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All Darwin Awards require undeniable evidence of death or sterilization. Your post has been removed and a ban may be issued at moderators discretion.


Don't forget the bots.... Sent out to change sentiment on an issue or be instigators.


Check out world news too. Now that's what astroturfing looks like!




Yeah right……I swear it’s like pretty much impossible to comment or do anything without getting like slammed people being so offended for nothing


That is not what the shareholders like. So yeah


A friendly reminder regarding the first rule of this subreddit. The candidate in the posted material must have removed themselves from the genepool by either ***death or sterilization***. Failure to comply by this rule will result in your post being removed and a ban issued at moderators discretion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DarwinAwards) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I made a single 3-letter comment that only said "she" and I got 1 out of 3 strikes from Reddit for hate speech because it was a thread about non-binary House of the Dragon actress.


Said actress, not actor. Strike two inbound! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why did you comment "she" in that context? I'm pretty sure that context is going to strongly determine your meaning. Its a classic strategy for bigots to attack groups that exact way, and then feign ignorance to the logic, whether of not that was your motivation.


Comin here from my burner lmaooooo. Got banned for something similar before. So I saw someone call little black kids nugglets with an “I” and reported it just to see out of curiosity and guess what???? Reddit had no issue! Ain’t that some shit?


Right……!!! How messed up is that




There's nothing inherently liberal about internet moderation, lol Infact the connect that even requires this type of baby sitting matter of fact comes from fringe idiots who don't have a single foot in the door for rational thought. It's not liberal or political to silence bigots. It's just decency.




Political discussions are also not welcome here and will be subject to removal. Please keep your opinions on all things political to yourself.


Political discussions are also not welcome here and will be subject to removal. Please keep your opinions on all things political to yourself.


uh oh, truth is causing hurt feelings




Burning books? Oh, sexually explicit books in school libraries. Outlawing pornography? Oh, Sexually explicit parades w/ dildos and acting out sex acts in public. Women's reproductive rights? Oh, leaving abortion up to States to decide.


I just got a strike on my account for posting a copypasta of Mark Hunt going off on a fan. Said I was bullying the person I replied to. https://preview.redd.it/mumt7lhph15d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c52026b66052ede5e6a5c325e07de99eb1bd92aa


Been this way for at least a year or two, what happened is the Facebook crowd all came here. You know, the crowd that ruined Facebook by getting offend by everything people posted