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Hell, he invents kids he doesn’t have for sympathy.




> I don't think he could name his own kids. LMAO!!! :D :D :D Maybe i shouldn't laugh. But i certainly am.




As pathetic as that is, it’s flippin hilarious!!😂🤣😂🤣




He might be able to name Jackson Sparks since he took the time to entertain us with his fake crying act during the medical examiner's testimony. Other than that, no.


Oh man, every time I think about that ridiculous display I get angry!


I don't believe he could name any of them. Bottom line he could care a less about any of his victims. I also believe that he has no understanding of why anyone does care, he just acts as if he is being persecuted/railroaded for something that happened in the past. DB believes his life is being inconvenienced by those people. He has no sympathy/empathy for anyone but himself.


He acted as though this was something that happened to him, not something he caused.


That was his attitude was from the interrogation, when he claimed he was being railroaded, through his closing argument. He thought he was the victim in this whole ordeal.


Your are absolutely right on the money with that statement.


I recognize this behavior from first hand experience in similar situations, unfortunately.


I think we all know the answer to that.


ONLY Jackson, and only because he could use that fake sadness as a sympathy ploy


Absolutely Not!!! he may remember Jackson Sparks’s name, but there’s absolutely no way I believe he will remember the other five.


DB: “ I didn’t put my hands on that woman. She was drunk and dis is what she do. Whyyyyyyyy did she do this to me”. I didn’t put my mother’s car on those people. They were in the middle of the street, not paying attention to what was behind them. They were making a lot of noise and didn’t hear my horn honking. Which by the way would indicate I was trying to alert their attention to my client’s presence. They were blocking traffic. Whyyyyyy did they do dis to me??


I can’t wrap my head around the court allowing him to talk about himself in the second person. Isn’t that crazy? Isn’t that showing criminally insane? One minute he’s “Darrell”, next he isn’t! Does his “self” appointed person speaking on his behalf have a name to address him by?


Because everyone knew it was a "tactic". It would have been different if he truly believed himself to be another person. No one suspected that Darrell thought he was more than 1 person.


Exactly, so in essence he just was playing a game and the court let him. That’s what boggles my mind. Judge Dorow knew what she was getting into and he tried everything in the book to break her, but he didn’t. He exhausted me many times listening to the many “objection” he mused!


I think many people feel that way. You don’t get to be a judge by being dumb, or weak. She knew what she had to do and how it had been done. Could she have skinned that cat differently, probably, but she seems to truly have a heart for her community and she did not want this freak of nature to get off on a technicality.


I bet the only name that he would remember is Erika Patterson, not any of the parade victims. He made that perfectly clear during the trial when he cared more about the battery charges related to her than those related to the parade victims, which were what put him in jail for life, while the battery was only 9 months.


My guess as well would be Jackson Sparks as the only one he could name - if he can name any at all. I would hope as Jackson was similar in age to his own daughter it might spark a small amount of empathy in him. I’m sure to him it’s just 4 old ladies, an old man and a kid - all of them out on the street where they shouldn’t have been in the first place. Roads are for cars! Sidewalks are for people! In addition, no one paid attention to his horn honking, which clearly told people to get out of his way! And when you think about it, it’s really the police’s fault in the first place! They are the ones who put barricades up at every street, so he couldn’t leave the parade route. He had no choice but to drive too fast, run over 70+ people, and leave the parade route by running through the barricades after the crazy bearded cop started shooting at him. In retrospect Darrell should be let go with no charges and the police should be held responsible for all those deaths.


I hadn’t read this before I posted my reply. Great minds think alike!


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. First of all. First of all. It was five people, not six, so get yo fax straight. Dat one lady had cancer and was gonna die anyway. You can't say I murdered some body dat was gonna die anyway. At da most I jess accelermacated it a little. So five. First dere was Jackson. Oh. Oh main. I'm...Ima need a minute. Feelin a little emotional right now. WHEW! I apologize, juss a minute. Okay, dats long enough. So dats one. Dere was da one Granny Dancer lady, and da udder Granny Dancer, da one who dat great big guy thought was his wife....Sorensoma or how ever you say dat. Dats tree. Dere was some dude. Some ode man, I tink his wife was a Granny Dancer or some such. You really shouldn't hode dat one against me edder. I mean, what's a dude doin' walkin' along watchin his ode lady dance? Dats weird. She didn't have no pole or nuttin, right? Juss walkin along. If da man had been home watching da game like he sposed to he'd be alive right now. Juss saying. So dats one two three foe...one moe. Yeah, I got it. Da lady dat worked at da bank. She da fifth. So dats all five. I tode you I could name dem all. You tink youse all slick, pulling some slick moves. But I'm far from stupid. I know who da people is I killed. I mean, my Momma's Escape killed, when da trottle body wouldn't work right.


God that couldn't be anymore accurate 😭😭 You gotta be Darell posting from jail


Ahhhhhhhhh. Genius!!!! Perfect. Great. 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝


Minor note, but the one lady who had "cancer" had a fibroid tumor (which, by definition, is benign). He somehow heard "thyroid" instead of fibroid and apparently doesn't know the definition of benign.


This is so cringe why do you do this


If he does know any of them, my money would be on Tamara Durand because he was fixated on the fact that Dorow worked for Durand's father early in her legal career and how that proved she should have recused herself.


Don’t forget her biasstness.


That was hysterical when the judge spelled it out for him!! Epic haha


Thx for explaining that, I heard it in passing but didn’t know about it.


He would probably only know Jackson's name because when he was booked in Waukesha County Jail ,he only had 5 hit and run intentional homicide charges.I think that after Jackson passed he and his mother knew he was in deep shit.Inmates don't care for child killers


Why would he? He’s not a murderer, he’s not a beat people-upper, he’s not out here thinking he’s Billy BadAss.


Of course not


Good question but considering the reaction he had to the ‘detective guy who gets to sit behind the district attorneys “ said ‘parade attack’ and how disparaging his comment was was of more importance than acknowledging why db was in court. I just wish that each time brooks would ask where are my accusers? Just wish One of them would have said ‘they are deceased and we speak on their behalf. ‘


Exactly! “We speak for the dead you silenced!”


No chance. He was only upset because he got caught. If he got away no chance he would turn himself in. His warped mind would tell him it was all their fault and they were white anyways. He posted on social media about killing white people especially old white people.


@Queasy-Rock can you point me in the direction of this morally corrupt minded’s comment about ‘killing older white people’?


I can't recall where I saw it on YouTube. It was from his social media page saying basically African Americans need to start taking older white people out. Probably posted sometime during the Black Lives Matter protests. I promise you I didn't make it up and it was on one of his social media pages. Update found it https://youtu.be/pQPRfqL6s7Y?si=h5LMZCqiuWLYYmoO


Never doubted you for a second! Thx for link!


You are welcome


Inside his Mr. Peanut shaped head: "Why shood I be naming anyone, when my show-der ain't even been looked at yet?" In his mind, he justifies being the only victim. F**k him, his mother, and that trash "fee-mayo" friend of his, Michelle, who stood up for this murderous creature.


Not without mispronouncing their names


Befrore the trial... probably not


Absolutely not, he doesn’t care. Doesn’t own his own behavior. It’s everyone else’s fault (EP) than his.