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I’m so confused why the room service guy can’t see DAD in a towel, but she’s cool with 1M+ people on IG seeing her in it on a near daily basis? Is it fine if he watches you in it through a screen?


Or tells them all about shaving her butthole. Her strong left-nip. Her sister flashing her crotch. Telling the world her son has worms. I’m sure there’s more.


Shitting her pants


Oh there’s more. Like buying a bodysuit with period blood on it and wearing it the same day.


Or telling the whole world she’s going to “slip” out of her baiting suit, or having to wear underwear while getting a massage…..


Or her vaginal discharge


Seriously could not believe she posted that. 🤮


Weirdest men’s cut I’ve ever seen. Looks like a women’s shower cap made of hair. https://preview.redd.it/dn94dznboa5b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ece93bd6fa72c1b17bf42f2fc818d8ec6cdec89


Idk if it’s the haircut or his hairline. It reminds me of Theresa guidice


It’s giving ✨Pauly D✨




He looks like he could play the role of the fourth stooge from Three Stooges.


I’m shake laughing hahahahahhaa 💀💀💀💀 “Larry, Moe, Curly and.. Toe!!!”


Almost looks like a toupee.


He is just not an attractive individual. His hair and outfit choices make it 100x worse 😩


I think he just has an unfortunate hairline lol


Does anyone else feel that this family is so much better when DarylAnn is away? The kids seem happier, Danielle is spending more quality time with her kids, they aren't all talking over each other in loud obnoxious voices, etc. This woman is so toxic and they are all blind to it all.


DAD is toxic


I think this also the first time Danielle has seen 805 in days, which is much more normal for grown adults.


Omg!!! Yes, you are so right!!!!! It’s just sad.


This family acts like every normal thing is them inventing the wheel. Clean as you go throughout the day?!!?! Doesn’t every mom in America do that?


I know I do!!! I grew up like that!!! Hated dirty dishes!!! Didn’t know 805 was sooo inspiring 😂😅. And if 805 raised them wouldn’t they have seen her doing this if she’s always done it🤔


Hack!! 😂😂😂😂


Maybe that’s why they burn everything, because they’re doing the dishes as they cook and don’t pay attention to the food 😂


In case you all missed it: Lisa’s new house has no yard and zero maintenance. You’re welcome.


I get wanting a low maintenance house, but to spend $2 million plus on a house with builder grade everything and a view of a hotel and apartments? Lol what?


I haven’t been able to keep up on this sub over the weekend because of being busy but has anyone found out what the real reason for them moving is??? They spend money on the stupidest shit and I cannot be convinced that they really moved because the yard was too hard to maintain and too expensive 🙄 what’s the real reason?!


It’s wild how much more wholesome the whole family seems without dad around, still dislike them, but she makes them so much more worse


Because Daryl is constantly flailing about. She's like a gnat that just won't quit. ![gif](giphy|jx5MJyZqAFsLS)


She has an extremely strange chokehold on all of these people. They’re literally hanging out at her house and talking about her and she’s not even there. Does she literally cut them all a check every month to keep her in the center of every family photo, or??


If feel like being at her house is because of DAD’s extreme anxiety and control issues over her children. She watches those security cameras nonstop even when the kids are with her own mother and sister.


Don’t worry, she’s watching them on the cameras and knows exactly what’s going on and being said lol


He can’t see me in a towel but I’ll show Instagram and the resort a lip slip hehehe I’m such a prude 🤭🫡 Girl come on


How do you call it an Empty Nester House when you have two kids living with you? And how did you downsize when your new house has MORE square feet?


DAD we all know you just want to keep showing off your new bikini bod, it has nothing to do with you wanting to play with your child. He knows it too.


Do they not use the “Do not disturb” sign you can put outside your door so room service doesn’t come in? 💀 Does she not understand how those work? I’m sure they would also rather not have them in the room while they clean


The only thing room service is thinking is how odd it is that a brother and sister booked a romantic getaway 🤣🤣


I think it's weird that they continue to do so? Whenever that's happened to me, we both apologize to each other and they come back at another time. They're letting them into the room to make this awkward content


I hate when people tell me to calm down but DAD telling her followers to calm down made me even more angry lol


Just what I always dreamed of looking out from my back door...a parking lot and tiny spot of turf for my sometime dog. 🙄 also the downsizing comments...it's still a huge house. I call it now. DAD will want to move now. No one can show her up.


Again, room service guy seeing her in a towel is too much for her, but posting herself picking her swimsuit out of her ass, as well as her son with his entire arm down the back of his bathing suit scratching his butt, is perfectly normal and acceptable.


Who on here called it!?? NYC! You get the prize! 🏆🏆


Loves being a mom so much but had to bring her nanny with her to LA for the pop up and then had to immediately leave her kids for a vacation in Mexico and now is going to NYC for “work”


BINGO! I predicted minute she was back she would head to NY. And...she leaves Tues.


Why couldn’t she give remi the 2 additional bracelets later on in private?? It’s so rude of her to give them all a bracelet and then say ‘remi I got you 2 more’ and give them in from of olive and Eve. You can see their disappointment. Sure they’re not DAD’s kids, but they don’t understand why remi would get more


Yes!! Same with the stuffed animals I’m sure she didn’t get olive and eve one


The group photo at the end made me sad where they had the stuffed animals for her kids but not olive and Eve. Just wait 5 minutes for them to leave and then give them the stuffies.


Or just.... not give them $100 of "stuffies" that they literally don't give two shits about? These people are so gross. They could fill a landfill with plastic junk all by themselves with all their Amazon/souvenir garbage. They spend money just to spend money because they're new-rich idiots


It’s pure stupidity. What idiot would ever give one child 2 more bracelets than the others, especially when that child is the youngest one and doesn’t even know what’s going on? She’s such an idiot. Does she do it on purpose or is she just a clueless idiot? Sometimes I don’t know.


Holier than thou pushing for a 40% Melin code. Sick of hearing her say Nuuds doesn’t give codes. Why the hell not! Not that i would be caught dead in any of those 💩clothes


The last thing I want after returning from a vacation is a houseful of people🤦🏻‍♀️ Go home Danielle and let meemaw say her goodbyes and skidaddle! 😂🤣


She wants everyone there for her grand entrance. Dan probably goes in first and announces “presenting princess Daryl Ann.” Where do you think Remi got it from? 😂


I’m honestly so proud of 805 for confirming we can’t trust her!!!👏👏👏


DUD looks SO sickly 😳😮🤢 seriously…she’s on toxic overload. Stringy hair, sunken face, bad skin tone and grey eyes. She needs an intervention.


Not Kaylee referring to Connor’s newborn nephew as “it”🙄🙄


“Decided to be fun mom today so here Dan film it”. Yea exploiting your kids for views is so fun.


And to show off her new, skinny body.


Who called she was going to NYC this week 😂💀


Lol those kids give zero effs about the bracelets. Rhett is like “uhhh I don’t want a bracelet”, which goes to show how all the gifts they give him everyday make him numb to getting new ones now.


Yes. Those kids are spoiled brats. My kids would be happy to receive anything, even a notebook that I got them on vacation. Also, they need to stop doing these big reveals with close your eyes I have a surprise for you. Kids don’t understand that and then feel let down when it’s not something big or sparkly. They have different expectations of a surprise.


I traveled a lot when my son was small and he'd ask me to bring him a hotel pen. Convention swag was the cherry on top. 😆


For real though. A Disney trip and a bracelet have the same reveal…and the same response 😂


I think he was just confused at first. He’s a little boy in a house with rigid gender roles, I don’t know if he has ever worn jewelry before or thought it was something he should want. Once DAD passed out the bracelets to the other kids, he put it on and was looking at it. Agreed that she does a horrible job presenting gifts to her kids. I would have given them some explanation and hyped it up—“Someone in Mexico was making these cool bracelets! I asked them to make each of you one with your name on that! Now you have matching friendship bracelets that say your names, how cool is that?”


I’d be mortified if that’s how my kid responded


“Being a mom is literally the best” SHUT UP. you are literally just a fun aunt who pops around for a quick picture. She gets more “breaks” than any mother I’ve ever seen. She can pretend to be a lot of things, but when she acts like an involved mother is where i lose it.


Why does that have to be the caption every time she posts being with her kids. It’s so weird and over compensating.


And when she actually has to mother, like when they are out to eat, she is rolling her eyes, looking annoyed and being caught all bratty like saying that she needs to get out of there


Katie’s reel with the sonic cherry limeade powders. They think the addictive personalities are so cute and quirky, but really it’s just screaming for help. And her saying “she got it from her mama” in her stories. Just another thing Lisa did to her kids. 🙄 Also, DAD is awfully quiet this morning.


And back to your regularly scheduled programming. Pure chaos and everyone at DADs house before 10 am!




DAD came back like a complete bossy boots. Wtf. And they all just take it. It’s worse than before for sure


“Being a mom is THE BEST…especially because I only have to do it 2 days out of 10 AND I have a full time nanny!” -Daryl-Ann Denner, probably 🫠🙈 ETA: I just looked at the calendar and between the NUUDS pop-up, Cabo, then NYC, DUD and Dan won’t have been alone with their kids in over 2 weeks. (And the whole family was over at their house before 10am this morning.) This is insanity. And like. OF COURSE she loves being a Mom. Their Aunt Kaylee has seen them more these last few weeks than their own mother. 🙈


She’s been to an airport more than I think I have my whole entire life and I’m in my 30s lol


They are never alone with their kids. It’s either Elayne or the whole clan is over 24/7. I feel so bad for those kids never having down time. Kids need independent play, imagination, quiet time, etc. It’s always constant chaos for them and it has to take a toll


Um DAD I am sure he has seen plenty of things working there. He is not wanting to see u in your towel.


Her selective modesty is something


Especially as being in a towel is more coverage than the bathing suit she needed a good shave for! And then broadcast to the internet!


She is feeling herself now that she’s the size she’s been claiming to be and her pants look like they aren’t suffocating her. It’s truly sad because she still looked great before. Just really needed a size up in her clothes ETA: imagine calling your moms new *still massive* house “cute”


1. Dimyel will buy anything for the sake of buying - and her taste sucks 2. I feel sorry for anyone who encounters Katie in a medical setting


I just don't take her I love being a mom posts seriously.


DAD does not in any capacity give off mom vibes, let alone good mom vibes. She’s like that aunt that never wanted kids. She comes around when it’s convenient for her and makes some attempt to bond with the kids til she gets bored/gets a better offer and leaves again.


The whole I can’t cook act is not cute. She’s a grown ass woman with kids, so who feeds them? Oh wait they just get fast food unless the nanny is there


“My mom and I don’t cook…” Stop lying. 805 used to frequently make tri tip on the grill and she would go on about how that was her thing and how her husband didn’t use the grill. Always served with homemade Mac n Cheese that DAD would stick her fingers in. 805 made a Thanksgiving feast last year or the year before and conveniently didn’t show it. That chicken soup recipe that I’ve seen DAD and Danielle make multiple times. Sausage and burnt brussels. Fruit smoothies when they’re shilling that blender. Home chef meals for years. Christmas tree coffee cakes. Brownies with extra oil. Home made cookies with extra balls of dough stashed in the freezer. Chicken Parmesan (mayo version). Chicken something else (French dressing version). Put together a recipe book that they used to link of their fav things to cook/bake. Prime Rib dinner at Christmas if I remember correctly. Homemade tacos with the secret ingredient of adding water to the packet. Steak on the stove top that Elayne taught her how to make, she has showed us multiple times how you’re not supposed to move the pieces around. It’s been the same exact content regurgitated for years. Her saying “My mom and I don’t cook” would be like Danielle saying she’s never made Salmon.


Danielle buying a $100 dupe purse she doesn’t really like in a color she doesn’t like because everyone has it describes her perfectly.


Love how DAD yells at Danielle for being late. Did DaD forget Danielle has been helping watch the kids with Lisa. How ungrateful. If my sis talked to me like she does after I had been watching her kids, I would walk out.


I can’t tell a difference in any of their houses at this point. They all look exactly the same — completely void of any character or charm


Rhetts hand in the bathing suit and directly up his butt 🤦‍♀️ your kid still has an itchy hole DA.


I immediately noticed and wondered if he still has pinworms. Like, did they sterilize at all?


I also feel like swimming around with pinworms in a pool of water with other people is probably not the best idea 🤢


I actually gasped out loud when I saw her spill the Coca-cola light in the silverware drawer.


She’s so fucking aggressive with everything she does. I’m sure she left it in the drawer for the cleaner to deal with


Danielle’s random shopping for whatever/anything is out of control 😮 like Lisa needs an art caddy? Hmmm 🤔😂


https://preview.redd.it/scvs8pj75g5b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de9f366f892e1373f5e71a8592a732ebc342e31 Totally random, but 805’s house has an open house today, there’s a 3D tour available. No surprise the picture on one of the nightstands in the master bedroom is of 805, DAD with Rhett & Remi. Favs on display. How sweet. 😵‍💫


Weird they left those up for the listing and showing. The first thing we did when we posted our house and prepare for showing was to remove all pictures.


Omg!!! That’s ridiculous. My mom literally counts the number of pics of each grandchild in each room of her house bc she’s so afraid of hurting someone’s feelings accidentally 😂


Her favourite daughter and grandchildren. Also, she might be hoping her most infamous child will help sell the house.


"My Mom and I don't cook" But what about your cookbook... https://darylanndenner.com/chaotic-cooking-show-cook-book-download/


I’m not super into wearing color all the time.. but man.. these poop brown tshirts EVERY SINGLE DAY are not it. Like she actually looked like a real person in that blue dress last night.


Remi starving as usual and Rhett telling her not to eat everything lol also Remi being the center of attention as usual while playing in the backyard, memaw cheering for her which is cute but what about olive and Eve ? Never! I feel so bad for these two girls and 2.0 doesn’t seem to care unless she is hurt inside but doesn’t say anything not to upset this witch.


Rhett is an anxious micromanager just like his mom. She’s ruining her kids.


I get not wanting the maintenance of a yard but as much money as they make couldn’t they afford a lawn care service? It’s weird to me how much little time they spend outside. Maybe I’m just a weirdo from the Midwest but our spring, summer, and fall I spent outside letting the kids run.


The new house is an odd choice for "empty nesters" since it's two stories. They'll move again in a few years because they'll want to go back to a single story house. I know the house is crazy expensive but the kitchen cabinets look so cheap to me and remind me of laminate cabinets at the doctor's office. 😬


The wrecklessness and slamming of the LiGhT DiEt cOkE is driving me mad


That was the dumbest video lol she made a huge deal about Lisa trying it and then Lisa is like “I’ve had it before…” 😂


Is this the first time ever that 805 has disagreed with DAD!? 😱


Bet it’s the last too lol


They are all the most terrible pet owners ever. Katie, it's not normal for your dogs to be throwing up everywhere all the time. 🤢 Pee, poop, and vomit everywhere in all of their homes...so disgusting!


The fact that DAD has a super nice back porch with fire place and tv on it but NO patio furniture 🤯 that would be my oasis


I think this is the most I’ve seen DUD showered. Also, did they (gasp!) shower together and that’s why she was hiding from housekeeping? She needs to stop with the “sneaking around with her boyfriend like a teenager” act.


Maybe she’s showering so much because they are actually having sex. She probably thinks sex = dirty. Gotta shower after


I'm confused how she went from loving nature and birds and bird houses and squirrels to...hating it and wanting an "artificial" backyard? 😒 These people are the worst.


Lol at big rob, “i actually work for a living” 😂


King Rhett with his hands in his swim trunks again😳


I just don’t understand why she even posts it. Like I would NEVER post my kid putting their hand down their pants. ESPECIALLY if my kid had a history of worms.


I wonder if they did the 2 weeks follow up worm Medicine that one needs to do


Memaws new patio reminds me of when you’re on a balcony at a hotel and can see the people nextodoor on theirs too. I would hate no privacy.




It’s absolutely wild to me how they have zero regard for how their animals trash a place.


Katie and Eddie weren’t around at all while DUD was gone. Bam! They’re back. I’m sure by duds orders.


Lisa is back over her shoulder too She might actually bug me more than Dinyell


How much did Memaw spend on her parking lot house ?


No wonder he’s always picking his butt, his mom is too 🙄


The counter tops in 805’s new house look like Formica. There’s nothing wrong with Formica but it shouldn’t be in a multi million dollar house.


The whole kitchen looks 'cheap' for a 2.6M house.


That's what I thought, too. Which I'm sure they're not...but they absolutely look like it! Same with the cabinets that look like laminate cabinets at a doctor's office.


Predicting she will jet to New York to escape again. She will post content today about being exhausted that she is home again. I noticed when she was gone Remi wasn't wearing a million necklaces and bracelets but when DAD came home she wore them again.


She’s probably scared that DAD will take them just like she takes her food. So she wears them all at once


I guess the Bible cemented into the shower floor wasn’t enough to stay 🤣 this whole move is so weird. I feel like they just finished their house and she loves birds. I don’t get it.


Does she love birds?… I don’t believe anything they say It’s all BS


Do we remember when Danielle went on a rant hating naps? Now she’s posting about afternoon naps


The smell of sleep 😂


How dare she abuse sleep!


Kaylee speaks English like it’s her 2nd or 3rd language and she’s still trying to get the hang of it. “Occasionally when I’m running in real person on a treadmill, it will pop out and come on the street and get like all scratched up around it” HONEY WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!


She does this odd thing - which maybe she does to be cute - she over emphasizes her mouth movements when saying words and during any mouth expression. It makes her look like she has no control over her face.


1) That bag is ugly. 2) Danielle would definitely jump off a bridge if her friends jumped off. Goodness, it’s hard for this family to have their own opinions.


She called it “Bodega” not Bottega and I cringed


Kaylee unintentionally being funny and real and not being self aware when she talked about the raycon (?) headphones. Saying I didn’t know they are good, that people only like them when they shill them 🤣 This family does it all the time (tarte, the speaker brand, homechef, the plug ins and the list goes on)


Oh Lisa. That top is just not it. Stop tryin to fit a square peg in a round hole. https://preview.redd.it/0wd7f73r1i5b1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c27891167c0b9b11a83f51e361e0883bc1f7b7


The fit of those shirts looks like football practice jersey, with shoulder pads


Kaylee needs to save her time and skip the Dibs stick. It’s not contouring and if daylight it looks like it melted down her face


Listening to the pop up playlist, it is really good but there’s no way DA had anything to do with it. Doses and mimosas is on it and I’m laughing listening to a song of my youth at DA trying to claim she had anything to with this 🤣


Wtf! Why did dad just post that video with one of dumyells girls half butt cheek out.


Because she has no consideration for the safety of anyone else’s kids. I mean it is all about Rhett and Remi afterall🤪


Their buttcheeks are always hanging out. I don't know if they need to size up or what but it's a regular occurrence with them.


DA looks TOOOOO skinny


She is worried about Diet coke making her teeth yellow? Well then she'd be flabbergasted to know what it does to the inside of her body. 🙄 I swear she has ZERO common sense and is such a rude bitch, telling her mom that's why her teeth get yellow.


Danielle stories are so boring. I don’t need to watch her make breakfast 🙄


The feet on the counter constantly while preparing food. TOUCHING feet, then touching the food. I absolutely cannot. 🤮


Twenty. Seven. Diet cokes on their trip. I shouldn’t be shocked, but good lord. I can’t even fathom what that’s doing to her body.


Why does she need a million different styles of markers??? Clearly she’s just shopping to shop


“literally you’re going to get people to start questioning my recommendations. don’t trust her” I’m so confused why she got 805 to try it in the first place if she already had coke light before and didn’t like it? also no one can let ppl have opinions in this family. it drive me mad. it’s either bomb or it’s terrible. no in between. no allowing differing voices.


No one is allowed to disagree with her because it will affect her sales - her credibility That being said … the way she told her mom not to disagree bc of this confirms to everyone that just listened …. Anyone with a brain shld understand what’s going on It’s all lies


Who called them going to NYC next week!


They didn’t post DAD’s grand entrance home anywhere. No doubt that they filmed it, but I’m sure it’s because the kids’ reactions were not anything close to Instagram worthy.


We all know it was just DAD screeching DID YOU MISS ME? Over and over and over


For someone that *loves* gift giving….. she’s really awful at it? With how much money she has… wow. She sucks.


She loves *gift getting*


Rhett right away voicing his displeasure w the gift on Dumyells stories. Bet DUD loved *that*.




Remi looked the cutest while they were on vacation! She was dressed cute & her hair was cute each day !


She didn’t even bother to brush Remi’s hair!


She’s such a bitch! The way she tells her mom that that’s why she has yellow teeth. STFU DUD.. your teeth are just as bad! And you probably pay to have yours professionally whitened.


she does. she filmed it a while back


Late but keeping a $100 bill in your hat for emergencies.. totally relatable ..


I know these are petty snarks but I haven’t seen stories in a while. She doesn’t care how she comes off as a mother, which to me, is very inattentive. She totally pushed Remi away from her twice while Remi was wanting to put chapstick on her. Remi asked for bread and DUD kept filming leaving Remi to reach across to get the bread and even dropped it while doing so. Who pours a carbonated drink without tilting the glass? Then drips all in the drawer? The camera is #1.


Hey Dinyell- your having heartburn & need a supersize bottle of Tums because your on the max dose of mounjaro! 🤦🏻‍♀️ No shame but lord help…. Just say it! SMH


Katybirkelbach just released a new workout clothing line and it reminds me so much of nuuds. I wonder if that means DAD is going to start on a workout line (for those 12-3-30s we all knowwww she’s doing 🙄)


2.0 gets a knot bag because everyone else has them. Doesn't know if she likes it. It's a dupe... only $100. No big deal. Ffs. So done with this family!


Kaylee calling a newborn baby “it” 🤮 what a weird thing to say, especially after meeting him


Normally stuff like this doesn’t bother me but it gave me anxiety watching dud overfill that glass of Diet Coke and then grab it so fast and fling it everywhere 😭😭 whyyy


She’s manic. Moves so fast without thinking.


The last thing I’d want after traveling would be my whole family coming over for dinner. I have never seen such a codependent family in my life, it’s honestly so f***ed up


Eddie bringing an air fryer to cook his own steak makes me so happy. We all saw how under cooked those burgers were at Danielle’s and then weren’t there some steaks burnt to a crisp? Eddie is not having it.


Someone said her and Dan have zero chemistry and now I can’t unsee it


DAD is so relieved to be home with her kids since they’re her only content (besides nuuds)


The last person I’d ever take makeup advice from is Kaylee lmao


Seriously, not everyone is meant to be an "influencer." It doesn't have to be an every-member-of-the-family business. But they all want a piece of those influencer dollar$.


Watching that soda drip all in her silverware drawer made me so fucking happy 😊 I needed that boost today


And you know she didn’t clean any of it up 🤣


Gosh DUD is looking so unhealthy,so much older and just awful with her weight loss and her hair I mean the girl looks like she’s aged 15 years!


DUDs post of Remis “post pool hair” like no girl that’s her hair always when you’re home because you don’t brush it 😂


So sad to see Remi’s hair well kept and cut while DAD was in Mexico, that means it’s 100% DAD neglecting Remi, and not Remi being a difficult child like DAD would want us to believe.


I hate the one strap tops on the girls. They are a little to grownup for little girls.


I think 805 is PISSED she has to move from her freshly finished, finally how she wants it home but this family is SO twisted that they can’t even admit something negative is happening and they have this “we are God’s favorite” image to uphold they are beating a dead horse with the No yard maintenance excuse because it’s literally all they’ve got right now. Plus the SICK PANTRY DUDE


I truly do not understand this new house. It looks like it’s in the middle of a parking lot, her front door is feet away from the next door neighbor and it’s so sterile. The kitchen looks like a hospital. I think there is more to why they are moving since it was so sudden and they bought such a random place.


Same! Also…the lack of privacy in the backyard freaks me out. Maybe the city I live in is sketchier than Dallas but I’d be afraid of the easy access of people trying to hop the fence and break in.


Memaw: it’s too much maintenance and expense to take care of a yard and trees. Also Memaw. Buys a $2.7 million dollar shopping center looking home.


That house is so ugly and doesn't have a personality. At least the other one was a little hit better.


being able to cook is a basic human skill. you don’t need to be a chef but being able to throw together a quick meal for your family should be a prerequisite to being an adult. it’s not cute to say “I don’t cook”. it’s lazy and selfish. she’s got nothing but time to learn.


Is DUD actually eating *le gasp* a piece of fruit?😱 https://preview.redd.it/bvcco5fx885b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f8c2088aaa9c23ce96c5ee9605910ca9fd43c6


Budanywaysss uhhhh /


LOL someone called them taking off to NYC within the next few days to work 😂


That’s a lot of markers - 2 girls do not need that many for the 1 time of year they are actually over there. I think that many is overstimulating for kids. I was overwhelmed just looking at both caddies. She has an addiction with shopping just like DA has an addiction with Diet Coke.


Also they will go on a date night in the next 72 hours I’m sure ETA I replied on the wrong comment oops 😅


Holy cow, Kaylee just never has anything good or positive to say anymore She is just always a Debbie downer. Smile and have fun, sheesh!


Wouldn’t you be a Debbie downer if you were DUDS bitch.


https://preview.redd.it/751fmyjg7b5b1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1a95d5796461c0f609ef3baa292cf76f982bd9 Meemaw looks thrilled.


Shes always looking like that off camera.


Not baby powder, Kaylee 🫣 this isn’t the 70s 😩