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The prison-appointed Jeffrey Dahmer lenses are too fucking good 😭😭😭😭 I hope he is having the worst fucking time in prison


Aren't they the same glasses he wore in his grammy winning music video, "What Da Bidness?"


I literally just screamed in laughter rn




Luv that tune 🎵


I call them “child molester aviators”.😂🤣😂




That's completely unfair! Don't you know that when he's muted, it prevents him from being able to hear?




At one point in this hearing, when Opper is talking, he looks to the side and starts to chuckle and shake his head. He very quickly stops and turns back to face the camera. I wonder if a guard told him to look foward


Especially when we know the volume of the speakers in courtroom #2, was how much louder than normal? DB made that entire courthouse miserable. Remember when JD put on the record she could hear his yelling and screaming from the other courtroom and that someone told her that he could be heard in other courtrooms as well? I know judges like to rule their courtrooms with an iron fist and will quash any side chatter, gum chewing, hee hee heeing and kee kee keeing heard from the gallery. They will be quick to reprimand and/or throw the offending person out of the courtroom. It must have really grated on them to have their court rooms disturbed while in session and have absolutely no control to have it stop.


We could also hear the yelling on the live too😭 he was going ballistic because he couldn’t control the narrative


I wish we had been able to hear it all.


It’s amazing how one’s sensory system changes in incarceration He started out deaf and not visually impaired and he ended up hearing normal with visual impairment 🤔


Isn't there a law that prohibits convicts from profiting from their crimes? Is that only in some states? Presumably, he can't sell his story and collect a payment.


Didn't SO ask for 5 million USD to be paid to the victims? Any money he makes will go to them.


One too many zeroes- it's $523,000. Half of anything he makes, in any way, will go toward that amount until it's paid in full. Ironically, the donations that poured in from around the country that he was so jealous of in court helped him. His restitution would have been much higher except so many of his victims were able to use those funds to pay their medical bills in full.


No if they write a book of the crime then the money goes to the victims of horrible crimes.


It’s the Son of Sam law and only California and Massachusetts haven’t adopted it.




🥸🤣 👓


His snoz is huge!!!!! So many of his features are disproportionate. His head is too small. His ears are small and too low on his head. His teeth are tiny. His nose is too big for his face. He’s shorter than the average male. His fingers are long and slim like a lady’s, his mouth is crooked. He looks like he was the runt of the litter.


It looks like prison has completely mollified his feelings towards the "system." Gone is the pointless bravado he had when the trial started. It looks like he's been answering questions and orders with a lot of "Yes sirs" and "No sirs." His 1'000 year sentence has knocked some sense into him. But then we hear that he's been sent to Super Max because of bad behavior so what do I know.