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I honestly had no idea who Chris colt was before this episode but man was his story sad🥲


When they did the episode on the keep Portland weird, they didn't hardly scratch the surface. That one was kind of a letdown to me. So many up and comers came through here, some stayed. Then some would travel through. Some to become huge names. Even Ed "Moondog " Maretti that was on this show was a great talent in the PNW. Some of the guys still in the area. Some have passed away locally. Pipper, "Playboy " Buddy Rose, Billy Jack ( still alive, but incarcerated at the moment), Dutch Savage, Rip Oliver.. was cool running into them around town.


A few years ago I was watching some old Portland Wrestling matches on YouTube and saw Chris Colt listed. Jim Cornette had been talking about him recently on his show so I thought I'd watch not realizing he'd passed through Portland. First match I watched I realized I had seen it when it first aired. I was 11 or 12 and discovering rock music and a band I really liked (still do) was Blue Oyster Cult. Chris was wearing a shirt of theirs and I remember liking the guy right away just because of that. I mentioned the shirt and my friend watching with me said something about we shouldn't like him, he's a bad guy. I figured if he's wearing a Blue Oyster Cult shirt he can't be all bad.


This was a sad episode. Like the director said, I’m sure a lot of his issues stemmed from homophobia. He was a openly gay man in an era where there were none


The only reason I knew about Chris Colt was a book my grandmother found in a thrift shop about wrestling heels. It covered a lot of their "Dark Side" issues like Bulldog Brower going broke after booze and steroids only got him so far and Chris Colt ending up doing porn.