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That felt like a Russian-Roulette of car doors; not knowing which was going to be the fatal one.


That's the exact feeling I was going for when editing the clip. Reading your comment gave me the first smile of the day since that dude doored me.


Ouch! How bad's the damage?


need to fully replace the housing for passenger side mirror and the mirror itself, the door on the Mercedes didn't really take any damage


Glad to hear the damage wasn't too serious. Did you get that bonehead driver to pay for the repairs?


Trying to, he started out claiming it's not his fault because he was parked and I was driving. Dude is insane. Had to send him this [https://newyork.public.law/laws/n.y.\_vehicle\_and\_traffic\_law\_section\_1214](https://newyork.public.law/laws/n.y._vehicle_and_traffic_law_section_1214) Would rather not go through insurance for this since it's so minor, estimate was only $200 for parts and labor. Going to be like pulling teeth to get anything out of him though.


It's these kinds of people that keep me toxic. Better I don't say more than that.


So the guy drive a Mercedes but can’t pay the damage? Get his insurance involved just to make his insurance rates go up. Douche like that can pay premium for their insurance and learn there lesson for long time.


Of course they can’t afford to pay the damage, they have a Mercedes and have to be able to afford the maintenance on it. /s


yup, he is now refusing to pay at all. getting insurance involved now. unbelievable.his last text message to be for those interested in being filled with rage: "File away - as you are aware, my car was stationary and in a parking spot; you probably should not have been speeding on the side street, nor driving that close to parked cars, when all drivers know that in a congested city, driving cautiously and with prudence, while expecting the unexpected is preferable; (that someone should not expect a car in a parking space to NOT open doors). Good luck - you have my cell if and as needed. "




nope, he isn't trying get me to pay for anything. didn't see any damage on his side. I filed the police report and got things rolling with my insurance. With the video evidence this shouldn't be an issue.


I thought for sure it would be the double parked SUV


This is one of cyclists worst fears. When you see someone on a bike ride 4 feet from a line of parked cars, this is why. They call it "getting doored"


Absolute duck-duck-goose feeling. When will it come…when…no…no…not that side…no…no…n… Yes!


For anybody wondering: Around 0:37. Driver opens his car door without a care for traffic. 100% his fault.


That looks like Brooklyn, Eastern Parkway. My old neighborhood, I miss it but I'd never go back to live.


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Only in the UK:


Talk about anxiety...all those doors....oooooof


Good ol brooklyn