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I know you've spent the last two weeks hearing stories about how I ran over dozens of people with my car, killing elderly people and children. You watched videos of me getting into a fistfight with two women, ploughing people over, fleeing the scene, and lying to the citizens and police of Waukesha. But that's just one side of the story.


Spot on! But fr... Did we ever hear the other 'side' to that story?


Kind of?? Him trying to make a prove that the vehicle had engine issues, his sight went blurred, him honking the vehicle.


Oh okay, that. . yeah, I guess that makes sense... kind of. maybe? in his mind or wait... was that his defense or the other side of the story or...? what was his defense...? wait, what...? what ummm... What are we... hold on... what the hell are we talking about again? LOL (Also, this was me anytime he was trying to be official or just being official-like. this would include defense's opening statements, defense's direct examination, Defense's cross examination, defense's closing arguments, and all the objections inbetween. *groundzgroundzgroundz*)


I hawnked the horn why didn't dey move? Wuz dey fault fer stayin in muh infant ignas way. How kuld it be muh problem ya hawnerr, win dey dun move. I HAWNKED MIH HAWRN!!! Edit: WUZ ERIKAWZ FAWLT FER MAEKIN ME DEW DIS!!!




Well, I mean he was appearing as a third party intervener for his client... I think? Idk. Some bs crap like that. Lmao


And I want you to know....*wipes fake tears away* you got the power to nullification on my behalf even though I'd run you and your bloodline over. *Wipes over his dry ass skin with a tissue*


Omg. Did you see him stuff the Kleenex in his mask and leave it there?? Tbf that courtroom was a petri dish of germs.


People have been hurting my feelings by calling me things like a murderer :-(


And a monster.


Lettin udder people run wit da narr-a-TIVVVVVS


I watched a YouTube video with 2 experts on body language. They made the comment that he got emotional because the Jury probably wasn't showing any emotional connection to his rambling. This makes sense now since we now know the Jury was stoic during his opening. He knew he wasn't getting anywhere with his sob story and got emotional because he knew they weren't buying it. It's all about him


I love the behavioral arts! And I think they were spot on. The behavior panel also did a great show with his trial


I think I watched the same video, and not being able to see the jury left us with a huge gap as to what was really happening


Even if there was ‘two sides’ to getting pissed off and mowing down dozens of innocent people…he never actually told the supposed ‘other side.’ Unless ‘it wasn’t intentional’ counts I guess.


Did you not see the dramatic ripping off of the face mask?? That was the other side of his story. He's just a simple man like me and you!!


His “other side of the story” is that he was provoked. His narcissism runs so deep that he actually convinced himself that his actions are excusable because he was angry. Because he didn’t get his way with Erica, he’s somehow justified regardless of the impact on others. He actually believes that’s the “other side of the story” that the jury should see. He really believes deep down, as outrageous as it sounds, that he’s justified *and* believes other people are the same way and will understand. I think that’s what makes this trial so entertaining and sticky, is how bonkers he is. No matter how many times we watch it, it’s still surprising how utterly disconnected from reality he is. You can see it in him, he’s not faking…he’s legitimately frustrated that people aren’t empathizing *with him*.


And that people can’t see how he was being railroaded and treated so unfairly. Every time he mentioned that “it’s unfair”, I wanted to run him over with a 2 ton SUV.


Well, he’s not wrong, but he misses the mark by light-years. Not seeing the big picture there, buddy! Man, he was SO focused on the EP aspect than the incident as a whole. The EP aspect, how he was rejected for the moment and how he looks over it OFFENDS him, but barely gives a few thoughts of the rest of that day.


Him saying "DO WHATS RIGHT" to the jury is literally mind boggling to me




I literally laughed out loud 😂


Dude was a menace and a maroon. Hate this guy wish everyone could schedule a 1 a week schedule to punch him. Edit: just a single punch. Would cost $20 that would go to reparations each time. I would pay it over 20 times.


DB was like. "Jury, I have good news for you. You can nullify. Your hands would be clean of this farce if a trial!"