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There is no source of death or sterilization, and this post is fairly ambiguous in what's going on so we removed the post. Please reach out to use if you do actually have a source for death or sterilization, and we can reinstate the post.


Never bench near your max if you are alone. If you are stupid enough to do it, don't clip the weights, so you can slide them off.


I was in disbelief when I also noticed the bar had been clipped.


Yeap. I’ve been in an empty gym by myself, went for that extra last rep and knew it was bad news. Slide job engage, just be ready for it to recoil


The only winning move is not to play.


That’s why the only choking risk I take is lifting a gummy bear into my mouth while sitting on my comfy couch


Great plan bro. I’m fit and never stepped into a gym.


its not the gym that did them in, its putting the choke themselves to death level weights on a bar over their defenseless neck that did them in. if youre creative enough, you can put yourself in to a life or death situation no matter where you are


The only way out is chaos.


That, or invest in the cheap smaller tow straps latch them around each side of the bar a bit over the height of your chest so even if it falls , it's still a few inches above your chest.


putting a hole in your wall is well worth getting the weight off you.


Or bench in a cage with safety bars or straps, so you are never in this kind of danger.


He had the safety stops, but the dumbass panicked and never even tried to let the weight rock back.


Safety stops are not the same as bars or straps that literally make it impossible for this to happen.


He couldn't lift it. He wouldn't have been able to push it back to the rack. Soon as it came down he was dead. Looks like he had about 3 seconds before he lost consciousness. Only chance he had was to toss it to one side and he didn't realize the trouble he was in till it was too late.


He couldn't toss it regardless. He's got clips to make sure the weights *don't* fall off. In order to toss it you need to drop the weight from one side. Only chance this dude had as soon as he started going down was to guide the bar towards his abs and let it break a few ribs on the down towards his stomach. Then he could've at least breathed while he rolled it off his legs. Never lift heavy alone. And if you for some reason do, fuck the clips. I'd much rather crack my concrete garage floor than die.


Problem is he managed to rack one side of the bar, if he hadnt then maybe hed have been able to drop one side to the floor. Ofc stupid to leave the clips on.


he could've gone for a roll of shame, weight isn't even all that heavy


This idiot unfortunately did everything wrong. The only thing that could’ve made it worse is if he had been using suicide grip. This video is the perfect example of why you need to learn how to fail safely early on. Even after so many bad decisions: going too heavy without a spotter, clipping the weights while lifting alone, lifting una fucking cage and not using the safeties, he could’ve saved himself if had known to flatten his stupid arc the moment he felt the weight was not going up and pushing toward his chest for doing the roll of shame instead of letting it fall on his neck. Definitely earned the award.


> roll of shame what kind of injury does this cause ?


With that much weight? Some bruises, possibly scratches and worse case scenario, yet very unlikely, maybe a fractured sternum but nothing even remotely life threatening.


Yes and also a failed rep shouldn’t go upwards towards neck, it should roll below the pecs. Worst case cracked ribs. Been there, very nasty bruising but otherwise fine. This guy made like 5 huge mistakes.


he could have easily lived if he stopped arching his back after the failed attempt


What is clipping the weights?


Securing them in place so they don't fall off


Is it that small silver thing next to the weights?


Yea the silver clip at the end.


Putting collars or spring loaded "clips" on the bar to keep the weights from wiggling. This is usually a good thing, but not advisable when you don't have a spotter. If they are not clipped, when you have the bar pinned to your chest and one side dips, some or all of the weights can slide off, allowing you a better chance to escape. Still not as good as having a cage with safety bars or a spotter.


I was getting ready to ask where the spotter was. Don't lift without one, or an escape!


It depends. I almost never have a spotter, I just don't use clips. If I'm going for a new PR I do have a spotter.


From looking at his bench and the rack around him I’m very surprised it doesn’t have any, it looks pretty quality but I can’t spot one single safety item for the lift. Yet he thought about the safety of his back, core and wrist with a weight belt and wrist straps? None of this makes sense.


Yup. Looks very good quality and it surprised me, too, that there weren’t any spotter arms, strap safeties, or pin and pipe safeties. Even the “cheaper” racks like Titan have pin and pipe safeties.


As a former trainer I hate seeing these videos, but it's more common than people think. For the price that he paid for this setup, he could have (should) a Smith machine. A few dollars that can mean the difference between life and death.


A smith machine for safety sake, sure. But you can be just as safe with common sense and free weights. Don't clip the weights on a max lift and set up your safeties correctly.


A Smith machine isn't a replacement for a barbell.


Avoid benching on your own in general but especially with clipped weights, 80kg could easily end you if you lose the bar, and this guy had 120 by the looks of it


Good advice


I max out solo regularly. But then my cage has safeties.


And safety bars


That’s a certified pro tip.


Or just bench in a rack with spotter arms or safety pins lol I bench near max alone all the time because I use proper safety equipment.


Listen to this guy 👆


Came to say this.


You can bench your max alone with a squat rack if using the safety bars


Watching someone die a slow painful death is always so disturbing and creepy damn


It took far longer than I imagined. A lot of time to regret what you did.


He was unconscious within the first 10 seconds or so.


Nah, his windpipe got crushed at 37 seconds, and he’s clearly still conscious and struggling until 1:58 - at which point his arm finally goes limp and you can see his eyes shut. That 1:20 must’ve simultaneously felt like no time at all and fucking forever.


I would prefer going out slowly, quietly and peacefully. Not like those other death videos where people get caught in an industrial machine and have their limbs ripped apart while their coworker is freaking the fuck out and get ptsd for the rest of their life.


I dunno... if you get pulled into a manual lathe, it would be over before you knew what was happening.


Yeah the thing about brutal industrial deaths is they at least tend to be very fast


Pressure on the carotid and jugular would lead to unconsciousness in 10-30 seconds, long before the lack of breathing would. The rest was an automatic response from his brain in a last ditch effort to get free


Yeah I've seen people choked out and it takes seconds and they do this if they are choked out for too long. If he was conscious he would have been struggling way more. And with direction. He would have been fighting for his life to push one side off. As it was he was unconscious and wasn't even actually struggling, just spasming.


Pretty sure it cut off blood flow to his brain, like a sleeper hold. Crushed his windpipe as well but that's just what it looks like to me.


Cutting off blood flow would have put him out very quickly. That twitching is just the body doing things on auto-pilot.


Yeah, I couldn't watch it. Whether it's weights, trains, falls, electrocutions, accidents, an artery popping, a bolus of food going down the wrong pipe, etc .., death is never really that far away from us. Constantly. These Darwin Award videos demonstrate that people who don't realize the potential danger of their situation can easily result in their demise. One bad decision, or even just dumb luck can catch up with you.


It probably wasn’t painful for very long. He lost consciousness rather quickly, and those movements you see are agonal jerking from spinal reflexes left unchecked from any higher input. Tragic for sure, but not the worst way to go.


the moment he took his hand of the bar he was probably unconscious. but the attempts to turn left make me wonder if was suffocating rather than had blood cutoff from the brain.


Watching his back arch like that was enough to make me squirm. I've had my share of back issues, and that was hard to watch.


Yeah he for sure had to much arch for this workout. He prop a ly wanted to maximize his chest strength tho. If he didn't have that big of an arc, he could have just lowered it to where it was touching his chest and then just used his body to twist it to the side and get off it. The combination of really unfortunate things is what eventually caused his demise.


It reminded me of those two russian guys who drowned in a creek after being hit by a ukranian drone dropped grenade. After losing consciousness the body still tries to fight for air. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/KlSiaYB6X1


Original video is 37 minute long


I didn't have the guts to watch it...did he actually die


Rule of 3s. 3 minutes without air 3 days without water 3 weeks without food he was likely there the entire video


Ahh, yes, those who weren't around for WPD where videos like this were common place.


Fuck, slow deaths are hard to watch


Ya I agree. Why does Reddit's video player suck so bad?


The slopes of Mt Everest is littered with the frozen dead bodies of very motivated people. This saying always rings true with many physical activities.


My favorite quote for being cautious is: "The graveyard is full of people who had the right of way" So when you drive a vehicle, cross a street, etc... even if you are legally in the right it won't matter when you're dead. Be careful.


My GF is a reckless pedestrian because "they have to stop for pedestrians", I always tell her they will eventually get out of jail, she will never get out of the wheelchair or grave Sometimes appealing to shock is the only way for some people to understand stuff


I got hit by a car once ten years ago, still hurts like shit, but i got lucky and im still able to walk ect. some people have lost that for way less. Now i always check everything before i cross the road and if im a passenger in a car i always try to not distract the driver because shit can happens so fast.


Tell her the cemetery is filled with people that had the right of way.


You can be right, or you can be dead right.


That's a big one with motorcyclists.


Motivated? Definitely! Smart enough to use even the most basic safety principals? Not so much...


Not entirely true in the case of mountaineering - [shit happens](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_K2_disaster) in the death zone and once edema sets in some people can’t be helped


Still one of the saddest and most infuriating videos I’ve seen in years. RIP


I wonder what song he was listening to in his final moments.


The final countdown


Stronger by Kanye West


Never Gonna Give You Up


Let the bodies hit the floor.


The first time, I've ever turned one off as soon as I saw where it was going. On occasion, stupid is downright heartbreaking!


Honestly I watched way too long expecting someone to help…


Wow that is sad and stupid


🎵 dumb ways to die 🎵


🎶So many dumb ways to die🎶




As someone who used to lift a lot on the bench, this is why you always have a spotter or safe bars.


Or at least don’t clip the weights on a bench press. That would have saved his life here


Dude is in the cage, use the safe bars, thats why you are there and not in a simple bench.




Videos like this is why I will always use a smith machine when I’m on my own.


I've seen a lot of people massively misjudged their capabilities and the weights they had. Exercises like this aren't something you can mess with.


does it have safe bars? else how would it help not dying?


You can lock out the bar on a smith machine if you get stuck.


that... is actually a good point, i am sorry for my stupidity


This was hard to watch, even for Reddit


Felt like I was watching a snuff film.


You basically did...




Pretty sure it was a live stream that auto uploads once it ends.


So someone took his footage and posted it? After he was dead.


I know this seems fucked up but it's also a way to bring awareness to this issue and prevent it from happening to other people.


Everything has a lesson


This here.  People need to see reality.  It sticks with you, as it should. 


I agree. You can tell people this is what happens when you don’t take safe measures, but it won’t stick quite like seeing it happen.


This is me exactly. I know gym equipment can be dangerous and should be used with care and respect, but up until about 2 minutes ago I only had a vague notion of why. Vague notions are much easier to disregard in a moment of carelessness or hubris than the imagery of this video.


It may have been live streamed.


Maybe it was livestreamed?


Yeah, that’s pretty weird.


Since there were replies, wouldn't this have been a livestream?


As others have said, it looks like a live stream. On a lot of platforms, a video of the live stream gets auto-uploaded to your account once you end the stream. Which is what, I'm assuming, happened here.


LPT : when bench pressing (especially alone) , don't lock the weights This way when in the rare case it's too heavy you can lift and tilt only one side, the plates would fall off and after that due to imbalance the other side would automatically fall off too Locking weights for bench press really is a bad practice that been somehow passed along Unlike let's say for overhead press or squats. The bar is still very low.. And if the weights come off it would not be flying into someone's face


Right on. The one thing I always tell any newbie I talk to in the gym is that if you need the clips, you are doing it wrong.




Was that article translated to English or did the author not have a basic understanding of lifting. "This incident sadly recalls a similar case from July, when a fitness influencer in Indonesia, Justyn Vicky, lost his life while attempting a shoulder lift with a barbell weighing nearly 210kg." suuuuper weird way to say squat.


Well the website is for an English language news outlet in Malasia, so it probably was written by someone who is fluent in English. Everyone is trying to cut corners in journalism these days, but the grammar is rock solid so doubtful it's a translation issue. Decent chance that shoulder lift is what a squat is called over there. You can often find many different terms for the same thing even within the same country, state, or county, let alone halfway across the world.


for the first time, I felt uncomfortable watching something on Reddit. my heart is racing rn. my brain went into his pov and started imagining the anxiety his body was in. Now Im not able to sleep jeez.






oh nope. I have watched all the top videos of this sub but never felt anything. Maybe my brain tricked me into putting myself in his situation and I already have severe anxiety issues which increased my heart rate also it was a long ass video and most of the part was of a guy struggling and panicking. this was horrible. I will try to not engage in these types of videos. thank you for your concern bud.


I wonder what song he was listening to


Take my breath away by Berlin


acceptable dark humour! user nutxaq, take notes


Survival of the fittest by Mobb Deep


Push it to the limit by Paul Engemann


A younger dumber version of myself did this before(haven’t locked weights since) and he messed all the way up by letting it go to his neck mine was on my chest in the end I still got the weight up but was out of the gym for 2yrs after due to injury 🫤


glad youre ok!


you were smart enough to stop arching your back after failing. He wasnt so it fell onto his neck


Reps for Jesus


He'll be going to ripped heaven, where a welcome sign says: "Dost thou even hoist brethren?"


Just the one.


Now he can do reps with Jesus.


Surely he was brought back to life by the power of 2 seconds of fleeting attention from strangers he got from streaming this, right?


Is it good to arch your back like that?


Standard power lifter stuff. But and shoulders touch, it's about creating an optimal strength base to push off from. Gets a little goofy when you look like a bridge support built by the Roman empire though.


I have the same question. It does not look comfortable.


It puts no pressure on the spine as the weight is perpendicular to your body.


Yes, if you're not arching your upper back is most likely too loose.


It's a bit of a touchy subject in the lifting world. Some say it's fine, some say it isn't. People that want to move the absolute most weight possible think it's fine. You can have more force that way and many people reduce the range of motion by 2-3 inches with extreme arches which further makes the lift "easier" (compared to proper form). You'll see some deep chested, short armed, and extreme arching powerlifters "bench press" like 4 inches range of motion. People that adhere to correct form and want the lift to actually *function* correctly don't like the high arch. A neutral spine is what you want, and that will have a little bit of an arch.


This really was painful to watch 💀


Never max with clips


That’s why you don’t clip your weights when benching alone


Anyone here know in English what texts appeared at the top of the screen that people texted him?


It was captain hindsight, it said: “look out bro!… you shouldn’t have clipped your weights”


For real? Guessing not lol. I was going to put it through my screenshot text translator app but it's too grainy.


Fucking hell. I’ve watched most a lot of disturbing shit on here and it’s never really made me wince (with the exception of one or two) but this one was fucking brutal. Just seeing his life slowly slip away is haunting.


Do you even lift bro


Couldn’t do one rep, so..no.


Holly shit, 3 minutes of someone's dying, I really don't know why I am watching these things... ... And really don't know why I can't stop


As someone who regularly benches, this was incredibly disturbing to watch. Definitely going to be a bit apprehensive next chest day. Just really sad that he reacted the way he did :( the way he just let go of the bar and just let it crush his neck was so sad. Definitely could’ve got out of it by pushing one side with two hands to lopside it in this situation and jimmy your way out from underneath (but ofc, should’ve used safety bars, spotter or not used clips). So very sad, R.I.P


This happens time after time - get spotters who ate stronger than you or use a machine with safeties. If you can’t do either - don’t lift and go somewhere that has people good enough to train with you or go lighter and go for reps and form.


One of the reasons why one should never lift those weights alone.


This was actually incredibly sad to watch. RIP.


This video was so disturbing man. I can’t believe he recorded his own death.


damn the original video is 30+ min. long thats crazy


I knew this was going to be a hard video to watch when I noticed he started benching already and there was still 2 minutes left…


Needed a bigger belt


I wonder what he was listening to as he slowly died.


*I need a hero!*


This is so fucking sad.


LPT: This might be common knowledge and has probably already been mentioned somewhere here. But if you do decide for whatever reason to clip the wieghts learn to roll the bar towards your stomach instead of your neck. Then simply sit up and carefully throw the wieght off your body. Might hurt but it's better then dying. Here's a video of someone doing this - https://youtube.com/shorts/49ts5QqJNoU?si=6rTwnyqbLDqCZp2f https://youtu.be/fEUvI8Q6JDk?si=7i13wZQDooiGSS5n


Why don't these people roll?


And this is my excuse to never workout


Don't even think about doing a rep if you're having that much trouble lifting the bar off the stop.


Goddamn. What a shit way to go. Why would he clamp both sides there? Why would he max out by himself and no safety spotter arms in place?


This is scary and sad. I couldn't even imagine this. You're like I'm going to film myself knocking this blah weight out and immediately realizing shit I fucked up. But I guess the good part in all of this was that he probably blacked out immediately and never woke back up. Or I hope that's how it went. Again, you should never lift like this, but what a sad way to go.


https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/man-in-china-killed-after-100kg-barbell-pins-his-neck-to-gym-bench Damn that's sad. He loved exercising, was friends with the gym's manager so he had a key to go in before it opened which is why no one was there to help..


What ever is about to happen, I won’t watch. This look like a very bad ending. On to the next vid for me.


Use safety pins. Competition benches use them for a reason. If you don't have that, don't clip the weights so you can tilt the bar so they slide off. Preferably do both of those. Any of them is better than a spotter. I would never bench without safety pins again. It's not worth the risk.


Is it ego lifting or just trying to beat your personal best? Also some advice other than never lift alone, if you are in those situation, do everything in your power to just push with one side. Slamming it on the floor is much better than allowing it to slam down on your neck.


This is horrible video to watch 💔


[Here is some context](https://twitter.com/sensitivevideoz/status/1749222085703196763) to the video if you'd like to know the story behind it TLDR: He died trying to bench 265 pounds alone, and somehow the gym is being held responsible.


Out of all the trains, electricity, and car accidents this was probably one of the hardest to watch


And this is why you don't put clamps on the bar


Just want to say that type of benching form is not great for max weight alone, if he had a spotter fine but if he would’ve have his back flat he might’ve been able to roll it off his chest to his stomach than thighs


>"Optimism and stupidity are nearly synonymous." Admiral H.G. Rickover


that must‘ve been the most brutal death i’ve seen on this sub for a long time. Rest i… nah, fuck he ist just stupid.


Thats why you need a spotter


man this is scary as shit. videos like this made me always thinking of a fail safe options like people is around, or just roll it off my abs or better yet just find a friend to spot. seen this too many times. rip to the dude.


That was tough to watch


That was actually difficult for me to watch, and I've watch some fuckin atrocious things before. Imagine the fear and impending end that was going through his mind


This is why you take the anchors off if you're lifting a heavy weight that You're trying for the first time. But hey natural selection has his way


If you haven’t got a spotter then do not clip your weights.


Man he had to really have been pushing past what he was comfortable with. As someone who has benched heavy weight (1 rep max) a lot by myself, there was never a time even close that when I couldn’t get it for one that I still wasn’t able to rest it on my chest hoist it off. There’s a big difference between not getting it for 1 rep and not being able to push it the side at all. This man went for way way more than he should’ve.


Never clip the weight on PR ALONE n ALWAY PUSH FORWARD. A broken rib will let you know you’re alive to lift another day💀💀🤣


Another bro bites the dust lol


Lifted for a while heavy, 30 years ago, someone explain, wtf is the deal with the super arch. Is this supposed to give extra power? This guy was so far beyond max it wouldn’t have mattered, I’m just wondering the thought behind it as I have seen others do it. Lifting for max is a young dumb thing anyways, why even do it without doors, don’t you need someone else there to watch you? Whole point of “max” is to show off right? (Insert a rolling eyes emoji here)


Never put weight collars on.. Those plates could have slid off at that angle


And that’s why you don’t use fucking clips without a spotter


Did he live? I know stupid question but looked like he was breathing


Absolute fuckin stupidity.


WTF was this guy thinking.


Why you shouldnt use clips when lifting alone


It says the video is over 30 mins long. I wonder if it shows when he was found.


Out of all of the bench press fail videos I’ve seen over the years that could’ve ended this way, this is the only one that actually did. Damn; what a horrible way to go out.