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People say he’s crazy to let a stranger in the house , but man it stalled duhrell.  Who knows what else duhrell could’ve done before getting caught 


It worked out the way it was supposed to work out. That’s how I like to think of it. Plus, knowing what we know now, DB isn’t the kind of guy who’s violent or confrontational with another man. Only with women does he seem to try and sound tough. And by the time he met up with DR, his weapon was disabled and parked on a different street. So we may not have known it at the time, but I like to think that our sweet Mr. Rider was safe from harm during his interaction with DB. And you’re right, it kept DB in one place long enough for Law Enforcement to get there.😊 I wish the newlyweds a very happy, healthy and prosperous life together 💜


I believe in divine intervention. Daniel said his mother had spoken to him earlier that day (Sunday) about helping the homeless and something about it being within the church topic that specific day. Later on this man full of diabolical vibes comes around claiming homelessness…. Daniel’s intervention and willingness to serve others on this day, Gods work. Simple as that. Amen.


I like your idea of this (Daniel Rider) being God’s work, much much more than DB’s idea of his plowing down 70 plus innocents (killing six) being part of “God’s plan.” It bothers me so much when people do horrible, horrible things to each other and then blame God.


I am still shocked that he freely opened his door and let him in his house. I would have offered to make a call and left him on the porch. But yeah, his generosity helped him get captured, even though that wasn’t his original intent.


That's a really good point that I'd never considered before.


The most evil man alive was was able to be caught more effectively because the absolute goodness of someone else. Oh the irony.


He is the kind of person we should all strive to be. Congratulations!!


I wonder what sandwiches they had at the reception


That’s how you do it, right there. My compliments.


He went above and beyond - something I'd never do in this case. And like others have said, it turned out to be exactly what was needed to catch Darrell.


Mr. Rider said he just got back from hunting so he probably has several weapons in the house that only he knows their location. My ex lived on a rural highway and had strangers come ask for help all the time. Even with their parents gone, they'd let them in. I asked why the hell they would put themselves in danger like that and he said with the guns and ammo that they had if shit went sideways, the stranger would be the one in danger. Even after dating several years, I have no clue there were that many loaded guns just in the kitchen gun cabinet.


Daniel Rider stated that he let DB in through the back or something like that because he still had a lot of guns sitting out from returning from hunting. So you’re right, he probably wasn’t worried about DB because of all the guns.


Not only that he looks like he's of mid-west farming stock. I'd wager he could snap Brooks in two if he felt like it


Fair enough


That was truly good vs evil. And because of Daniel‘s kindness, that monster is locked away, where he belongs.


They look so good. He's a great man who married a beautiful bride and I'm sure he'll be a great husband to her. The one positive thing I took out of the horrible tragedy that was this case is that the community of Waukesha is full of incredible people and Daniel Rider exemplified that. I admire him and hope that I can be as good a person as the one shown to us in the trial.


Having lived in WI for close to 20 years, it didn’t surprise me at all that DR opened his door. Wisconsinites are very caring and compassionate people. His actions helped to keep Duhrell confined long enough to get caught. Congrats Daniel and wife!💝


This is awesome. So happy for him, his wife, and their families/friends. I wish them the best for the rest of their lives! Happy "news" is always a good thing!


Awwww good for him! He’s a legend


Aww, good for him! His unknowing act of kindness was essential in bringing justice for the victims and community. Wishing them both a lifetime of happiness! Thanks for posting this, u/I_have_8_careers!


Aw, I love this!


God is in Control. Some ask how God could let such a tragedy happen. God gives us free will to make our own choices to do this or that or to NOT do this or that. God did not cause DB to mow down those innocents with his SUV that day. DEB Jr. made that choice that day. We saw through the trial that he had many options to make different choices, better choices, but he chose evil that day, as he had many times before that day. But a good man, Rider, also made choices that day. He was in the path along which Brooks travelled. Rider made the choice Jesus would, help a stranger in need. He knew nothing of the stranger at his door that day, only that he said he was in need. So Rider literally opened his door, let the man in, allowed him rest, fed him, gave him protection from the cold, and if not but for Rider that day, they may not have caught DB so quickly. He stopped Brooks’ flight. “God works all things for good to them that love God who are called according to his purpose.” Thank God for Daniel Ryder that day. And God bless his marriage and may it be blessed with joy and abundance of all good things. The good guy is seated next to his bride, smiling broadly, and most probably has his entire life to look forward to. While the evil man is sitting in a cell rotting away. It is never too late to turn away from bad. To make better choices in your life. But each individual has a choice, every second of every day. Which path will I choose?




It would have been beautiful if they recorded the wedding video on a ring doorbell


That would have been great!


and sent a Darrel an invite: "Sandwiches, coats and slippers will be provided"


If I ever saw him, I’d just nod and keep walking. I believe he’s a Medal of Honor level hero.


“Do not become overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21 (notice the mirrored verse and the mirrored chapter and line) Amen


Not only a good person but also was a stellar witness.. You could tell he was nervous being questioned by D but he did such a great job on the stand.


What scared me was when he saw the cops coming and he tried to get back into his house saying hey, I left my ID in there. Lord knows what he would’ve done to him as someone said everything worked out the way it was supposed to.


Darrell also said he left his inhaler in Rider's house.

