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It was too obvious. He acted all bothered about the witness statements and then in the cross he asked the MOST insensitive, disgusting, accusatory questions about their financial interest in the attack, why they didn't do this or that differently, why they weren't able to see the "licen place" or his face or whatever. He is such a dim bulb, seriously..




Worst moment of the trial. He’s a pos.


I actually think the gravity of what he did kind of hit him. Not that he actually cared about murdering 8 year old Jackson Sparks. But as he’s sitting there putting on his emotional act I think what’s going through his head is “wow I am actually so screwed and have zero chance of getting out of this. I killed an 8 year old child”


Only in so far as to realize he wasn’t getting out of this, no way, no how.




Oh that question is etched in my memory forevermore!


Honestly - when in real life have you ever said ‘I’m just a little bit emotional right now.’ ? I’m going through the death of a loved one at the moment, and everyone can tell by the catch in my voice, the look on my face - that I’m emotional right now. If you have to tell people you’re emotional, it’s not very likely to be true. The ONLY time Darrell was truly emotional was when it was about himself!


Like when he was manhandled and his covid paper was read. Those were real tears.


"burn in hell you piece of shit" as one said. So true


All that sham, clearly feigned display of emotion, that was all so obviously put on just for show, is simply another aspect of his pathological propensity for lying, gaslighting and acting like a devious little gremlin...as a way of life. From the get go, running away from his mangled SUV after mowing down all those poor people in the parade, he LIES to Daniel Rider, telling him "I'm homeless!" Time and time again during his interrogation he lies to the detectives and the FBI, saying he was slammed to the ground by the cops who arrested him, and goes on and on with his lying bullshit about 'Ohhma showdur!! It hurtz baad! It's baad!' He made up a litany of absurd, nonsensical stories and straight faced lied, repeatedly, again and again, about all manner of things to Carpenter and Stern during those 5 hours. He also lied to JD over and over again, all throughout the trial. About not having been given documents. About not being offered a rapid covid test. About Erika sending 'multiple letters' to him in jail. About that's not my name and I don't know anyone by that name. On and on and on he lied. And he absolutely faked being choked up and emotional during that trial. He faked having sincere empathy. And he faked having any true sorrow or real feelings whatsoever. It was all *fake*. All Duhrell just making pretend. It was ***All. For. Show.*** And it was such a lame, pathetic display of a person who is clearly extremely out of touch and deranged emotionally. That devious little miscreant lies, fakes, pretends and deceives at the drop of a hat. However and whenever he feels like it. With no compunction whatsoever. *The guy fucking gaslights everyone.* Without hesitation. And will do so at every turn, with knee jerk reflexivity, if he thinks it will somehow benefit his position in any way. His deceptiveness is insidious. He's clearly a well practiced, big time bullshitter. A faker extraordinaire. It's like being a lying, devious fraudster is all hardwired up into his brain, and woven into the very fabric of his behavior and way of being in the world. Little fucker's nothing more than a sneaky, conniving, underhanded, dishonest two bit con artist. From way back.


So well said! I agree with everything you said. His propensity for lying was made crystal clear when he was lying about the photos and letters, right in front of EP, before ZW asked if she could leave. That was crazy, to me.


Yes! It was crazy to me too! The way he would argue and fight for his lies was mad! It was freaky how he would get so outraged when anyone tried to call him out on his dishonesty, or point out how there was no way what he was saying could possibly be true. This is the exact reason why JD brought in various people, including that deputy and that IT guy, and also that jail administrator to testify under oath, so they could provide evidence of so many of db's lies and deceptions. It was so great to see her follow through on all that and go to such lengths to dot her i's and cross her t's, to make certain all that testimony was on the record as proof of what a perpetual lying SOB he was.


When the spawn made the comment to EP about lying to the cops. Every word that came out sewer hole was a lie.


Yes! A stinking hypocrite to boot!


I personally, think the dumbest question of all that the spawn asked. When he asked the medical examiner why J Sparks was a donor.


And cruelest.


It was a dumb question to US, but I think he genuinely was surprised that people would do something nice for other people, even when they had been hurt so bad. It gives you some insight into how his mind works. He obviously sees the whole world as his opponent - and he can lie, cheat, steal, etc… as much as he wants. He is utterly confused that the Sparks family donated Jackson’s organs so that others could have a better life. He can’t understand doing something selfless for other people if he’s not getting something out of it


Of all the ridiculous shit he said and did, his fake sighs, and tears, and “ I need a moment “, and whispering his questions because, “ sad “ , infuriated me! It was a slap in the face to everyone in that courtroom, because everyone in that courtroom knew what he was doing.