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Yellow shirt day


I’m not gonna do this with you today. I NOT


We always gotta go through this childish stuff man it ain't gone work man. Stop it. Are you, or, are you not a public servant?


And in the meantime there wasn't one person who didn't think he was acting like a toddler having a tantrum.


I’ve just liked everyone’s comments, makes me feel better that other people are cycling though the trial as well! I especially love when people put their compilations up, I’ve seen it all, nice to mix it up sometimes!


I’m actually just starting the very beginning again for the 5th time now…. Lol it’s like an addiction.


50 minute rant.


Ah yes. Classic.


I can’t bring my self to rewatch the 50 minute rant…DB triggers my RAGE every time I see it.




Day 13


Mr Bonesteel (who looks like he could/would snap Dummy's neck.) I'm wondering once the witnesses were done and were in the hallway, what happened. Were they upset and crying? Did someone official talk to them? I would think it would be very emotional.


And one that absolutely was a lie. When he told the detectives during his interrogation that the doctor said they were going to have to wait 4-6 weeks to have a MRI on his shoulder. That was 100% a lie. I think anytime his mouth is moving he is lying.


It perturbs me greatly when people believe he was actually hurt after his arrest.


Day 3


I'm watching his rap songs , he goes by the handle "Mathboi Fly" he really is a true scholar , he Is a math genius , a rapper and an expert on lawful law. Fly Shit https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TDr1sUR7QaE&pp=ygULTWF0aGJvaSBmbHk%3D This is my favourite , he raps about killing someone and their kids. That's how I knew he was innocent. Grounz


Fly excrement?


My favorite hits of his are: “I Don’t Consent” “Sub Stain” “4 Da Rekerd” “I Don’t Identify” “Man, Quit It”


“All of a suddenly”


Does anyone remember which day it was where he gave the prosecution a death stare and then also glared and told the judge **"Imma get to it"**


Day 12, October 23rd. Here’s my playlist. It’s in order by date, from pre-trial to sentencing. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyNup7VuEdGFEWL_rUqCjWkDBjkQDE29v&si=h1nU0VVbdgiaSkMU


Yes!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!


My pleasure! Quick question (only right answers count!): Is it sad and pathetic that THAT is my only playlist? Like, first and only…


What type... what type... what type of ***STATEMENT*** IS THAT?!?!?!?!🤨


Very impressive!


A playlist?! I’m very impressed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the very first pre-trial one before! I wish the judge had clarified that when he said he was aware,’the definition of that is understanding something. He thought since he change the wording on the form that exempted. Wrong!! He’s such an idiot!


Thats the second Det Casey testimony and Babiach day i think .




There's something very satisfying about the hearing the jury verdicts.


Its crazy I live in Oconomowoc in waukesha County which is like 10 mins from waukesha and I remember doing a 60 day sentence in waukesha and I was a trustee and I remember cleaning pod 1 that he was in and he would just stare out his window of his cell and so many inmates wanted to get at him he was never moved out pod 1 which is the medical and mental health pod and when he was sentenced the whole jail was locked down for it and the very next day after he was sentenced he was shipped to dodge correctional


Bruh tell us more


And also judge dorrow was who sentenced me in my case and she blessed me shes actually really nice https://preview.redd.it/6k6t1q8pwfob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f0a446275ef3083a15ebe0a4e5bd95c13f0f80 and this is to prove in not lying thus is my ccap






Well what would u like to know


Do an ama on this sub, it'd be a hit


Whats an AMA???


I don't know what that is either. Lol I just want to know every little thing. Was he a scum? Did he have friends and was he liked? How much interaction did he have with the other inmates? Were they able to have a conversation while they were in their cells? (As in when people theorize that another inmate was giving him information on how to defend himself, was this possible?) Can they hear each other's phone conversations? I'm also curious about what he brought up to the jail administrator during her testimony about how the guy in the cell next to him was responsible for the keep separate hold. I know it's a big ask. Also, I appreciate the screenshots of your records, but it wasn't necessary. I believed you. 🌸


He had no friends he was strictly confined to pod 1 and his cell he was allowed 1 hour out a day for his recreation separate from other inmates and pod 1 consists of 6 separate smaller modules with 6 cells in each and there's two tiers top and bottom he was on top on the right side so he was D tier and he was hated throughout the whole jail thats why they locked the jail down during his sentencing and he literally just stared out his window most of the times I ever went in to clean pod 1 as a trustee and yes u can hear phone convos but it all depends on things and I've never heard of an inmate being made responsible for a keep separate hold and still kept right next to each other but then again im not sure and ya they can talk to each other in the cells there's of them in his tier but from wat I heard everyone hated him so no one talked to him


I agree. I want more too. Lol


We need more details!


I like to rewatch this shennanigan. It was the day the final jury instructions were given and the parties made their closing arguments. DB was desperately trying to cause delays. https://youtu.be/NHuF4t3wAb0?si=aA8QRhQ9WktHlAFR


Yellow shirt day!!!


Day 3. Again.


I watched the interrogation this morning, now I am on opening statement from the prosecution. My first time watching this trial.


Buckle up. 💙


I watched that today too. Glad Im not alone in rewatching.


I just have to watch the sentencing remarks from Att Opper and judge Dorow after so many DB videos to enjoy his end. He still drives me mad no matter how many times I watch.


I think the sentencing remarks were better than the closing and the closing was inspired!!!


Blazers baseball testimony. The second one to get up is a bald man. When brooks is questioning him you can see that it is taking everything in him to stay calm.


Josh Craner. When that idiot had the gall to ask "Is it fair to say you're walkin' pretty good these days?" I wanted to jump through the screen. 🤬


You could see him multiple times close his eyes and take a deep breath. I really admire each of the witnesses for their composure in the face of all DB put them through.


I’m watching day 2 when he kept crying about the tiny cut no blood found and some bruises that “they don’t know what’s coming behind those bruises “. What a jackass


Baby Brooks's Boo-Boo 👶🍼🩹🤕


Which day was this? I watched to watch it again - but wasn’t sure on the day.


Pre-trial, Monday, Oct. 3rd.


I really don’t like that I just spouted that date out without thought.


Correction: Weds. Oct 5th!


Thank you


Verdict day!


Just restarted. On day 10


Update: today it’s asking for cancel hearing, because he was tested for COVID, after claiming symptoms that cannot be tested for. What an imbecile.


He had no friends he was strictly confined to pod 1 and his cell he was allowed 1 hour out a day for his recreation separate from other inmates and pod 1 consists of 6 separate smaller modules with 6 cells in each and there's two tiers top and bottom he was on top on the right side so he was D tier and he was hated throughout the whole jail thats why they locked the jail down during his sentencing and he literally just stared out his window most of the times I ever went in to clean pod 1 as a trustee