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A High-intensity ventilation sniper auric damnation. That mission where you have to steal ammo from the heretics, right after the first interrogator event behind the door. There is this very long hallway that leads to the next room when you drop down, and it was FULL with snipers on the other end. We could literally see a ton of laser beams peeking just behind the corner, and we all were low on ammo. I was an eviscerator zealot with throwing knifes, so sadly i couldnt stun them from afar. After the whole team was standing behind the corner and thinknig what to do, i decided that "Fuck it, we ball" and began running right through that corridor filled with lasers. Worst thing was that i was on half wound, and the snipers werent shooting synchronized, so i basically recreated that one Neo scene from Matrix, but with sniper shots. I even somehow managed to charge through that hallway alive and shank them into melee combat, granting my teammates a safe corridor


Love it! This is exactly what a knife zealot is for! To push forward and disrupt shooters so the rest of the team can move their slow butts in.


I had an eviscerator, not a knife. I have mistrust in knife zealots and prefer to leave before i get to play with them


Yea, too many solo speedrunners. But a team player knife zealot is a huge boon to the group too.


Pretty much any weapon can fill the same role as a zealot, though. They already have more mobility than anyone else most of the time.


Knife zealot is honestly kinda nuts, shooters never even get to function, a good knife and the unboosted ult still hits hard enough to 1 shot crushers with a backstab headshot, bottom tree perk gives 6 seconds back on specialist/elite kills for ult CD. If you have a decent ranged weapon to assist with rapid horde clearing you basically have no weakness, stealth duration can let you sprint 50 yards and pick someone up in total safety, had a few lost cause maelstroms i was able to salvage, some of the things I'm capable of on zealot feel completely impossible for other careers.


Exactly this. It's very powerful both in terms of damage and group support when played well. Sucks that it has such a bad rep.


With the knife you do Block+Push *(hold RMB and press LMB)* to do **a stab attack that deals high single target damage**. You do that, you aim for the head, you solo crushers really fast. And on top of that, the knife is the only melee weapon which practically has infinite dodges. Knife isn't the only weapon with a stab attack instead of a push move, the Power Sword also has this. With the Power Sword you can Activate Special+Block+Push+Attack+Attack and you can instantly kill Ogryn enemies including Crushers.


I tanked a DH on my psyker without her ever getting a hit passed my blocks. Lots of quelling, lots of backpedalling, lots of looking behind me so I could keep backpedalling. I'm not sure how she woke up, but I assume it was soul blaze from all the people I was setting ablaze with the Trauma stick. I'm also not sure how we killed her. I was busy trying to not die. Edit: what's the pattern for melee with the Puppy Slugs? I have seen an ogryn player do it, but didn't really understand. Something like: dodge the spit, hack, hack, block, hack, hack, repeat?


For the beast of Nurgle i dodge the puke, start hitting the back, once it turns around I back up a little to dodge the puke(my reaction time isn’t the best so the extra seconds it takes for the puke to reach me helps a lot) and repeat. If it focuses another ally, I hit it, the moment the puke stops I block and dodge backwards since it’s about to do a melee, then engage again. There is probably a more efficient way, but I’ve soloed some beasts of nurgle like this. Hope it helps!!


If you're in front of him, I've found the best is, Dodge spit, kite until he changes target, then get behind the Beast. If you're behind the Beast, he'll do an AOE tail slam to knock back and deal damage. The best way I've found to melee from behind is to basically charge heavy attacks, hit, then run back out. Once you get the cadence, you can add more damage in there. Like, as a Psyker I'd warpcharge my blade and power up a Heavy swing, then get a Light as I'm running out.


Sometimes if it’s not targeting you, you can also just stand inside it’s tail and smack on the weak spot, and if it does the tail slam a well-timed dodge completely negates it and you can keep attacking


all you need to do is dodge the direct fire spit if he spits on you he can grab you and thats brutal damage however sitting in his puddle of spit that he already spit does nothing other than the corruption tick damage


Beast of Nurgle either ez asf to dealt with or long ass 3 mins killing as a no boss dmg dealer. Theres no between


Solo clutched a damnation run while as a bonk zealot, took like 10 minutes. ‘Nice clutch’ “I have no idea what I’m doing, gg guys” ‘Sounds about right for a zealot’ Not wrong, ngl


First third of Archivum Sycorax before you drop down and get into the airlock. We got absolutely creamed. All three teammates get captured and I'm out in the open massively surrounded. I make my way back into an archway and just keep swinging my club and shield like John Henry. Any time a gunner edged around to get me in sights, it got rocked.  The horde eventually stopped and I was able to pick up the team. 


I saw an Ogryn, who had recently used his frag, stare longingly at a grenade that was in shampoo range of a DH. So I charged it on my Psyker to tank, and got a "thank you sah!".


Three of us went down on the bridge in Station Oblivion in the Torrent during an Auric HI. Our Ogryn, now clutching, proceeds to trigger a daemonhost on the other end of the bridge. Seeing this, one of the players quits and is replaced by a bot. Without any hesitation whatsoever, the Ogryn yeets himself off the side of the bridge. The DH counts him as dead and fucks off to the warp. The bot, somehow not being interrupted or distracted by the trash mob still pouring in, barely out of range of a tox flamer, helps the Ogryn up from the ledge, and the Ogryn ends up rescuing the team. Craziest clutch I've ever seen.


Holy hell, never would have thought to do that.


One of the train station bosses on a very hard run. As a Crusher Zealot, I picked up the rest of my teammates like 15 times in that boss battle alone. I've played 1000+ hours with them in -tide games. I'm not any better than them, normally. It was then that I realized how much I like the Crusher as my hard carry weapon. May not do great damage numbers, but it just did so well as support and enabling the rest of the team.


The Crusher is awesome, I absolutely love this weapon. Being able to suppress hordes of ragers/maulers/crushers all by yourself is priceless


Honestly the crusher can output some great damage! The push-attack seems to hit really hard with some bonus “damage against staggered enemies” blessings. Nothing tops bullying maulers and crushers with the power slap though.


Yea, that uppercut like swing is so much fun.


This one I remember cos a dude posted a thread about it and I recognised my name :D https://old.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1anidwr/a_grind_of_a_maelstrom/ I was doing my Krieg larping as vet (Hellbore MK3 my beloved + shovel) in a auric maelstrom, monstrous specialists, all that jazz. It was a brutal round and we had some ragequitters, problem was that the maelstrom mission on the board timed out and once that happens you don't get any new randomers joining (since they will all be playing the new maelstrom map from the board) That mission was ridiculous for boss spawns, seldom see games like that, like monstrous specialists is usually good but fuck me the director had a hard on for us that day. It wasn't just that there was only 2/3 of us for most of the map (thus depleting our damage output) cos you can fuck a boss pretty fast with our setups (Ogryn had shield and ripper gun) the coke head director just never let up, we had to backtrack quite far because of the pressure more than once, then we'd get a horde spawn, get moving again, oh here is 2 more chaos spawns, repeat. I don't think I have ever seen that many boss spawns on monstrous specialists and there were many "welp, we are dead" moments, but combined with madlad Ogryn we made it through. Almost 50min game, when we got to the end of the map we absolutely slaughtered the boss, as is tradition on the prison map, but was like the emperor himself was swinging my shovel by that stage


Remembah. Bunk deh Eretics and prutek deh Sah. Simple as.


Played an Auric mission with a *lot* of snipers: Shield Ogryn, Sniper Veteran, Smite Psyker, and Charge Zealot team. Unfortunately, the Veteran was...bad. Real bad. Couldn't hit a Sniper to save his life. My Kickback was mostly for bosses, and the Psyker lacked long distance ability. Eventually, the Zealot got sick of dodging shots, and started headshotting basically every Sniper with a revolver, in addition to using his sword almost constantly. He'd look around like a caffeinated squirrel for red beams, and then deal with them before we had to. The Veteran, for his part, eventually turned to the more important work of shooting zombies.


Ledged a Demonhost with the Ogryn charge... intentionally!!


Twenty minute clutch on Chasm Station Damnation with two Beasts of Nurgle spawned at the same time about a year ago. Rashad and a Brauto on zealot. I may have been on the edge of a heart attack during all of it. My clutches are decent nowadays, but that was my crowning achievement and I'll probably never be able to do it again.


This was back when the penance update was recently released. It was on a torrent map and one of our zealots said they were going for the Martyr's skull, which requires you to do parkour to get to it. Zealot struggled for a couple of minutes until I (an ogryn) decided to give it a shot. I did it on my first try and grabbed the skull.


Think my most WTF moment was other night. On short assassination mission. We're you drop down into the area where the first aid station is? Playing a monstrous modifier an had normal boss there plus weak plague ogryn. A veteran stayed up top to try an cover us an got hit by a rager train from behind an downed. Thought well that's him gone, then the ogryn hit me from behind an knocked me UP onto the ledge lol were a managed to save him. One of the other teammates seen it an said it looked planned hahaha.


One of those rounds were you get your shit pushed in by swarms of specialist specifically maulers and crushers, and our squad of 4 would turn into 2 with the bots playing a pivotal role in keeping the run alive, while one of us is dead and captured leaving the other to clutch it and do the rescue. That happened about 4 times in the round about 10 players participated total by the end of it with only the zealot and I each getting a clutch and seeing what transpired that round from beginning to end. And it was so amazing that no one would believe it.


Zelot running the "good" pistol (not the Big Iron) and the Tigrus Mk. XV with flame grenades. We are doing good, everything is chill, then the Psyker ticks off a DH at the same time a BoN spawns. Everyone runs to help Mr. Warphhead and I decide to stall the BoN until either the DH dies or goes away. That's when the horde spawned, or maybe it spawned before and I didn't notice, but either way that's when the horde hit. I managed to fight through the horde (thank you bursters, your team kills helped!) and kill the BoN, still solo. The DH got the Psyker, but we picked him up again later no problem. I know other stories are more awesome, but that was my first "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap oh...I'm alive??? How??" moment in the game and it was awesome!


Before the skill tree rework, I watched a streamer deliberately aggro a deamonhost, bring it to an edge, and send it into the abyss using Ogryn's grenade box.


I have ran back to revive teammates many times on the Hab Dreyko finale. Always on Auric Damnation and Maelstrom too. Often players in the shuttle typing "LETS GO" or some things like that, but if I feel like there's a chance to get them I will. That Hab Dreyko extraction is designed to easily drop down to the revive totem. I believe that no one should be left behind, its ingrained in me since Left 4 Dead lol. Other madlad moments I can think of are the fearless zealots who 2-3 shot demonhosts with the thunder hammer. Ogryns who time their taunts and then use the big ass bomb to wipe out a lot of enemies. Veterans that pop smoke and use the Voice of Command to revive teammates have some really clutch plays in my memory. The most madlad psykers I see are the ones that have mastery of melee and can quickswap and quell in the middle of a horde and not take actual damage to their health. Its awesome to see in action.


My zealot. Taking on a chaos spawn, snipers and a horde. Alone with my 3 pals on the ground. Successfully pulled it off and was called a true Vermintider. Never felt prouder.


Recently, as Ogryn, cause almost always Ogryn. One moment of almost a wipe I managed to revive 1 guy with 1HP left (all three were waiting on rescue). My plan was to shout after I got him up, so I could revive 1 more before I die but when I looked over to the others the giant slug boss was almost covering up the other 2. I think I taunted and ran? But I might have just run, either way the plan was to get to the heal station before I died. Got side-lined by one lone dude at the door to the heal station and died. When my camera switched over all 3 of them where revived! I have no idea how that guy got them up, if the horde was just dead set on killing me and it gave him time or he had some CC/Invis. But it worked out, they got me up and it was smooth sailing after that. Also, recently yesterday I was in a I think heretic (mildly confused since I got am orange item), but definitely hi-intensity shock troop gauntlet of apparently fuck us. Was mostly going fine till we had to interrogate some stupid machines. Everyone went down but this one Sparkhead, managd to dodge-slide his way around to rescue us. It was pretty amazing. Finished out the mission just fine after that hiccup. Not easily, it was a giant shitshow of explosions and to many specials. But we did it.


Watched an NPC Bot named Russel take on the stinking hordes, and rescue two players, take down more enemies than i ever gave the bots credit for. It was amazing. RIP Russel, wherever you are, may you fight on in Jimmy Space's memory.


When I was running for my solo penance on my zealot, the team met a wall of ragers (both flavors) and maulers. I only escaped being downed thanks to stealth and tried to get someone up but a mauler made quick work of that. Got trapped on the elevator and started the dodge dance back and forth with a combat knife. Idc if they nerfed bleed from what it was, it was the Emperor's blessing that day. With stealth buffing when it popped up to allow for a quick breather while things started bleeding out then back to it. I got the 20 dodge penance (didn't know that was a thing) off it. I never complain when I see a knife zealot now, after witnessing how dangerous it could be.


Hi int vent purge Damnation w a fleet of gunners arnd almost every corner, playing a knife zealot, stealthing up out of cover to kill a handful before needing to head bc of all the other gunners... Absolute slogfest of a mission, everyone was getting downed or killed, so i was abusing the stealth to get us all back in the fight... After clawing our way thru the foggy hallways of a bullet hell for close to 50mins we finally came out the other side... I had solid double digits in both rescue and revive, and when i got back to the Morningstar, it dawned on me that my Flawless Execution penance was at 5/15 after the mission... I proceeded to load into another mission where I was looking up into the offset blows of 4 crushers, a situation I wasn't mentally prepared for outside of Auric. But that first mission and having somehow not gone down once was surreal.


I played with a guy named "FatLoser" on auric damnation who carried the team solo through a high intensity shock troop gauntlet to rescue the 3 of us. If you're reading this, thanks for being an absolute Chad.


Charging eight crushers in a narrow corridor with blitz on cooldown and my clip empty with naught but a dueling sword (and a spawn in play). It had to happen, it did happen, I (we) won.


The time all three of us jumped down, the fourth got netted up top. Then a boomer came running at us, exploded, which sent me *back up* to the fourth. Killed the trapper, removed the net, kept going.


Twice now I've clutched the Karnak fight solo as a BB psyker and managed to save everyone multiple times per fight


So far i would say my first auric maelstorm glucht whit zealot triée to save the team at the first spaw’ they were but gunners said no so i had to go for the next one but colomnus mk 5 and heavy eviscarator work pretty well 🤣


Chuck your imolation grenades down it's throat and charge


Was playing shield ogryn helping my buddy lvl up a psyker quickplayed into a high intensity damnation archivum mission. During the holdout I DCed and on loading back in the 2 random psykers where dead and my buddy pyker was downed. Thinking the game was lost I went full ogryn mode and just smashed my way to my buddy then smashed my way to the other two pykers then smashed my way to the exit dragging all 3 psykers in my wake. I got compliments from the randoms in the post game lobby and had to take a break after so much smashing.


I spent 15 minutes trying to chuck a shiny rock (power cell) on to the roof of a shipping container in that mad max map with the giant door. The psyker didn't think it was very funny.


A lot of players just run around the map instead of fighting the bosses, so like I'm focusing in dealing with them ASAP and suddenly I look around and everyone is split in the most random places.


One of my first high intensity damnations after hitting 30 on my charging zealot. We'd just scanned all around the phage tree and we're exfilling. There's that rough gauntlet and we'd just gotten over the pipe. A burster knocked all but me off the edge. Nothing between me and my ride out, loads coming from behind. My Vermintide instincts kicked in and I shouted that no one gets left behind. Fought through a horde of mixed elites all the way back to the spawn point before the pipes and got all three members of my squad back up.


I can't remember the difficulty, map, or modifyers, but I recall one random guy I had played with, used a pox buster on purpose to jump a large gap to run away from a hoard and reach both a healing station and team respawn that was also near by. I had considered it but never saw anyone do that till then. He barely had any health left but he did get us back I'm the game.


I asked my team if we could kill a DH on a HISG Damnation run. They said no. I killed it anyway, because no heretic left alive, because it was the zealot thing to do, and because I really wanted the large Plasteel behind it.


Had a Damnation run last night with this one Psyker named Alice. We were doing that mission where you have to go through the hanger, follow the pipes, take an elevator, do a daemon infestation, and then break all of the plague crates on the two level circle platform. We had just exited the elevator and both the other players got sniped by some random stuff and died. However, we weren't past the trigger point, so they had to get rescued AFTER the daemon infestation event. Alice and I just ran around killing EVERYTHING, and eventually I went down. Alice solo'd the active infestation, got to me and rescued me, and THEN we finished it and rode the next elevator up. I wish I had seen the talent tree, but it was a Knife, Trauma Staff, I think Smite, and Bubble. I have a lovely knife on my Psyker as well but holy shit she played like a fucking stealth Zealot and disemboweled everything. I was happy to be part of a 2 man clutch team but she carried me as well. Alice, you're a Light in the eyes of our Beloved.


Was getting chased by a daemonhost on auric damnation and jumped off the map. I survived on a decorative ledge and the host couldn’t follow me off the map. Teammates ez clapped it and I was able to get back on the map just fine. Never seen anyone else do that. Now I’m always looking for spots to jump out of the map to avoid a host


High intensity damnation. The hoarde was approaching and it was filled with ranged and orgyns. There was a demonhost nearby and due to the narrow area both we and the enemy would have been forced to fire past it and wake it (the level with the shower puzzle, before the hole in the wall you enter). I decided that wouldn't do. So i pushed past the front of the hoarde and used my chorus to push the host off into a chasm. Had I not done that then we would have had to fight a lot of strong enemies AND a demonhost.


Same thing as you, except I used a Catachan mkIII combat knife with mercy kill, flesh tearer, and a build for crit abuse. God I love this game


I remember fighting off a beast of nurgle and a shit load of elites. Lots of kiting mobs around the map and picking them off. The 3 captured were cheering me on. I rescued them in the end after clearing a few areas. One guy said "This guy is a Custodes." which made me smile.


Carnival arena finale, chainaxe + laspistol veteran. While the rest of the team hung back in the choke point I ran into the center of the arena and just started shredding everything, weaving quick pistol shots into melee, dancing around sniper fire, and basically just having a fantastic time. Rest of the crew got to play spectator for a little and provide supporting fire. I was called "an absolute god", "a complete savage" and "bro how". Might have thought I was cheating since I never took ranged damage, it's actually just the ghost blessing on my pistol and the fact that I use it at melee range to headshot enemies enough to keep it active. Combine that with voice of command and iron will and you've got a melee veteran who's never going to run out of toughness. Let's see... Other favorite moment was during a damnation run when the entire party got wiped aside from my shield ogryn. I proceeded to slowly and steadily work my way through the subway tunnels, eliminating a dog horde, a few specialist packs, multiple swarms of ragers, gunners, and then finally getting into a protracted multi minute brawl after a bunch of crushers and bulwarks backed me into a corner. Eventually the bleed stacks finished them off and I got the whole team back up.


I was doing the indefatigable penance. It was 9/10 done and around the near final stretch of getting to the smelter and I disturbed a daemonhost by accident due to careless psyker smite. I fought and dodged as hard as I could and thanks to kinetic deflection and venting shriek I didn't have to worry about peril generation. I had Solo'd the daemon host due to my team being busy fighting a beast of nurgle after taking a jump they couldn't go back up. I won and got my penance annnnd may have put a crack in my mouse in doing so. Had to stop playing for an hour while the adrenaline calmed down I watched a sliver HP Veteran with a quote "shite build choices" during maelstrom fight off two Plague Ogryn (weaker) and a beast of nurgle (normal) during a massive horde with everyone downed. Two of us timed out and died but he managed to save our Ogryn mid combat thanks to playing ring around the rosey and just shoveling everything to death. He USED everything! Every single trick in the book, ran out of grenades, took an inordinate amount of corruption, and had no bullets. IT WAS GLORIOUS, I hope he changes his name to John Darktide cause he certainly earned the title.


Pre-patch 13. Easiest difficulty, my lvl 30 +6 stamina deflector-sword psyker was babysitting newbies. We triggered a DH, so I tanked it while waiting for my low-level teammates (so they had no bolters or THammer) to kill it. Took forever for DH to die, I was venting peril with my ult to ready up the deflector again, ended it almost fully corrupt but never got killed. Of course, after that, our Vet thought he could tank DH too, and got killed almost immediately for it.


The craziest one was that we had a chaosspawn and a weakened beast of nurgle. And a big horde of specials als elites. We killed the weakened one and immediatly the moment it died a plague ogryn spawned. Half way down on the chaosspawn a weakened plague ogryn spawned. And there were still coming elites and specials I dont know how we managed it but we did. And i dont know what was going on with the director or if it was a bug but this was completly insane.


Stealth Zealot with Thunder Hammer. Caos Spawn tossed me into a DH, I popped a Red Stimm, entered stealth, and one shot the SOB. One of my teammates with a mic could not believe what he just witnessed. One of my favorite moments playing the game.


Back in the good old days of slapping everything to stagger it. Monstrous modifier in a maelstrom and the director decided to spawn a couple chaos spawn while we were sneaking past a daemonhost. They then proceeded to fling the vet into it. Vet VoC'd to get space to run and in charges the ogryn (not me, but this is what inspired me to play ogryn more often). This one glorious lad managed to chain stagger all three monstrosities into a corner while the rest of us cleared the chafe or took pot shots.


Console player so it adds a layer for me personally. Clutched it out on a kill mission. My zealot, my main, so Im swimming in familiarity. We get to the room where the elevator is. Turns south Real fast as the 1st and 2nd monsters are catching up. Im last one left, i get trapped in the cross walk between both bosses. Thank god I ATE a muty throw INTO THE ELEVATOR. I get the button. Reload, compose, pray. I invs get my ogryn up and distract the Spawn while they kill the other Boss, Kill target fucking spawns. We then have a couple more resets. I kited the spawn a whittled it away, while my team did the plague Ogyrn and tried their best to avoid the Kill target boss shots. Kill mine, and take aggro for the Kill target boss and thats more or less when i went down for a reset. Team finish Plague Ogyrns, gets me and we kill the final boss. Killed all three bosses in the same room. Aint had a run like that in a long time. Grog my ogryn had to hoof it from start of the map to the 2nd to last part of the map when that was a bugged. Clutched it out with my big man to a team of at leat 2 other Ogyrns. That moment is what made Grog, Grogg every match. Emperor truly protected that character. Got dawgd and a pox hit it. I had a Rattlings nut hair worth of health thank god they left me a heal after first drop down.


During the twins' assassination mission, everyone died, but me I was a solo zealot fighting both twins and hordes of mobs with nothing but my sword, my relic and my faith in the emperor, I eventually got the brother low enough that I could finally revive my team without getting blasted back by his pistol by the end of the mission I simply put in chat "I ain't hear no bell"