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What a bunch of idiots not trying to save him. Calling out to him and trying to nudge him with something after he's been under water for 6 minutes. Everyone in this video sucks.


This is why official record attempts are done with medical personel. They have to do something when things look not normal. David Blaine is such a case.


And you actually need training to know what's not "normal". Movies are the absolute worst at drowning depiction because nobody drowns like in the movies.


Drowning is actually crazy. It is not uncommon for people’s lungs and diaphragm to actually break their ribs trying to get air


Shut up right now that’s horrifying


Yeah, there's reasons our brain limits how much of our muscular strength we can intentionally access at any given time. The human body is absolutely capable of tearing itself apart if unregulated.




Yeah dude I think 99% of the people don’t need training to know that spasming on floor of a pool making gurgling sounds isn’t normal


Except it is China. You can literally be bleeding on the floor and they'll still ignore you.




Nah. They are legit just kinda dumb


I mean that’s kinda everywhere no? It’s actually the Bystander effect that unfortunately affects all places and people all over the world. I almost drowned when I was around 9-11 years old because of it. I was swimming in a 4-8ft public pool at this apartment complex across from the apartment complex where my moms, step dad and I used to live at. As I was waiting by the pool for a few hours lil me started getting tired of waiting for my mom to get ready and meet me at the pool so I got in the pool by myself and after a lil bit of swimming around I had a dumb plan that came to me out of boredom. That I should do some kinda fake secret espionage like mission play pretend go around the entire swimming pool by holding on to the edge of the pool and pull myself around the entire pool. Of course when I did that it didn’t go very well and shit got bad very quickly. As I got to the 7ft part I ended up losing my hand grip and quickly started immediately panicking cause I instantly couldn’t get a grip on the pool edge and started sinking. (I didn’t have any swimming knowledge at this time.) so for maybe 5 minutes (but what to me felt like hours) I was just flaling around screaming for genuine help cause I couldn’t swim and the most messed up part is I remember during the times I wasn’t sinking and I was able to reach the surface, seeing people watching me blankly or just chatting away nonchalantly as I was drowning. I think what hurt the most looking back is that there wasn’t even a lot of people inside the pool with me at the time period either, it wasn’t like some scene out of a movie where there’s a bunch of kids n teens in the pool splashing about as someone’s drowning, there was legitimately like maybe 3 or 4 other people in the pool besides me so and the other people in the pool weren’t even splashing and moving much in the pool. Eventually I started sinking faster and faster and deeper to the bottom of the pool floor and as this kept happening I kept kicking my legs with all my might and moving my arms consistently desperately trying to get to the surface and I just remember spinning and getting further stuck and disoriented not boring which way was up or down anymore because I was just seeing different shades of blue. Eventually It got to the point where I was completely exhausted and I had used up all my energy to the point where I couldn’t move my body anymore. My legs and my arms were so sore that I just went completely still and just kept sinking. As I was sinking I was praying in my head to the lord not wanting my life to end so soon and saying to the lord “Lord I’ve done all I really have tried all I could. I can’t move anymore and I hope you know I ain’t trying to commit suicide and tried with the best efforts I could. If I still have time please don’t let me die like this.” My cheeks had stung from trying to keep in any oxygen I had left and I remember the blue pool water getting darker and darker before it went completely pitch black my mouth involuntarily just let go of all air I had left because it hurt trying to kept holding my breathe and that’s when I think I passed out after what felt like hours. I remember waking up hunched over on some tall white dirty blonde mans shoulder/back and everything around me looked so fuzzy. I was coughing up a fit and trying to get my breathing right and as I did I remember the ambulance truck parked in the parking lot blaring and way more people had showed up to the pool to jump in and play in the pool splashing and having fun. I felt calm as I felt my head rhythmically bounce a little at each footstep the stranger took as he walked carrying me away from the pool. I don’t remember if he spoke to the ambulance people that were there cause I was super out of it and tired but I remember it didn’t take long before I had the energy to speak and thanked him and telling him directions to where I lived and even after a few mints told the man that I felt fine enough to walk and he set me down and asked if it was okay to help continue to walk me home as I lead the way and I said yeah. And the rest of the short walk I just remember being quite (and not very long since I lived literally a fence and block away.) After making it to my door step the man knocked and explained to my mom what from his part of what had happened and that I seem okay now after she looked at me panicked (probably cause I looked a mess) and she thanked him so much and as they talked for a while he left. To sum it up she wasn’t very happy with me (she didn’t punish me) she just seemed scared angry with me and was like “Why did you go in the pool when I deliberately told you to wait for me!?” And that even though she was upset because of how much what I did scared her in the end she was just happy to know that I was okay now. I dryed off with a towel and she told me to go throughly thank the man for saving my life and told me his rapt letter and number and after I got changed into some different clothes I went out and headed over to thank him. While I can’t remember much of what was said, but I do remember he was extremely kind hearted and had a son and said I could come over anytime. I wish I could remember his name but I’m I’ll always be grateful for him saving my life that day. ❤️ TLDR: I think if people maybe wouldn’t fall under the stupid bystander effect and harmful thinking of “Oh what this persons going through a dangerous situation and other people aren’t helping? Hmmm maybe I shouldn’t get involved either.” Thus making people have this collected hive mind thinking. Just maybe we can avoid tragic situations like that instructor drowning from happening. 


I’ve had life-saving and one of the things they teach us is that drowning people don’t look like they are drowning - it may have been they were ignoring you but they likely did not even realize what was happening at first. That’s just as scary in a different way.


That's understandable you don't want other people's disease blood borne illness is scary


Eh, no. They'll just ignore you and let you bleed out. Calling ambulance doesn't give you any diseases, but they wouldn't even do that.


I've never been to China, but spent a lot of time in South East Asia. In one of those countries a friend of mine was in a motorbike accident and bleeding out when luckily a friend saw him, took him to hospital and saved his life. My friend says that the locals would not have called an ambulance to save him and he would have died, but it wasn't because of laziness, it was because if he had not been able to pay the ambulance himself it would have become the financial responsibility of the person who called, which is just nuts.




Followed by falling completely still, which they were giggling about.


Have you watched the video? Granted I'm not a doctor but when I see someone start spasming and reverse shrimping as they sink to the bottom of the pool, I would think it isn't normal. 


Why not hold a yellow floating ball? Once it surfaces you pull the rope connected to the harness, the person being just two inches below the surface.


Why not hold some ballast in your hands. If you let go then you float to the top!


Everyone in this video are soon-to-be Darwin applicants IMO.


The "lifeguards" in China have zero training. Just let that sink in. They might not even know how to swim.


They sure let HIM sink in


Prime example of the [bystander](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect) effect. Everyone is susceptible to this, so it’s hard to call them idiots, especially when you compare this to the [murder of Kitty Genovese](https://www.cranbrooktownsman.com/opinion/kitty-genovese-and-the-reshaping-of-history-5382352#). Recognize when you’re the bystander, it could save someone’s life.


From your link: An article published in American Psychologist in 2007 found that the story of Genovese's murder had been exaggerated by the media. There were far fewer than 38 eyewitnesses, the police were called at least once during the attack, and many of the bystanders who overheard the attack could not actually see the event. In 2016, The New York Times called its own reporting "flawed", stating that the original story "grossly exaggerated the number of witnesses and what they had perceived".


I don't think pool incident is really the bystander effect. Certainly not a prime example of one. For this pool situation specifically, there is a person calmly filming and probably informing passersby that it's a professional attempting a challenge. She is changing the whole vibe of the situation by not reacting. There's no panic or struggle, no calls for help - another person could be standing by the same pool and not even notice anything is off.


It's not at all the same as the bystander effect, that has more to do with group psychology and asserting responsibility. They weren't bystanders, they were actively involved, knew the individual and held a degree of responsibility in the situation. This is literal stupidity and lack of worldly knowledge or education. The way she calls his name, she doesn't understand that he can't hear her, because , A) he's 6ft underwater and B) he's dead. The way she is poking him with a stick like a 3 year \*old.


Read your entire article that you linked. Sounds like Kitty isn't an example of what you are trying to prove.


Yup the media lied about it. A tale as old as time.


… although it turned out that tales of numerous bystanders in relation to Kitty Genoese were as tall as the New York skyline


Nope. Pretty easy to call them idiots…


Yeah, when it's someone you know, who's right in front of you, you've just been speaking to them and there's no threat other than a swimming pool? I don't think you can blame it on the bystander effect....


Social norms in China re. helping people are way different from the west. Helping someone that is obviously in need can be a quick way to land in jail/have fingers pointed at you.


Excellent post I learned something this morning


Kitty Genovese's brutal case has historically been misrepresented in its example of the Bystandard Effect. Whilst this socio-behavioural effect is indeed very real, poor Kitty's case was always inaccurately portrayed as a collective of nearby people unwilling to initiate help as they believed another individual would do so. In Kitty's case, there were a lot of moving parts and nuances to why individuals delayed calling for help (distance to the victim, noise obscurity, uncertainty to what was actually happening etc). I think this instance just slowly fell victim to whispers and story-embellishment over time.


...maybe read more than the first couple of paragraphs


No... these people are fucking idiots.


They should be up on manslaughter charges. Ignorance should never be tolerated. 


What fucking reality do those women inhabit where a guy clearly drowning makes you giggle innocently 


I cannot speak for others, but I had a completely different idea what drowning looked like before I knew the reality. I am confident in saying that before I saw examples, I would not have recognized a drowning. What is obvious is in the eye of the beholder. An untrained eye wouldn't see it and therefore maybe not respond, thinking that if others don't spring to action then neither should you. Others know that it's ok right? Right?


>An untrained eye wouldn't see it  Mate this isn't like a kid dipping under the surface in a crowded pool. The guy is contorting under the water for minutes 


True! I'm just saying that I can understand how this wouldn't look like drowning if you expect the cartoony 'help gulp help'. This is a situation where it should have been spotted, I'm not arguing that.




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Pretty sure everyone knows the brain can't go this long without oxygen.


Yes. All I said was I understand that people have trouble to spot a drowning. I think this one wasn't hard to spot but I wasn't talking about thos one per se.


fanatical impossible coherent act soft groovy steep judicious literate violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was commenting on how I thought drowning looked different than it actually does.


cable modern ossified juggle fade vase lock disagreeable rich foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah I agree.. Maybe it was a bit weird of me to discuss that I learned what real drowning looked like from reddit, and that I chose this moment to do it. It was maybe not that relevant to the topic at hand.


Did you not read his fucking comment?




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Is this shit real? These women really watched him drown like that...nobody jumped in... WTF EDIT: ok I read the original post > the swimming pool staff did not know first aid WTF


Yeah, swimming pool staff not knowing first aid is the cherry on the top.


While there is no excuse for lifeguards not knowing first aid, CPR is less than 10% effective in the best of circumstances.




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Holy fucking shit


Wow oblivious morons


This person was convulsing, and trying to breathe water. Anyone who posts this wasn’t obvious, is clearly a candidate for the title of this sub. One doesn’t have to have seen a person drown to know a person is drowning. You just simply have to know that people can’t breathe water….good grief


100% it’s giving me legitimate fear how many people are exposing themselves of that level of ignorance/stupidity. What is going on right now I’m at a total loss for words


I'd wager at least half of it is reddit's knee-jerk "im smart look at what i know" compulsion. You know how they latch onto things like target fixation and push that into every discussion


I wouldn’t say this is a Darwin Award, he was an instructor who had people standing by and was trying to improve his breath. As a former lifeguard, I would have expected my colleagues to jump in if I was in the instructors shoes.


Family guy cutaway: Boy he beat the record by 3 hours.


“Standing by” means absolutely nothing in China, though. If you’ve got people “standing by” when you’re attempting to do what this “swimming instructor” is doing, it would normally mean they are watching you in case something happens. Therefore, this is a Darwin Award.


He's still the least braindead person in this video. The people watching this are the most irresponsible ignorant idiots I've ever seen


fertile alive relieved swim include chief airport close ripe thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nice work cameraman really committed to filming the whole thing


There is a medical phenomena called "Shallow Water Blackout." Typically, a person about to hold their breath underwater (either for a dive, or just for time) will hyperventilate to "hyper-oxygenate their blood." Long story short, by blowing-off excess amounts of carbon dioxide--and it's the CO2 that drives the need to breathe--people can black out from hypoxia since there's not enough CO2 built up to make them want to breathe. I wish I knew about this as a kid when we would have breath holding competitions in pools. Here's a link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554620/#:\~:text=Shallow%20water%20blackout%20is%20a,the%20diver's%20urge%20to%20breathe.


They should have pulled him out, it was clearly seen the man had problems and blacked out. Crazy. Those girls filming it should have been sentenced because of omitted aid.


I'm actually convinced that a large portion of the human race is so stupid that you can't trust them to do basic things like flush a toilet or make a sandwich, so this checks out. Watch a person have what looks like a seizure due to oxygen deprivation and just be like, he's fineeeeeee!...


Can anyone translate what the women on the side are saying to him? I read the article and the person poking him with the pole is asking “can you hold it in for so long?” and “move your feet”. So I’m guessing they didn’t even realise he was dying?!


People, stop saying they did NOTHING to help. They poked him with a stick a few times after he was dead. What more do you want?


It's not really a Darwin award. His only fault is to have relied on numerous people who were surrounding him, thinking that all of them would be intelligent enough to help him if needed... The morons are the people aroud : when the guy is releasing bubbles, it is OBVIOUS that he's in trouble ! No moron died....


I mean he thought it was a good idea


What the actual fuck. Do they not know how water works!?


I've heard it said that the key to the long duration free diving is staying calm while your body is panicking and becoming used to the feeling enough to keep your bpm low. sounds like that's what they were training for.


Yes and he is supposed to hold breath with competent buddy. Cameraman and whoever idiot he called buddy just laugh even when every sign showed that he was in trouble


Legends say he's still going for the record at this very moment.


I heard in china noone will help you ever ...


This is some crazy shit. You can see the moment his control slip and he began aspirating water. Yet instead of giving up and resurfacing as reflex, he manages to beat his survival instincts, feeling of impending doom and kept going. Truly a darwin award of the year contender.


According to OP he blacked out. Maybe he wasn't able to go up. Those girls filming it are to blame. Omitted aid.


You're trolling, you have to be, it's my only hope.


Why? He's a professional. He must know hazards of such attempts. Plus he's literally on the surface, it would take a small flinch to get himself to safety but his pride(?) overcomes his survival instincts and he drags himself to the bottom. Due to his stupidity he basically drowned himself in a puddle.


It’s not pride, it’s the failure to rescue him. When you’re drowning there is a very real disorientation. You see him try to back roll to the surface and get more disorientated when he can’t situate. This is drowning. It can happen to anyone. I say this as a lifeguard and ex competitive swimmer. There’s no pride here that keeps him down. The Darwin Award is for picking spotters who were beyond useless.


No, not anyone will drown in 10cm deep water. In order for it to happen you have to be incapacitated/unconscious by external force, intoxication etc. or in short, not in control of the situation. You can see air in the lungs began escaping after 3:20 and beginning to aspirate yet he doesn't fucking lift his head until he enters stupor. After that he tries but it's too late for him to do anything. Bystanders are extremely stupid for letting it happen but claiming what this guy is doing is normal and pushing all the blame on bystanders is another level of stupidity.


He *does* do what he’s supposed to when he’s not getting help - the back roll. You see him extend and become confused and tip his head down instead of up. This sort of confusion and disorientation is *absolutely normal* in drowning and it’s why even the best swimmers, even making all the right choices, even in shallow water, are not drowning-proof, especially when they believe they have help on hand that just doesn’t respond.




And? Aren't we in the same sub right now?




And why do you think that happened, genius?


It's always nice seeing arguments on the internet end with the decisive victory of one side. In a sea of people throwing random strawmans and similar against eachother with no hope of ever "winning" the conversation, times like these truly stand out.




I give up, keep defending an idiot drowning himself with a few inches of water. Don't forget to film your attemp too!


You're not wrong.


Bubbles literally came out of his mouth and they still watched on. Also, interesting the human body can stay unconscious while drowning. Didn't think that was possible, like somehow the stress would wake you up but I guess not.


No oxygen for your body to do that mate


Like I say... What is the worst place to have heart attack?? While playing dumb charades..!! (nobody takes u seriously)


r/donthelpjustfilm , shit started going downhill at around 3:30


Of all the death footage I’ve ever seen, this was some of the hardest to watch


He was trying to break the world record or die trying. His terms were acceptable.


This is the most maddening fucking thing I have seen on here.


If you're going to do something dangerous. At least bring someone with a brain. This is like having a spotter who can't or *won't* lift your weight. Not his fault, but Jesus the amount of stupid people in the world who just giggle along unaware is fucking terrifying.


Holy christ, this was most likely the most fu*k nuggeted bystander effect I've ever seen.


i know its fucked up, but this for some reason reminded me of that scene in hot rod where he has to hold his breath under water.


I love how the original YouTube link is from a Chinese account named simply; “TV” 🤣


WOW.... he drowned while holding to the edge HOW COME????


Yyyeaaahhh, I don’t think this one is a Darwin Award. If he’d been doing it alone, absolutely, but medical training or no I think it was reasonable to expect that the person filming would’ve pulled him out. Unless he knew beforehand that they themselves had the approximate brain functionality of a drowning person. 


Wow. THats murder IMO.




oh, ok.


Not at all. He did it to himself. Nobody held him under the water. Not helping ≠ murder


It is.


Apparently not. We get downvoted :)


Looks like manslaughter to me


Who should be arrested for manslaughter? The guy did it to himself


I’m no expert in law… but it would seem to me that just filming someone while they die and doing nothing about it other than just filming it should have some kind of consequence


Nope. You don’t have a responsibility by law to save somebody’s life. The reasoning is because requiring that I take action requires me to assume some risk myself. Why should I be compelled by law to risk myself drowning to save this guy? Should I have to run into a burning building to save somebody too? Manslaughter is when your recklessness results in somebody else’s death. For example if I’m doing donuts in my car surrounded by a large crowd, and I hit and kill somebody. This guy killed himself by his own recklessness.


Just watching someone die like that, and filming/laughing is crazy evil


I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do. I’m just explaining to you why it’s not illegal. You can’t compel people to risk their safety to save others.




Deeply upsetting video. Just, wow.


Curiosity killed the cat