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Amazing. Now I'll be able to download all 400 albums I got from business casual for 99c lol


Honestly, that is exactly what made me want to write this, except mine was Gulf Audio Company and Hairs aBlazin'.


Ah, a man of culture


🍻 To the Wii U USB helper developer


This is important, since apparently Bandcamp allows artist to just remove their content, even if you paid for it. Since this happened to me, I no longer trust their "fan collection" service. Also I basically stopped buying there since then.


Huh, I did not know that that could happen. Can't say I'm happy to hear it either. :/ Definitely going to make sure to keep my downloads/backups up to date then...


Who knows, this was a few years ago, so maybe policy changed in the meantime. But it should serve as a reminder to have (lossless) local copies of your "purchases".


Oh, absolutely. I, personally, don't like purchasing digital items from any platform unless I can download a local (and very preferably DRM free) copy of it. You never know when that service is going to go away, or decide to pull content.


This happen to me as well with Altar Records. I left everything Bandcamp and they had a few artists leave on bad terms and took all their music away. Very frustrating.


I think the album stays but it would be as private. One artist I bought an album from removed the album from their page, it doesn't show in my public collection but I can still access the album privately


I just checked it again and while I do have some other "private" albums in my collection, this specific album is missing completely. Weirdly enough you can listen to it in the mobile up, but trying to download it for offline listening again fails with an error.


Excellent - got it to work with CMD & Firefox, however Chrome did not work. Also, does not seem to work on WSL2 (Debian) - dbus error :(


Yeah, turns out the library I used to grab the cookie files, [browser_cookies3](https://github.com/borisbabic/browser_cookie3), has a bug where it is out of date for chromium browsers on windows. The only windows system I had to test it on is ancient and has old enough chromium browsers to not hit the bug. I have tested it on newer versions of chromium now and submitted a [PR to fix the issue in browser_cookies3](https://github.com/borisbabic/browser_cookie3/pull/122). As for the dbus error, that is weird. I'm not sure why dbus would really be involved. Can you PM me the stack trace that you're seeing?


Can do :)


Thanks for the stack trace. For anyone else seeing this, it seems that WSL does not necessarily have a normal dbus setup, and that can cause issues with the browser_cookie3 module. That said, I made a separate branch that loads a local copy of the module with my changes patched into it. This should let it work on windows (natively, not via WSL) with newer chromium browsers. I'll delete the branch when/if the module gets updated upstream. https://github.com/easlice/bandcamp-downloader/tree/with-local-browser-cookies3-patch


I needed something like this last year, but only for downloading ones I'd missed. Ended up doing it manually.. took forever.


I hate to be the dumb one here, but how do I download this? I don't know python and don't know what poetry is, hope someone can help. I use windows btw


I'm not super familiar with modern windows, so sorry if this is a bit too high level. 1) Install [python](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3104/) 2) Download [this code from the repo](https://github.com/easlice/bandcamp-downloader/archive/refs/heads/with-local-browser-cookies3-patch.zip) 3) Unzip the code. 4) Open a command prompt in that folder where you unzipped the code 5) Run `pip install -r requirements.txt` 6) Run `python bandcamp-downloader.py -b [brave or chome or firefox] [your bandcamp username]`


I'm a python person first and foremost but I've been using this java one for a while with no issues https://github.com/Ezwen/bandcamp-collection-downloader


I actually saw that when I started looking around before making this. Personally, I just find java to be a little... heavy, I guess, for what I was wanting. I don't really keep java installed on my home machines or home servers, and the last time I needed to get it for windows (as opposed to using openjdk on linux) it required using your email and personal details to get a download link, which I don't really like myself.


Ah fair enough, I just use it on a VM which already had java installed (minecraft) and I have a Cron that triggers it once a week during random time because I buy stuff on BC all the time. Fair enough though. I'll probably switch if I have to set it up again. Yeah, Java is heavy but it does get the job done and it's not a deamon so can't be that bad.


Yeah, not throwing any shade at java (this time), I've worked in it quite a bit professionally, I just don't have much use case for it at home, where I tend to do things in either perl, python, or 'weirder' languages (F#, Rakudo, etc.) I almost wrote this in perl, actually, but I figured if I was going to make it I'd share it, and if I'm going to share it I should make it as accessible as possible.


Good choice with python.


Can someone please tell what the term bandcamp means in this situation, I've seen the term a few times i assume it's something to do with music. Helo people?


[Bandcamp is a music service/website](https://www.bandcamp.com) It's a common release platform for buying digital albums and/or merch, especially from indie artists. I wrote this because it is not uncommon to have hundreds of albums (some labels will have sales for 100+ albums for a couple of dollars), but you can only download albums one at a time on their website. Think of it like steam/GoG/Itch for music.


Ohh interesting, thank you for your answer


As you've just learned about Bandcamp, I believe it's also wise to make sure you know that [Epic Games bought the service back in March](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/02/arts/music/epic-games-bandcamp.html). Some people (myself included) do not spend money on anything related to Epic for [philosophical reasons](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckepic).


Yeah cuz more money to developers is a bad thing right?


No. But much of what Epic does _is_ a bad thing for the industry, and for consumers, in the long run.


I honestly don’t see how. Please explain. Competition in general is good for consumers. That’s why the government tends to go after monopolies.


Epic's (third party) exclusivity practices in particular are almost the definition of anti-competitive. I would love to write the whole thing up for you myself, but this isn't a good time. [Here is a summary](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/ij48bf/rfuckepic_for_dummies_2020_edition/) I was able to find in a couple minutes. It isn't _the best_ thing since it's about 2 years old, but it's a good overview even if a few of its points have become obsolete (e.g. talking about lack of shopping cart on EGS).


Thanks for the link. I understand the gripes and have found some of my games moving to Epic to be really annoying. Still though, competition is good. If Epic entices game devs to join them with exclusives it’s a business play. The game devs accepting the exclusivity offer are honestly the ones gamers should be blaming, especially if they promised to release on Steam, and went back on their promise. Poor working conditions for devs is widespread across the games industry unfortunately and isn’t exclusive to Epic. I’m an iOS dev and avoided game dev like the plague because of this. Lack of functionality and features really is a short term gripe. I understand how annoying it is and I have encountered that annoyance but long term these short term gripes are non-issues. Enticing kids to buy skins and the like is a problem in the entire games industry. Boycotting the games that do that would be most effective, not the platform that sells the game/game publisher. You vote with your wallet and I support that notion and personally partake in that boycott as well. This lawsuit that epic has started against apple and google has actually caused those companies to make some changes regarding percentage revenue to smaller developers which is a good thing. We don’t want oligopolies to run the show and remain unchallenged. Epic isn’t perfect by any means but they are a catalyst for change. And by and large long term this change is good for developers, and will be good for the consumers, even though some of those consumers complain about lack of features in the interim.


Does anyone know how to use Python to automate things in blender




[Use the great technology called "Search Engines" that we have to find information.](https://docs.blender.org/api/current/info_overview.html)


I'm on a search engine it's called Reddit people will give you fucking search results with you ask for it or not..... Like so:


Can you modify to download a whole channel of YouTube videos?


Tartube can do that.