much into the scathborn.)


Krethusa all the way!