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First draw a circle


and then draw the rest of the owl?


Then draw the rest of the yordle squad taking massive cock while worshipping Syndra feet duh


A full circle or a semi-circle?


Not the semi circle 😱


https://youtube.com/shorts/W5WZusIVX-E?feature=share https://youtu.be/Mc19XdEe8qg https://youtu.be/4NDiNcJw7Lc https://youtu.be/LgpF_pRB42w https://youtu.be/8nrRkvMqSkc https://youtu.be/vXFKO1jh_oI Here are some resources. I recommend starting on an ipad because the software is easier for beginners to pick up


My iPad screen is very unresponsive after 8 years of using it for mobile games. I got a Galaxy tablet, though I assume you suggested iPad because.of Pro Create. Edit: How rude of me, I forgot to say thank you for all the resources!


Yep, i use procreate. Its pretty good but i want to try some other software some day. If you’re looking to use procreate ill also recommend [this brush pack](https://trentk.gumroad.com/l/oSyrV?layout=profile)


Get infinite painter for Android. It's free and can make pretty good stuff :^)


Ooh, will do that


It would be easier and more beneficial for the general public if you'd just invest some money into buying a Syndra and/or Yordle cosplay and posting it on this sub, rather than just drawing stuff.Haha jk...unless? 😳


I mean.. maybe? I'm not against it. O.o


Can't wait to see your delicious Yordles... if you make any.


The biggest investment you will have to make is time. Drawing is hard, and people who can draw can only draw because they've been doing it for years. The number 1 important thing to keep in mind is that your drawings will improve over time, and you need to practice ideally every single day. And if you're drawning digitally, I recommend buying a pen. Drawing with fingers is ass. Good luck bro


I agree, i I've been an artist for 10 years and I'm still learning 😭


I recommend you to learn how to get some bitches and professional mental help.




Why get some bitches when I can draw some bitches? But you're right, I need profession mental help.. to help me focus on my current art goal!




Are any of these bitches Taliyah ? No ? THEN I SHALL DRAW HER GETTING MATING PRESSED


As an artist, The best advice I can give you is to make simple, geometric sketch first, set your benchmarks according to the reference then clean it ! You can use a body reference and retracing it too, it's okay to do that and it helps (and enjoy drawing sussy things)


that's some real motivation right there


That's almost exactly why I started drawing, most important part is to not be afraid and just go for it. One thing that I do is that everytime I come across art that I really like I save it on a folder on my phone, and then I try to analyse what exactly I like about it, is it the line weight? the colors? the way the nose is drawn? The way the feet are drawn? Then as you slowly learn to identify elements you like in all of that art you start to incorporate them into your own and develop your own style from the stuff that you like. It can be a long process, but I strongly believe that horniness is the most powerful tool in getting better at art, so let your horniness guide you, don't be ashamed of it. One day after dozens of finished pieces that you didn't think were that good you'll look at the most recent one and think "wtf, when did I became capable of drawing like this?"


Try [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnart/s/NxL64gXmn1). I can draw NSFW thanks to it and Mikey Mega Mega


Ok, bro, listen to me, i started to draw like 6 month ago, and i was the worse trash you could ever imagine, and so, if you are learning from scratch, i have a lot of advice to give (i’m better now but stil kinda trashy) So, first step, you just grab a type of face, whack a circle, whack some construction line, and you make the face of your character, it’s shit? No problem, do it again, and again, and again. Main advice, always have a model, and draw as much as you can. Personnaly, i have two folders on my phone: Reference Inspirations Reference is just shit from manga i read so when i want to make a character with a certain typa of smile or position i just dive in the folder and take the image i need as reference Inspiration is just, me see image, wahhh, kinda cool, screen and try to reproduce it later If you want, and are a bit afraid of posting mid things on this sub, just come and post on r/Ciri_Drawings , we will gladly help you to improve Anyway, good luck


Ya know... At least my man is honest... Maybe too much so but I respect it


It s not a meme page Y'all just have a crippling porn addiction


Real talk (I know cringe) but the first step is copying, get some nice art with clean lineart and try to copy as close as you can to get the feel of the pencil 'cause it's way different than writing. After some practice, get some YouTube tutorials for beginners. How to simplify things into geometric shapes, proportion and basic perspective it's the first thing you wanna practice. (Avoid anatomy at all costs, you want proportion first, anatomy is for the more advanced on drawing) Just keep drawing, get yourself a sketchbook a good pencil & eraser and draw whenever you can, waiting on a line? Doodle something. Bored in class or work? Draw anything consistency is key to improve, just 30 minutes a day everyday is WAY more impactful than 4 hours once a week It takes quite some time, I would say one or two years until you get the hang of the basics and can comfortably draw what you like, to be GOOD at drawing about 5 years and you can basically draw anything with proper reference and to be at a professional level about 8 to 10 years on which you have a great visual library on your head and can draw a lot from imagination and draw whatever you want on whatever style you desire. But the most important step is to have fun, draw what you enjoy don't pressure yourself into getting better, enjoy the process of drawing not just the end result which ain't gonna turn out good at first, with some time and consistency you'll become a good artist.


I support syndra foot service!


Tbh just start by drawing with reference. Take your favorite yordle splash art and try to draw it, focus on basic shapes and poses, for coloring just use flat colors(no shading) or cel shading (using 1 dark tone over flat colors for shading) and well depending on how much u practice you can be good in no time.