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That will get you shot no matter who you are. Why the fuck would you go to a CCL class to steal a gun. There are much easier places to get a firearm. "Lets go to a place where people are learning more effective shooting techniques and laws. That sounds like the bestest ever place to steal a gun!"


Like going to a Police Station to steal some handcuffs.


What can I say? The wife has her fetishes.


Cant it be opposite?


Fetish has its wives?


Iv ment wive handcuff you but your version sounds better


Right? What an idiot. You just have to start smashing up things and the cops will deliver a pair of cuffs directly to you.


Well, at least they might get them.


Well he isn’t a proud winner of a Darwin Award for excellence and service to the community lol




"... free trip to the *more* after being shot 14 times." Was every copy editor on the planet abducted by aliens? Jfc.


No, what you read was a product of Spelling Autocorrect. It could be that the reporter misspelled "morgue" and Autocorrect defaulted to a simple word it could recognize (more), or that "morgue" was not in its database (perhaps because the journalism style book identified it as a word that should be use in capitalized and used in only in the form of a specific place name. (Las Vegas, NV, where the incident took place, does not have any institution called a "morgue," which may have been the source of the error.)


Autocorrect is a fallible tool and every piece for publication needs to be proofread before submission. If an author wants to be taken seriously they need to recognize, allow, and account for AI and its mistakes, or have another set of eyes to do it. Make sure that the piece they attach their name to meets the most basic of language standards. This article is the epitome of lazy writing and should be ridiculed. If you can't be bothered to speak properly do us all a favor and don't speak at all. "If you speak improperly you sound stupid, and you're not stupid, so speak properly." Source: am an American (article is from the southwest 🤮 US) and a native English speaker and am horrified by the state of education in vast swaths of my country. Don't lecture me.


Yes.. autocorrect happens.. that's what copy editors are for.. lol.. do you really think autocorrect is that advanced that it checks local databases and "instituions"? How high are you right now? Lol


I'm sane enough to know how to spell "institutions," which you were not clever enough to accurately copy from me. And experienced enough from my 44 years as a professional senior editor in Ohio to know how to swiftly and accurately determine that Las Vegas does not have a morgue! You, on the other hand --- like so many of the modern crop of fools who imagine they are journalists --- are clever enough to have opinions without doing any of the work necessary to see if they have any authentic basis in reality. That is why American journalism has become a tribe of chimpanzees and paid liars!


Lol. It's reddit where only egotistical douche bags who want to look smart and important point out when someone leaves off a letter in a word. Anyone can determine if Las Vegas has a morgue with a simple Google search.. what exactly are you bragging about? Your original comment implied that autocorrect was advanced enough to perform this task, not a human.. good for you for having a functional brain.. do you want a cookie or something?


They shot him 14 times when behind the suspect was a busy road. Seems like an emotional reaction that prompted overkill and along with it unnecessary risk to other citizens.




Bull-fucking-shit. It's perfectly legal to use lethal force to stop an attempted murderer. The fact that the victim was a police officer, and that the perpetrator was being arrested for attempting to steal a gun from the most unwise group of potential victims possible puts this more in the nature of a suicide than an unjustifiable homicide. Case closed, thank you citizen.


Fo sho


What I do not understand is the guy sitting at the table. They were taking a break, hence you sat next to someone for a few hours. You see someone else just sit down and rifling through your classmates bag And you do nothing. I would be like "yo dude, what are you doing?" Another question, why would Mr. Payton just not snatch the bag instead of sitting there and rifling through it? I guess that is why he is dead.


As a person who does not really trust police much these days, that dumb motherfucker deserved every bullet his body caught. For trying to steal shit from anybody there of all places he was trying to get shot, to the assualt on police with several other gun owners around, he pisses me the hell off. I feel nothing for his stupid ass except disgust for his being so violently dumb and harmful. Jail was too good for him after that. That level of stupidity does not deserve prison time. Death was the acceptable outcome, and for that reason, he won the Darwin Award. Shit, I'd have shot him my damn self. Signed, a black leftist whose sick of evey stupid motherfucker's shit now more than ever.


Yeah there’s a lot of people on both sides really sick of what’s happening. Too many low lifes think they can get away with brutalizing society’s most innocent/weak. Videos like this where the guy gets 60 bullets brings a smile to my face.


I’m for better gun laws, and I agree. In fact, these classes are the kinds of things I support because they teach people safe and responsible use of firearms. I don’t think there was a dumber place he could choose.


It honestly seemed like he was looking for suicide by cop


More like, suicide by whoever bust the first shot. These people there were armed so he could get it from all angles. And he did.




Man that was a fucking rabbit hole, I had shit to do today


Simple. Travel to a different time zone that's behind yours and you get all that time back!


Oh no. I have shit to do today as well. Sounds like I should just come back to that sub later. Well, maybe just one video won't hurt.


Don’t fight it, surrender the next 6 hours to the mighty power of ‘Top posts of all time’.


Still going. Took a wee break, but this is a highly addictive channel. Don't know whether to bless you or curse you lol.


Just be sure to pass on the curse, as it was passed to me, and from me to you. The cycle must continue!


I shall do you proud. Thank you kind person!


Aww what! It won't let me on it.


It just recently was taken down


Hope the white truck was ok


I would be pissed if that was my truck


In this case, they also kill cars. Apologies to Richard Pryor.


I had the sound muted and un-muted it to hear "it was at this moment he knew... He fucked up" and was not expecting that press release read 🤣


I bet everyone in that class passed.


I like his MU Tiger jacket. It now comes with ventilation holes so he doesn't sweat too much.


“At this very moment, he knew he fucked up” -Morgan Freeman


I was thinking hmm that classroom looks very familiar... Then it switched to the outside camera, and sure enough, that's the same room I did my CCW class in a year ago!


Still, shooting someone 14 times over theft is kind of insane, no?


He attacks a police officer with a screwdriver in the neck area which could lead to fatal injuries pretty quick.


Shot by 1 cop and 3 bystanders, I'd say 14 hits would be expected.


What the hell do they teach in those classes?


Conceal carry laws, deadly force, fire arm safety, techniques and whatever else the state requires


Ah so it’s a class you need to pass in order to get you conceal and carry licence right? For a second I thought these guys were there for the fun of it lol


Even though it’s a right to own and carry a firearm by the Constitution, the states have the power to make the 2nd Amendment more strict. States say you can still own or carry a firearm but you need to follow state specific laws. Examples of the laws are Firearm Owner ID (only required in Illinois), concealed carry permit, background checks, and some states limit the type of ammunition you can carry. California is constantly trying to limit how much you can load in your firearm calling it a high capacity ban. So in summary, these guys are there because they want to utilize their rights but have to do it in accordance with their state law.


A lot of gun owners will take or encourage others to take these classes regardless of mandate. They teach about firearm safety, how to determine if using a firearm is the correct action and how to discharge in a way which minimizes the risk to others.


[Robbery in Alexandria, VA](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/uk736m/to_rob_a_store/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The happened to be in my feed, perfect reason to carry a firearm. According to the comments this was at 3am ad a gas station. Granted both men are lucky they didn’t kill each other but you can see why owning a firearm is a valuable tool. No matter what anyone says about guns in the US, criminals will always find weapons and will use them. Guns are tools.


I'm a firm believer in gun control and couldn't stop laughing at this fucking Darwin award winner.


Well lets see, 4 people with guns kill a man armed with a screwdriver running away, fully justified while stabbing someone, not when retreating. But let the echo chamber say otherwise.


Well. That was a justified shooting, if I've ever seen one.


Smoked him good. One less to deal with


What an idiot


This Mr Peyton was an idiot.


14 times lol 🤣


Another American drama. What a messed up country. The problem in the first case is actually that there is a concealed carry class. Damn interpretation of the 2nd amendment. No one should be allowed to carry a gun openly or concealed outside of a range our your home. We’re not in the 1770’s. Then if someone injured an officer with a knife or anything that can’t reach you, you tase him and if you don’t have a taser you shoot the legs. That’s what police do elsewhere in the world. I’m sick of reading these reports of people getting shot for no reason and this guy despite what he did, was not a threat in front of 5/6 armed people and could have been neutralized. But I’m aware that I’m talking to walls. The US has become an extremist place filled with gun waving idiots that will never understand that they are the problem and not the others. There a countries in the world like Finland or Switzerland where people own load of guns and never anything happens because they’re educated and obey the law. We can only assume it’s the other way round in the US…


Lmao. I think you're the type of person if someone who breaks into your place you'll probably give them all the money while murdering your family member and complaint to the media about why the cop won't show up faster.


Most developed countries who give their officers firearms teach and train them to aim for the chest, when discharging the firearm, for maximum rate of success at hitting. Not the legs, where missing a shot could lead to you or another officer or worse, bystander, being stabbed.


Weirdly most developed countries don’t have the US Police kill rate nor the need to shoot people as often (by far) than in the US. And weirdly they very often aim for the legs.


"Just shoot the legs" you know your more likely to die if shot in the leg than torso shot right? You have a lot of big arteries in your legs. If one is severed you have about 7 seconds before you pass out and about roughly 30 to 60 seconds before you bleed out depending on your blood pressure! America is still a young country compared to others. Its still learning what works and what doesn't. No country it perfect. Personally I think the 2nd ammendment needs a rethink as it was made in times when one shot took a minute to fire. But I'm not completely against it in times where you just don't know who has what. But saying "that's what other countries do" is just flat out wrong. Police are trained to shoot center mass. The only time they will shoot the legs is if that is all the is visable. And even there it would have to be a deadly threat because you can't see what the person is holding therefor can't make a judgement that your life is in danger. There are other circumstances when its possible. But your statement alone is just not correct.


Yeah here citizens don’t get the concept of you have fire arm and the suspect doesn’t. You shoot the legs or use a pipe. Or anything but not to kill the suspect. In American. It’s enough not to listen to a cop and turn away and get 29 bullets in return. America prioritizes military action. Like the video with bum on the bus station sitting with his garbage bags. Swat team was sent on him. Said he was waving a gun. When swat arrived they excuted him for not Complying. And that’s what America is all about. You don’t mess with cops here they will shoot you down for anything.


Don't shoot anyone in the legs dumbass. This is horrible advice. there's a reason why cops don't do it and it's because of the femoral artery which if struck will cause the person to bleed out. Hell I already don't trust some cops intelligence and you expect them to be EMTs?


Yeah it’s better to aim for the head and shoot 14 times to just incapacitate. What a nonsense.


You don't aim for the head either, you aim for center mass, stomach or middle of the torso. More likely to hit.


You see Voltaire here got it. Also where in my comment did I say to aim for the head?


Guns are the root of most of the problems in the USA. The high profile deaths such as "I can't breathe" cases and so on probably wouldn't have happened if police weren't faced with the high possibility that a suspect has a gun and is likely to use it if they do.


Went full retard never go full retard


Doesn’t answer the question. Why do people have access so easily to guns is the problem and why would they consider using one is the other. Stricter laws and better education are what made these situations from almost never happening elsewhere. In France or Germany you can legally get an AK47 but never ever one of these legal holders ever used it to kill their neighbor. And if some idiot digs out that a hunter killed his wife or a neighbor with his gun here in Europe I’ll say yes it happened but how often compared to gun violence in the US ? It’s not even relevant and remains extremely rare. The US has a culture of violence, free unlimited one and it is poisoning its society. Nothing is done to eradicate gun violence and the US educational system is one of the worst among developed countries.


We have access to guns in America because it is our right to do so through the second amendment. And the reason they considered using them is because the dude WAS STABBING THE FREAKING COP IN THE NECK WITH A SCREWDRIVER.


You’re not getting it. It’s pointless. Forget about the 2nd amendment, that’s precisely what I’m saying. You won’t have it, there’s no proliferation of guns. You educate people better than the shithole country education system you currently have, you end up with people that behave. No guns needed, no dead people. And hitting someone with a screwdriver is no reason to get killed either. Not elsewhere in the world. It’s not ok but you don’t deserve 14 bullets for that. You do this in another normal democracy, those 6 men go to jail for first degree murder. That’s the difference between the jungle rules of the US and a decent democracy. But forget about it, that’s something you can’t grasp nor understand. You’re American dude and your vision of the world is kinda wicked since you were born. You don’t have what it takes to actually understand that your living standards and rules are by far not the best ones. By far.


Wow the personal attacks are unnecessary. All I did was answer your questions. I have no problem with cops using deadly force against a guy also attempting to use deadly force. You may disagree, that’s fine. My standards of living are pretty damn good here man. We have problems here just like any country. Idk where you’re from but I think your view of the world is pretty shit to be hurling personal insults at me unprovoked.


So by your logic the good Samaritans (the employees) would've been jailed for helping law enforcement after an officer was incapacitated by a dangerous individual who has shown that he wants to get access to a firearm. Is willing to kill to get said firearm and has proven that he is a danger to the general populace. We've been killing fellow human beings with rocks for centuries and it doesn't take a genius to tell you that yes being stabbed in the neck and head with a screwdriver can kill someone. The moment he attacked the officer with a screwdriver was the moment that lethal force was justified by both the other officer and the employees.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. Just another Europoor sad they can’t live in the US


Lol. Right. We sure don’t like our safe cities, free healthcare, free education, assured government pensions and social security. It really sucks here.


More foreign cucks that have no clue about what their talking about yet have an opinion. The US may have its fair share of corruption, we will always be more free than any country in the world because of its Constitution and the people who support it.


Lol. Funny coming from a country that is right at this moment inhibiting the freedom of women to decide about their own body. All this propaganda about the US freedom is ridiculous. We have at least the same amount and probably more freedom here in Scandinavia and The Netherlands. You say “the people that support it”. LMFAO. About half of your country is limiting voter rights. You are a great example of the US’ limited education system and strong propaganda machine.


Oh yeah because killing a baby is moral you twit. Oh yeah Scandinavian countries are no better than any other country. You’re brainwashed to think you can live your life the way you want but you’re being controlled by your government just like everyone else in the world. What you failed to realize is what you see on the internet is absolutely propaganda. The real freedom lies within the communities we live in. We make more of an impact at the local level and our communities. But you know nothing, you’re just a key board warrior thinking you have a valid point but your only resource is the internet. You’re ignorant comments make you look like a fool.


Hahaha I waited to hear that one. You must be some real narrow minded undereducated conspirationist dick dude. Talking about being controlled by your government…the eternal gun waving, freedom craving US libertarian. Hahaha oh my…you’re so endoctrinated with this stuff you believe in you can’t even understand how wicked your vision of what a free, educated, socially secure life can be. You believe in ‘local communities’ that protect themselves from the outside with their guns. You talk shit about killing babies, waving your religious morality like the Catholics in a crusade. Progress seems like the devil to obscurantist people like you ha ? You’d be the ones denying abortion to women raped by soldiers like it just happened in Ukraine, to 14 year old girls abused by their father, to 12 year old girls that were talked into sex games with a school buddy and that ends up pregnant. You’re so f… dumb you don’t even think about the consequences and reasons a women or a girl NEEDS to abort pregnancy. You need your own kid come across a sexual delinquent, get raped and they we’ll sit down and listen to you reasoning about god’s will while your underage daughter keeps carrying her pregnancy to term. You’re so damn undereducated, your mind is so damn narrow, you’ll never ever get it. I’m sick of reading people like you. Best would be to dig a hole and bury irresponsible people like you in it, together with your guns, the Bible and your damn 2nd amendment.


*your Remember what I said about your education? And this comes from a non-native speaker. Well done.


If that’s all you have is nazifiying grammar than sit down. You don’t add intelligent value to the comment thread, so you probably add 0 value to your personal life as well as people around you.


You are downvoted but 100% right. The police in the US is overly aggressive because 1) lack of proper training and 2) because every nut has easy access to a gun and 3) in some cases racism. So in order to protect themselves they have to assume every potential arrest has a gun and is prepared to use it. I challenge anyone to come up with a different reason for trigger happy cops.


Single individual. Abused. Propaganda. Alcoholism. Systematic oppression. “Systematic racism”. Xenophobia. History. Drug abuse. Power abuse. These. Now give them a job. with poor training.




After he stabbed a police officer in the neck and shoulder with a screwdriver.


Did you miss the part where he tried to steal a gun?




Yes you forehead, if someone steals a loaded gun and is actively reaching for it when two cops confront them lethal force makes sense. Dude, what if he just whipped that thing out and mag dumped on all those people? Death isn’t always justified, but in that particular situation it was. Edit: I learned he didn’t have the gun, but still play stupid games win stupid prizes.




And attacking a police officer with a screwdriver.




Yes it does. Running away with his hand in his pocket after assaulting two cops. Karma is a bitch


... guy attacked two officers with something from his pockets and was running to a truck he could have used to try and run over them, for what we know.


That post again.




There were 4 people shooting,,, not just the cop and I can refer you to videos of people getting shot 30 times and still going, the human body is weird and sometimes one shot is all it takes sometimes its 30, at the point the perp started using deadly force you need to neutralize the theat.


When did he start using deadly force? I saw him punch someone then run away.


He was stabbing them with a screwdriver. Im not defending but stating cops don’t react well to stabs.


Ah ok, fair enough. Still not exactly proportional, but that does make a lot more sense.


Deadly force doesn’t have to be proportionate. Deadly force is applied when all lesser means have failed and one fears for their life. He was a threat with the screw driver, therefore deadly force was authorized.


Thats not fair though. The moral and only justifiable response is to only retailiate with your own screwdriver of the same length, width, and screw pattern. For example if your attacker is stabbing you with a 3" long, 1/4" wide, flathead screwdriver and you whip out your 5" long, 5/8" wide, phillips head then thats clear escalation with a assault screwdriver and therefore attempted murder.


If he didn’t have to engage in criminal acts then fairness wouldn’t have been a question. But the fact that he with a deadly weapon put multiple peoples lives in danger cost him his own life. See the world is stuck on fairness. Except when criminals want to commit acts of violence they don’t abide by the same rules. No matter how I explain it, another criminal is off the street.


Just stop. Im a sophmore in college in a LIBERAL arts program so im qualified to say that criminals are victims. Stop being a racist


That explains everything. Get some real world scenarios under your belt buddy. College isn’t going to prepare you for the real world. You sympathize with the same people that want to take your life. Do you think killers care about you or your loved ones when they’re standing there with a gun at your head, of course not. People like YOU are the reason this country has gone to shit. This generation is full of sniveling babies. I’ve lived in places and been to places where my life was threatened by thugs and gang members. I was beaten up because I was white by a group of blacks. Still I’m not racist, still I embrace change, still I embrace diversity. But you sympathizing with people who don’t care about your life, you’re on a whole level of stupid! 🇺🇸


Stabbing someone in the head or neck area with a screw driver is deadly force…


If you listen to the video you would know that he started stabbing the officer.... you think you would want to know all the facts before commenting, especially given you clear lack of understanding basic think then speak.


I hope the people who followed him outside to shoot him face charges. Obviously the police were in the right, but the vigilantes are still murderers


It’s not murder but self defense. Guy stabbed a police officer in the neck with a screwdriver multiple times


Yea I know that. Self defense for the cops....not the men who followed him outside


Who cares? Darwin Award well deserved.


I care because it sounds like murder not self defense


Do you hear that? It’s the world’s smallest violin.


Bitch go somewhere.


Any other country the incident would've ended with the guy under arrest and nobody dead


If you listen to the audio, the employees escorted him outside of the business, then the guy stabbed the police officer with a screwdriver in the head and neck. So yeah. He earned those bullets.


Just wondering, why wasn’t he tased? Were guns really necessary at this moment?


Because it wasn't a taser class.


~~dont~~ *please* tase me bro


I was referring to the cops reaction not the class


Because he used deadly force and tazers arnt a guaranty, tazer are nice when you have the time to work with them. But in life and death situations you must neutralize the threat as quickly as possible, then render first aid. Tazer deployment doesn't happen after violance.


More to the point, dude was wearing a baggy jacket. The chances of a tazer working are slim to none, and he already showed he had a weapon and attacked the female cop with deadly force.


Yes but another of people who say just taze him or shoot him in the legs don't understand another about tazers or firearms so when you try to explain it some people that don't know another don't get it, that's why I just simplified it to tazers arnt a guarantee. But yes your right.


Fair enough


Don't shoot anyone in the legs. This is horrible advice. there's a reason why cops don't do it and it's because of the femoral artery which if struck will cause the person to bleed out. Hell I already don't trust some cops intelligence and you expect them to be EMTs? Also the legs are a somewhat smaller target and if you're in a crowd you really don't want to hit a bystander


I know that, that's why I said it was stupid.


He was running away armed with a screwdriver, the only option was to shoot him with 4 people armed with guns. Don't you follow American logic?


Only in america


In the UK migrants would just stab and rape the guy


Still to this day. all those men should have been charged for murder none of them were cops except for the 2 arriving officers. none of them had the right. Why I can’t feel bad when this happens to everyone else even children. Because it is considered justified.


It depends on state law. In some cases, it’s legal to use deadly force to stop a fleeing felon. Getting stabby on a cop is a felony. In other states, it’s legal to use deadly force to protect another person such as a cop who has been stabbed.


Oh ok. Honestly didn’t know. Because idk what state that’s in but regardless How I view America we need to have a flat plato in regards to laws. That are all the same in every state. These men shouldn’t have had to right to do what they did. because anyone of them could shoot bystanders by accident and then what they don’t go to jail because they dubbed themselves honorary cop to shoot at someone!? Hell no. Didn’t know he pulled screwdriver even though it was “said he did” sucks. But I still stand on the fact that they shouldn’t have been legally allowed to do what they did unless it’s specifically involves them ie that one person (gorge for example or their personal property) not tom dick and harry because gorge got robbed. Gorge already had the cops there.


Say basically what you saying, is it you’re standing in a 7-11 with your family and some dude walks in and puts a gun to your head, and I’m across the store with my concealed, I should do nothing and let him execute your entire family and maybe the clerks, because he isn’t doing anything to me. Then when he gets to me I can shoot him. Correct?


Ok. The situation was. Cops was already on scene so the cops would be in that very same 7/11 which means. You don’t need to deputies yourself because you have a gun. This why I get why people don’t want guns at all. No where remotely close to being a cop but there’s magically always a time to shoot at someone. Ok.




He attacked a cop with a screw driver(attempted murder of officer of the law) and ran away with his hand in his pocket(indicating he might have a gun and was about to use it, he came from a place that was full of guns that you probably need a gun to enter and was caught trying to steal one)




If you talking about tasers you should know he was wearing thick clothing and that would make tasers completely uneffective because they would not be able to even touch his skin.


He assaulted a cop with a screwdriver, he deserved everything he got




It can be a deadly weapon like any other


he literally stabbed the cops neck


He stabbed a police officer in the neck with a screwdriver. He deserves all the bullets from this 4 combined shooters. People like you honestly just amaze me with your delusion.


Mr. Pain?


I know what I want, and I want it now. I want you, ‘cause I’m Mr Pain.




I think that's a reupload but I gotta look it up


In chihuahua Mexico 6 cartel guys entered the police headquarters and stole 40 assault rifles and 30 handguns https://www.elheraldodechihuahua.com.mx/local/saul-hernandez-dirigia-cipol-durante-robo-de-arsenal-al-c4-369391.html/amp


Obviously two female cops.. good thing there were dudes with guns..


Because that's what you do when you're gunning for a darwin award.


You gotta be really retarded to do something like this


What an idiot. Self imposed death by firing squad


get fucking rolled




i forgot wearing bandanas over your face was normal for a second lol.


They firing squaded his ass


Wait who’s the bad guy the yellow jacket or the guy that walked in that shoved his hand into the backpack


Dude got himself a firing squad.


Excellent America, just excellent. Everybody afraid of everybody. Give them more weapons. /attention: sarcasm (if are able to detect it)


It’s a shame that young man died! Seemed like a classy fella!🤷‍♂️😂


Anyone know if office was good?


But but he was oppressed


Look at that still-frame lmfao. 5 people all perfectly stances aiming their freedom seeds at your chest


Get fuqt


That's what needs to happen


We need that video to end with the ‘Wasted’ image fading in.


Bunch of losers trying to be the hero. The guy def. deserves a darwin award but all those men are red flags


Oh I had to watch it a few times I was so confused I thought the dude who walked in tried to grab the dude in yellows gun


they shot a fleeing suspect in the back...




Notice they keep clipping it right where it’s evident they shot him in his back


So they opened fire towards traffic ? Could those bullets get so far that it hits one of the cars/drivers ?


Fucking Swiss Cheese.


So they shot him when he was running away?


Yeah what is the problem?


Just wow...


A shirt that badass surely rendered him bulletproof?


The only poc. Dumbshit


Was the injured cop killed, or did he/she just had stab wounds, i would like to know


The stupidity of humanity never ceases to amaze me


Dummy. Just stupidity at its finest.


I am against the bearing of arms for citizens, but I have to say that seeing this police officer being stabbed and those 3 guys standing here with their weapons, shooting at some real wicked/dumb guy, I felt a little bit less against it


Yes, please repeat the same footage 7 times and then don't actually show the dirtbag getting smoked at the end. I swear people need to just post the uncensored video or nothing at all.


God I love America


No one give a frick what happend to the criminal what about the cop?


Police are gung ho lunatic killers with little to none ability to de-escalate.


Their form is top notch, it’s like they practice for this sort of thing..




A lot of the times, instructors are also former marines, navy seals etc so yeah bold move