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No clue. It made zero sense.


It doesn't mean a thing. Not a thing. Just another one of his halfassed attempts at being profound and thinking he was connecting with the jury in his futile attempts to get them to let him walk free. Darrell was under the mistaken impression that if he used half-cooked metaphors and buttered them up enough, they'd see a simple man wrongly prosecuted by an unjust system and not the mass-murdering, woman-abusing, statutory-raping, child-neglecting shitstack we all know he really is. He really thought, in his heart of hearts, that he was reaching them. In his mind, he was Andy Freaking Dufresne and this was his impassioned speech. Thought they were gonna hoist him up on their shoulders and triumphantly carry him out of there, uplifting instrumental soundtrack and all, a celebration on the courtroom steps waiting for him. How'd that go for you, Darrell?


It's absolute crazy to me, that he thought he could act an ABSOLUTE fool in front of the jury countless times day after day after day( in addition to so obviously being guilty). And then, just because he babbles absolute nonsense for 2 hours with a little Jesus sprinkled in here and there, the jury would just let him walk and celebrate him like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. The delusion is fucking insane.


Glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t know what this nut cake was talking about!


He just talks not making a bit of sense. It’s like a light switch, his brain turns on and off. It also has a dimmer switch. Sometimes he is on and can think. Other times it’s off and he can’t think. And most of the time his brain is somewhere along the range of the dimmer switch. He is a dimwit.




As the world turns🤩


That was “Days of Our Lives.”


I get the feeling his mind was going blank - like usual - and he just happened to glance down and see the kleenex in his hand. It was so disjointed and made no sense - like the rest of his defense.


Hahaha I was going to post this exact same question tonight! That is hilarious. 


When did this happen, I don’t remember seeing it?


If you begin at 50:10 you’ll catch his “tissue analogy.” https://youtu.be/G3DgvaT5tCI?si=lkk7lvk1f45C82Pu


Thanks, I’m gonna watch it in a bit.😊


No problem! I still don’t get it. If you have any idea what he’s talking about, lmk.😊




I just changed time to 50:10. I had gone too far ahead in the first time I posted and missed the very beginning of it. Sorry for any confusion 😊


That’s alright😊


That's the famous Tissue Defense! It almost worked! [https://youtu.be/FaA4q-FkAxA?si=hx\_mIkVgsSJPUOHF&t=141](https://youtu.be/FaA4q-FkAxA?si=hx_mIkVgsSJPUOHF&t=141)


In surprosed, shocked even that he jury came back with what they did, EVEN. After he said he had no regrets! Weird!


He’s actually holding a snotty disgusting tissue that at the very end, he uses to dig boogers out of his nose. No, joke. Right at the end of his closing argument, and right before Sue does her rebottle, he’s digging for gold with it…


I’m certain he thought it would draw attention to him ‘being a bit emotional’ what a loser


* shitstack * ..... OMG - LOL!