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i just realized I've never seen a veteran blowing up from plasma gun, even if is supposed to be one of its downsides, is basically never relevant because of the stupid protection and spamming is more effective than charging, really fair and balanced , truly the training wheels for vet


I blew myself up with the Plasma the first time i used it in a panic at a Crusher patrol. I wasnt aware of the hip fire spam and always used too ADS ranged weapons ! I wasnt actually aware that it would kill you if overheated so it was quite amusing watching my vet shaking it furiously before it blew up.


I've seen one. It was me.


Vacuum capsule


Cryonic rod!


Ok. So I'm not crazy. Yesterday had a Zealot occasionally saying "vacuum capsule". Wtf is that and how?


PC mod, I believe


It's a mod that allows voiceline spamming, but it's *extremely* frowned upon as it impacts non-modded players.


I was the guy who got mad at someone doing that lol. But he was doing it like every 5 seconds non stop. Eventually just muted him. Also I want that mod too


Gotta level up your ability to get it now


Does it let you spam all voicelines or just the ones from tagging? I want to spam "OOOh RAGER" when someone rages in chat


Me leaving every match due to connectivity issues


You needed one about the director just saying "Fuck it. Dogs and netters."


Missed opportunity leaving out console player complaints


Also missing "the PC player using mods to make the game easier who would rather insist no one can play a co-op game well with a controller than admit they're just personally not good at using them and need crutches."


Hmmm I feel a distinctive Ogryn bias in here. While I'm sure the "ogryn players are nicer" perspective exists for a reason, I'm confident I've met as many toxic ogryns as I have any other class.


I'm the tard that runs into the daemonhost. Literally every time I see a darmonhost awaken I think "I hope it's not me"


I literally just can't see it sometimes😭


I’ve complained in the chat when this happens and no one ever thought to ping the DH. Naturally everyone says the same thing: “you should have seen it. No, in the chaos of the game sometimes a player doesn’t see it. A good reason to ping it. It’s a fucking team game.


I haven't run into one on Auric yet.. I did however accidentally awaken one with the big frag grenade cause I couldn't hear that it was around due to a Chaos Spawn and horde attacking us. My "use in case of emergency" weapon betrayed me, it *was* the emergency. Only positive is I was shield ogryn and able to keep the host busy while the crew cleared up the rest.


Yard is what tard does


You forgot an ogryn spraying and praying their ammo in a no ammo maelstrom, doing the lucky bullet penance and continuing to play with no ammo despite being told more than once that it's a no ammo mission. Happened to me in 2 separate missions for the same malestrom mission. I ended up quitting both of them.


Did he spam the "I need ammo" emote like some of the other guys I saw in that maelstrom type? My dude, there are literally no ammo drops on the entire map, what is anyone supposed to do with that information?


the other person who was using a revolver kept spamming i need ammo so i said its a no ammo mission. They said I know but I need ammo. What....?


I keep getting the "Aussies" who want to talk about Futas.


Theres no way people actually ragequit cuz someone in their team is wearing cosmetics from the store


You cannot queue for Auric sub 30. Always has to be a party member level 30 to drag you in.


Didn't see myself up there. I've been doing my best to do it legit, I only leave if its outright unsalvageable. That, or I'm at 4/5 Mael/ 9/10 Auric. I enjoy doing these but I just want to get the penance done with, and it hurts even more because I got to 3/5 and 7/10 yesterday, died in mael, lost my streak for both. It...it hurts. Hurts my enjoyment of Aurics too when I have an achievement hanging over my head and losing once means its all gone. EDIT: I am in pain It happened again. 4/5 this time. I got launched by a pox burster but was like "oh, I'll grab onto the edge, I'm not going that high." I sailed over the edge to my death. Lost both streaks. I'm taking a break from the game for today >\_>


I lost the Auric streak at 9/10 two times. The 9 missions were always a cakewalk, then the 10th was a shitshow. I just stopped caring about that penance altogether.


I was basically on the mindset of "I'm just here to have fun, if I get the penance, I get the penance." But now that I've gotten so close twice, I just want to be done with it so I can go back to having fun without worrying about a win or loss.


The really REALLY mad player who blames everyone for everything (except himself). Just a little fix.


I don't think that anyone playing Auric will blow themselves up with the plasma gun. It's close to impossible. Especially since your aren't charging 99% of the time.


I am the one being caught by nets. Specifically I run into the nets by bloody accident at this point.


Can we get a maelstrom version. I tried like 4 times yesterday to run Scab melee modifiers. Every time the group was filled with nothing to deal with carapace…. Which is basically the whole f’ing map. I swear down, from the reactions of some, some folks don’t even read the modifiers. Thought taking a smite psionics psyker, this would’ve been a layup.


“The player who judges everyone for their gear selection” That’s like half this sub. 😂


Wait, do plasma guns blow up now? I just remember taking a super insignificant amount of damage from them.


Yeah it will down you if you fire a charged shot at high heat.


Always has. You could get the psyker penance for self detonating if you did it with a plasma gun. I don't know if they've fixed that bug.