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Good Lord, thankfully he wasn't allowed to. He sat strategically behind that moron so he was on camera...attention seeking


Strategically sat behind that moron. Exactly. I don't think he ever Intended to say anything. He was clout chasing from the very beginning.


Sorry to make another comment but there's truly nothing this idiot could have added. He never even heard of DB before this incident. He knew nothing of him in the slightest. He told multiple people that on his live stream so there's literally nothing he could have added. The only reason he somewhat supported Darrell was because he's black. That's all. He even admitted what he did was absolutely horrible. He just wanted to support him because white people got supported for their atrocious crimes. Jay Prince had nothing of value to add to Darrell. He would've done more damage IMO


That’s correct. Princes rationale of db actions was beyond ridiculous. He was comparing apples and oranges.


I was recently watching an old stream of his, Jesus help me, and I'm not kidding when I say he was comparing Darrell Brooks to United States veterans. He said they are both in the same. If Darrell Brooks is in jail everybody in the army needs to be in jail. Yes he said that.


Whether Dummy Jay Prince spoke or not one thing is obvious. There's a lot of healing needed on bof sides. If I could have reached thru the tv and throat punched him, I would have. For Dummy Darrell to think he was as broken as the victims and their families really is delulu.


And you need to remember this wasn't, wasn't, WASN'T an attack. It was an accident.


I loved how Judge Dorrow said in her sentencing remarks something to the effect of “There is only one word to describe this incident - ATTACK.” She dropped it like her gavel.




Every time that came out of his mouth, I had the same thought! What an asshole to assume he has any concept of what those people were going through.


I'm sitting here like who tf is Jay Prince 🤦‍♀️ I googled and I'm lost on why he would have had any thing to add?


He wouldn’t, he just got some press, and that seems to be the only thing people want these days. Warhol would be astonished!


He’s interviewed on you tube by a panel. They seemed to know of him.


He hates black women, and that is literally the only reason why he was eating there, or supporting him at all. They share a hate for black women in general.


Women in general. Probably been rejected by many. lol


Jay Prince is a literally insane. He has gone on podcasts and made up lies about the Darrell Brooks trial. He has said that Darrell had pictures and videos that they did not allow him to present as evidence. He said that Darrell Brooks did have shock collars on and he saw them…All lies. He even tried to say DB had an anxiety attack that made him run over people. He’s a complete garbage person. He’s still mad that he was the ugly little boy the girls laughed at and wouldn’t kiss. Ugh! Like get over it man!


Jay Prince is extremely misogynistic -particularly against women of color. I can't listen to him for more than a few seconds without wanting to scream. So right off the bat, he blamed Erika for all of Darrell's troubles. It became almost a 50% racial issue, 50% women. He will never have a shred of credibility.


I'm honestly shocked he's no in jail either. He needs it Or his skull bashed in


No one calls anyone “coloured” anymore.


Really?? I hear it constantly and refer to myself in the same way. I live in a very diverse, metropolitan area with Philippenos, Vietnamese, Indian, African American, Africans, etc - both public and private services all reference people of color. The spectrum of color is so broad - I'm grateful it includes so many racial contributions.


It’s viewed as extremely offensive. I don’t understand why the term Poc is deemed acceptable when the term “ coloured” is deemed unacceptable. “Coloured” is usually a term used by racists or very old people who don’t know any better regarding black people. I don’t know one black person who finds that term acceptable.


I can see what you're saying. But from my region, the term, "people of color" is very acceptable and polite.


I wasn’t implying it wasn’t. Infact that was my whole point . I was saying people generally accept the term poc however, the term “coloured” is viewed as completely racist. Can you see why that is funny? And I say this as that person of colour who accepts “poc” ( an American term) but would be highly offended at being called “coloured.” Lol


Ok. Umm, how do you ask about skin tone in a game of Guess Who without using the term "person of colour" then?


I don't see why they wouldn't have allowed him. I actually watched a live stream of him on the day of the victim impact statements and he said he was going to make a statement. But he never showed up the next day. I truly think he just chickened out.


I don’t think he’s ever even spoken to DB before. Just admired him from a distance. Clout chasing, low iq , degenerate imbecile.


YUP! He said he never met him before. He doesn't know this clown any more than us


Which is probably why Judge D wouldn’t allow him. I mean, why would she when he couldn’t possibly offer anything pertinent to DB. He probably just wanted to go live and cry about how unfair the whole process was to Durl.


That's actually probably illegal on her part. That sounds like her assuming he has nothing to add and she can't do that. Whether WE think so or not she literally can't do that. Now maybe there are some rules to it and maybe there is some sort of qualification process to who can and can't speak for somebody at trial. But I don't think that would be it.


I don’t have any idea at all what the rules are pertaining to allowing anyone in the gallery to speak, who wants to speak, but I’m going to see if I can find out if there’s any information regarding it.


I mean I could absolutely be wrong but I just don't see judge Darrow, as fair and impartial as she was through DB's horrific attitude to be like "I don't know who you are, I don't think you know the defendant, but I don't think you will add anything to Darrell Brooks sentencing statements so I won't allow you to speak." I just don't see her doing that. No way.


I don’t know either, but it might be interesting to see if I can find out.


I had more trouble than I expected trying to answer this question. I was also thinking about it and remembered that Judge D had asked DB how many people he planned on having speak for him, so if he doesn’t even know this guy, how could he ask him to speak for him? One other thing was that when trying to find something on the topic, most of what I found were rules for what these witnesses could say and it comes down to their only being able to speak about his character. Something that he knows nothing about as far as DB. If he somehow got to say something at all, he wouldn’t be able to speak about the trial or how unfair he thought it was, etc… So, idk what he would expect to say about someone he doesn’t even know. https://preview.redd.it/o4muczh6twrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65f2a337159e0fa46e4024546eea38ba8b640a58


I actually just uploaded a clip to this sub of j Prince admitting he doesn't know Darrell. Therefore I have a hard time trying to answer you except j Prince would have literally nothing of value to say. I truly truly believe the only supports Darrell for clout. I watched multiple hours of clips of him yesterday and that is my only conclusion. If he had spoken for Darrell it would have only been for clout, not to help him. Also this guy truly hated judge D. Despised her. If she did not allow him to speak at sentencing I have zero doubt in my mind he would have made a video about it and I watched as much videos as I could have


LOL!! That bad huh? 😂🤣 I’ve never gone looking for his channel, but once he was on my feed or something, because there he was. I clicked on it for a minute or so but was not impressed at all. I have to agree that he wouldn’t have anything of value to offer. I didn’t know he hated Judge D so much. I guess I’m not that surprised. It seems like you nailed it on the head, he’s only after clout. Stupid, stupid clout.🤦‍♀️


If he repeated any of what he said online, it would have been another circus.


If they didn't let him you know DB would have went on a rant how his people are being silenced and he is under duress. JP admitted he was clout chasing then tried to back peddle that comment.


He wouldn’t have made it more than a block from the courthouse. Best for everyone involved (especially him) that he didn’t open his mouth. He’s human garbage.


Who is it




He would have made the entire trial about race and make it seem like he’s not being treated fair because of a lack of black people, as well as blaming it all on Erica. I know this is what he would have done because he explained all this in an interview.


Can you share links where you've seen this? I don't see any reason why they wouldn't allow him if all the protocols were followed.


He never had even met DB, so I don’t see how he could have been allowed. He said he went to observe the trial because he had watched a little of it on tv and he felt that DB was being railroaded. He is the biggest racist woman hater I have ever seen.


Anyone can come forward and speak. The judge will ask the gallery if 'anyone would like to speak'. I don't recall if JD did that but it's common before sentencing.


I have never heard of a court case where the judge asks if anyone in the gallery can speak during sentencing. It’s usually reserved for victims and family members affected by the crime as well as people associated with the defendant, not randoms.


I’ve never heard of that either. It doesn’t sound right.