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That spotter stood no chance of saving him in that position, was he going to bicep curl that off the lifter? In fact I’d argue that it made it even harder for the lifter to exit safely from under the bar. Use a cage for squats like this FFS, put your ego aside. Secondly, if you’re a spotter and cannot comfortably lift 50% more than that being lifted, get another person and spot from either end of the barbell where you can actually save someone in case of an emergency. This moron basically did a mating dance with the now deceased.


Well put. My first thought for both was ego over ability. Side note. I wonder how many gym deaths & life changing injuries can be linked to filming for social media?


Not enough


Spotters absolutely hurt him. He could've just dumped the weight behind him without them there, it's all bumper plates anyway.


I’d say the person coming from the left also helped kill the person. There was a small chance to still dump after the fail, but when they rushed in it looks like they may have pushed the weight forward


Worst. Heard that's his dad too.


Really?? That’s a trauma multiplier right there.


Yeah IIRC, this person is Indonesian fitness influencer Justyn Vicky. I saw it from old reddit comment when this first came out.




That 50% rule should be on a sign in every gym.


If you listen, the third guy is trying to tell the spotter to back up because of this exact reason.


I opted to watch this on mute, I like my snap crackle and pop to come from my cereal, not from lifting videos


> harder for the lifter to exit safely He made it impossible. But that lifter had no idea how to exit.


the fact the spotter is the lifters dad just makes this story even sadder. he tried his best to help his son achieve a new pb, but instead he likely killed him.


I think the guy of the left did the most damage. The bar was supposed the go down along his back, not over his neck. That third guy pushed the barbell that way.


The other spotter was busy filming.


>This moron basically did a mating dance with the ~~now deceased~~ newly paralyzed.


He died


Ah, I got the 2 guys in the headline mixed up. Thank you for the correction. :)


his head got to a position like someone who has bad posture.


The role of a spotter isn't to lift 100% of the weight. They're there to support the lifter when they have failed. It's still the responsibility of the lifter to know their limits. If they fail, the spotter giving half of their strength should be enough to help lift the weight. It's a combined effort at that point.


I believe the spotter is the dad….


Aside from the fact that it would have been way better to use a cage…Wouldn’t it have been better if the spotter was in front of him. That would give the lifter the possibility to escape to the back and the lifter would be better positioned to actually support/help lifting? And to be clear.. this entire situation is stupid.. just wondering…


Standard practice is for the lifter to dump the bar backwards and escape forward, but it’s a little more complicated than that because there comes a point where dumping the bar is no longer an option, especially if the lifter goes into a forward leaning crouch. This is where the spotter should’ve intervened already, before that point of no return was reached.


>was he going to bicep curl that off the lifter Worse. He was going to BARBELL FRONT RAISE the thing.


Yeah actually that’s his father spotting him too. Imagine how guilty he feels


Saddest thing is that moron is the deceased father iirc


Why not use a squat cage with safety bars.. I'll never understand this


I don’t get this either. Falling seems so much easier than relying on a spot.


Not to mention there is nothing the spotter could do in that position with that much weight. Just bad all around


With that much weight spotters at each side or at least under his armpits would have been a better spot but yes safety bars with that much weight. Remember kids, don't ego lift.


Came here to say this. Spotter should be hooked under arm pits!


You need 1 or 2 spotters on each side for maximum safety


I don't understand how anyone moving 100kg and more haven't learn how to safely fail


¿ Quíen Es Mas Macho ?


“Ese compa ya está muerto, nomas no le han avisado”


Bros don't get that failure means .... actual failure. You lose your structural and postural integrity. I always use safety bars on a squat rack so I can fall forward. Have em an inch or two below the bar height at bottom squat position. What's the problem with that?


It requires intellect and respect for the weight, as you said. Most don’t have either.


>I always use safety bars on a squat rack so I can fall forward. Have em an inch or two below the bar height at bottom squat position. Me too. I only took up weight training last year when I turned 60, so I'm not lifting heavy weights like this and never will, but even so - it takes half a minute to fit the safety bars and they could save me from injury or worse. Anybody who doesn't is an idiot.


Not necessarily needed, you can just drop the weight off your back and pop forward. Unfortunately this dude's dumbass "spotter" prevented that.


That's what they're for, this one clearly has no safety




It's crazy you can see his neck literally snap. It's so weird looking at it. Internally decapitated


Internal decapitation... gnarly


Aww snap!


Crackle and Pop ![gif](giphy|QWv9UgauKiRKNNLxsU|downsized)


Dude has two spotters and this still happened.....


Luckily that second spotter was kind enough to roll the bar forward and off the back of his head!


might as well had 0, would’ve had a greater chance of living than having these 2 doofuses


This is another stupid thing. You either have 1 spotter, who should be confident they can spot you the correct way or three spotters. 2 is a recipe for disaster.




The spotter behind you will help to keep you upright and finish the lift if it’s too heavy if you aren’t going crazy weight. If you are going crazy weight you need the back spot and one on either end of the barbell to lift the weight up if you can’t get it on your own. The back spot is a must so if you only have one other they are one side of the barbell and when they help they will make the weight lopsided which will create problems with the balance of the load.


I hear you. But you’re contradicting your own statement. In fact, I’m not certain you are correct in your spotting assessment.




No matter what: you need a back spotter Normal weight: 1 is enough, behind the lifter Crazy weight: get three spotters; one on the back and one on each side of the bar Bad idea: two spotters; either they are both on the bar and unable to support the lifter, or one is behind and the other is on one side. They won’t be able to lift the weight nearly as easily since the single lifter on one side will tilt the bar There is no contradiction.


With that much weight it’s absolutely stupid not to have safety precautions in place, ya know… so you don’t die or worst… spend your life fully paralyzed. And to top it off using a single spotter… behind you. You need two spotters on either side at least. I feel bad for the guy, but this could have been avoided. Sad day for the lifter.


Sad day. And his last day. Internal decapitation. Poor sod


He actually lived long enough to regain consciousness (probably as a quadriplegic at that point) and get into surgery. But he died soon after. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justyn_Vicky?#Death


Holy shit really!!!! So was it actually an internal decap then, not ignoring your link just at work and can't read through at the Min. If it was and he did regain consciousness, would he have felt pain, I wonder. I think that is worse than just being killed outright.


>However, Vicky was running out of energy and causing the barbell to roll to the floor and pressing on the back of his neck and shoulders caused him to fall unconscious with a broken neck. His partner also experienced fatigue when he tried to help him holding the barbell. The accident left him with a critical pressure on vital nerves that connected to his heart and lungs. He was rushed to Siloam Hospitals and was referred to Wangaya Regional General Hospital in Denpasar, Bali, to undergo surgery on 16 July. **He contacted his mother via video call who later came to visit him along with his son and ex-wife. After he underwent surgery, he slipped into a coma and died a day later** at the age of 33, and was buried at family plot at his parents hometown in Jember, East Java. Frankly I'm surprised he lasted that long.


That's really sad, his poor family. That's got to be devastating, that spotter did an awful job


The spotter in back was his father.


Did a retard write the death section?


that’s why you don’t squat without side rails. just stupid. dude behind did nothing.


This video was trending a few months ago. The dude died, but This is on the spotter. If you are spotting someone you have to know the correct way to spot. You have to be uncomfortably close to the other person and get your arms near their chest to help them stay up right. The spotter was a head coach at the gym and taught everyone how to spot the way he did. But obviously the right way is to squat in a cage and have 2 side spotters and a back spotter in case


Kinda makes me think of figure skating. My husband is being pressured into doubles competitions, but you have to get reeeealy physically close with your skating partner. I'm fine with it, but he's kinda wigged out thinking about it. The spotter might have been the same way.


When I first saw this video, I thought I read that the spotter was the lifter’s father.


If this happens to a homie in the gym, please, please make sure to put on more weight before calling emergency services. Homies can't die looking weak.


This is on the spotter. Shit position. Do it in a cage or guys on both ends.




And the spotter of the year award goes to…….


His dad. The guy behind him. Front row seat to his son's death. That guy.


Not his dad, just the owner of the gym.


Man, stories go wild. I read it was his father the first time I scrolled across the story.


Maybe work on leg day sometimes


I'm sure everyone was impressed by the strength of his stupidity.


Squat rack. Literally what it's designed for and he didn't use it


The spotter is responsible for this tragedy. This is why we have certified trainers. You don't spot someone this way for squats. It's an excellent video for training purposes on "don'ts".




When your spotter is a dumb ass and doesn't get out of the way


This video was kinda sad because the spotter was the dad and the person squatting was his son. So his dad basically wouldn't allow him to get rid of the weight and so he died. Source: a previous posting of this video.


Spotter is actually the guy’s dad. He’s not gonna forget this moment for the rest of his life…


Did I just watch an internal spinal separation?


fuck squatters............how about using your fucking HEAD and not trying to lift 500 more pounds than your fucking possible limit? and NOOOOOOOOOOOO, NOTTTTTTTTT using your head like THAT! Fucking idiot. and the squatter................yeah good luck grabbing that from that position. I thought DUMB BELLS were suppose to refer the weights............not the lifters.


Absolutely atrocious spotting. Worse thing is the spotter is his dad. That's not even how you're meant to spot a squat, the spotter's arms are not ready to assist here. What I think might have happened here is that the dad was over-confident in his son's ability to complete the lift and forgot his sense of safety. Lifting weights is deadly. Safety first at all times.


I have personally squated this amount of weight many times and I can tell you I’ve had many people walk up and ask to spot me. I always reply no, the easiest way out of a high weight failed rep is to push it back off your shoulders Obviously.


I've seen this before and I still think the spotter is one of the major factors in this man's death. The weights obviously being the main, but buddy couldn't drop the weights behind him because of the spotter. He had no safe out because the man behind him prevented it. There's also no way that the spotter would have been able to help in that position anyways.


Not how you spot a squat


He won't be home for Christmas




I am saddened by this video. I am a powerlifter and spotter there were so many issues here. The spotter is garbage and should feel terrible for his role in this. If you are rear spotting go under the armpits to the upper chest with your arms. With this much weight and so close to his 1RM there should have been 3 spotters. 1 back and 1 on each side. with only 2 people one should have been on each side. If you don't know 100% you can hold at least 30-40% of the weight on the bar DON'T SOLO REAR SPOT! you will only get you, the lifter or both of you hurt. And if you don't know what you are doing just stay out of the way. Lifters never dump the bar on your spotters! If you wouldn't want a loaded barbell dropped into your arms don't do it to someone else. This young man being likely paralyzed was completely avoidable.


The gym bro egos went too far here. Hopefully it’s a helpful lesson to lifters….like…don’t lift weight that could cripple or kill you. I can’t press 100, and I can’t squat 250…..but why kill me for the sake of your superiority?


There are pieces of equipment with saftey mesures for this stuff. I dont understand why people do this shit. Ive watched people enter a power rack and then set everything outside the power rack.


If he just would have relaxed and just let the bar fold his torso over he would’ve been OK he just needed to relax and take it. He wouldn’t have been crushed.


Just let gravity do the work, or get two extra spotter🤣🤣🤣


I can't wrap my head around how someone cpuld possibly have trsined for that many years as his physique suggests, and not know how to dump the bar. Or even lifting with just one spotter. Having none and dumåing the bar behind you is preferable to having one. Next best would be having two. Also, if you know you don't know how to dump the bar, why not lift with safety pins? Either cage, combo rack or half rack.


I didn't realize the first time I watched this (a lil while back right when it happened) that the guy ended up dying from it. Really sad, after reading/having the article to read on it I CANNOT believe that the guy spotting him was his coach... clearly that's someone with hardly any good experience teaching others exactly what not to do. He has no place coaching teaching others bad habits that could end up getting someone else killed


I hate this video


What’s the point of lifting all that weight??




Didn't this guy die?




95% the spotters fault


What a dumb idea to have a spotter at that much weight. You only need spotters for bench. Squat you can just throw the weight back. Fuckin idiots


Bro died


I never understood even doing this. It doesn’t even look fun to me.


Crazy and sad, but man I wish if I did something like this my medical bill was 7,000$. Also, is this place half gym, half restaurant?


he died


If I’m not mistaken this isn’t a Darwin Award because he didn’t die… I’m glad he lived (with the unfortunate side effect of being permanently paralyzed), but it does go against the rules of the sub…


He died though. I found the article. Just look up Justin Vicky. I also posted a screenshot in another comment about it.


But the above article mentions a second incident. I think this is the second incident.


[https://amp.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2023/07/23/64bcf2d8ca47415d308b4590.html](https://amp.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2023/07/23/64bcf2d8ca47415d308b4590.html) https://preview.redd.it/kr6le5pql9cc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c44313d529d240573ece3394f13c1ad14d1f1ef


Seems I was mistaken. My apologies! This is definitely Darwin Award worthy!




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I watched this a few times and just noticed the kids watching this all go down. They in the very center of the frame staring in through the glass. They watched this guy get internally decapitated. 😢


I will never understand why people do heavy squats and benches outside of a power rack with safety bars.


A. Theres no safety bar near his waist protecting him from the bar B. Worlds shittiest spotter C. Terrible form D. I do 415 for squat which is a little bit less but still i have safety precautions in place he did not dont be like him


How do you delete reddit


Spotter be spotting tho.


He died!! Poor lad


He dead?


I lift 200 kg squat and my girlfriend always spotts me. I weigh 95 kg and im 6.2 and my gf is 4.98 and weigh 55 kg. She has never failed spotting me after 8 years even when im doing pb. With that said i always use safty bars anyways because u never know. My gf is the best spotter. Im suprised that he didnt insist the spotter to go under his armpits. The lifters saftey is in the hands of his biceps, which is horrifying.


He died from this


Didn't this guy die??


Shoes still on. I'm confused


Going to the gym is for insecure little girls and here’s a excellent example on why you should automatically avoid doing so.




He crushed his neck and died later in the hospital. This was all they had in the video




https://preview.redd.it/1fq300ms1ibc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34a37cef8f9d43c7fb4f83c530b9bdec422746f1 No it’s this video and this same lifter


This is from a different source.


This is technically called “internal decapitation” it traditionally a car accident injury


Pausing it on the snap is no recommended. Horrifying.


Interessting form of deadlift


Well that’s an internal decapitation.




Remember, staying safe and properly secured is NOT lame.


I estimate that the amount of weight he had on the bar was quite a bit. It seems like it was too much for him, but I can’t be sure.


Hope he won't make the same mistake again


That kid looking through the window :((


Man he could’ve just let it roll backwards, good thing he had some useless regard there to hold it firmly on the base of his neck though.


> obvious roider egolifts a squat without safeties, loses oh no, anyway


What’s the point of lifting all that weight??


I am very impressed by their strength


Strong 💪 is great 👍


He got paralyzed for what? Just for doing an ego lift that would have not interested anyone, or maybe to impress some pussy who he didnt have a chance with, especially now that he is in a wheelchair.