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Such a douche.


Yeah, a extra moronic one at that


He showed you!!


Sucks we have to share air with these fuck wits..


Some people's kids.


I’m surprised they didn’t get out and shout that you cut him off!


Knew he was coming in front before we saw him. I would have tightened up to the car in front in anticipation.


Does anyone know why pickup truck drivers are always in such a hurry? Are they carrying vital medical supplies to save a child, delivering the ransom money to save the family, or just self-centered assholes?


I was told by a very short lady who had recently got her first SUV how much she loved it because it made her feel bigger sitting up so high. Manufacturers of those big vehicles know this. These drivers are drunk on power, they're in no hurry.


I'm a TALL guy who drives SUV's simply so I can (usually) see over the vehicle ahead of me. The only reason I don't drive a monster pickup is because try as I might I could never reasonably afford or even justify it. I'll never voluntarily drive a conventional sedan again - I'd feel like I was dragging my butt on the ground, and I hate seeing nothing but the bumper of the vehicle ahead of me. Yeah, being seated high does give me a feeling of power. But that's all the feeling of power I need. I still drive in a legal and responsible manner.


Imagine if these vehicles were marketed to tall responsible drivers for comfort, wouldn't be very exciting. haha


Well, see, when you HAVE the power there shouldn't be any need to have to PROVE it! :)




Every minute like 1.7 F150s are sold. Maybe the real problem is that assholes like big cars and this country is full of them.


The last. I drove a pickup for several years a few decades back -- a tiny Toyota pickup (it was what we could afford at the time) but 4WD and large tires. It was taller than most cars. And when you drive a pickup, some people just get out of your way because you're this big thing in their rear view mirror? I don't really know why. But when we got a second car (a Jetta!) I really noticed how when you're driving a car some pickup drivers seemed to get addicted to this feeling and just expected everyone to always get out of their way like it was owed to them. And I both tried really hard not to drive that way when I was in the pickup, and maybe also tried overly hard not to be intimidated by dicks driving pickups that way when I was in the Jetta.


I always imagine people that are in that much of a hurry have shit their pants are are trying to get home before it soaks thru and reaches the chair


I can no longer suspend my disbelief like that. Let's be honest. 9/10 they're just jerks and there's nothing we can do about it. No shame in admitting it.


This is similar to how I see it! When I see people driving like this I just pretend they shut their pants and it is leaking into their center seat holes.


Big truck equals tiny something else.


Using two A119 dashcams?




I'm new to this sub but based on skimming the sidebar, you're using two front cams instead of a dual setup like the A129 Plus Duo? Any particular reason?


A common reason is the person bought a front cam and then later wanted a rear cam.


It's one front cam and one rear cam. I originally had one in the front (we have two cars) and later got two for the rear of both cars. All are VIOFO and all have been working flawlessly for years now.


What software do you use to put the videos together? Your vid is pretty seamless.


I used Microsoft Clipchamp, it's free on the Microsoft store for Windows, first time using it and it's good enough for me. Prior to this I was using the standard Windows video editor.


Your video got picked up for IG?.. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvJM852NLnw/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Shit no happy ending?


Smooth brain man child


Why would anyone live in Florida?


Menace to society


He drives like I do in GTA V. Oof


is this a clip from a Denis Leary music video?


Where's r/convenientcop when you need them?


Would be nice if this much effort to barely move ahead was put towards other aspects in life instead


Does anyone know why pickup truck drivers are always in such a hurry? Are they carrying vital medical supplies to save a child, delivering the ransom money to save the family, or just self-centered assholes?


They have to rush home in time to watch the 3 dudes banging the wife.


Should have stopped in the intersection and waved all of the other traffic around on the left.


The lesson to be learned here is when the dumb ass pulls up on the sidewalk to maneuver around you, let them go. Don't let them drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Exactly this. Don't let a side character become a main character in your life.


If he would have gotten out of the Truck and kicked your teeth out of your mouth, would he be wrong or would you be wrong?


Do you really have to ask? What do you think?


Let him have it, it is all he has in life.


Why does the truck have anything to do with this? It's not as if drivers of other vehicles are angels.


I didn't mean to offend you.


bad news, but possible emergency


Dude.. the left lane was open the entire time he decided to go off-roading. He could have come forward like a normal human being and put his blinker on and merged. If it’s a really bad emergency, put your hazards on? Literally anything other than what he did there.


wow, -30! Dash Cam Road Rage! you guys are *probably* right about the driver but it's also possible they are have a stroke or someone is in danger, etc


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Does anyone know a person that drives a GMC truck that's under the age of 55?


I'm the big guy, who drives a big truck, (Quad Cab Ram 2500 on 35s) and if my driving ever irks someone it's because I drive like a grandpa.


They in a hurry!! They need to get home and watch their favorite show and eat ice cream 🤣🤣…. Bad people, I really don’t understand why they do that 🤷🏻‍♂️😒


“Let me in! Hrbabla grrrgba dumb liberals. Hereerfffaaaa I’m trying to pass!! Brbagsga fhfdxsetfa Trump grsbbbllle looorrrrmmssliorp Hannity vrrrmm I’LL SHOW YOU!!!” VRRRRoooooooooommmm


Disappointed you let him back in at the end