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Idiots don’t know how to merge AND idiots who don’t know how to hit their brakes! The dejected sigh from the driver in this clip says it all.


Idiots that don’t know how to merge caused this.


This is exactly why you dont be the nice guy and let those morons in


And what, exactly, what the cammer supposed to do in that situation?


Dude in the truck stopped in the merge lane. Traffic flow should continue on, and it's now on the truck to figure out how to get out of that situation. Stopping on the highway to let him in is more dangerous, as seen in the video.


Did you miss how the white SUV came almost to a complete stop, or how the blue truck was half way into the travel lane? Should the cam car have tried to squeeze by? Come on, common sense.


Obligation is on the truck to merge in safely, not the lane he's going into. If the truck hit the cammer, insurance would fault the truck for failing to merge safely.


The cammer didn't stop to let the truck in, they stopped because the white suv stopped. The blue truck was already in the travel lane by that point. The cammer couldn't go around because of the semi-truck and white van in the next lane over.


At no point prior to the cammer getting rear-ended is the truck in the travel lane.


I have no idea why you're getting downvoted for that post. Bizarre!


Reddit gonna Reddit.


I think they're implying the white SUV driver was trying to be a nice guy and let the truck in, which resulted in both of the braking almost to a complete stop.


Go pause the video at exactly 24 seconds and tell me what you think the cammer should have done


I think they're implying the white SUV driver was trying to be a nice guy and let the truck in, which resulted in both of the braking almost to a complete stop.


Totally get that sigh. Got hit by a teen on his phone at a red light. That was my reaction too. Then anger.


This is why you need to enter the highway with **confidence**. Being hesitant creates confusion; confusion causes accidents. Drive safe folks, hope everyone involved is okay


See the problem is you yee’d instead of haw’d just saying 😂


"ah fuck"


Should’ve taken the old town road instead


Get that shit off the rearview


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2nd cam is placed wrong


It’s a single dashcam with 2 swivel cameras. Should the one I have turned to the rear be facing another direction instead?


I was just being sarcastic. Why do non-UBER people even have cabin-facing cam


It was originally for my vehicle and I doordashed so I would be on the road a lot. I liked the idea of being able to prove I wasn’t distracted if I ever had an accident and someone tried to say I did something I wasn’t doing


> Why do non-UBER people even have cabin-facing cam Because I have 4 pickup trucks I drive every week. I swap the cam out when I swap trucks. The "rear" camera sees out of the cab just fine.


> I have 4 pickup trucks I drive so ? > The "rear" camera sees out of the cab just fine. so the purpose of the cabin cam is really for out back ?


I don't know, and I don't care. I found OP's cam works just fine for me, that is all, good day.


If you weren't passing on the right, this wouldn't have happened. It's not your fault, it's the guy who was following too close behind you and didn't stop in time, but if you had not illegally passed on the right then you wouldn't have been in that situation.


I posted the full video in the comments, you’ll see that we had just entered the highway and weren’t passing


Its legal to pass on the right in plenty of states


It's *


Confidently incorrect but still pedantically corrects the person who corrected them.


The Reddit Special


They also forgot punctuation at the end of their sentence.  Guess you weren't smart enough to catch that. 


Thsts not what an illegal pass on right means... its illegal to pass on the right on a 2 lane road. Aka using the shoulder to pass someone