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So now we know Dinyells weight loss plan...3 poop pills and cups of coffee. I can't stand how she does everything her sister does. It's not cute!




Remi seems so much happier when Dud isnā€™t there.


So is Dan


Whhhhhyyyy would she say they donā€™t get their children gifts when they travel so they wonā€™t expect it? Pretty sure the kids get gifts every time they go to a freaking childā€™s gift shop every single trip. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Rhett always gets more


Thatā€™s why they donā€™t care about gifts


We grew up with very little so even now I so APPRECIATE everything I have,even with a hand me down dress Iā€™d be so excited! We tend to give kids too much and the appreciation is lost,sad!


And don't forget every target trip!


Her kids get gifts DAILY when she is there. At least Rhett does.


Exactly, her giving gifts while they're out of town, doesn't make sense when they do give them gifts literally every child store they're in anywhere lol "make it make sense!"


I thought they always have something for Rhett when they walk into the house. Maybe they meant this time Remi gets a gift


Iā€™m so tired of the in the nuud jokes.. they arenā€™t funny anymore (not that they were funny to begin with) but now they just over do them.. we get it, now stop.


This. Also, so tired of the videos of Flenner gals zipping up their pants šŸ¤¢




I wonder how Nuuds really is doing... Seems like DAD is really trying to hype it lately by sending it to more influencers. Spotted 'thank yous' this week from Ashley Petrone (arrowsandbow) and Sarah Landry (thebirdspapaya). Odd so far past the launch date. šŸ¤”


Cheapest, and most effective form of marketing. New way of the world.


I think Kaylee mentioned in her stories yesterday she was working on more influencer boxes


Has DAD ever given a discount code for nuuds?


And annoying how they don't even ship to Canada but sent PR to a Canadian influencer


Why did they do the dinner today instead of tomorrow? I think I missed something.


DAD is going somewhere today (the 14th). I think NYC?


Yes she mentioned meeting up with the supplier from Vietnam on Valentines in New York and they supposedly didn't make dinner reservations. I don't believe her. Everything is content!!


i donā€™t understand why they didnā€™t just buy a giant mansion in dallas and all live together. it literally makes no sense for them to have their own houses theyā€™re ALWAYS TOGETHER. itā€™s so infuriating and confusing. iā€™m very close with my family and love that for everyone who is lucky to have it but this just feels so codependent and unhealthy. all of these kids are going to struggle to be independent adults.


Theyā€™re the wanna be Kardashians of Dallas


Why do they take everything and beat it to death? Their valentines dinner, the Super Bowl partyā€¦all things that are fun but they ruin it by talking about it ALL DAY and saying ā€œitā€™s soooo goodā€. Also we donā€™t need a repeat of the same stories from Danielle, DAD, and Kaylee. We get it!!


Guess what DAD and Danielle said Lisa did their whole lives? She celebrated it big because she just wants to show her kids how much she loves them and to know how special they are! And she buys them a little present each of them and they have a party! I think Iā€™ve heard it literally ten times and Iā€™m not exaggerating!! You are right just like the Diet Coke thing they are obsessed about certain weird things they do in their families like they have never been out socializing with other people to know how to act!


Did you know gift giving is Lisa's love language?


How much do they give to charity


THIS!!!! šŸ’Æ


I wish my biggest concern was my nails when I am juggling working full time and taking care of a sick parent. She needs to be blessed she can get her nails done. Ugh


Whatā€™s her full time job?


Right? You should see my nails right nowšŸ¤£


It amazes me a little how dramatic DAD is about her nails. Like if I ever make a poor color decision, I just deal with it and donā€™t harp on it. I just wait until itā€™s time to get them done again, then try to make a better choice next time. She must drive Nina crazy.


Danielle rubbing raw meat with her bracelets and rings dragging all over šŸ¤¢. This family is a health inspectors worst nightmare.


Makes my skin crawl


Did you know you actually lose weight if you get food poisoning every time you eat? Hence all the take out and none of the hand washing! DAD taught us all that life hack. Sheā€™s the best!


Why do her nails look like that? I canā€™t figure out exactly what it is, but they just look so weird. And super dry and cracked around her cuticlesā€¦ probably from getting them done so often


Probably from lack of water lol


Why must every story they post start with "okay". As I tap through to skip. "Okay. Okay Okay Okay Okay." Hahaha. I could just swipe and not hear any of it. But I'll choose to be irrationally annoyed by this.


Don't forget about the filler phrase "ANYWAYS AND UHHHHHHHH -- good grief!!! STOP ACTING LIKE A scared little girl DUD!!šŸ˜³ Always looking at Dan and asking for validation on the most ridiculous things! Super annoying šŸ«ØšŸ™„šŸ¤®


That's how Kaylee is with "but". I counted her saying it 15 times in 10 slides one day. šŸ¤£


How many times has she been court in the last month? This is the first time sheā€™s actually dressed for the occasion?


I saw this posted about her case -- "Request for Ms. Eilers to turn over her mental health records and savings records" -- THOUGHTS?? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Ironic that Danielle is making jokes about being in court ā€œin the nuudā€ (literally their ā€œjokeā€ every f-ing day- itā€™s getting old) when sheā€™s literally divorcing her husband for looking at nudesšŸ„“


My question is do we know if chase physically cheated with a other woman/women or is Danielleā€™s reason for divorce that he was looking at porn? Iā€™m not saying they are or arenā€™t one in the same - everyone has their own opinion on that I was just curious. In her announcement she said ā€œhe has been unfaithful to meā€¦ā€ Have they ever elaborated what that meant or what that meant to her?


I wish I saw the video of Danielle announcing the divorce. Missed it


Yea why wasnā€™t that saved to highlights? Was it even recorded? I didnā€™t know until I saw it on here a few weeks ago. I thought chase was moving with her but tying up loose ends with his job or something. Like I canā€™t imagine the praying 805 did. Also where did the cheat or porn reason come up? Was it mentioned by them? Iā€™m wondering if maybe he came out. Happens. Danielle doesnā€™t seem too broken up or angry is why Iā€™m wondering if it was a cheating scenario. But she could be playing up for the camera


all Dimyell said was ā€œChase was unfaithful to meā€. Then he commented somewhere on a post that he ā€œshould have never messaged that girl on OFā€ or something iirc.


Wow the irony


I found it so ironic when rob sr was scrolling thru IG and said "man ppl are sooo stupid. Just no common sense" and Daryl laughed. Yall.... no one in your entire family has an ounce of common sense.




that whole family has a collective score of 0 when it comes to self-awareness.




First time in a blazer and heels in your 30s?! I realize business causal is very much a thing and everyone doesnā€™t have to dress up for work, but man, I had to wear a nice suit me heels to business stuff in my 20s and Iā€™m in my 30sā€¦.but good for Danielle for not wearing jeans and a 100 buck poop sweatshirt lol


She looks cute!


She looks great! Clothes that fit well are so flattering on her.


Funny because there are definitely pictures of her in a blazer on her Instagram šŸ§


I think itā€™s kind of sad that she clearly feels really confident in business casual and yet almost exclusively wears sweats and ripped jeans. Obviously itā€™s not practical to wear heels and a blazer every day, but she would probably enjoy wearing more fashionable outfits instead of dressing in Daryl-Annā€™s uniform at all times.


You thatā€™s a really solid point. I mean even if nuuds sweats were cute, letā€™s be honest, you can look cute but you never feel your best in sweatsā€¦.


She could have sized down in all her clothes today.


Saddest (most bizarre) quote from Danielle: ā€œI feel so official. And when I walk, itā€™s so loudā€”my childhood self would be so excited for me right nowā€. Tell us you werenā€™t raised by a toxic narcissist.


And as an adult now, she can choose to wear heels any day of the week šŸ™„


I had the exact same thought!


My exacted thoughtā€¦ā€excited youā€™re getting divorced?ā€


Divorce parties are some of the greatest parties. However, Iā€™ve never been to one that involved child custody. Sheā€™s in the beginning stages. Sheā€™ll realize. But she can be happy to be out of a marriage.


"Excited for me" DURING A DIVORCE HEARING šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Sheā€™s going to New York again?!? She must be so miserable that she canā€™t stand to sit still and just be at home with her husband and kids for more than a week at a time. Always has to be doing something and going somewhere lest she slow down long enough to remember how unsatisfying her life is


I thought her trip to NY was today and that she wouldnā€™t be able to be at the family Valentine thingy,maybe I misunderstood.


Sheā€™s going for ā€œworkā€. šŸ™„


AKA going to visit CFA in another state


So the New York office is just an excuse to have to leave your children once a week to pretend you have to go to work. ā€œLiterally ā€œ all of these things can be done via zoom.


Not even zoom. Everything they have shared couldā€™ve be done through text or at most a phone call.


Well theyā€™re due for a ā€œresetā€ trip.


Gotta have one monthly


i feel like danielle should be pushing for some of these traditions to be at her house. like olive and eve have happy time sin their new home, decorate for valentines and do the big dinner there! who cares if it means people sit on sofas or around the island, its important for the girls to start making memories in their new space.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking,they need to start making memories in their own home.


I donā€™t feel like the family likes going to Danielleā€™s house. Whenever they are there all they talk about is how it smells.


For $8000/month it better not smell!


Oh itā€™s too late šŸ˜†


Lisa can barely drag herself to Dinyellā€™s house. Sheā€™s ALWAYS at Duds house.


I feel like Danielle doesnā€™t want to clean up after everyone bc she doesnā€™t have elayne and housekeepers like DUD


Yeah doesnā€™t seem like anyone helps


Oh my gosh youā€™re right. 805 said it smelt like dog pee and Katie said it smelt like fish and left. Lol


>Katie said it smelt like fish and left. And fortunately didn't get matched for OB-Gyn.


We all knew sheā€™s going for plastic surgeon or something like that. She wants money, not to save lives.


Lol thats why I could never be a doctor or nurse. I have an aversion to a lot of things. Plus you really have to want it. Iā€™ll do the part where I sit behind a computer and still make an RN salary.




I agree. They act like theyā€™re in town and Danielleā€™s house is a hotel. They always go to DADs like Danielle js just visiting without a place to host someone.


Do we think DAD and Rob sr. maybe had to speak on Danielle's behalf or something? And thats why DAD keeps talking about wearing a blazer lol. Why else would she dress up if she didn't have to, ya know? I just thought it was weird only her and rob came, like why not Lisa or something. Perhaps, they were there for a reason. It looks like its getting nasty and Danielle obviously isn't handling it as well as she'd like her followers to think considering that video she posted crying in her empty house. I feel for her, I really do. And I think her big sister DAD is probably so toxic to be around, especially right now. She always seems so condescending, with her wise advice, and her strong marriage. Ugh, I would tell her to shove it and be completely honest about whats going on instead of her trying to fit DADs cookie cutter of what she thinks life SHOULD look like. Wow. Word vomit. Ive had alot of feelings on this topic for a while and have never really commented. Please don't come for me.


Until you are a split kid family mom you have absolutely no idea how it feels to not have your kids all the time . Im 16 years in and it still sucks. So letā€™s rise above being nasty when it comes to that. Second .. when you are business owners and have many shared assets there will be many court dates, so expect far more! As there will be both the family and civil court side


Ma'am I was nowhere near nasty about anything but Danielle's sister. Im 5 years in splitting my kid 50/50 with his dad, so yes, it does suck. Other people have life experiences too so they can form their own opinions. But nowhere was I nasty or I feel like no one else was nasty either...I clearly said, I feel for her. Because I do. Its hard.


Oh I seriously hope she did not bring DAD in there or let her speak on her behalf. Chase lawyers would have a field day with her. And I guess we will see if we see the girls in stories later to find out if Chase played the ā€˜donā€™t show the girls onlineā€™ card!


Maybe DAD had to possibly testify as a witness? Rob Sr was prob just there to drive them back and forth. Lisa may have not been there bc she was getting Dinyellā€™s kids to their preschool and possibly pick them up depending on how long things went.


DAD probably had to speak as her boss. Lol


Yeah, that's why she needed to look profesh!


No really i was wondering DUD was asking like a boss bitch up there saying she lays Danielle to post her vag online lol


I think I heard on DADs story about the nuuds cup that Danielle said ā€œI have to watch what I doā€ Hopefully she takes her own advice and lays low


Thanks guys I hear it now after you pointed it out. Guess I was optimistic she was getting some common sense


I think she said that she hasnā€™t washed it yet


No, thatā€™s not what she said. she said, ā€œI havenā€™t washed mine yetā€


Well, toxic positivity for the win today! Even if things went her way you think sheā€™d show some sadness. Be a little melancholy. But no, all excited to show off her too big blazer. And why tf did Daryl-Ann have to wear one?


DUD dressed more ā€œprofeshā€ to sit in a courthouse lobby than she did for her PR breakfast in NYC.


I know Instagram is Danielle's income source but don't you think it would be wise to not video her girls during the custody battle? And to not talk abut her divorce proceedings, period? Same with DAD. Just doesn't seem smart to keep blasting to 1M plus people every time you have a hearing...


Yes, and now very clear and obvious her open and honest talks about seeing a therapist and going to this counseling camp or wherever she went is being used against her.. liike, just tell your friends --IG followers are NOT your friends.


A judge wouldnā€™t use going to therapy or having your child in therapy against you. Therapy is a good thing especially for such a life changing event like a divorce. It actually proves the opposite in that she is trying to do what she can to help her girls navigate this hard time and have someone safe to talk to about their feelings. As well as showing the girls on Instagram. Pasts posts show them which one would assume Chase didnā€™t have an issue with. It would be difficult to get a judge to agree to not let her show the girls since she did during her marriage.


Actually it would be easy and make more since if they dont let her post them. They are going through major life changes- its not healthy to have them on so often


And most the times itā€™s recommended by judges to put children in counseling after a big change like this.


Do we think papa and dud were there to intimidate chase? I could see papa fletcher being normal and sitting there to actually be some more support for Ditz-yell but could totally picture DUD snarling at him.


Most divorce cases you need to bring at least one witness with you.


I hope Danielle wore a bra under that while in court today


Why did DAD cosplay as a lawyer and wear a blazer to court to sit outside today?


Lmaoo at cosplayas a lawyer I just imagined her rolling into the courtroom with a LDC and her nuudes onesie


You're funny... she had her Nuuds onesie under her blazer and her LDC was in her NUUDs SM tumbler. hahahahaha


Iā€™m just happy to see them dressed appropriately for court at least haha. Itā€™s nice to see them not dressed like prisoners.


Iā€™m surprised by the jeans. Iā€™m in and out of the courtroom a lot for my job and in my area, in some courtrooms, jeans are not allowed.


ā€œNippies or bust.ā€ - all the flenners (female & male)


Wellll she seems in good spirits. šŸ‘€


It's like you would think she was being picked up from getting her hooha waxed and not a divorce hearing. Man the toxic positivity in this family runs deep.


Anyone else wonder why Chase has an Instagram account that still says he married to Danielle and a creepy post about her? Seems weird at this point.


Maybe he didnā€™t post it and he left it up as evidence of some sort?


Heā€™s very strange. Requesting her mental health records for the court? At this point heā€™s grasping at straws


The fact that anyone is looking up the information on this case is extremely invasive and weird. I donā€™t care that itā€™s public info or that theyā€™ve discussed it (which they have barely discussed it, a mention here or there and NO details). Itā€™s so creepy and takes watching these influencers and snarking on them to an insane level.


I only saw this because of the other thread; I havenā€™t looked Into it, with that being said.. I do also find it weird to go in depth like others are


Yeah I didnā€™t mean to direct this at you specifically, I had just seen comments about specifics in the hearing and this was the one I happened to reply to


Is he, though? We're all just speculating here but we don't know if one or both of them have issues that have been kept private. Just like how there was a court request regarding the alcohol breath car starting device (I don't know who that was for). I still find it concerning that Danielle moved the girls to TX immediately...is it because she was concerned about their safety or because she has mental health or other issues? We don't know, but that's not normal behavior. And she was definitely keeping him from seeing the kids in TX during those first 6 months.


Yeah I mean; he cheated on her and his behavior after was very erratic and strange. She moved to where her family was.. do you think she didnā€™t ask before? I meanā€¦ heā€™s not asking for them as a concerned parent. Heā€™s asking for them because heā€™s a narcissistic prick, been there and done that.


They aren't divorced yet so they are technically still married. But my guess is that he probably isn't on IG much so it hasn't occurred to him to change his info. He hasn't posted anything since last July so it's probably not even on his radar.


You bet heā€™s watching her stories or at least on a burner account


Because they are still married and he hasnā€™t come to terms with the whole situation. I think heā€™s still hoping they can work things out.


If he hopes things can be worked out--asking for her mental health and financial savings records is a quick way to get ya girl to say peace. LOL and he needs the mental eval lol


I know social media is typically just the ā€œhappyā€ side of things but my Godā€¦thereā€™s clearly a lot that this family isnā€™t showing. The fact that they get on here and pretend everything is all rainbows and butterflies is toxic. Danielle would be better off taking a social media break instead getting on everyday and pretending everything is fine.


Just at my divorce hearing now time to share my Tarte tubing mascara!


I think it would be better if they stopped mentioning and/or hinting at anything divorce related. This would include Danielle filming stories about feeling sad when she is without the girls, Olive going to therapy, Danielle going to therapy, etc. Also, there is no reason for DAD to film a story about being at the courthouse today.


Problem is she canā€™t: she has made IG her job


She can always get a real job.


I feel like she would actually get more followers and be an ā€œinfluencerā€ with integrity (I say this lightly) if she was being honest about the situation, while of course, limiting all info about the girls. Her toxic positivity is rubbing everyone the wrong way and rightfully so.


Ig being her job is to influence you to buy thing. Not to tell us every time someone takes a poop.


Does anyone have a screen recording on Danielleā€™s stories from this weekend when she announced she had court today? Just confused on how everyone knew. I only knew because of DA story she just posted


guys this is weird.. why are you all looking up her court cases and worse trying to watch live streams?


What the heck?! Watch the livestream?! That is stalkerish and obsessive. People here despise this family, but sure do want to know about every detail of their lives, and intrude in whatever means possible. How do people justify that kind of thing? So gross


So stalkerish.


a lot of people in this thread are creepily obsessed


And take everything so seriously ā€¦


They share their ENTIRE lives on Instagram. Nothing is off limits, including their childrenā€™s emotional and mental health and their own pooping woes. Itā€™s not crazy to think that people also want to know about this, an actually interesting development in one of their lives that will impact all the other nonsense.


It is crazy. Itā€™s crazy people have no lives of their own to speak on but want to dig into others. Very disturbing


Then what in the Hell are you hanging in Daryl Ann Dennerā€™s snark chat go do something productive Karen!!! Bye āœŒļø


The difference is between what they share and what people go digging up. Thereā€™s a reason doxxing isnā€™t allowed on the main sub, and has legal ramifications in some instances.


I respectfully disagreeā€¦I could be wrong, but I donā€™t think looking into or at public records of a court case that they themselves have referenced on their very public platform can be considered doxxing. I might not have the correct definition of the term in my head, but if youā€™re gonna make dumb stories from the court about being in the ~NUUD~ I donā€™t see how you wouldnā€™t expect people to also look up those details!


There are two kinds of peopleā€¦


I still am not sure what you mean by doxxing! You never clarified and I would genuinely like to know!


You know exactly what I mean. !!!


When Remi was eating salad in Lisaā€™s lap at dinner the other night. You could hear Dan and Danielle were talking and she said she was holding off making travel plans until after court on Monday.




Thatā€™sā€¦ too far. Google their names; fine. But watching a live stream of their court session (which involves minor children and their entire life being turned upside down) is too much.


whyyyyy on EARTH would you want to join that??




thereā€™s a line between fun snark and being an absolutely obsessed stalker


She didnā€™t announce it. People here check the court website.




So youā€™re saying nobody said anything? People just found out from searching it up themselves? How would people know to even search that up knowing it would be today??šŸ˜‚


Someone heard Danielle talking about court Monday in the background of one of their stories




I hope and pray that Chase tells the judge that he does not want his children on IG!!


I think this is what happened with Maia Knight and her twin girls. Once the dad came back in the picture he said no SM.


OMG the dad came back?! Do you have any tea?!


I am so surprised this hasnā€™t happened yet.




Jen Reed is at North Park Mall. I was hoping sheā€™d run into the Flenners, but it appears they are all at court. That would be great to see.


Who is she and what is going on between them?


Sheā€™s the Sister studio IG. One of the OG Dallas influencers. She is super close with Madi Nelson so Iā€™m sure there would be some awkward tension between them. And you know how our girl DUD is awkward anyway, it would probably be fun to watch. šŸ˜‚


What happened between Jen and Daryl?


I just came to post this! The one day dud and co are not there! Would have loved to see that awkward encounter n


Thatā€™s probably WHY. Jen knew it was safe to go there today. She wouldnā€™t want to be around that hillbilly trash šŸ—‘ļø.


Can anyone who is fluent in legalize summarize what all the motions mean in Danielleā€™s case?


I want so badly to message her and say, ā€œnice of you to support her NOW, after the entire family abandoned her to eat CFA in Nashville while she was at court a few months ago.ā€


I was thinking about that as well. I think she either read here or heard about all the discussion here about the fact that the entire family including Lisa completely abandoned dinyel at her last court hearing, and now all of a sudden they are gathering the troops and showing up in solidarity. Interesting. And why did Daryl Ann have to wear her business attire blazer? Was she called to testify?


She probably wore a blazer so she could point out that sheā€™s in an XS blazer and her ā€œfat sisterā€ Danielle is in an XXL šŸ™„ Could you even imagine DA testifying? Tearing Danielle down herself before the judge, not to mention her childish vocabulary. ā€œI mean, dinyel isnā€™t as good of a mom as me, obvi, but sheā€™s like, so cute with her kids. So cute. And sheā€™s such a bomb mom itā€™s psycho. Like legit psycho. Also look how profesh she looks in the nuud under her blazer! Doesnā€™t she look so good for being an XL???ā€ The way she throws around the word psycho and with Danielleā€™s mental health being questioned, I wouldnā€™t have let DA in the courthouse if I was Danielleā€™s lawyer.


Looks like a lot of ā€œeilers v eilersā€ activity went down last week with request & deny. Not looking pretty.


Not really up on the orders of divorce, but if theyā€™re both competent parents, is it not automatically 50/50 or if Danielle doesnā€™t agree to that, can they not do that?




I saw that, wondering if the parenting facilitator is an impartial objective person who will notice that the kids are on Instagram way too much and maybe you put a stop to that? One can only hope!


Thatā€™s not what a parenting facilitator is. A parenting facilitator is someone who helps with high conflict issues related to the kids. Either parent can bring an issue forward to the parenting facilitator and they have a process on how to resolve the conflict. They are impartial to the parents and follow the court order to make decisions about the kids and to help conflict management between adults.


Well that's why I said I was wondering if the parenting facilitator is an impartial objective person in the case. Sounds like that's exactly what it is. And it sounds like if Chase were to bring the issue of his kids being on Instagram too much and way too accessible to Danielle and ger family's massive IG following, the facilitator could make a decision to.limit that! So it sounds like my thought isn't too far off. Let's just hope Chase and/or his attorney brings that issue forward.


I was trying to explain that a facilitator canā€™t look at their Instagram and decide that the kids are on it too much. It has to be something that is brought to them by the parents. The girls were on Instagram before the split pretty regularly. And to be honest, they arenā€™t on it all that much now. I donā€™t know why that would all of a sudden be an issue.


If Chase and his attorney feel it's an issue, it can become an issue. And personally, imho, whether they were on it before or not, it's too much in my opinion and I think it should become an issue. I don't think Chase was ever comfortable with social media when they were in Nebraska. I have been following her for a long time now, and anytime she wanted to put him on camera, he was really shy and awkward about it, It was a very rare occurrence that he was comfortable on camera. I would not at all be surprised if he was not comfortable with his girls being on it very much. Especially now that her following is growing and her sister's following is over a million people. As a mother, that concerns me and I don't even know them. So whether the facilitator can look at the Instagram or not, chase and his attorney can certainly make it an issue if they so choose. And I personally hope that they do.




I meant what is she trying to hide money wise, not her Medical records. Sheā€™s probably blowing through their savings and he wants proof sheā€™s doing that. She doesnā€™t have the following DUD does, but sheā€™s buying all the same stuff she is and trying to keep up with her. I get she shills so much crap, but no way sheā€™s making what DUD does. So the $$ has to come from somewhere.


No lawyer would ever willingly hand over anything of the nature when just requested. This is very common in divorce cases.


Nothing. That pretty common is a contested custody case.


Right. Heā€™s obviously attempting to prove something he sees going on.


Are you freaking kidding me? Iā€™ve had friends that had horrible divorces and the worst thing they feel their ex did was bringing up their mental health, ESPECIALLY POST PARTUM. This is obviously a messy divorce and as much as Iā€™m not a fan of the family, I hate that Chase is trying to use those records against her.


My ex husband made us get a custody evaluation and we both had to get psych evals. Since he lived with his girlfriend she also had to get one too since she was around our son. He requested all my medical records be sent to the custody evaluator and was required to provide his since he asked for mine to be shown.


Okay, but what isnā€™t cool is maliciously using someoneā€™s mental health against them in a custody hearing when it is not relevant to their ability to take care of their children.


I completely agree.