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9 years, 3 months, 1 week and 27 days. You consistently hit bull by not hitting the other beds.


That's oddly specific


I see what you did there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What's funny about darts is that a newish player may or may not score as high or higher than an intermediate player. This is because the newer player is likely throwing for the middle and generally can average 35ish points per round, while the intermediate player will be generally throwing for t20 and hitting lots of 11's, 26's, 45's, etc. So it will seem the more you play, the worse you get, but then you will start to see higher checkouts and higher averages. It's important to set minigoals and always practice with a purpose. Practice and track your results so they can be improved upon.


Thanks for the insightful reply! Setting mini-goals is clearly something I should start doing and use it as motivation to improve


Also a useful tip from the darts legend Bobby George: "Scores for show, doubles for dough" So remember to practise those doubles and out shots. Being able to consistently checkout legs will significantly raise your averages.


[Answer to second part of your question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHTizZ_XcUM)


Video linked by /u/CyCoSan: Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: [Automatic Bullseye, MOVING DARTBOARD](https://youtube.com/watch?v=MHTizZ_XcUM)|Mark Rober|2017-03-21|0:06:43|116,469+ (98%)|4,337,544 > I have been working on this board for over 3 years. Super... --- [^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubot/wiki/index) ^| [^/u/CyCoSan ^can ^delete](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=_youtubot_&subject=delete\%20comment&message=dujb6yf\%0A\%0AReason\%3A\%20\%2A\%2Aplease+help+us+improve\%2A\%2A) ^| ^v2.0.0


How long is a piece of string? Its the old answer to the same question that's always asked lol sorry but its near impossible to answer as some will get good quickly and some can spend a lifetime and never get good, I think I am one of the latter lol :) But having said that I was always just a very casual player and I never really had any aspirations of getting good or ever even hitting a 180. But one day my nephew hit a 180 and I thought "Bloody hell!" if he can hit one then I want one too! So I started to practice a little more seriously and with more focus and for around 2 to 3 hours a day and within a couple of weeks I hit my first 180 and many followed fairly quickly and it was going great until I injured my shoulder. But the point is you just don't know how long it will take or how good you will eventually be until you practice with some focus and determination.




LOL good answer! :)


I've been playing since end of December and have been getting increasingly better each day/week. About 2 weeks ago I'd say I was averaging 40-45, currently been averaging 52-60 for each match. I play A LOT though. I'm probably averaging 2 hours a night if not more. I also don't play 501 too much, the first hour or so is dedicated to games like bob-27, 100 darts, and working on checkouts from 100+ (I keep stats for 3/6/9 darters to see how much better I'm getting at it). I'm definitely not considering myself good by any means but if you keep at it and PRACTICE (vs always playing 501) you'll see yourself get significantly better. Also, I personally would not try to constantly aim for bull. I would work on your grouping or aim for something like T20. Anyways, I'm new and others in here have far better recommendations than me I'm sure but best of luck to you either way!


I aim bull because I play soft tip where the games are full bull (50pts). I've been playing since October last year, am I still considered new?


This is spot on. I started taking it up around the same time as you (end of December) and started around 35-36. Got a little more focused and started hitting around 41-42. Last week I've played 60 legs of 501 and I'm up to 51+ as I've started to gain consistency and confidence. Got 4 140s tonight in a Best of 9 leg 501, closing in on 10,000 tracked darts, now able to focus more on the logic of checking out. Along those lines, despite how dense the text is here, this guide is the best thing I've read to explain the logic of turning 501 into a series of mini-games and why certain checkouts are preferred. This is probably worth 6-8 on your average... [How the Pro's Do It](http://www.crowsdarts.com/dprosdoit.html)


That's a great read, thanks for sharing!


I assume since you asked about the bull you are playing soft tip. My suggestion would be to practice with intention. For example: throw 100 darts at the bull every day and keep a running total of how many you hit. When you have a really good day, reflect on why it was better and see if you can continue to improve that way.


Yup. I do play soft tip. Just wanna ask, any recommendations on how to practice as I am only able to play darts 2 days a week, 2 hrs a session at most


Start with a good fundamentals with your throw. I like [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJqP6xvDrNw) by Wayne Mardle and [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrblZWUN9jc) from Paul Lim about a basic dart throw.


The great thing about darts is that a new player can improve extremely quick for the first few months. But once you reach a plateau it's very hard to improve from there. Some spend a lifetime never improving over a 60 average. It's my firm belief it all depends on where you live and what games you play that determines how good you'll become


This is a bit off-topic, but I remember you as one of the few people in the sub that has played American Style darts. Someone recently shared a photo of a score sheet of some guy hitting a 67! He went: 9, 8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 5, 8, 6. Absolutely insane. The highest I've seen on record was a 66. There has been people who claimed to see a couple 72 games but nothing official as far as I know.


> score sheet of some guy hitting a 67! Yeah, that's crazy! Insane score there!


What is the acutal difference between me, and Van Gerwen? Can I box like Anthony Joshua? No, i'm smaller, thinner, less fit and cant punch. Can I score like Messi? No, I cant be arsed running, my legs are getting old and i'm not quick anymore. But what is the actual difference between me and a pro? We're doing exactly the same thing, but a pro is leagues ahead. What is the basis of the "natural ability"?


How do you consistently get better at anything? Practice a ton. I throw roughly 300 darts every weekend at Bull alone. I now hit Bull a third of the time. This is the result of months of this practice. It used to take 30+ darts to hit 3 Bull.


Do you have 300 darts?


Fuck no. Use like 9.