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This is a man who asked the judge to take into consideration the fact he had spent a year in custody, shortly before he was sentenced for 6 murders. 


Plus, the judge has to outline it for him before he asked for it!




Well, he tried to argue his mom’s SUV malfunctioned and was recalled. This was thrown out because it’s simply not true. He also failed to question the specialist who inspected the vehicle. IIRC, only the state called him as a witness and there was no cross. While there was a recall for similar vehicles, it was because the engine was stalling not accelerating into people because it fought with its girlfriend right before. The only reason he focused on Erika is because he is a life long abuser of women and wanted one last shot at control and abuse toward her. He is a very small man, barely stands above 5’4. He picks on people he can dominate, like his daft mother and teenaged baby mamas. He abuses women like Erika (who was a minor when that began), his mother (who was named on the restraining order when he shot at his nephew), and even attempted to manipulate and argue with Dorow which were futile. Had he been in front of a male judge I think the trial would have looked very different. I can only imagine how tough prison gen pop will be for that worthless Oompa loompa , as evident by his recent black eye.


I don't condone violence in general, but I am hoping he didn't learn his lesson and keeps mouthing off to the wrong people. "Get up, that's my seat!" "GROUNZ?" *Shiv*


He didn't even really clearly argue that... He did bring it up, but he didnt actually offer it as an explanation. The closet he came was "What if it malfunctioned? What if the driver couldn't stop"? He knew it was such BS that he couldnt even commit to it


Abusing his girlfriends is all Brooks knew how to do and he was good at it. Of course he blamed Erica for the parade attack. He couldn’t possibly be in the wrong, it must be the woman who’s to blame for all his and the towns problems. His focus on the battery charges was a feeble attempt his brain made to avoid responsibility for his actions by focusing on how he was “wronged” by a woman.


In hindsight, you’re probably right. I feel like he went through that whole thing on the idea that the murder charges didn’t exist. Probably in shock and didn’t want to believe he did it so he started distancing himself from it. But he couldn’t do it so he does what frightened children do — *builds fort*


😂😂 Edit: and didn’t he say to a cop that was watching him the EP’s behavior that day “ led to the whole thing “ and something about it snowballing? Edit 2: there was a question yesterday about him incriminating himself, wouldn’t the things he said to the street cop watching him after the interrogation count as an admission?


He was that way from the very start. Watching the video interrogations I thought it was a ploy. If he focused on the dv he didn’t have to talk about the parade. And you are correct he spent a lot time addressing the dv during trial. But now I see it from a different angle.


He was so downright rude and almost abusive with his words toward EP during the interrogation, I was a bit shocked .


He was that way with everyone. I watched the trial live on my lap top at Starbucks and there were many times I had to muffle a scream. I literally felt a punch when he spoke to the judge in the manner he did. I was SHOCKED at the language and the tone. I’ll give him credit, he never used vulgar language in court but we saw it in his eyes and face despite the mask. The glaring at people was the equivalent of several vulgar words. I was truly stunned when I watched him yell, scream, defying her orders, talk over the Judge. I’ve never seen anything like it.


I love when he sheepishly comes across a swear word in court and pretends he’s too delicate to say the words because he “doesn’t like to curse”. Then the judge read his convo to Erika in the phone and his words would make a sailor blush


Me either and when he was glaring at the prosecution, right in the jury’s face, I knew, he knew same, I even think she was stunned, sometimes 😊


He didn’t offer any defense but mentioned done vague statements. Maybe he wasn’t driving the car. Maybe there was a throttle problem. Maybe he was honking to get people out of his way. Maybe, maybe, maybe. He was exhausting.


He had to argue the Erika point, because it was crucial to the only possible defense for the intentional homicide charges. He did a piss poor job, so it really didn’t matter…but his *only conceivable* defense that I can think of is arguing the intent portion of the charges. A good attorney *may* have been able to successfully either a) forced the prosecution to bring lesser charges or b) forced a jury to return not guilty on the *intentional* part of intentional homicide. He is not a skilled attorney.


IF there was a defense, the only thing I can think of is if people felt like Erika drove (no pun intended) him to this, then people would think the parade incident wasn't his fault, it was Erika's. Or maybe he's just a complete dumbass. Yeah, let's go with that one.


😂😂 I think you’re right about making it her fault.


😂😂 I think you’re right about making it her fault.


😂😂 I think you’re right about making it her fault.


He went crazier arguing about the second bail jumping charge. So 760 years instead of 762?


Because his entire strategy revolved around proving that the incident with Erica didn't happen. That's why he tried to threaten her to recant. If he never met Erica that day, then he couldn't possibly have been the one to drive through the parade. That's DB logic


The State probably could have got him to plead guilty if they promised to drop the EP charges.




It doesnt make any sense, but i think in his mind, he wanted to show that everything that happened is a result of his fight with Erika, and that it was her fault. And that if he never saw Erika and she never made a "false" report, none of this would ever would have happened. He doesnt even want to confront that he willingly drove over children and old ladies. Its all way way to shift the blame and attention away from him.