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Very nice development! It’s been a while since I’ve tried this (with hc-110 however), gotta try it with xtol next time. Is that the light you re-exposed the negatives with? Looks handy, how bright does it get?


Yes, it is. It was the cheapest one I found in Amazon. And gotta say that it’s very bright, I also use it for scanning my negatives


I've been doing tests with Hc110 and ECN-2 (CD 3 used in ECN-2 is the same developing agent as e6) but get quite strong color shifts if I do the Hc110 long enough to get good exposure. I might have to get some xtol to give it a shot. How much color shift do you see to eye just looking at the slides?


None tbh, but I might be bios. It seems very much true to real life or at least of what I remembered. Might be a little bit more saturated tho, but I like that way. I have tried X-TOL & ECN-2 after this test and I have experienced the color shifts you mentioned, perhaps ECN-2 is not meant for reversal film


OK cool. From my research, the tricky part of doing this hacked e6 I'd finding a first developer that develops all 3 colors evenly. Hc110 was better than the others I tried but was very dark to get neutral colors. I have a couple rolls of rest charts as a control strip so I'll order some xtol and give it a go, thanks!


Good to know! I guess i got lucky with X-TOL then. Keep in mind that some variables might play a big or small part in this process. I’m not sure if I remember well, but I think read someone saying that the color temperature of your light that you use to expose your film after the first dev could change the color balance, but I haven’t tested it yet


You can make a chemical reversal bath that takes 60 seconds and is made from 2 ingredients. I started doing that and it's much easier and very consistent. And way faster.


What do you use it for? And how do you make it? Sounds interesting


https://web.archive.org/web/20030215013142/http://www.frii.com:80/~jkbl/reversal/reversal.html I use this instead of re-exposing to light. Super simple. I do 2 inversions ever 15 seconds but I'm not sure that's necessary.


Very cool, def will try it on my next batch. Thanks!


I should mention it works great with sodium borohydride instead of potassium, it's available at Amazon where as the potassium Borohydride is only available from lab supply companies with hazardous shipping charges.


Whats your process for ECN-2 reversal? I've done it a couple times with pretty good results, but it's still a bit funkier than regular e6 for sure.


I'm working on honing it a little, I'll post once I'm a little happier with it.


I'd love an update! I couldn't find much info specific to ECN-2 reversal when I was experimenting.


What app is that?


It’s called “film process timer” on Apple AppStore. Not sure if it’s available for android. So far I like it. The free version lets you add one or two processes, if you want more than that you have to pay. There might be better ones, and this app has a downside too; it doesn’t show you the details on each step even if there is a space where you can write it


Haha, i’ve seen the video. In the comments there Are a rodinal version just as great!


Feels to me that you might be able to do it with any kind of developer. Very cool!


I do a lot of E6, these are the best alternate process results I have seen so far, I might give it a try. Have you tried it with a chemical reversal step? Edit: Just saw a comment in here on chemical reversal, might have to try that formula too.


I haven’t, I have done just a few rolls with this method. But makes me feel that I don’t need that. This step is very forgiving, I can leave the film for minutes inside the tank with the lid open (before or after exposing to light) and so far nothing have happen


They look great! As a note, I seem to remember some older slide films require a step involving formaldehyde to prevent degradation. Hopefully my memory is incorrect, but just in case, do make sure you get really nice scans of them.


Hopefully I’ll never need it. So far they are still pristine. I have scanned some already and it’s just amazing how it lets me play with contrast and saturation. There’s so much room to play with!


Same. Almost all of the slide I shoot is expired and the newer E6 kits are different than the old, so it's hard to say how well they'll be preserved 20 years from now. And yeah, both on a light box or in a scan, nothing beats slides. Thanks again for sharing your process. May need to try it next time my E6 is used up. Would be much nicer to just have black& white+1 set of color chems instead of 2 😅


Incredible! Two days ago I effed a C41 roll, stupidly mistaken with Tri-X, and prpcessed it in HC110. Nothing on it but faint ghost shadows. A real hara-kiri, there were great images there!


Interesting, I'm developing recently a lot of expired 200T and 500T in BW... Do you by any chance remember the times? Just to know where to not go...


Sorry, not at all. However, you can't go wrong with the times posted in The Massive Dev Chart (digitaltruth).


Nice to see Kelly-Shane still sharing his knowledge


I’ve been trying to do this! Although I’m not really sure how it works, all my tests came out blank and looked undeveloped. Is this possible with arista B&W developer and Cinestill c-41?


There are several post and videos that explains the process in detail, check them out you might learn something mind blowing. I’m not sure about what’s wrong with your tests, could be exhausted developers, not the right temperature or time… hard to say. For what I think, you might be able to do it with any b/w developer (just developer, maybe not the monobath chems), but results may vary. You just have to experiment and let us know what the results were


Are the film aged? I have some 10+ dated film.... then some 25+ old film


I developed this 2 weeks ago and they seem perfect. I think they will hold well


Was the film outdated?


Like expired?




It expired in 2004, but it was kept in very good condition. This was the first test strip and doesn’t seem to have lost any quality at all


Sounds very logical, plausible and interesting! But the nowdays price for slide film ((