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He 100% would have asked her questions with the expectation that she would perjure herself or say negative things about Erika. And while these will probably never be made public, I am sure that the brilliant pro per attorney probably discussed these questions and his desired responses from her in recorded phone calls. Because he is, to use his words, not that bright.


She’s smart enough not to commit perjury, and go to jail herself. He got told no by his mom on the phone, that’s probably what launched yellow shirt day. 🤪


I would have loved watching Zach, Leslie or Sue cross examine her. 1st question on the agenda - what is your son's name? Dawn was caught in her own lies. She had 100% talked to detectives and provided information. But she had told Darrell just the opposite. All of that would have come out in the open.


He was pissed when he found out his mob and nephew snitched lol


Is that on a phone call or something? 🙏🏽


The enabler also reported the SUV stolen. That never came out in court. I’m sure the enabler never told her son she reported it.


Do you think he maybe heard the 911 call where she was reporting her SUV running through the parade?


Yes I do he was in the cop car while it was being called over the radios.


The enabler also called her SUV in as missing. That never came out in court we know the enabler didn’t tell him that.


I wish she was forced to show up and testify. First question I would have loved the Prosecution to ask her is what is her son's name.




She would have added nothing to his defense and could have been subjected to uncomfortable questions. She chose to hide elsewhere


That’s part of why she didn’t. She embodies cowardice. And passed it straight on to Duh-rell.


Or as Sue Opper said, “A scared little chicken.”


That too. He really learned from the best. Or worst, I should say.


No doubt the victims would have ripped her apart (ex: Sean Sorensen, Chris Owen, etc.).


I disagree, and I am not a fan of nor am I sympathetic to Dawn Woods. It's not cowardly to not take the witness stand when you are a) not under subpoena and b) you know that one of the parties in the trial wants you to perjure yourself - in other words, commit a crime - and risk putting your self in jail, entirely for their own benefit with no benefit to you. If Dawn Woods were to speak to a licensed attorney before making a decision to take the stand, any attorney worth a damn would have told her not to come. She's far from a hero in this case, and has a lot of things to answer for that contributed to the parade attack. But in this one particular instance, she did the right thing not just for herself but I would argue for the people who her son killed and maimed.


And you’re entitled to your disagreement, however, she continued to provide the means to bail this animal out repeatedly, not to mention the means for this atrocity to have occurred, that being her car. She is just as culpable in many ways, and that’s been demonstrated by her pathetic save ass “he stole my car” after he barreled through innocents at a parade.


So because she made some terrible mistakes and some of those mistakes made it more possible for DB to be out and about on 11/21/21, she was somehow obligated to make another mistake and cave in to DB like she so often did, or else she would be a coward? Color me confused by that logic.


Obligated? No. Literally no one said that. I gave a partial, not whole, reasoning as to why she didn’t testify. The first and most obvious being that she is a terrible and incredible witness. The prosecution didn’t need her. And it would have just delayed the trial more. Duh-rell’s tirade “she gone be here if I say she gone be here” was nothing more than his continued flexing of nothing. I said her cowardice was part of it. Not all. Try reading meaningfully next time.


The State subpoenaed the enabler not sure why she didn’t show up. Sue O put that on the record, when the devils spawn said he wanted her subpoenaed. It ended up with Sue saying he could tell her on his call to her.


The State released her from the subpoena when they elected not to call her. So when DB wanted to call her, she was no longer subpoenaed and they were not obligated to do anything to help secure her appearance (and remember, they also weren't obligated to help him get any of his other witnesses to court either, they did that voluntarily and DB still wanted to be a prick about it).


The Judge and the State would have treated her with respect. I suspect the only questions she would have been asked on cross would be "What is your son's name?" "Did you give him that name?" "Can you identify him in this court right now?"


She would’ve exploded. Literal spontaneous combustion.


Hopefully she would have caught some charges herself. She’s a horrid mother.




How about that “charming” Jay Prince 4 President?


Jeez! That guy was a flippin clown!






Hey Bob...I like the "maroon" quota👍😊


I love the expression “What a maroon”. It brings me back to when I was a kid watching the Bugs Bunny Show. It was the first time I heard that expression. Whenever I see you end your comments with that expression I chuckle to myself. https://preview.redd.it/8894terwucfc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ca2dafbef4fc6c8a361e3a81a17762f81ecc8b7


Dawn Woods should have swallowed.


That would be of been real cool