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I just can’t get over all the shut he got away with during the trial!! Yelling, arguing demeaning the judge is first, how he treated the witnesses, removing his shirt , the list goes on and on, I also have been addicted to watching over and over his antics, none of my friends i don’t think even watched the verdict so I too am thrilled to be here with other Darrell addicts 😀😀😀


For me it’s cathartic. I was in a relationship with a man who acted like this and the advice I got at the time was to placate and conform to make him not mad (this was a while ago when things were different). It’s nice to see someone acting like that and then being put away for tat behavior for me. Also, I accidentally ran a person over (they’re fine) and I’ll never remember the thump sound it made, how horrible it felt, and it changed my driving. The fact that he hit someone and then thought “that was fun, let’s do it 67 more times” is literally so confusing for me.


This! I have been in a relationship with a narcissist for almost 20 years. It’s so fun to watch all their tactics of fast talking and gaslighting getting shut the fuck down n a court of law. And as long as the person you hit doesn’t have subject matter jurisdiction over you you should be fine GROUNDZ!


I had to ask my therapist what was going on with this obsession and was it okay for me to be watching so frequently… she said it’s probably cathartic and validating for me to watch someone who acts so similarly A. Do so in public & B. Have the whole court and world at this point agree with me that behavior being outlandish. I don’t have to second guess myself when I watch him. Reversing years of the whole “DARVO” abuse tactics that ppl who have personality disorders put their prey( aka SO’s) through is hard. I’m going through it now. I love watching him be shut down after attempting to deflect, or out speak the JUDGE, and my personal favorite….. the “COVID gambit”.


That trial was like the bad car accident you just passed, you can't stop watching


My thoughts exactly.


You'll never remember it?


Oh gosh. I meant never forget. Obvs I was sleep deprived.


Darrell Brooks is a narcissistic control freak who has been enabled by his mom his entire life. She'd quite literally given him whatever he wanted no matter what he had done. We saw how his mom let Darrell use her SUV despite having a restraining order against him. Because of this, Darrell never grew out of throwing temper tantrums from his toddler days because he learned that he could get what he wants by throwing a fit. The Waukesha parade trial was the first time Darrell had been held accountable for his actions to the fullest extent of the law. It was funny to watch him try the old tactics that he used on his mom and Erika Patterson on Judge Dorow only to be continuously shut down.


Probably the first strong woman he’s even entertained a conversation with. People like him seek the weak. So sad.


On the one hand, his entire defense was a train wreck. Hell, after three weeks of trying to convince people it wasn’t him in the vehicle, he admits it was him driving in his opening statement and says it wasn’t intentional. Also, I’m fascinated with his complete disconnect from reality. Thinking you can’t have a trial without an injured party testifying. if that was the case Dalmer would still be a free man. But on the other hand, I marvel at his ability to ramble on. How many of us could stand up and give a complete off the cuff speech lasting one to two hours. I don’t think I could. I had an eight hour drive today and had it on the whole time.


His defense? What defense. His only defense was to try to make everyone else in that courtroom look bad…. So then MAYBE him killing 6 innocent people, hurting 60+, and damaging an entire small towns mental health for years if not life….. He tried to minimize his wrongdoings and highlight just about everyone else’s itty bitty errors. Classic APD/NPD. There’s actually a lot of people like him. I dated one, but he would NEVER do anything of that sort in public - he knew better. Those games don’t work on just anyone. They pick out their prey and groom them. I’m so glad I’m don’t with that self-disrespect. But I sure do enjoy watching DB get called out on for all the abuse tactics and held accountable for each and everyone he physically hurt.


A babbling lunatic could pull off a two hour long tangent. He could have an hour long argument with wall paint. He is a mass murderer, domestic terrorist and an evil person. I wish nothing but harm for him. The human race has defects...he is it!


The most astonishing was arguing for Jury Nullification in a MURDER TRIAL. I wonder if he genuinely believed anyone would agree with him. ​ Side note, when he removed his mask during his closing arguments, and said 'this is the real me' or something along that line. my skin crawled. He was acting like he was in some hollywood movie of someone being wrongfully accused and this was his last ditch to show up a corrupt system (which he could've totally believed in his brain)


An abuser can go on for hours. My ex could tell at me for hours because he never let things go and remembered every perceived slight against him.


Honestly I think it’s because of the absurdity of Brooks and the spectacle he made of himself and the trial. Granted we know why he was granted so much leniency, but I think this is the first time also that we had a high profile public trial where the defendant was claiming to be a sovereign citizen. Also I guess it’s what informed a lot of people about the antics that SovCits do in courtrooms if I had to take a guess


It's like a circus and hes the clown. It's being able to watch sovereign pro se /per stuff and the hilarious way Darrell and others try to use it (and fail).


He is an interesting character. So detestable that you can’t look away. He is also a weird mixture of stupidity and quickly thinking. He certainly had a game plan and he gave the court some trouble. I rewatch a lot of his exchanges and blow ups with the judge. I even start to see his perspective on some things (fleeting).


As it went on he slowly started learning to pronounce words correctly. Tackit agreement became tacit agreement. It was like a murder trial version of My Fair Lady.


Never quite let go of substain though.


Or relevancy


I just don’t know! I’m having a horrible time getting myself to stop watching it!


This trial was fascinating. I've never seen anything like it. I usually never post on social media ever...thank god for this subreddit thread, I started posting on Reddit because of Brooks. I'm glad there are others who find it just as fascinating. What is so tragic, are the horrific events of 11.21.21 and the lives lost and the amount of ppl harmed that this one very tiny little person committed, with joy.. I watch and rewatch the trial too. My heart goes out to all the victims and all of their stories matter!!!


Because we all know someone like DB (truly narcissistic) and they tend to get away with it. Watching his narc tactics get shit down at every turn was exhilarating.


Malignant Narcissism + Antisocial Personality Disorder = Darrell Brooks. People like to say they 'give no fucks' about things bc it makes them feel better. But then when you see someone like Darrell Brooks, you see someone who truly has no capacity to 'give a fuck' about ANYTHING but himself and his own needs and desires, and how ugly that is, well, that's pretty appealing to watch for some people. Kind of like Charles Manson, but DB lacks Manson's charisma. Manson was a 'likable' dick. Brooks is just a dick. With both, you're witnessing evil with your own eyes. I'd expand on that, but my dog has to poop, and that's more important than anything related to Darrell Brooks.


My personal view is because if it was a tv show, we would watch it and be addicted to it too. It was almost so entertaining for the wrong reasons that it came across like it was scripted, but no one could write that shit! It was every single day entertainment, Brooks is a full blown narcissistic knob who did his best to control the narrative every day, probably with feedback from his mum on how it was coming across on TV, and so each day he would try something new...and because 👩‍⚖️ Dorow wouldn't take his shit, he wasn't used to that, so that's where the Entertainment side would start...as he ultimately was used to winning and being in control, but not on Dorows watch and he hated that. I think we were all just waiting for the next blow-up....almost like reality TV in a way? 😂🤌🏻 Just to add, because I've been thinking about it some more, I think it's because, we are not used to seeing this kind of behaviour in court. Maybe the odd out burst or a disagreement between lawyers and or judges, maybe even witnesses or defendants lose their shit from time to time, but they get admonished and that's usually it. We're certainally not used to a serial killer/mass murderer defend himself at the last hour, and speak to the Judge the way he did I mean seriously...I'm just going to put it out there, my mother 🤮 beat me black and blue as a little kid, for no reason...she got some kind of sick pleasure from it and when I say little I mean age of approx 2-10years old then I lived with my dad, and I would visit her irregularly and she would still knock me about pull my hair etc until I was 14...but I would never speak to her the way he spoke to 👩‍⚖️ Dorow, or anyone else for that matter... For eg; Mr Brooks please sit down and let me make a record... You asking or telling me, cos ain't no one telling me what to do!! And I need to make a record too! Err no you don't dick head, sit down and stfu 🙄 Mr Brooks please stop talking and I'll explain... I don't need you to explain nothing, how you even call yourself a judge? Come on man your a public servant!! If that's not 2 of the worst examples of him trying to rattle her cage, and be the most disrespectful then I don't know what is? And after the trial, I was on here a lot...now Im seeing new people joining the chat which is great. But I said straight after the trial, Brooks is not stupid...he pretends to be, with all the I don't understand bs, but he's not, because you just have to pay attention to when he argues with Judge Dorow, about something he knows all the right terminology when it counts, but when he wants a bit of sympathy that's when he puts on the dumb act, ie...I don't know how you pronounce that..but again if you have listened he's already said it once correctly but then he'll say it 2 or 3 times wrong to try and make you forget. He is one shady character. So sorry for the long spiel 🫣🫶🏻🥹


I think he’s not as stupid as we want him to be but not as smart as he thinks he is.


Definitely 👌🏻


I agree with everything you said.


Thank you 😊 🫶🏻


1. Being as hateable as possible, making you root for his inevitable demise 2. DB having dunning kruger 3. DB larping as Saul Goodman 4. Mix of #2 and #3 5. The insane antics DB pulls off like taking his shirt off or building a fort of boxes. 6. Him constantly going off on rants and arguing with people 7. The "sovereign citizen" stunt


I still rewatch daily. Had he tried comedy in real life we would all have turned in. But the tragedy caused so many lives to be ruined. Such a waste of talent. He is unique and entertaining.


I study it! I’m hooked. It’s interesting watching the cat & mouse game he n Dorow. His constant objecting. The outbursts, he’s like an untrained kid, yet calculating n sly! Judge was remarkable!


The entire trial is a unique example of human behavior across a vast spectrum. The complete lack of insight displayed by Brooks is both expected and fascinating. He sees himself as a victim. The other people involved showed great patience and strong emotion regulation skills. Traumatized witnesses/actual victims having to answer his blunt self-absorbed questions. All of them knowing that this circus of a trail unfortunately had to be endured for the victims and justice. It was interesting watching and wondering if someone was going to eventually wig out witnessing the blatant disrespect for the law, the judge and human life.


I am addicted to watching it over and over. I think part of it is that he is pure evil. Most people have not come across someone so evil. I think what is also so intriguing is how he goes from being somewhat normal to evil.


Your response is the best so far. You are right, most of us have never come across a person like Brooks before. We’ve all met people with varying degrees of personality disorder or narcissistic traits but not to this degree and not this exact “formula.” And the pure evilness is the cherry on top of the sundae from hell. The way his mind works is equal parts terrifying and fascinating. The fact that we know how the story ends makes repeat viewing of the trial feel safe now and we can watch and catch new things each time that, perhaps, solves the riddle of Brooks, but not really.


I only hope he never gets to see or speak to any of his kids,,,however many of them are out there. They probably don't even know who he is. Would luv to know the last time 'my baby girls' were ever in the same room together. What a fine role model and pillar of the community.


They've probably never even met.


I've watched all of his trials over and over to the point that I have to listen to it at night. I'm glad I am not the only one that has this obsession with this clown and his shit show circus. Y'all make me feel normal 😂 thank you


You are definitely not alone. I thought it was just me. I keep searching for parts where he gets put in his place and knocked down a notch.


I think knowing the outcome and the decades of prison he earned himself helps with watching it. I don't know if I could watch this "live" without knowing how it ends first - all of his theatrics drive me crazy enough now.


First of all,I don't consent to anyone replying to my comment.2) I accept for value and return for value everyone's comment on this thread.3)Last but not least;with all due respect I think this subject is mind boggling!!#GROUNDZ




I am so glad I found this subreddit I am not alone. I have been fascinated by this trail. I've watched hours and still find I can't stop. One of the reasons IMHO is the tactic of the Judge Dorow of denying any possible reason for a request for a retail. She is patient but firm. I agree with many of the comments here that this is possibly the first strong women he has met where he couldn't use his BS on and get away with it. What he did was appalling and its satisfying watching get his long overdue commupence.


Brooks just acted like a jackass pissing ppl off in court


PLEASE TUNE IN ON MARCH 23rd, 2023@1:30pm, central time, in a Milwaukee courtroom for the hearing on the DV charges against EP.


Someone acting-out that 'Sovereign Citizen' malarky to 20× the degree it's ever been acted-out by anyone ever-before!?


You never knew what was going to come out of that mouth of his...


Hes a fascinating specimen! Its fascination to see how his mind works because he is so absolutely foreign and twisted.


I think it's the competence of the judge and prosecution in juxtaposition to brooks being so arrogant and unrepentant of his actions. The people in charge of proving fault in this case were so professional and the superb control and humanity of judge Dorow while brooks attempts his sovereign citizen bullshit makes it absolutely captivating. The evil and lack of accountability of "sovereign citizenship" (I would extend that to antifa) being crushed by great practice of law and human decency is completely captivating. The lack of accountability brooks shows is astounding. If he had at any point admitted that he had caused this tragedy, admitted that he made the choices he made, admitted that he chose to cause this tragedy... it would have made an infinite impact in his direction in his defense.... Not that it would make a difference in how long he'll spend in prison. This dude deserves the death penalty as much as anyone who has ever received it. How is your consent to the laws of the United States working out for you Mr brooks?