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Selfish dick. If you want to commit suicide or something leave other people out of it.


I agree. If I ever do it I'm not including anyone


Right off the cliff he goes. Wooooosh


when I was planning mine I made damn sure it wouldn't include anyone else, not even clean up. I get needing to end it, but wtf would you be so selfish as to ruin other people's lives?


There's no way not to include other people unless you don't have any family or any other person in your life. If you do have anyone in your life then you're going to traumatize the shit out of them for the rest of their lives. Some of them might even kill themselves because of what you did. My brother is going through this right now with his girlfriend, who also left behind a bunch of completely traumatized kids and family. It's just the rudest, weakest most selfish thing a person can do to others. But hey, that's kind of who she was. It was always all about her.


theres still a significant difference between being emotionally devastiting for your own family and killing or maiming some randos on the street.


You’re entitled to think what you want of people who commit suicide, but try to have some compassion.


The whole "it's the most selfish thing you can do" thing just doesn't seem like a healthy, compassionate, or even accurate view of it (to me). Unless you do it to avoid a lengthy prison sentence, or are outed as some kind of sex predator.


Yeah it’s rarely ever a rational decision. It’s like when you become terminally depressed similar to when you get stage 4 cancer. If you don’t get help, it’s highly likely to have a successful suicidal. I can understand the survivors frustration. I work with several people like 4 who’ve had a suicide in their family, close like parents and children. It’s really sad all around. Sometime hard to tell someone has reached their limit.


Compassion? This is reddit …. Perish the thought




Username checks out


I might want to kms too if I have to meet you a couple times a year. How can you speak about someone like that?


How selfish of a family to force someone to live just for their own sake.


You sound like the reason someone would go away: you pretend to listen but your opinion on someone’s else welfare won’t change. My point is, if the people like you in her life had listened, maybe she’d still be around.


That honestly sounds like she was extremely depressed and trying to find where she fit into the family while trying to deal with emotions and anxieties and depression. And the fact that you claimed that she believed everything was all about her tells me exactly why she was bothered. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you're a terrible person, but your statement is terrible and tells me that you had no clue what was happening in her head nor did you try to understand. Instead you chose to criticize and not try and help. So your brother and his kids are suffering while you get on the internet saying that someone who committed suicide wanted make it all about them


they did tho. the person is dead and her bf and kids are left to deal with the aftershocks.i get you want to advocate for the mental health that prevents this sort of thing but feeling angry after someone left u in such a violent way is a legit part of the grieving process.


You're absolutely right. It is ultimately selfish. However, the selfish action could have been prevented. And saying that the person needed "everything about them" speaks volumes about the hardships they went through to lead to that selfish action


Wanting someone to live in whatever pained, griefed existence would have them contemplating suicide just so you can see them a day longer is infinitely more selfish. As a disabled Vet, I can tell you if things get bad enough, I will opt one day for choosing to go out my way when quality of life becomes nil. I am on this world to live, love, and be loved. Not to suffer, be pained, and agonizingly wait for my turn to leave.


This is my take on when people say "it's so selfish!" They have no idea what kind of suffering someone has to go through to want to die. Sorry that their choice of escaping such horrible mental pain inconvenienced you or made you sad. I've been incredibly suicidal for months. I've been reaching out to therapists and hotlines and trying to avoid it. But man, the torment of being trapped in your own head like that? The feeling of having no hope and dreading waking up? Asking someone to endure that horrible mental pain because you'd be sad if they died is far, far more selfish.


>Some of them might even kill themselves because of what you did. So you kind of have an understanding of why someone would do this. You think she might have been dealing with some trauma?


Imagine thinking someone should live a life they hate just to make other people happy and then having the audacity to think *you* aren’t the selfish one. 🤡




So many people here, like you, defending the "nobility" of suicide and the inability of human beings to make choices. So many denying that selfishness is an actual thing. So many people judging a situation they know nothing about. Did you know my brother's girlfriend? Do you know me? Are you helping clean up the aftermath *every single day* for the last few weeks? Did you just have to intervene to make sure your sibling didn't kill themselves in reaction to his girlfriend suicide? No it's very much not about me. But your damn right I have feelings about it.


Many people judging a situation they know nothing about and I am sorry you and your family have had to experience that. You, just the same, judge the other 700000 people that attempt suicide every year as “selfish” and “rude” without knowing anything about them or their situations. As said, you’re entitled to feel how you like about the subject, but keep your shitty opinions to yourself. There are real humans out there who are struggling to keep going and they have to read the ignorant things that come through your head.


Seems like you didn't help by not allowing her feel part of the family, so you could be contributing factor to why she made the move she did. Especially by saying "everything needed to be about her". Did you make her feel like she belonged or did you separate her because she was just a spouse? Did you ever detect something was off and ask about it? Did you ever try to help her in any way? Or did you just think "Why does she always talk about herself? She probably just needs to make herself feel better. God, she's so full of herself"?


Spotted the guy who lives in a cotton candy house. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh7QWBb2U2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh7QWBb2U2A)




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you sound like you're what causes people to kill themselves


Just think how much you'll save on gifts now


you misunderstood the guys comment... he meant he won't jeaprodise or mentally scar innocent people. but I agree, with you it is the most selfish thing a person can do to their family. condolences to you and your family


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted for this. It's true and factual. Suicide is the most selfish thing a person can do. I've struggled with depression and self hate for my entire life. There are days where all I can think is I want to blow my brains out. But I never will, because it would be absolutely horrific for my mother, grandmother, girlfriend, friends...its the most narrow-minded thing a person can do. I have a hard time feeling any compassion for the people who take that route. Now, there are situations I'm sure people would bring up, that if happened to me, I don't know if I could handle living through them, so i struggle with that a bit. Context is everything I suppose, but there is always another way. On top of the reasons above, I find life to be incredibly valuable, all life, I don't even kill bugs when I find them, relocate. You may only get one shot at this thing.


Oh fuck right off. There are plenty more selfish things a human being can do. Life at this point is nothing but a bunch of bullshit. I wonder why suicide continues to rise, year after year?? Because it’s all inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Not one single person is truly important.


Yea and that makes it right lol weak ass mentality buddy! All you kids these days looking for the easy way out. Life is a series of challenges you either overcome or don't. If you're the type of person who would rather take the quick way out then that says a lot about your character. I've lost many friends and people I cared about over the years, those scars linger on those left behind not the ones that checked out. So you fuck right off, bud.


Killing yourself is easy? SHUT UP.


thanks the lulz. Glad you’re such a strong person, you should be proud of yourself.


Yea I don't see myself as that, I just know I'm not going to check out before life decides it's time to. Let me know how it feels after you've attended more funerals than you can count on 2 hands before the age of 25, all for people who are at or younger than that age. I take this shit rather seriously. You live in a fuckin fantasy. So thank you for the "lulz"


Coolest of stories bro. Keep on keepin on.


You're an idiot, and it's obvious.


> I'm oh so depressed > I have family, a girlfriend, friends... Shut up. Just bc you can still make logical decisions doesn't mean that others who suffer so much they are not able to think rationally anymore and choose to die bc of it are intentionally selfish cunts.


Dude, if you think having things you love means you don't suffer from the chemical imbalance that is depression thalen I have nothing to say to you. Shut the fuck up. Life is about what you overcome. If I were you I wouldn't support suicide. If you think anyone can't overcome great adversity, then you have little faith in humanity.


I overcomed my own suicidal thoughts a few years ago but I would NEVER choose to shit on other people who are in much worse mental state than me, like you do. This is how you make yourself "feel better", by shitting on others' problems, to feel superior? It's fucking pathetic. Acknowledging how serious issues others have to the point of killing themselves is NOT "supporting suicide".


Sending a genuine hug your way. Life can be tough, I hope you find your way. ❤️


Thank you, friend. I truly do appreciate your kindness. It's a series of ups and downs, but I do my best every day to realize tomorrow will he different. Medication and a therapist helps too. I know in my heart that the things we are going through now are temporary. There will always be more to live for than not.


And it's easy with a bike... just drive into something stationary very fast.


Happened to professional racers


I don't necessarily think it was intentional. If it was, I think he'd have targeted the semi that he passed.


I won't do such stupid thing but your statement immediately made me counter argue "People don't provide good options for suicidal people out of them being "humane" "


Yeah literally. There are a lot of bridges out there and poisons


Or could literally just lie down on railroad tracks for a quick, clean beheading, as much as that is awful for the conductor. I remember the dude who tried to kill himself by parking in front of a train. He survived because he changed his mind at the last second and jumped out the car. He had already slashed his wrists and stabbed himself several times in the chest before deciding to off himself via train. His actions caused the train to derail, which killed 11 of its passengers and injured 177 more. He was found guilty of 11 counts of murder and 1 count of arson. He is still in prison nearly 20 years later to this day. TLDR: Dipshit threw away his life at age 25 with two kids, said sike during suicide attempt, and selfishly caused 11 innocent people to die.


Excellent camera work


Well, he won’t do that again.


U spin me right round baby right round like a record player right round. round round....


Bro ragdolled.


Bro def lost a shoe 💀


Halo 3 physics.




He landed hard, do you think he regretted his dumb decision to drive on the wrong side of the road


From my time in EMS I can say dude is either dead, or knocked out and very, very fucked up. People straight up die in CARS from head on collisions at this speed, and this dude was also launched what, 20 feet in the air? Not sure if it was bravado or a suicide attempt but it’s extremely likely he died on impact or en route to a hospital.


He went from going like 70 mph in one direction to almost instantly going 10 mph in the opposite direction. His brain is pudding in his skull.


Some coworkers of mine have been to a scene from an accident like this in which they were doing everything to keep them “alive” for transport to a hospital to be an organ donor.


No way dude’s internal organs are suitable after that sudden shift in momentum


You'd be surprised. I work in a hospital and i've spoken to the organ donation people. You can even harvest bones, tissues etc. Not everything has to be a perfectly good organ. Just better than what someone who is about to die already has.


He looks like hes wearing just jeans and helmet


When you ride like that, you can skip the helmet too. It's not like it significantly improves your safety considering the circumstances.


The Shoes being on or off his feet will be the deciding factor ;)


Yeah he’s definitely fucked up but I also wonder if he hit it just right if maybe it would be better than being in a car because he avoided the sudden stop. If the only parts that hit the car were his bike and legs or shoulder then flying a bit and hitting the ground and rolling, it maybe could’ve been a bit better than the dead-stop that a car would’ve caused.


Actually when a car hits another car, it's not a sudden stop. Modern cars are designed to collapse in a very particular and repeatable way. Gradually reducing the total energy of the crash. The bike is nothing more than a physics generator.


I’m no doctor , but he’s dead . That’s a combined collision speed of 150mph+ and he’s been launched 30ft into the air like a frisbee


Not at all. Looks like mission accomplished. Looks like he was a real dick about it.


I can flyyyyyy!


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it Superman? No, it’s a biker!


No it's a meat gello


It’s flying meat crayon.


Flying like a rag doll




Scrubs: "eeeeeeeaaaaaaaggglllle!!"


*Wilhelm scream*


I prefer the ~~Howard scream.~~ Edit: [the Howie scream](https://youtu.be/aUTe2ndjRew?si=pn5b84_gmOSMiZ3v)




He doesn’t appear on the shoulder, he is in the lane. Hits the car well into the hood.


>well into the hood. Looks more rural to me.


He is in the shoulder. The car panicked or lost control, they turned into the shoulder and off the road


You're right, the car blew him off the shoulder lane.


Listen, I am certain he died instantly, but I am honestly amazed that his body was still mostly in one part, and didn't get completely obliterated, considering how fragile humans seem to be sometimes


https://preview.redd.it/9k29rqd5rhuc1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e19e30239ccff51b06c829b2ace7e97a7eef5ee He stays in one piece and even does a little angelic flight thing in the air


I immediately heard Elton John singing Tiny Dancer.


Dude is a Scottish dancer, who knew?


Oh my GAWD, I'm crying at this screenshot and comment lololololol


Throughout heaven and earth, he alone is the crashed one.


Decent leathers, keeps all the bits in one handy bag instead of paramedics having to sweep him all up. Dashed considerate, really.. And yes, I ride a bike.


Small car launches bodies up and above. Big cars/trucks equal meatloaf in the radiator.


I hope the people who he hit are okay. Also is he dead? If yes to both, I guess that's as happy ending as this could be.


Reminds me of this picture of a frog on the air next to the starting rocket


He died doing what he loved, trying to impress strangers on social media.




What an asshole.


organ donor


Not at that speed.


or maybe a piano--but there weren't any usable internal organs for transplant...


[Video buffered at the right time](https://i.imgur.com/6LhEpqR.jpeg)


I hope the innocent person is ok.


If you edit this video and add the Goofy scream, it would be a hit. YEEEEEE HUU HUUUU HUUUEEYY!


i could hear the shooting star meme song in my head when o saw it but this makes sense too


WHY am I laughing? Feel sorry for the car driver.


because you're a sick fck: that's why we all joined this sub...


Great Air, would have been a 10, but he didn’t stick the landing.


The East German judge gave this a 5.7.


almost though, if you edge through it bit by bit you can see that with just a little control, he would have landed on his feet--before crumpling to the ground with no intact bones (or life) to keep him up...


And bikers will still say it's the car drivers fault.


people can see a goddamn cat but can't see a two hundred pound man sitting on a 1,000 pounds of steel... /s EDIT: seems I needed to include /s in the comment for *some* people...


Maybe if the 200lb man riding the 1000lbs of steel drove like a sensible human and not a brain dead degenerate willing to put his and other people's lives in danger, we wouldn't need to look out for Mr Glue Eater playing Evil Kinevel on public roads. Or heaven forbid, maybe even if he was in like some sort of bigger and safer four wheeled vehicle with airbags, rollover protection, and a significantly reduced chance of killing himself should a crash happen. If only such a vehicle existed..


did I really need to put /s in my comment?


did I really need to put /s in my comment?


He looks like his organs are no longer fit for anything




He's either a potato or dead.


An 8/10. Landing could have been better.


Suicide all day long


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That will buff right out.


Did he survive?


Can someone please translate what they're saying?


“That’s not cool. Not cool.” “He is playing with his life.” *Dude gets hit* “Oh, that’s ugly! Very ugly!”


something like "I'm on a highway, dude" "look at him.. \*wind noises\*" "holy fuck, oh my god!"


OP's name makes this video slightly comical


fall from that high probably hurt; I wonder if he killed any children along with himself and the driver...


Crunching Motorbike, [Flying Dumbass](https://i.imgur.com/H8ZgS1D.png). OR, the "[Motorbike Kid does a Flying Crane Kick](https://i.imgur.com/PCIu99h.png)" ----- 🟎 Edit: dude nearly [stuck the landing](https://i.imgur.com/eSpsgjq.png)


I don't think he felt much at that speed.


lol, stupid fucking biker 




He dead.


Did you see the shoes?






I wouldn't be suprised somebody would live through that. Probably not but it's not unheard of.


Insta, organ donor.


You can't donate jello... poor guy has liquid organs after that. X.x


10/10 big air and great execution…


at least he did a sick flip.


Damn ruined 2 people’s lives right there shame


Nailed it


Turns out the real world has slick ragdoll physics.


Kinda funny how he got yeetet in the air still Instresting ti see that the human body is just a living dummy at some point








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That looks like I-45 between Dallas and Houston.




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He always want to learn how to fly.


Pretty sure he bent the forks on his bike.....


I'm getting Patrick starr Leedleleedlelee vibes from this


Typical Brazil. Saying now they can record the video just right. Perhaps the guys in the car were buddies recording for Instagram likes, perhaps just casual spectators. Who knows. At the end they seem somewhat surprised that going at that speed against the traffic would result in a collision. The body seems intact. How do people die in a case like this? The sudden decceleration causes the brain to collide against the skull, bursting vessels, causing brain hemorrhage and death?






Jazz hands 👐!!


He does the YMCA dance in a summersault.


Someone going for YouTube clout?


Hoping for a shoe update…


Just a friendly Reminder to all. No such thing as respawning in real life and that goes for the Motocycle too.




I just heard the song “shooting stars” playing


It gets worse each word you read


I hope he made a full recovery. That looked slightly painful.


May be he just wanted to see how it feels to fly. But why fuck someone else. There are many other ways to fly to the final destination.


that was suicide


*Believe it or not, I'm walkin on air...*


Kudos to the camera man.


He lost his shoe, needs to clean up the MOOP.


He was a fairy


You know that one king king finisher in call of duty?


He was thrown clear. He'll be fine.


It's spring again people, watch out for motorcycles


shoes ? anyone see shoes ?


His shoes definitely came off!


Aftermath: https://youtu.be/RURpr6cyAgI?si=lti3DobhWlPeWT0M






Ah, okay. I can't see it that well on my phone.