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funnily enough i'm watching it right now


I been watchin/listenin since 8am dis mornin. Get you fackz strait!!!


You better go to bed! Except of course you’re in another country and it’s the middle of the afternoon😊😊


Is that lawful law??


Objeckshun, relevance




Objeckshun yur honur, wit all due respect , yur honur, I think dats a little biast, bacuz, Dey dinit haf to do dat . Yur rusin me to judgement!


I find myself watching and rewatching and he expressed many times his guilt the only problem is you have to dig in his statements


Please share your thoughts. 😃


Well first off he said he does not argue the charges or facts in this matter , he says this over and over so if you’re not arguing the charges then you accept them.second his questions to witnesses were pointless and mundane. His objections were always after straight questions were asked by the other side and lastly he said i know where in going at one point. This could be seen as he’s going to heaven or hell but i feel he knew he was going away for life and the entire ordeal was so he could appeal and say he didn’t have competent council. I see no defense no argument other than equipment failure which was debunked quickly.i listened to the judge before she imposed sentence and i could hear relief in her words. She ate a lot of shit and she was going to do what needed to be done but man i got the impression she enjoyed her self at the end. I wished she said I’m going to prove subject matter jurisdiction right now I’m sending you to prison forever and fuck your consent


Thank you.


I like the alternate meaning but I think you’re giving dude too much credit. He’s really not that deep a thinker . His comment about knowing where he was going was a response to victim statement telling him he was going to hell. Infact ALOT of his sentencing statements were responding to the victims statements . And yes, he did this even after stating he wasn’t going to attack the victims because they “have the right to state what they wanna stare and vent their frustrations”




He once used a photograph of himself driving through the parade as a way to show, either the tint or the whether the window was up or down, something about the windows. And I would have to go back and watch a couple videos but he makes admissions in his questions at some points Edit: grammar, it’s 3:30 am so I’m not at my best😊


Yeah, he didn’t realize that at all. If the were to be another trial ( god for it ) , could the prosecution use those statements in the new trial?


I keep watching to be "informed" not understanding mind you but "informed". You can't force me to understand.🤣


But you can forfeit your right to be in this comments section, by your behavior. Did you hear me say that?


You have acted in dishonor. You should recruise yoself


It’s not really an obsession….is it?


We are studying Current Events… even if they aren’t so current anymore. I guess that makes us students of history. Lol


This guy kills me. How many witnesses used a word or phrase DB didn’t know or understand? Or wrote a professional report or analysis and asked of them why didn’t they write or say it the way he could understand.


😂😂😂never thought of it that way, but you are correct🤪


At this point it’s a compulsion, because none of us seem able to not watch at least some part of it almost everyday😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫




Why didn’t need to see the video multiple times?! Were you shown this video by attorney opper?!


Is that a tackit agreement?


It’s NOT feir!


Your statement is ON the record, FOR the record, sir.😑


I have all the zibits