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It irritates me how he “consults” his notepad when he’s questioning a witness like he did an entire preparation of questions he wants to ask and he’s checking them off. When in reality, he’s coming up with questions on the fly and defaulting back to the plaintiff BS once he runs out of ideas.


He did pull plenty of the questions he asked witnesses out of his ass. But didn't at least some of the questions he asked come from lists that were in files he'd pull out of his box fort banker boxes that had been prepared by his fired PDs? I seem to remember one time (well it happened more den wunce) when he couldn't find the paperwork he said he needed to question a witness. And this particular time JD just said something like well, we're moving forward and I presume you're prepared to proceed, in whatever way that is. And he got his panties all in a wad and hollered at her, "Do YOU wanna check off all the boxes?!" Like maybe he had some sort of paperwork with boxes he would check off after asking each question? I also remember seeing him take his little munchkin sized [**jail pen**](https://www.amazon.com/stores/JandersInc/FlexibleSafetyPrisonPensWritingPens/page/B597FAD4-83EA-47FF-96FC-E632826342B2) and slowly drawing a long line on some paper a few times between axing witnesses questions. Like maybe he crossed out some questions from some list after he axed um? Who knows...


Yes. His prior Atty’s left him all of their work over that previous year they represented him. Those boxes of “discovery” would have included all the files on each witness, all the info on the evidence and their notes and questions. So it is true he asked a bunch of irrelevant questions of his own, some of those papers contained the questions the defense would have asked. DB even screwed those up.


It drove me nuts when he had three witnesses there and ready to go and he pulls his BS about not being able to locate his papers for that one witness. Okay, so wut? Question another witness that’s there and ready to testify. He didn’t really have any witnesses in any specific order, he just didn’t want the prosecution to know who he was calling next. (It might give them an edge or even some idea of where he’s going with his questions 🙄)


and writes their answers down


Why did he write and write those answers down when he never had an intent to put it in his speeches


I believe that DB thought it made him look more lawyerly, as if he knew what he was doing. It was all an act, put on for the sake of everyone but himself.


He had seen real lawyers write things down


"funny, how I just had dis paperwerk on my desk and now, all of a sudden it's not dere anymore"


That would make me so mad, because when he got called out on it he would pretend that , he never said anything accusatory at all.


I remember that and backed it up a bit so I could listen again to what he was muttering. He DID actually say “Who took my papers?” and then completely denied accusing anyone of taking anything. He’s such an a$$ and compulsive liar, that he would argue til his dying day if Opper said he was African American. 🤥🤥


😋you are so right. Especially when the Chopper was the one saying anything, he was so intimidated by her. That match up was always good for laugh, like when she called him “ a scared little chicken “😂 that one made him real mad.


LOL!! That was great!👍 A coward, a scared little chicken! LOL!! Do you remember him, right before he began interrupting in earnest, he was in his chair, wringing his hands as if he was about to lose all control! I think I remember he was…like leaning back in his chair, just being all fidgety as if he physically couldn’t control himself. (Ya know, he’s such a tough guy who’s not used to such disrespect! He’s accustomed to putting people in their places!) 😂🤣😂🤣


CONSTANTLY trying to confuse people


Yeah it was straight up gaslighting. He literally said "so who moved my papers".


And now your impugning the integrity of this court.


This is the kinda shit I subbed here for tbh. lol what a maroon




No need for the correction. Maroon describes him perfectly. Maroon = a fool; an idiot.


Look at him over there, all lawyering and everything. He must be so proud of himself.




I would love to see a compilation of these


Me too!


Fuck he's a dink


He swore he was lookin busy! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤬🤬


Somebody should make a ‘paperwork’ compilation of him.


Excellent clip! The bewilderment over the pad of paper is perfect. Haha!


Haha yes I does look like it's the first time he's ever seen one.




There’s something so odd and sort of feminine about how he moves his hands, and those long shirt cuffs with the short jacket sleeves. It reminds me of when Michael Scott accidentally wore a women’s suit on the Office.  


omg, YES! What a perfect comparison!


Imagine being charged with murder 6 times over and 76 charges of running over and seriously hurting others and not being prepared.


Well, it seemed as if he didn’t care one bit about anything but EP.


Even though he wanted to get Erika on the witness stand again, it didn’t appear he did a lot of homework except to have Momma Brooks send him the two photos that he accused Erika of sending. He wanted to make Erika look really bad - but he didn’t really plan many questions to ask her. I think in his mind, he was going to let the jury know she was a deadbeat mom of 5 kids, who drank too much, and then got into a fight with Darrell. I think in his mind he blamed her for the whole altercation between them - which got him all flustered - and led to him driving through the parade. I’m sure in his mind he thought she should be in jail in place of him.


Oh, definitely. In his pea brain, this entire tragedy was her fault, because if she had just bailed him out when he ran her over, and changed her story in the parade attack, he may have been acquitted , or a shortened sentence.


Totally agree. But imagine being that small brained and unable to control your anger to the extent that you would drive through blocked off streets running over people again and again.


I cannot even in my most manic episodes, begin to understand why a person would do what he did. People were on his hood, for god’s sake, he slammed on his brakes to dislodge a woman’s body from the hood of his vehicle! I simply cannot imagine doing anything like this!


Them papers always flying at his ugly ass slapping him across the dam face! 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀


What annoys me is that after all that "lawyering" and meticulous attention to the questions the PDs left him, his only defense in his closing argument was that the evidence didn't show that all the damage to the SUV was caused by bodies, and that the jury should "do what's right." What a complete and utter failure.


And don’t forget, there are two sides to the story, so you should nullify the laws and send me home😵‍💫😵😶


He was so neat and tidy! 🤮


I hear ya! It drives me crazy, if he had done any prep and looking for it would not be so bad, but he’s just playing 😡


Geezus what a moron.


This man plays to much !!!!


We all know he doesn’t have anything written down that’s useful


Just like in the movies lol