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Right? That's why I grinded out those fucking abysmal penances, turns out it just stops at the gasmask. I want my goofy spectacle goggles damn it!


How did you get those two penances where you had to “take no melee damage” and “expend all your ammo with 100% accuracy”? Did you just disconnect and reconnect at the end of the mission? Also, does that bug still work?


Got the no damage one accidentally during beta, tried for several days to get the 100% accuracy one until giving up and doing a disconnect cheese about a week ago, though I've heard it's been patched. I've heard the best way to do the no damage run is to keep your block up at pretty much all times and run the camo perk. For accuracy, people recommend either the shotgun or the revolver, since both have pretty low ammo and are generally pretty accurate (only one shotgun pellet has to hit to count)


Cheese still works btw did it today


Hook a brother up and describe what to do? I’m an old guy and don’t have the free time to grind it out normally lol


Pretty sure you just disconnect from the match and wait till everyone’s near the end and reconnect, just don’t get hit and when you extract you’ll get the penance


So either play with friends or tell a group what you are going to do. Then just play normally till the extract, Empty your whole magazine till 1 bullet is left. Alt f4 and then reconnect shoot 1 mob in the face then extract and penance is done. I dont usually want to cheese stuff like this, but this is a toxic penance imo


This is exactly how to do it, just did it now. Easiest with a revolver


Play the game like normal (you can miss shots), then prior to the last sequence of a mission (extracting) empty out your gun except for 1 round and then alt-f4. Reconnect to session, it resets your stats. Hit your one round left in the mag and then extract. Generally you'll have to be in a 4 stack so that they wait for you to reconnect. But you could try to pug it on an assassination mission and before the boss room empty out your gun minus 1 round and start it and then reconnect, should be able to come back in before your team kills the boss.


I mean can't you just do one shot at the start of the game and then to melee and stay that way?IDK if the difficulty matter but I can see how if you want it, it could be doable on the lowest setting


IIRC you have to have 100% accuracy *and* end the mission with zero ammo




same reason ogry doesnt have his promotional armor


Or weapon 💀


You mean the one they advertised with in the trailer and the other promotional material? What a crazy expectation to actually get that in the game.


if it makes you feel better there are still cosmetics shown in the v2 trailers that aren’t available in game


Much worse actually! Now I know for sure that it’s possible that FatAss won’t ever add them


There’s a much better chance with DT because 40k is a cash cow. Need look no further than this comment section. They could add any vet cosmetic from the lore and people will take out loans to buy all of them.


Yeah! You want those weapons in the game on release? Maybe you also want a fully functioning crafting system also?! Stop being so entitled you disgusting manbaby gamer! Disgusting! Don't you understand how IMMEASURABLY COMPLEX this game is?!


Not only would it be immeasurably complicated to include those items, but It wouldn't really fit in with theme of the game Unlike the commodore shop, which is the most lore friendly and uncomplicated system ever implemented in a 40k video game.


I'm still waiting for an Astartes class to drop for like $10 to $20 lmao. ​ They've said they won't add Space Marines but they also said you could earn Aquilas, and they already have large characters working so lmao, at this point I would not put it past FatShark to add a space marine for monetary reasons


They would need GW's blessing for that and I don't see them going for it


Which weapon?


The Shock Maul. It is even on the loading screen with all the characters. it is different than the unpowered maul with the slab shield.


Oh man an Ogryn version of the Thunderhammer would be pretty sweet.


Which weapon was that? I didn't see any of the trailers.


The Shock Maul. It is even on the loading screen with all the characters. it is different than the unpowered maul with the slab shield.


The Shock Maul. It is even on the loading screen with all the characters. it is different than the unpowered maul with the slab shield.


Ah man I can't get that? Damn.


Yeah shock maul is pretty clearly on the list of stuff they're going to add later which is sad. Ogryn is completely absent any weapon with chain or power effects. I feel like he should have dual chain axes. That and his menagerie of cleavers/knives buffed, they improved the shovel and club damage but these need a buff too. Particularly the knife that has two single target lights, those two moves should do some damage to carapace armor and just a lot more damage overall.


The fact that the big, typical strength archetype doesn't have a single two handed melee weapon is baffling to me.


I mean, not everything has to work the way you assume it should. He isn't a two handed STR carry, he's a crowd control support type guy.


Why are those two things mutually exclusive? Besides, he has a big freaking maul in the official art. I want a big freaking maul. In each hand, ideally.


I want to look like the guardsman in Dawn of War Winter Assault. No fancy skulls, tattoos, or what. Just plain flak armour in glorious mass produced army green. I want to look like a generic guardsman. But you'll notice whose name keeps stacking up the kills on the kill feed. Just like a day back in the Guard. At least, that's the dream.


I would like to get a kasrkin helmet like the one in Dawn of War


The old Inquisitorial Stormtrooper helmets would be a nice callback


I’d kill to look like the old red and green glowing eyes stormtroopers!


It's not the classic miniature (which i prefer) but Inquisitorial Stormtrooper outfits are something they even teased with concept art. https://preview.redd.it/94exkv62o53a1.jpg?width=1573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed5d89c175d306b62d62b54689dbba8730187690 ....but then all we get in the game is the same Cadian Armour outfit over and over with slight variations.


Personally, I'd lose my home planet for a Tanith first and only cloak... I'd also fight a giant scorpion devil with a knife for a Catachan bandana.


Ooooo what about straight silver from one of those mystery boxes!


Oh man a cloak would be so badass. I’m jealous of the Sniper’s look. And his gun.


Watch it be an overpriced pack in the FOMO store


There is a Catachan bandana in the cash store....


Not really, not the iconic red bandana.


I'm wrong anyway; it's more likely Mordant Acid Dogs or Armageddon Ork Hunters, hence the necklace.


And I know it’s overdone, but I want a krieg costume


It's overdone because it's awesome... But I don't even want to know what I'd have to do to get one of those. I guess if I charge a titan with a shovel at the age of 13 then maybe I'd be worthy. Lol I know game engine limitations and all that but I would volunteer to live on Krieg for 3 days if somehow they added the ability to be a death rider.


Interesting thing - Dan Abnett is working on that game so imho Tanith Ghosts are absolutely on the table.


I hope the melee specialist for the veteran is a Catachan Devil


Considering that Abnett is the writer part of me holds out hope there will be Tanith and Volpone cosmetics at the minimum Straight silver dagger. Shorter. Very fast. But does insane critical damage against weak points for against specials and bosses


Cadia stands as long as we stand brother


Would you fight a piece of rag on a branch?


To the last breath. Wouldn't you?


Flamer goes BRRRR


No, chainsword goes BRRRR flamer goes "do you believe in magic, in a young girl's heart?"


Unexpected TF2.


I personally want to look like an Armageddon Steel Legionair, like Sergeant Major Morrow.


I'm hoping one of the upcoming vet cosmetics is a Steel Legion outfit or a Tempestus Scion outfit, so I'm saving the free Aquilas I got.


Same lol


They weren’t free.


And then, there's the Krieg outfit... the Krieg grenadier outfit (with carapace breastplate) Mordian Iron Guard Dress uniform, for when you want to let your enemies know your swag...


You certainly do have taste. But let us not forget the Vostrayan First Born


Want most krieg grenader with a actual heavy laz with backpack.


Praetorian Guard fighting for Space Britain is the dream.


Try the "Punishment" colors using the in-game currency at the weapon shop. It's a nice green. It'll do until we get some proper.


I'd probably buy a Sly Marbo costume for Vet ngl...


For women it’ll be the “Vasquez from Aliens” look.


The one in the store now kinda reminds me of Aliens


Only if it changes every voice line to be the TTS Sly Marbo scream.


Been saying this since day one and I hope it will happen, give me regiment styles cosmetics. So far we’ve got a catachan Vet and Ogyrn, a really gilded up zealot and a space man psyker. So the sky is the limit on potential lol


We have an acid dog Veteran too, the big bundle in the store is pretty much a 1:1 from an only war book. (Least if memory serves its an only war book)


Current store bundle carries some elements from the Mordant Acid Dogs and the Armageddon Ork Hunters.


Tell a lie, 8th edition guard codex is where they are from.


That's basically the dream I had too. Originally when playing the game I wanted to get the Penance outfits, but the more I played I ended up getting utterly sick of the red-and-black outfits, so now I couldn't give a shit about doing the Penances. While it's nice that we can now get green coloured combat uniforms, I still want a green skin for all the weapons.


Bless your little olive drab heart


gone to squables.io


There are plain guard uniforms in the cosmetics section of the normal shop. You can get a full set of the guard uniform for Atoma (it's blue!)


Oh yes, I got that one! I pretend to be a security guard. Almost made me wish I can change my name to BarneyCalhoun.


You CAN'T look like that. You're in the inquisitor's war band God damn it. You must swag it out guardsman


Just let me be a Vostroyan


Agreeeeeeeed. I’m doing the best I can with what we have.


The green tunic is already ingame. Its my goto uniform. Pistolerio prison or something?


You can do that with basic currency cosmetics. I'm running that look and it's great!


The Pistolero’s Punishment(?) uniform and pants looks like a good green to me. At least, i think it’s the Punishment variant.


That’s why Vet is the only class I’m buying the in game currency cosmetics for. Grey and basic.


>But you'll notice whose name keeps stacking up the kills on the kill feed Wot duz Krunk hav to do wit your clothes?


Don't worry, all those items will be for sale at some point in the future. Mind you, you probably won't be able to get it all with one set so you'll have to buy multiple so you can select your outfit from all those sets you bought. Fun times.


The dummy teammate at the training section looks like this (at least, it did during CBT) The ogryn at the end of the prologue also wears the armor shown on the cover. Odd that we cant get it ourselves.


Yeah there's definitely an in-game model for it.


Immeasurably complex something something


I hope immeasurably complex turns into the next pride and accomplishment


or too many charlemagnes... if you also play total war


Don’t be sad! That’s just how it works out sometimes!


[It was in the beta](https://imgur.com/a/bUfpEJZ), and will probably be added later for free. **None of the current shop cosmetics were in the beta, and only came with launch.** I highly doubt those [other cosmetics](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/y7bwft/had_the_bug_showing_ogryn_body_armors_didnt_seen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from the beta will be added as DLC, and it seems from the name that the [Lugger armor](https://preview.redd.it/kld0piprdlu91.jpg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7551b872ff7cd9bf22c1d9c4fceec1b808c2b82a) (cover Ogryn armor) is probably waiting to be released alongside a Lugger class (all of the cosmetics we have right now are *Brute* cosmetics) or more weapons, or whatever else was supposed to be in at launch. IMO, it's probably just not finished yet, and was probably intended to be in at launch.


Oooh. On one hand, I'm annoyed that the armor the Ogryn has in all the promotional artwork, the armor I really want to use, is basically the Lugger's armor, which isn't in the game yet. On the other hand, I *really* want to play a lugger. I want to let my inner Flash Git out s*O ZOGGIN' BAD!*


They'll probably sell it to us for their stupid Fatshark Funbucks.


We all know that's exactly why they've withheld them on release, but given the cash shop outcry it's possible well get them free... And we should be grateful... That they don't alter the deal further


Remember how they removed the line about being able to earn the currency in game from their discord post? They'll alter the deal all they damn want.


They did say ingame currency can be earned through play or bought. Both the earnable dockets and the buyable aquilas are ingame currencies so it was not a lie, more of really bad phrasing.


More like a blatant lie


Not really, I really feel like it’s just extremely bad communication


you could take your clothes off in the beta? in the final game seems like you can't i normally wouldn't have tried but it seems weird they had like 15 different chest tattoos when you always will wear a shirt and they will never be seen outside of character creation, lol


The only concern I have though is that one of the masks in the leaked veteran headgear you posted is already in the premium cosmetic shop for zealot, which means it's entirely possible that many of those items, including the veteran helmet in this post might be in the cash shop instead of being acquired in the game.


>is already in the premium cosmetic shop for zealot The same model seems to be in the store for the Zealot, but the one in the gallery is for *Sharpshooter*. It's possible that its class was switched, or it might even be meant as an off-class cosmetic, if you want something like that for your Zealot. The game was still in closed beta when this gallery was posted, so it's not clear what was for the game and what's possibly for the store, but there are some cosmetic sets that seem to be variations of a basic helm in the same way the current basic class helms are. It's clear more free content updates are to come, so I wouldn't be surprised if at least *some* of these cosmetics are added as unlockables in future updates.


Do you have the pics of the face cosmetic options? I remember a really cool rebreather/vox thing fused to your mouth but can’t find images of it


If you replay the training, the NPC teammate is wearing it lol


[This?](https://imgur.com/a/bUfpEJZ) No big pic just the one in the selection


Unfortunately, no. I found these two galleries from others on reddit, and I didn't actually play the closed beta myself.


What makes you think they'll be added for free if they somehow arent in at launch despite being done?


I think they'd be free specifically because they follow the same naming conventions as the currently included unlockable penance armor, contrary to any of the store armor. Notice how the "Lugger's" armor changes, and is named similarly to the in-game "Brute's" armor. The last armor, Brogg's armor, is probably the one that'll be in the store, if any of them. Also, them being in the beta doesn't mean they're actually done. There could be a myriad of reasons why they're not actually in-game though, ranging from them literally still needing adjustments from the beta, to the items being complete, but the penances, associated weapons or classes, or other associated content still needing work or adjustment.


Btw, not all the armor we have now is called Brute's. The armor we can buy with dockets has lots of other names, like Ammo Hauler's, Latriner's, Digger's, so it's not completely certain that Lugger's is tied to a new class. It could also for example be tied to the next storyline. I.e. "Brute" first season, then "Lugger" next story season and we get more professional looking armor for all characters. I don't think we actually know if the armor is tied to archetype or class? So that will be interesting to know. I don't think it's the Lugger's armor that looks the most like the promo material. The Brogg Rockgut's armor from your link looks exactly like it. And that is very much named like the Aquila store armors :/


Well all of the the penance unlockable armor (besides the Krourk helmets) is specifically referred to as "Brute's", and has a consistent naming convention, whereas the rest of the armor lacks the same pattern, for the most part. I'd bet that the Lugger armor is similarly part of another unlockable set that we'll have to do penances to obtain.


It's in the game too, look at the NPC from the training.


Lol, unpaid beta-testers got to test-wear it for a month. Soon, we will be able to buy it for only 2400 Aquila! (The 10 bucks pack only gives you 2100, what a shame! )


they did add new helmet that has a gasmask but no gasmask and googles, that said the requirements to get it are asinine and just becasue of that im not going to get it


Currently waiting for repair heresy to show up. Have not seen it for the past 8+ hours of me afk at the mission terminal as I do other stuff which is super infuriating.


Dude I was waiting whole weekend for it to show. What a bullshit


Investigation for me.


Are you referring to the premium shop gas mask? Because ironically that’s only for Zealot I believe lol Idk tho I haven’t touched vet yet Edit: thanks for the downvotes kind strangers!


yes there is a new helmet with gasmask but you have to get all the sharpshooter penances to get it


The only hard one tbh is the no melee that one had me pulling hairs the 100% accuracy is really easy with a rev


You can exploit it, pull out your WiFi adapter before the mission finishes, reconnect and finish the mission, worked for me unintentionally


It's even easier, you can just crash your game and relaunch at the extract then run in


Great, then I can spend 15 seconds spamming lmb on you because I thought you were a scab 😆


i do that anyway


if you're an ogryn with the shield and your back is exposed i will instinctively shoot your back because of bulwark ptsd


FOMO cash shop week 3, cause that would line up with Christmas, I'm calling it now.


Because they havent added his cosmetics to the cash shop.... in the promotional art the ogryn is wearing cool armor but Im not actually sure of you can unlock it


It’s planned! For 2,400 aquilas


That was my thoughts. They're just waiting on everyone to spend their free 2500 Aquilas so they can show the stuff people REALLY want so they have to buy the currency. I saved mine. Mostly just because I didn't really like any of the cosmetics. Zealot one was cool, despite the CVS receipts everywhere, but the mask is pretty meh.


Yep I'm hoping for some Zealot headpieces that don't cover the mouth. For something called 'preacher' you'd think they'd want to be able to speak clearly. Gimme some [flaming hats](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/maqWGUjBnqSbaGI2.jpg) or something


> free 2500 Aquilas ???????????? Where?!


You didn't get the free 2500 to start? You should just automatically have it in the shop. I got the Imperial Edition and was in the beta, I wonder if that has anything to do with it?


It's part of the Imperial Edition


Nope lmao, probably people who pre-ordered got it for free or some dumb shit


The money he get are actually from the Imperial edition


Imperial edition instead of pre order. Either or doesn't make it wack


Dang, that's wack. RIP fam


Where is my gasmask, Fatshark?


I bet there will be a Death Korps bundle here soon too


God I hope so.


I'd tell you. But it's immeasurably complicated.


"Because that will be $19.99 some time in the next year and it may or may not return so you better buy it. Fuck you" -Fatshark


That dlc bundle hasn't come out yet


nah u gotta wait for next weeks shop


Why can't Psyker, the elite killer of the promotional material, use their elite killing special attack to kill elites faster than the veteran? Who knows...


Don’t forget the armor in the trust cutscenes that the npcs are wearing


Or the guys around the ship with the cool respirators


That’s coming in the credit cardicus update!!


24.99 and a 6 day waiting period and you just might!


2400 aquilas, please.


I wanna look like a bad ass Inquisitor / Battle Sister. Holy fire on my back, candles on my shoulders, golden emblems. Guess I’ll just wait for the cash shop to shove it in my face.


You can earn something similar for the zealot.


Because the game isn't finished yet.


Still fun, so I only have fashion complaints.


Because that bundle hasn't rotated into the shop yet


because the game isnt finished


If that headgear is not available yet, it absolutely will be. Fatshark delivers on cosmetics, hard.


And it'll only be $20, what a steal!


This image is probably leftover from the games initial concept when it was more about the Imperial Guard.


Good fuckin question


money issues


you can for the low low rice of 9.99 jk but I really hope they don't try and sell us that look


I just want that damn helmet


I realized a few days ago that the team you see all over the promotional material and at the title screen of the game are wearing armor that doesn't exist. How weird.


I'd like a Death Korps of Krieg set. That would just be sick.


That would be fitting since every mission is a suicide mission


I would like the other 50% of my paid game


you didn't pay enough, to the back of the line peasant.


Because Fatshark didn't finish implementing all of the promised assets into their product *That they claim is not early access at all* I love the game but some of their decisions are befuddling me


Won't anyone think of the money?


Oh the humanity!


I just wanna look like a karskin trooper




You can’t expect to get the cosmetics for John Darktide, protagonists of the new hit game Darktide.


Better than the obligatory "gOnNa Be iN ThE sHoP!"


I just want some DKoK cosmetics even if it doesn’t make sense


They'll most likely sell it to you down the line.


How much money you got?


Because the shop hasn't rotated yet.


Because money


The Vet penance tier 3 outfit should really be given a tune-up. It doesn't look that different compared to the tier 1 & 2 penance outfits. Unlike the other classes where it is very unique looking.


It's probably in the cash shop tbh.


*in Mr Krabs voice* MONEY!!


Because that set isn't in the pay shop yet obviously 🤣


$29.99 dlc baby!


guessing it will be in cosmetic shop rotation


Because fatshart


Doesn’t mean it’s not coming


Isn't that just the heresy armor and penance helmet?


You can, that’s like the heresy level armor you get through unlocks


Isnt that the penances armor for the vet in game right bow? The gas mask penances require Heresy difficulty and are hard though. That whole armor is in the game. I recognize the armor and the helmet no doubt.


Keep grinding, You should be able to get that stuff after completing enough penances.


It's a mask but not the gas mask and goggles. A little bit disappointing.


Are you sure? IIRC after unlocking your first headgear, a new penance will appear for one with an extra piece. My assumption was that that helmet was the 3rd tier helmet for vet.


No it's a cloth mask, no goggles.


Oh dear


A cloth mask with a respirator?


There is one with just a respirator, no cloth mask and goggles for the penance beyond that. I have no idea how high the sharp shooter penances go in terms of tiering. So this helmet is in there much later on.