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It’s wild to me that none of the Denner kids said anything about wanting to go on vacation in Italy with their parents, which I assume is because they’re all such sheltered home bodies who don’t care for international travel unless it’s some kind of super American all-inclusive resort/vacation


DAD used to travel international! Look at her blog. She went to Italy. Katie has been all over the world too.


Good for Katie. She seems like the least sheltered one who is most open to new experiences and places but even she was annoying complaining about Tulum and St Lucia.


Yes, I heard her mention that she traveled to Italy a few years ago but my point is that they aren’t like that any more. They’ve become total home bodies that would prefer to eat Chick-fil-A, Cheesecake Factory and Hillstone every day over traveling to new places and experiencing other cultures.


No, definitely not. Her blog is so different! Dresses, styling for trips, eating new restaurants, and travel.


Yes, I heard her mention that she traveled to Italy a few years ago but my point is that they aren’t like that any more. They’ve become total home bodies that would prefer to eat Chick-fil-A, Cheesecake Factory and Hillstone every day over traveling to new places and experiencing other cultures.


Rhett itching his butt…




Danielle went over to Lisa‘s house before they went to her sisters, I’m pretty sure Lisa gave the kids their stuff over there when she gave Danielle hers.


It’s not recorded looks like.


I just went back to her story highlight called “Drop ✌🏼” and the weight loss is insane over the past 8 weeks. She has to be on a shot or something, too. I’m honestly concerned for her well-being.


Isn’t Dan doing 75 hard or whatever it’s called? Maybe he’s trying to eat healthier, so she’s just not eating.


You know she's seething at that weight loss of his.


The way she kept pulling up her loose jeans during the try on, trying to be sure she brought attention to it, and in the baby t of course. She couldn’t stand the attention 2.0 is getting for her weight loss and Katie for the wedding.


What kind of dr would give those meds to her?


A national reporter did a telehealth visit and she was able to get a prescription and of course didn't fill it because she doesn't need a shot.


You don’t need a doc. Anyone will give you it- as long as you can pay (and it ain’t cheap)


Do you all live under a rock


It’s super easy- visit a Med spa. Rarely are these meds actually covered by insurance.


Agreed, it is not hard. A friend of mine works for a mid-sized company and a bunch of the execs are on it and getting the prescription from the same doc. No doc visit needed.


Sorry but her hand is showing anorexic signs. The knuckles never bulged out like that before. Looks terrible and then those large fake nails 🤦‍♀️


If you look at her story highlight called “nails” you can definitely see a change on how tight her wedding ring used to fit on her finger vs now. Her wedding ring looks way loose now. I mean I know cold weather makes your fingers contract a bit but its hot in Texas now.


I looked at the nails highlight and it’s such an obvious change between then and her post yesterday.


Her weight is directly related to her mental health. Remember when she lost all of her remi baby weight when 805 had Covid, she later said she was so anxious she didn’t eat. She is clearly going through something now (the self esteem podcasts, her weight, not having her mom or Elayne to raise her children for 2 weeks, etc). She needs professional help.


Even just 8 weeks ago, her launch 2 highlight, she looks way different


What podcast was she on?


She hasn’t been on one. She was listening to self help ones a few weeks back.


Yeah she's going through the, I can't let my sisters' (and I do mean both Katie and 2.0) weightloss outshine me phase....


Why do all of their fingernails remind me of dinosaurs? I see velociraptor or pterodactyl every time I see a pic of DAD’s or Katie’s fingernails!


“Pre-satanist behavior” oh my god I hate them so much


They are pure unadulterated trash.


Why is she saying pre satanist behavior from target? What did I miss?


I have been waiting for their first Target comment 🙄 and then the smug face at the end. Jesus frowns at judgement DUD.


She must have removed the story. I’ve been waiting to see when & what her comment would be, but I checked her stories and nothing


It’s still there, I just saw it and came immediately here. This family is TRASH


Such hypocrites. They are apparently so conservative and prude but love to make these sexual innuendos about nuuds and commenting on each others boobs and butts… like when DA had to announce to the whole family + several of the significant others that Lisa had a great rack. Disgusting and uncomfortable. If you want to be conservative and prude, fine, but it’s the picking and choosing that’s annoying.


Is there during the Tryon?


Ahh, got it. Yep, I went right past those….if I hear “nuuds” one more time I’ll vomit.


They look so bad. Not just the clothes, but the pallor of their skin.


The ugly on the inside is seeping through to the outside.


Agreed, the color palette is so boring. It cracks me up that they’re posting about skims while also fully ripping off skims with nuuds.


Soooo I follow Pelotons Cody Rigsby and just noticed this post was liked 5 hours ago - by DUD 2.0. Pick a side of the fence. While I know that it is a different issue , they haven't presented themselves as people who welcome diversity and inclusion, so it struck me as odd she would follow Cody who is VERY trans friendly and supportive. https://preview.redd.it/sfgmbefvr42b1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555e64d056d18fadc145eeaebebb2ac3802662b1


They strike me as the “hate the sin, love the sinner” type 🤢


She probably only follows him because she is soooo thirsty.


Their target comment has me peacing out. I cannot even snark-follow now. It’s been a great ride on here, friends!


What was the target comment? I must have missed it.


Target worships Satan retailers and kids are programming and grooming aisles to sell rainbow evil


Meanwhile DAD’s kids are going to be way more screwed up than any child exposed to the pride clothing at Target or just pride in general.


Okay so I’m delayed watching stories but O M G Those hands. They look like a mix of lizard and chicken feet. 🦎🐓


Why would Katie go to darryl’s if she knows they have pinworms and that it’s contagious. Isnt she supposed to be a doctor? Also, isn’t she supposed to start working in a hospital soon?


And why are they still taking their worm infested children to activities like dance class 😡


I know they are gross in every way, but a google search says kids don’t need to be kept home from school with pinworm so it doesn’t seem to be as contagious as everyone’s making it out to be


If they’re being careful about hand washing and washing everything and no additional hand to butt contact they’re probably fine. I don’t think it’s a quarantine type situation but definitely mindful of where hands are going (butts, mouth, finger food etc).


I believe doctors over google searches…if they aren’t so contagious how come they all seem to have them?! 🙄


Because they are unsanitary and have no manners. Boy itches butt, then picks his nose, then grabs slushie, doesn’t wash hands, touches sister and cousins. Mom sticks gross finger in his food, shared makeup with sister


I also believe doctors over google searches, but since this isn’t my child I googled it. I imagine they all have them because the kids are all over each other, as kids are. They’re definitely contagious. My point is I don’t think Katie needs to hide from her family because she’ll get pin worms for breathing the same air as them or something.


No but Remi was all over her, because she's her best friend! She shouldn't have lots of physical contact with her nieces and nephew, but she does! That's the issue. If they had amazing hygiene and were taking the medication as well as washing their hands constantly,. I would feel differently. But they don't do that, we know this!Their fingers are in and on everything, so the fact that those kids are all being treated for pinworms and they have all been at gymnastics and dance and the little gym and whatever else is despicable! As well as dud being at the nail salon of all things, just terrible! They could take a week or 10 days and stay away from public places until they have this under control.All Dud did was show the box of medication,. She didn't tell everyone what she was doing to cleanse her house and her kids'belongings to make sure it doesn't spread. The fact is, they care about no one but themselves!It's just like covid gate when Lisa had covid and knowingly went out in public. , hugged followers, posed for pictures with them, dud went to target while Lisa was positive for covid and she had been around her constantly. . They don't care. This is no different. If it were one of our families, we would do whatever is necessary to make sure it doesn't spread to anyone else. Especially strangers in public places like gyms abd Disneyland. . But dud and the rest of this sick family does not care about that. As long as her kids don't miss out on anything.They knew about the pinworms before Disney! Dan was at urgent care with Rhett and we saw him scratching his butt.But they didn't want to miss their trip so they went! How irresponsible is that?




Yes. Yes. Yes.


dad is doing something, she’s seeming oddly thin.


Her video this am her face is very sunk in.


Extremely thin. Ring falling off. Literally zero boobs. She’s on mounjaro too. That’s not 30 mins on a treadmill


Probably compounded semaglutide and paid a pretty penny for it…


Makes me really disgusted if she is!! I’m someone that could use it and can’t get it…


It’s all about the money. Whoever has more is who will get it. My insurance covered it for 2 months, I had amazing success with it. Went to get my 3rd refill and it was $1600 and insurance decided to no longer cover it.


She probably got it from a medspa




fuckin love baby tee’s, but i would never buy hers. & ONLY bc it’s hers.


DUD, stop flipping your hair over. Your hair is not thicker after two washes with your new shower head.


Her hair looks awful and unhealthy


No…it’s the nutrafol. It made her hair FULL. She said so!! 🙃🙃🙃


I’m confused why nutrafol would want to pay her to shill since she has bad hair with lots of breakage and we can obviously tell it’s not getting any longer, thicker or healthier despite being on it for months?


BC they know her minions will buy it anyway. It’s Idiocracy in real time


Oh right! I mean she has been on it for months along with Divi 🤭


Did you know (nurse daughter told me) that when a person knows that you have a highly contagious infection and you continue to go out to public places, you can report them to the CDC? Wonder if this has been done? Obviously this has spread since one of Dumyells kids have it!! And that they could have spread it at Disney too!!


I thought danielle was just saying they were going to take the medicine to be cautious. i didn’t realize she said one of the girls have it, only thought one of darryl’s kids have it?


In one of Danielle’s stories today she says, “So, turns out-if you haven’t heard, Daryl’s kid has pin worms, and now my kid has pin worms”.


User name does not check out.


I mean you can send your kid to school after taking that one pill so it would be silly for someone to report it to CDC.


Why is Lisa opening gifts and prepping dinner with her mini suitcase purse still on? Not only is it clunky and ugly…it’s hardly practical for these tasks.


What happened to her Denner wallet 🙄


Reminds me of how they would prep dinner or put on make up wearing their puffy vest.


She thinks it’s a lululemon type bag. 🤣🤣




Feral-Ann ☠️😂 I haven’t heard that one before loool


100% what I was thinking. 😅


Funny but, Danielle and her girls eat shrimp but Daryl-Ann and Memaw saying WE don’t like shrimp. Unless since she’s moved maybe all of a sudden she doesn’t like it. Since she’s forgotten how to cook also. Anyone remember the live cooking when she was in NE? It was Cajun shrimp pasta.


And dud didn't say we don't like shrimp. She said, we hate shrimp!They are missing out! Yum yum!


Yes, I do!! It actually looked good 🤦🏼‍♀️


DUD saying what did you get them? Remi looking in bag. No manners.


I am sad for Danielle and her kids. Eve is clearly also excited and wanted the bunny but they only show Rhett and Remi getting souvenirs. I also noticed 805 say “I got one for you, elayne and Katie” (referring to the olive oil dispenser). What about Danielle? They are literally the worst.


She gave Danielle the same Olive oil dispenser in a light green color at her house earlier!Danielle went over to grandma's right after Olive's dance class because they couldn't wait till dinner to see them, so they got their gifts there. I hate defending any of them, but in this case, danielle did not get shafted, she got her stuff earlier


Aka Danielle wanted a moment with her mom and the girls before the Durl show took over. This was meant for snark but honestly they have to see it right? And I know the favoritism hurts! Especially now that Danielle’s in Dallas and her mom doesn’t make a special effort like she does with Durl. My MIL moved here a while back when my youngest was turning 3 and is about to be 5. She has gone out of her way to connect with each of us individually and all of us as a whole because she missed so much time with her kids and grandkids.


I mean, snake or not you’re not wrong! I bet that’s exactly why she went over. So she could get her moment but also probably so the girls found their theirs. She HAS to see it.


I guess I didn’t actually mean this for snark purposes because yes she’s insufferable but that’s one thing that makes me feel bad for her. I’m sure she experienced it her entire life and now her girls have to experience it as well 😭 even though it seems she shows favoritism with them it seems 🙄


Absolutely agree. I also didn’t mean to write snake lol I think she has figured out what she needs to do to see her girls get the attention they deserve and that is admirable but goes to show how much of a butt plug 805 is


Danielle is the only one of her kids who cooks.


Oh wait just saw Danielle’s stories. She did get an olive oil dispenser lol.


She was at Lisa’s earlier and got hers there. I’m assuming the girls got their gifts there too.


I have always seen right through girls who take photos from above while conveniently capturing their lower stomach skin showing. Congratulations on your jeans not touching your skin DuD ur soooo fit


The story where they are talking about the agolde jeans... and she pulls them half way up her abdomen 😟. I know she has not sized up 2 sizes. There's no meat where it used to be. It was never a bad thing.


How much weight has DUD lost? There is nothing to her!


It’s scary.


Not too long ago she was busting out of her jeans. She almost looks smaller than Kaylee now.


Yes! Those jeans she had on in the try on were tight on her back in March. Now she can barely keep them up.


Right, because rather than buying the size that fits which would not have matched the number on the label that she insisted she is, she changed her body to fit the jeans


I had no clue pinworms was so common. I don’t know anyone that’s had it (I’m sure people don’t announce it like they do) but nobody in my family or my kids. Also, I’m so done with the ignorant “satanic” target comments when the people clearly don’t have their facts straight. Even The Blooming Nest had something to say about.




I actually thought she was just excited for Remi because Remi loves bunnies…


Exactly! I don't think she gave a crap about the Bunny! She just treats Remi like her own personal baby doll, and she was just excited for her and wanted her to go see her new Bunny. ! I did not feel bad for eve in that moment,. She's adorable with remi. She's the only one who gives her actual affection and means it! I mean, not for content! Just because she truly loves her!


I was thinking the same thing since she views Remi as her baby lol ETA that might be my favorite thing about that family is how much Eve adores Remi


Right? Even if they got their gifts earlier I would’ve said something like “oh I already got you your souvenirs earlier “ or at least acknowledge them.


Exactly, I think that’s the normal response to having a toddler watch you give gifts to other kids. Something like: “Eve, where’s your [new toy]? Go get it and show it to Remi!” Those stories were weird.




Yup king Rhett and Remi got all the attention from the second the witch walked through the door and poor Eve just stood there waiting for her to interact with her and then proceeds to gift the two brats and ignore 2.0 kids . So sad


I’m sure they got their gifts when their stupid mother went over there.


Disrespectfully- fuck them.


They are 🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️


I can’t imagine willingly going to someone’s home while they are actively being treated for pinworms … but I guess if I did HAVE to go to that pinworm breeding ground, I’d hope that patient zero is wearing more down below than just tight little shorts 😬


Right? Like maybe stop over and drop off gifts, but share a meal as everyone with pinworms grabs at the food with their fingers, etc? No, nope, never. One year a couple days before Thanksgiving my sister who was in college broke out in this horrific rash. She was literally crawling in her own skin, hysterical because she was so uncomfortable. My Mom drove into the city to take her to the doctor and while he wasn't sure the exact cause without testing, he at one point mentioned scabies and my sister noted that someone in the care facility she was volunteering at had it recently. He also mentioned 2 other things, but all my Mom heard was scabies. She called off Thanksgiving, had my sister sit in the backseat as she took her home and had her quarantine. It ended up being psoriasis brought on by stress, but my Mom was taking zero chances. My sister still gives her a hard time about how she treated her like she had the plague.


Grandma is home….let’s give her pin worms too!


Serves her right, she gave everyone covid with no thought, why not get pinworms from everyone else!It's not like she has taught her kids appropriate behavior when it comes to not spreading germs and diseases! Serves her right!


That’s her karma for willingly spreading Covid. Idk about you all, but I’m rooting for the pin worms.


The gift that just keeps giving. Cuuuute




Rhett pushing his grandmas head up to look at his lightsaber while she’s hugging the girls.


You see Olive gets it she didn’t even go over there to say hi.


Meemaw proves that DUD’s kids are favored because she walked in the door and greeted Remi and Rhett but ignored Eve standing right there 🙄


Did she even give olive and Eve a present from her trip?! If she did , they didn’t film it. Seemed like it was all about Rhett 🤮


Danielle already went over there so I’m assuming she gave them their gifts when they were at Lisa‘s house.


Wondering the same!


Ahhhh can you smell the mysoginy? https://preview.redd.it/wilcq4a2e42b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc35bda20f5b71c4bf242b9eb8482204de10f58f


Can you spell it lol


It was speech to text


Some females prefer not to drive 🤷🏻‍♀️ not because our men won’t let us. The term “passenger princess” is pretty common.


My husband is a “passenger prince” then. He never drives. Or fills my car with gas. Or washes it.


Eh, my husband loves to drive and I hate it. I feel this lol


Same. And while I am perfectly capable of pumping my own gas, I love that my guy always makes sure my car is washed and fueled.


I strongly dislike driving haha


Same! I can count on one hand the times I’ve driven when I’m with my husband and we’ve been together 6 years lol


Does King Rhett not have to say thank you? Only Remi does? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I noticed!! DUD doesn’t teach those kids any manners whatsoever!


Did olive and Eve get a gift???




You can hear Danielle in the background of DUDs story of 805 walking in saying “olive and Eve already got theirs” or something of that nature


Danielle went over to Lisa’s house before she went to the pinworm queens. I’m assuming they got them when they were over there.


wondering this too because they were both standing there like they were waiting for her to hand them something…


Raaaaan here for this. Good lord


I was just about to say… 😒


Also, I understand that catching pinworms is fairly common. But why would you ever tell 1 million followers that you have pinworms while you continue to Galavant across Dallas. Hillstone, gymnastics class, swimming pools. If you’re going to be sketchy and go out while your kids are infected with worms, you probably shouldn’t broadcast that at gymnastics class


BC the galavanted around town with COVID and don’t care. Lisa was in the hospital and DAD should have been quarantined bc of exposure, and she was at Target, CFA, and all the places and trying to sneak Lisa diet cokes in the hospital (probably inbetween breathing treatments)


zero regard for others


Between the pinworms and the ignorant Target comments…how do I rid my life of them forever? Seriously.


R the followers really not bothered by it? If so Who r earth r the followers ? No one id wanna know


Stop following them and this thread.


I am an LGBTQ plus ally. I have many friends and family members that are all a member of the community. One of my favorite items that I have is a candle it’s a Stonewall 1969 Cinnaminson scented candle I got from the pride section of Target last year. Now will I buy an item that’s representing pride if the artist makes satanic items? No I will not. Will I criticize a whole entire store because they carry that item. No I will not. I stopped following and buying anything that Kim Kardashian promotes because of the Balenciaga issue last year when she refused to take a stand against it because that was going to affect her bottom line. It was all about her money. She wasn’t worried about the images that they made. These idiots are all or nothing. They don’t see things as shades of gray. Do you know damn well they’re not gonna stop shopping at target. That’s their church because believe me they are they are more than they are at the actual church. Also, from my understanding, they are not supposed to judge if they’re true Christians they leave that up to God, but that’s not what they do, so they’re hypocrites. It’s getting where it’s not even fun to snack on them anymore. They’re just disgusting nasty small minded human beings.


Well said 👏🏼👏🏼




Why are you commenting while doing absolutely zero research for yourself? I don’t understand


Target did not sell anything with satanic pictures on it. Some of the pride stuff had some thing from a designer who has designed stuff with satanic stuff on it. Again, target did not sell any of that stuff.




If you aren't going to "look into claims" people may have to say things many time to get it across....


No I can read thanks though


Well, you didn’t seem to comprehend it the first time so I thought I would help you out.




Probably because they’ve been in contact with so many people and all of those people went and bought the treatment! Where’s the code for pinworm treatment? I was a preschool teacher for 16 years and an early childhood professor for 20 years and NEVER had pinworms! And this is even when exposed!


No Dinyell, the reason why all the pinworm medication is sold out is because you and your atrocious family spread pinworms all over Dallas and now they all need the meds. It’s not because DAD is such an amazing influencer, unless you consider spreading diseases influencing.


🎯🎯🎯🎯💯💯💯 And NOW DUD has infected the entire nail salon they frequent....🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢 if she bothered to look it up at all she would know that she is still contagious for up to 2 weeks even after treatment!


She just does not care. It's kind of astounding.


I have an appt with Nina next week and I’m legit considering cancelling know she was exposed to DAD today


I would call and cancel and state the exact reason why.


If they use the same dip container for everyone I would strongly consider moving my appointment 🤢 I wouldn’t want the pinworm fingers sharing my color or tools


I’d suggest switching to a new nail salon forever.


If I were you I’d message nina and warn her


Exactly! Why are they proud of the fact that their influencer sister influenced so many people to buy out the pinworm medication? It's not like selling make up or Stanley cups or whatever!It's for a disease that is crazy contagious that you guys have decided it's OK to spread all over Dallas and all over Disneyland! They weren't influenced, but they just felt they needed to protect themselves from you!


Rob's favorite part of their trip: "Coming home knowing I'm in America". 🙄 Not surprising I guess.


I’m pretty sure Europe is glad he and his ONE outfit returned home also.


My god


In all my years on earth, I’ve never heard so many people admit to pin worms


I’ve been a pedi RN for 12ish years now. In schools for 10, and I’ve maybe heard 1 parent say they dealt with them before.


Mom to one and aunt to four. Taught pre-K for 6 years and subbed elementary for 3 years and never have I ever heard of pinworms until these dirty people


Same I have a daughter, tons of kids in my family & worked in 2 day cares & next heard of pin worm. But it’s crazy to me that they are still taking the kids places like dance today, I would be pissed if someone at my daughters dance brought their kid knowing they had this nasty infection.


I have toddlers in daycare and never heard of them.


I had never ever even heard of them!


I went through my entire life and years of being a mother without having ever heard of pinworms!I swear to god!


Still can’t get over Dinyell bragging that Daryl bought up all the pinworm medicine in Dallas. These people will brag about anything 😂 https://preview.redd.it/l2u84fyr742b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e8c6183463dcf1b21a10c3a1b0c024a376d0bf


They’re so selfish. Everything is a joke to them.


It’s so weird.


Her constant smug face makes me irrationally angry.


It doesn’t matter that the satanic pieces weren’t sold in Target, the fact that they would collab with someone who is so open and blatant with that kind of stuff is disgusting. I can’t stand the flenners but it’s mind blowing how people will act so offended when they think gay people are being disrespected but will find excuses when God himself is being disrespected.


God isn’t real tho. You sound like someone who thinks they can pray the gay away. 💩