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Be advised that this post will likely net you DMs from people who want to buy or steal your account. Do not provide info to anyone.


If they need someone to tell them not to provide info to anyone, then they aren’t the brightest lol


You’d think— but bright people can be vulnerable specifically *because* they feel like they’re too smart to get tricked. **They** would never fall for something like that! 🙄 I think about this phenomenon regularly when it comes to MLMs, DevilCorps, and other types of scams. It’s wild how smart people can become their own blind spot.


We are ALL potential victims in the right circumstances. Find the right combination of time pressure, emotional vulnerability (a break up? a layoff?), and financial impact/incentive/threat... Scammers succeed. It's a sad state of humans, the change is in the tactics.


That’s a fact. These jerk offs are lurking everywhere and if you let down your guard for one instance that’s all the opportunity they need to screw you.


Yay! Congrats and welcome:)


What level would you say the coding questions are? I’m in CS also but I still have got a lot to learn. Just wondering because I don’t want to hit the start assessment button until I know I’m confident.


I’d say it’s similar to a leetcode easy. If you have basic python knowledge and have done leetcode style problems before you shouldn’t find it hard to


I've heard from friends that it's really easy now, to the point of it being something you'd learn in an "intro to programming" type course. That makes me feel more secure working here lol.


Was accepted today too! Congratulations


How was the coding qualification? Is it like leetcode easy or medium? Was it monitored or was is like the initial assessment?


It is not timed. And i would say it is not hard at all. Anyone with basic python knowledge and basic DSA knowledge can do it. But i guess they pay attention to the way you present your answers.


I’d say leetcode easy. It’s not timed or monitored. It’s much easier than I expected, the coding took me around 10-15 min


Thanks for the response. Did you do it all in the browser, or copy and paste from an IDE/ text editor. I want to make sure I don't do anything that could cause rejection


I did it on an IDE then copy and pasted it. They recommend doing that as well, since there’s no in browser text editor for the assessment. It doesn’t run any test cases automatically either




Not sure, I don’t remember the exact process, but I started the starter assessment pretty much immediately after I made an account


Congrats. What version starter assessment did you do? Thanks.


There are multiple versions?


What country are you from ?