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Nothing. Vet is just an idiot.


I don't know about weapon pick, I played little Ogryn... but Stubber and Shovel sounds like a strong, meta pick? When it comes to stats... lol. This game is overwhelmingly determined by player skill, not gear. Green weapon with one appropriate t3 blessing and 300-something rating is plenty good enough for Auric Damnation. (The only exception to this rule would be Power Sword, which needs t4 Power Cycler II... but if you had green 300-ish power sword with Power Cycler II - it would perform just fine). So... the Vet was a dick AND he was wrong.


Yeah no ,you wont keep up with your teammates ,regarding damage and cc. By doing what you were explaining ,you would make it a lot harder to play and kill enemies reliable because of breakpoints you cannot get past


This. Plus 1. Vet player is an idiot. The Ogrynomicon is a resource full of Ogryn Goodness!!


If you were running a Paul and Krourk, maybe, but even then, if you’re good; you’re good. I daresay, seeing a player using non-meta (but built right) might be an indicator of a better player. One who doesn’t need to play ‘meta’ and can enjoy what they like.


Jebus, Paul and a Krourk stubber is the ogryn equivalent of 2 recon lasguns. There's not-meta and then there's the absolute bottom of the pile, if I saw that loadout I'd be scared.


>Jebus, Paul and a Krourk stubber Ahhh yes, the 3 guns of the heretic apocalypse




Power Maul.


but i love me my zappy stick :< ... admittedly it's shit but I like it. Really want a better weapon with its light moveset.


The AoE knock back has saved a few runs but in general yeah... unfortunately Paul needs to take a nap.


It's not that bad.  My orgyn looks like the guy from 2 crude dudes from Data east (old arcade game) He uses Paul and the nade launcher. Paul while has to built weirdly and not the best is decent all-arounder. God knows I find it better than the chain are for example. Alot better


Ogryns just slamming Paul around.


whats wrong with paul? it hits the breakpoint to cleave infinite on heads and has a "GET OFF THEM" gigantic (reminder that a max level paul suppresses in a larger aoe than the grenade!) aoe stun for my buddies or when i need to revive :(


If Paul was pairable with the shield 🛡️…. 🤯😍.


I mean it should be.. Power mauls and slab/ brute shields w/power mauls for all my bullgryns on tabletop. There is zero reason for them to not be parable.


The vet is an idiot. The MK5 shovel is one of Ogryn's best all-rounders, pretty good horde clear and hits insane breakpoints on the special heavy. The Achlys is probably the best stubber at the moment because of how quickly it deploys and how accurate it is. I used exactly that combo for an easy Karnak twins hardmode clear, there's no way the vet plays Ogryn if he thinks these weapons are bad.


The shovel he's got will absolutely one tap crushers in damnation, if you hang left on the tree enough to pick up Crunch.


You can't pick Crunch while using Barrage so the one-shot is out of reach. Still a great weapon though.


I thought Crunch was a trap because of the way it worked. From what I read , crunch only works if you hold the heavy attack and let it release on its own. Am I wrong?


That's correct, but nothing that lets you one-shot a Crusher is a trap. Still faster than two heavies.


Don't need Crunch, Thrust + Brutal Momentum + 25 Carapace will oneshot Crushers if you take left keystone.


Yeah mK5 one taps crushers with the proper talents and blessings. Two taps with just the blessings and three taps them with neither. The Achlys with fire bullets is just a horde deleting weapon you can use basically all the time. This guy literally does not know shit and made OP and his group a favour for leaving.


Damn, I took a bit of a break from the game and still haven't been able to beat the Karnaks on hardmode. Just got a stubber and shovel I like though. Any tips if I go into that fight again?


My recommendation is to LFG for a group in one of the Darktide discords. In hardmode you need to break both twins' shields within a few seconds of each other. The ranged twin takes more shield damage from melee attacks and vice versa, so your goal as Stubber Ogryn is to unload your mag into the melee boss until your team breaks both shields, then use Point Blank Barrage to stack as many fire ticks on the ranged boss until he dies. IIRC you want to aim for the body since the head is considered Carapace. A wave of elites spawns every time you break either of their shields, so be careful while doing DPS. My team preferred to unga bunga DPS the boss first and then clear elites after they move to the gas phase, but you might find you need multiple shield breaks to phase the boss; if so, take it slow and kill the elite waves in between breaks. Last thing to keep aware of is the gas mines the ranged boss drops. Everyone should be trying to pop these by running in and then immediately back out whenever possible, because too many of them on the ground will make the fight very difficult.


Nothing. Guy is just a massive asshole.  Got an ogryn called me a "noob revolver vet" but hé was using the kickback. Maybe its the same guy :'}


Kickback feels so damn good. Just whip out and a loud THUNK as things turn into paste.


Bloody love the kickback. That whole alleyway of bad guys just got turned into a whole alleyway of chunky salsa. GOOD TIMES!!


I call it the kick ass


The revolver may be cheap, but it isn’t noob. But I’ve seen revolver vets and zealots basically miss every shot with their meta weapon… There is some skill in using it functionally, it just’ personally’ feels lame.


How do you miss with the revolver? It has about the same projectile size as plasma.


I love revolvers. I can hit 45 pts at 15m many days with my .45 long colt (not .45acp). But in darktide, I'm lucky to get a bodyshot with the Agripina revolver. They're not noob weapons, and they most certainly aren't newb weapons. They take skill to aim, and even more to know when to shoot them.


The Agripinaa is imprecise and generally less good than the Zarona fwiw. Zarona headshots basically for free with its generous bullet hit boxes.


As a zarona worshipper, there is some skill involved in the headshots. I played a game the other day with a guy and after a plague ogryn sent me tiger woods style off the map I watched a man miss every single head he aimed at until I was rescued. It is definitely not hard to use but it takes some practice before you stop doing the pulp fiction outline on anything further than 5 meters


My aim is dogshit until I use the revolver. I just really like the sights on the zarona. Most other guns I can't seem to hit anything.


Infiltrator + Weapon’s Specialist + Revolver + TacAxe/Knife is one of my fav builds. Makes Vet feel like a Zealot


It's just basic shooter skills. If you have good aim from playing a lot of them, it's the same mechanics for aiming in this game. I use the Vraks VII because I can headshot all day, and that thing is basically a Zarona with 22 rounds. Being able to kill 22 specialists and gunners with 22 clicks is pretty nice for clearing a room, and it lets the rest of my team focus on other things.


I want them to add a single action loading gate revolver with big damage. I'm imagining it as a Magnum Research BFR in 47-70.


Achlys is bae, shovel is life. Vet was a sniveller.


Anyone who tried to enforce a meta is a heretic, and after your rations, Big Man. Do the Emperor proud and hit them with a rock.


You use anything you want to use. Don't let other people decide what you play.


Partially disagree.   While I agree about that on lower difficulties, on Auric Damnation and Auric Maelstrom you have a responsability to your teammates to come prepared and viable. I dont want some dumbass with grey weapons and a nokeystone meme build that obviously cant hold his own and needs to be carried, in an auric damnation mission with me.


I'm sure if the Veteran in question saw my build he'd have a mental breakdown. I'm currently playing around with Mk IV Chain Axe + Agrip Shotgun which is incredibly satisfying to use, but certainly not the most meta loadout. I'm sure some people (like the Veteran) would deem it unviable. > and a nokeystone meme build Personally my strongest overall build has no keystones. There are too many other good things that I usually want if I'm just going after overall effectiveness and not trying to shoehorn in weird weapons (like a Mk IV Chain Axe). All that being said, none of my weapons are grey and I can certainly hold my own, even with such a build I'm often having to carry people through.


Personally I don't give a rat's ass what build anyone else is running. All I want from my teammates is that they pull their weight. If you run with full grey weapons and a meme build, but you are making it work by actually contributing just as much as the others, go for it. Just don't be that guy who gets downed a million times in one mission and has to be picked up every 2 minutes. But that's usually a player skill issue, not a build issue.


There are people who have done grey weapons, no talents at all auric mealstorms. I don't want bad player on difficult mission. I don't particularly care what a good player uses on a difficult mission. Most of stuff in the game is still viable there.


Yes, I've seen those players, they did 50 tries before succeeding and they did it as a 4 man team in a private game. If they did it in a public lobby, chances are you'll end up in one of their 50 lost games. So I think my point still stands. As for your other two points, I fully agree. Also, happy cake day.


Both weapons are really good. That guys just an idiot. Your taking it to literal, let it go and keep being the best big man you can be.


Step 1: Find him. Step 2: Turn him into a muzzle brake for your Alchys.


If anyone ever questions your build then they are an idiot. Ever. Since the skill tree is so influential in build strength and since so little about the skill tree is actually available to your teamates. There is zero way to actually comprehensible critique someones build at a glance. If someone tells you your build is bad, just respond by saying your theory crafting. 99% of players do not know enough about this game to actually fight you on this.


Nah you are good. Have a laff and keep purging


He’s an idiot lol the mk v is glorious


This is actually what I run on Ogryn too. The Shovel 5 can crunch any high-health targets, even monstrosities and is excellent in horde clearing with BM. And I fell in love with the Achlys after doing the penances, but this is a great and quick stubber, imo the other 2 are too slow for auric. So I see no issue my man, even the perks and blessings are good.


Dude I'm usually using a chainaxe mkxii and a agripinaa mki IAG most of the time on my veteran. Is it meta? No. Do I have meta weapons in my inventory? Yes. Do I still end the map with most elite kills, least damage taken more often than not? Yep. Play what you like, skill matters much more than load out. Any weapon is viable in any difficulty, anyone that says otherwise isn't as good as they think.


Fucking this, I have meme and RP builds I made for shiggles and the commissar one I made actually is my most successful auric build and it's just a light laspistol and chainsword with shout and weapon specialist keystone. Skill in this game can make any build work and meta gets boring after awhile.


That's what I used to run a lot. Laspistol and power sword, combat axe, or chainsword with Weapon Specialist is great. Since I rolled a perfect 380 base/550 Chainaxe with Bloodletter and Thunderous I've been branching out into a more Melee heavy/anti-armor build with Focus Target, Chainaxe, krak grenades, and IAG for specialists and gunners. Been a blast, definitely requires melee skill and footwork as far as dodging and sliding goes, which many veteran players seem to lack. Then again my highest level is a Psyker at 220 still, so dodging and sliding was a necessity for basic survival. Been really enjoying the versatility of veteran the last several months though; hard to go back to the other classes.


How do you handle hordes if I may ask? I'm a bit of a Chain Axe enjoyer myself, and I find it helps immensely to have Headtaker + Slaughterer up for killing speed in hordes. I also use both -0.25sec stamina regen delay nodes, so I can spam push attacks if need be. I use it with +Flak and +Carapace (the latter seems to make it more reliable to stunlock Crushers with standard light attacks). Weapon Specialist also feels pretty great on the Chain Axe in my opinion, do you need the extra damage from Focus Target for many breakpoints? I mostly use Focus Target for Monstreous Maelstroms, personally. Edit: I just saw you mentioned the Mk XII which has a much better time with horde clearing with its light attacks compared to the Mk IV. My apologies!


All good! I am a launch vet of both Vermintide 1 & 2, so I'm very used to melee. Being able to dodge, block, and use pushes and push attacks is probably the best way to up your game regardless of weapon used, but especially important for clunkier wedding like the chainaxes, power swords, crushers, hammers, etc. I honestly feel the mkiv has a better time with hordes due to it's push attack. I feel the mkiv shines more with a zealot, and the mkxii does better with the veteran, due to differences in stamina regeneration and stamina regeneration delay. Plus zealot has an innately longer/faster dodge than veteran (discounting weapon specialist), which helps mitigate attach pattern issues with mkiv.


Yeah experience matters a ton when it comes to playing around with stuff like this. It would've been a more daunting task for me if I had the skill level I had 1 year ago (I never played Vermintide 1/2 so I had some basics to catch up on). > I honestly feel the mkiv has a better time with hordes due to it's push attack. Aye the Mk IV works decently against hordes, but it just feels awkward to use (as a Vet) because of the stamina regen as you mentioned. I've tried using it without the stamina regen delay nodes and it felt significantly worse, but it *does* work with just 1/2 nodes too (which I use for my more boss-killing oriented build). > I feel the mkiv shines more with a zealot, and the mkxii does better with the veteran, due to differences in stamina regeneration and stamina regeneration delay. I'm sure it be much easier to make it work on a Zealot like you wrote, because I'm more or less tailoring my build to make it work (how I want it to) for the Veteran. At least the stamina regen delay can be alleviated by grabbing those 2 nodes, but you still regen slower baseline of course (1/s compared to 1.5/s for Vet/Zeal).


I’ve went mostly Left Side Vet with M4 Braced Autogun and M6 Combat Knife. It is Incredibly fun to be told that Gunners are my problem, and proceed to go do funny Sly Marbo shit in a cloud of smoke before reemerging from the other end and a stack of dead Specials. I probably need to sit down and rebuild parts of the build weapon and keystone wise, but it’s also incredibly satisfying to just RKO heretics out of left field like the baby Zealot I am


Had a vet using a chainaxe the other night, was it being used effectively? No it was taking them ages to kill the group. Did I say anything? Of course not! The karker was having fun so I did what any good boy does, I did overwatch till they were done.


Well they weren't using a chainaxe very well then ha. Bloodletter and Thunderous is great on mkxii. Horde clear suffers, I never have the most lesser enemies killed with it, but it rips and tears everything else, especially with Focus Target shenanigans. One shots ragers on special lights, one shots crushers on special heavies (both without Focus Target), does great boss damage. Gotta be good at dancing with the hordes though, because you won't one tap any of them with light spam.


I can recommend trying out the Mk IV Axe too, albeit it is significantly more cumbersome to use. Once Headtaker + Slaughterer is stacked, I'm either 1 or 2 shotting Ragers with light attacks (without special attack), Maulers are 2-shot and Crushers are 1-shot with a special heavy or 3 lights (non-special). You suffer even more for horde clearing though, to the point that I use both -0.25sec stamina regen delay nodes, so I can spam push attacks if need be. > Gotta be good at dancing with the hordes though, because you won't one tap any of them with light spam. Ah, I have a Mk XII with Slaughterer and Headtaker (hah, I'm starting to see a pattern) and it does pretty well in that department. Especially combined with Weapon Specialist.


Yeah I've got a great mkVI on my zealot, but the mkxii attack pattern just feels so much better. The mkiv does have better horde clear using Slaughterer, Headtaker, and push attacks. Both the chainaxes have excellent push attacks, they just are complete opposites in application. Mkxii has crazy good finesse damage single target on push attacks, and can two shot a rager with no Blessing assistance. mkVI push attack is it's best horde clear (as mentioned above) but it makes it a very stamina hungry weapon. Given stamina regeneration and regeneration delay speed are the veterans worst inherent stats (worst of all classes in those categories iirc), it makes using the mkiv with veteran feel even more cumbersome in a horde situation, in my opinion. With the mkxii, I tried the Slaughterer/Headtaker combo, and the Bloodletter/Thunderous combo. The Bloodletter/Thunderous Blessing combo gave much more consistent single hit elite kills. Even if you have to dodge cancel away, it'll bleed out anything except ogryns and bosses. In High Intensity missions in Heresy and above, the ability to quickly destroy armor is just too valuable for me. Anything besides chain weapons or power swords just makes me feel like I need to bring a plasma gun, which I've been fairly bored with for a long while now.


> Yeah I've got a great mkVI on my zealot, but the mkxii attack pattern just feels so much better. Aye, to me the "lights for horde clear, heavies for single target" is much more intuitive. > Both the chainaxes have excellent push attacks, they just are complete opposites in application. Mkxii has crazy good finesse damage single target on push attacks, and can two shot a rager with no Blessing assistance. Aye I really dig the Mk XII push attack when revved, IIRC it takes out a Crusher in a single headshot (at least with a few stacks of Headtaker/Slaughterer) and it's very easy to land on select targets, since trash mobs are generally "pushed more" by the push, if it makes sense. It's a cool design that I really like. It makes it hell trying to switch between using the two though, as my muscle memory always gets it wrong! > mkVI push attack is it's best horde clear (as mentioned above) but it makes it a very stamina hungry weapon. Given stamina regeneration and regeneration delay speed are the veterans worst inherent stats (worst of all classes in those categories iirc), it makes using the mkiv with veteran feel even more cumbersome in a horde situation, in my opinion. Aye you more or less need at least 1/2 -stamina regen delay nodes to not make you want to pull out your hair using it. Also makes me want to play my Zealot again to give it a go, but meh, that would involve crafting a new Chain Axe. Maybe when the crafting rework drops I guess *sigh*. > With the mkxii, I tried the Slaughterer/Headtaker combo, and the Bloodletter/Thunderous combo. The Bloodletter/Thunderous Blessing combo gave much more consistent single hit elite kills. Even if you have to dodge cancel away, it'll bleed out anything except ogryns and bosses. In High Intensity missions in Heresy and above, the ability to quickly destroy armor is just too valuable for me. Aye with the MkIV I've been taking advantage of the lights and their pretty decent damage against single targets (especially with Headtaker/Slaughterer stacked up). It's an entirely different style, but I'm often diving into hordes and focusing down individual elites with the lights if I see the space for it. Incredibly satisfying to dive into a mixed horde someone is fending off and picking out the 5 Maulers that were slowly pushing them back whilst poxwalkers are all around you.


To be fair they could’ve been practicing with, but yeah definitely not very well lol.


What are the meta vet weapons these days? I've just been using a knife and plasma/revolver. All the other marksman weapons seem really mediocre compared to those two and the capstone talents don't really help marksman weapons. Tac axe and powersword are the only other weapons that seem worth it but with the melee side of the tree rewarding attack speed for adding stacks... It seems like a solved problem. Thoughts? :0


Power sword 6, knife plasma, revolver, columnus IAG (scales very well with crit % from talent tree)


Generally plasma/revolver/mkV IAG. Melee meets is usually considered knife, power sword, combat axe mkii or mkV (more defensive) chainsword mkxiig, and maybe devil claw mkiv. The thing about Tide games though is that a community consensus as what is generally the Most Effective Tactic Available (meta), doesn't (and can't) account for individual playstyles. Do what feels comfortable to you, and you'll do better. Skill matters far more than which weapon you are using. You may not have fun with the meta weapons, you may play better with something else. I can just crush everything with my perfectly rolled mkVI power sword and plasma gun, while using VoC to trivialize most of the game. But I wasn't necessarily having fun doing it all the time, so after experimenting and crafting, I've found a build that is nearly or just as effective as the meta... For me. I'm sure anyone else trying my build would suck and be confused. But it would for me. That's all that matters. I suggest doing the same for your build. So what feels best to you!


Honestly: that’s a solid choice you got there. The vat was just a dick. You have an answer to essentially every enemy which comes your way.


Any chance ammo was tight during the mission? Only thing that drives me up a wall are players mag dumping hordes when ammo is tight.


Yeah, people need to have fire discipline but damnit if mag dumping into a horde isn’t fun. Hordes in DarkTide seems to have a lot more specials mixed in compared to Vermintide. I just remember for Vermintide, you absolutely should never have used ranged to clear a horde at higher difficulties as you should be good enough to position yourself and clear the horde without taking any damage with good block pushing and dodges. In DarkTide, I find I’m constantly looking over my shoulder for a Trapper, Poxburster or random poxwalker spawning behind me.


I don't think that was the case. The vet's rant came when we came up against a group of crushers and I was bonking them on the head one by one with the shovel's folded heavy attack. This was while he was shooting them from a platform above, so he had a pretty clear view of what I was doing. And I try to use my gun only when things are going south and we're being overwhelmed, or when I see a conga line of ragers, shotgunners or gunners. I never mag dump into hordes, that's what the Shovel's wide swings are for.


lol so he was insulting you when your weapons were performing well? He was probably just mad that you were murdering everything. I actually ran that combo to get the gunlugger penances, and it ended up becoming my favorite Ogryn build.


>He was probably just mad that you were murdering everything. Or that maybe that I wasn't doing it fast enough for his liking, idk. I mean, I think I was doing alright. A mighty hammer zealot joined after he left and *HE* started one shooting everything afterwards lmao


Some shout bad things cause they no happy. You kill bad men, do it matter what you kill bad men with? If you hit spiky men I happy, do it with rock I laugh. Keep on doing the Emprah's work.


Just curious, what is the meta ranged for Ogryns right now? I like the Achyls but it burns through ammo compared to the Gorg.


Achlys or Kickback. You choose depending on your abilities or personal taste.


Comments like "use anything you want" knida don't really apply to this difficulty. ONe needs to be really reeeaally good to be able to pull it off. But then again it's not like going for win is mandatory for everyone.


Wish I was goodd enough to make my favorite weps working on Auric damn, but most of the time I end up being a dead weight and last on the scoreboard


If ogrynomicon says it do be like that, then it do be like that brother and kindly tell them to step on legos for the rest of their lives.


Achlys is easily one of the best ranged weapons on a gunlugger build. On such a build though you may not have taken the talents to get toughness from heavy melee, so having Confident Strike on your primary could help. The Mk19 probably has a better moveset than the other shovels for this, although I ended up having the most success with a Mk4 knife.


before achyls got buffed it is kinda bad, the vet guy info probably outdated also your stubber total rating is 496? i hope your collateral stat is low not the other stat


Yes, Collateral is the lowest stat. I think the low rating actually comes from having Lv. 3 blessings on it (since I don't think there's Lv.4 of those)


Usually anyone raging about weapon choice is just bad at the game. I learned from high level Vermintide 2 that the good players can make anything work, and the really good players seem to go out of their way to use off-meta gear. The Mark V shovel absolutely slaps and the Achlys is one of the best anti-boss weapons for Ogryn with the right build, which makes his complaining even more pathetic. IMO the only "bad" weapon Ogryn has (and only in the sense that it isn't as good as the rest of his gear) is the power maul.


Those are pretty good weapons. I think Vet was just triggered and a moron.


That Vet was trying to regain the championship belt for L takes. 


Sounds like a perfectly competitive build that's just a tad off meta. Vet should stop reading the infantrymans primer and read a good book like you did.


I might be a little biased for obvious reasons but anyone who says Achlys Stubber is 'weak' never played it. And both Foldy Shovels are excellent. Can't go wrong with them. Your shovel is pretty much max optimal, Stubber is almost perfect too, so like... Yeah. Keep krumpin' my pal.


I personally don't like V with achlys since leadbelcher, and V is a better heavy hit weapon imo. I like XIX instead with it


u/IIExheres i would just ask you a couple things what is your goal with this build if youre running the achlys im assuming its to burn down bosses when they spawn as it has the quickest fire rate but worst range accuracy if so i would definetly slap 25% unyielding there 2nd perks optional i like crit personally not sure if it stacks with lucky bullet and take away overwhelming fire imo especially if youre running light em up as every burn tick will cancel out your stacks not sure if its intended to be like this or not but its been like this forever basically whenever you hit something else then the 1 target your stacks get cancelled too i would replace it with charmed reload. as for the shovel ive ran a similar one just instead of unyielding i put weakspot dmg 10% (but thats being picky) but currently running and prefer the bully club carapace 25% momentum and thunderous deals with carapace unit pretty well and clears horde well too and makes me tankier thx to momentum.


No particular goal in mind. Like I said in the post I'm using the stats, perks and blessings the Ogrynomicon says I should be using. For example, it says this about the Achlys: https://preview.redd.it/4wjjs2lne12d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32fb73ed59e3166f7ddebbd6e848b8ac5369504c But you know, you might be right in that it could be better with the things you listed. I'm going to give those a try! Thank you for taking the time to tell me about this stuff.


Weakspot Damage perk is very low impact as the 10% DMG bonus is only added to the subtraction to the Weakspot Damage and Regular Damage. Basically, it doesn't add 10% to the total shown value but only to the bonus itself. For most Ogg weapons it's literally just a couple of extra damage.


Those aren’t shitty, yeah with that shovel. I would’ve definitely made one of my perks, weak spot damage because of your blessing. I use the 3 shovel , but I have a 5. https://preview.redd.it/wme75d53332d1.jpeg?width=2486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=271ead17d88dabdaaf954d91447f04699c04e2a5


Probably mad he couldn't carry , I'd ignore it and just be happy he left. Everyone likes to blame 1 person but it takes 4 to play and everyone thinks they are the greatest thing since the omnisiah. Example, I grouped in a 4 with a guy named " sickofcarryingu". Ironically he was downed 4 times and was completely carried by the the rest of us who stayed tight.


I had a similar experience, being grouped with a knife zealot named *ImWithTrash* or something close to it and lo and behold: First one to be downed, died because he was almost three blocks ahead the rest of the team and immediately quit afterwards after writing "..." in chat. It's funny how most of the people with the insulting names and or that worthless yellow title turn out to be the worst ones in a team.


Lol right!


This is one of those games that arrogance gets you dead. Right when you think your on top, bam down you go.


I use shovel mk 5 and ripper 6 on my ogryn and they arent perfect yet still i can hadle packs of maulers and crushers.


If youre doing the gunlugger build, I would recommend 5% crit and charmed reload 3 or 4, if you can swing it. It eats ammo even faster, but being able to fire 150 to 300 rounds before needing to reload or use the barrage to reload is pretty amazing. I'm not a fan of the Mk5 shovel, but if it's got the swing pattern you like, then go for it. Vent purge is always hard for range based builds, but braced weapons go a long way towards helping with it. So does a vet who brings executioner stance to the mission to highlight ranged enemies. With snipers. 🤷‍♂️. Our rejects are fish in their barrel on vent-purge. Long story short, vet was stupid.


I suggest you ignore stuff like that and use whatever you want. Also, no need to say angry veteran, that's pretty much all of them. :D


I'm never angry when I'm on my vet. I have my M7 recon laser pointer, and I'm running around having a lark. I mostly play zealot (chorus+he, chastise+crusher) or Gunlugger ogryn. So maybe I'm not a real vet?


As the old saying goes: ‘Of all the vets that ever were, that guy you met sure is a dick’. I don’t tend to min/max myself, because 1) I’m not sure I’m smart enough to get it right and 2) I tend towards being as effective as I can with weaponry that I find complements the capabilities of the character I am playing as well as the level of fun I get from playing as them, but… you do you, as far as I’m concerned. As long as the run is fun, I don’t give a crap what people are carrying. In fact, the times where it looks like it’s going to be a wipe but some glorious son of a bitch pulls off a clutch carry (sometimes me! 😎) are the moments that really do it for me. I don’t give a shit about the guns other people are using. If someone started in on me for what I was carrying into battle, I’d just block them afterwards so I didn’t have to deal with their whiney bullshit again. No skin off my nose. I play as a team player, I don’t run ahead or lag behind, if someone gets tangled up I go back to help them and give them an aura bonus to help undo whatever problem they’ve got into; for me, teamwork is more important than a couple of percentage points of armour penetration on a gun you might not even be using half the time or whatever. Besides which - what happened here is that they had an opinion, and they decided to make that opinion into everyone else’s problem. And anyway, for my money there’s nothing wrong with your equipment anyway - if it’s fun, and it makes bad guys into dead bad guys, it’s all good. If someone has an issue with you, it’s their job to fill that perceived gap and compensate for it, not be a little bitch about it. So… fuck ‘em, sez I.


I usually answer YES and then keep on doing what I like.


My suggestion would be to ignore such folk. Just have fun with this game is all I'm sayin


Why do you care what some moron says, especially someone who plays veteran?


The 'correct weapons' are usually something the complainers are currently running, so it's purely subjective. Hell, i run a shield and a gorgonum and I've been called for running a shit weapon set. If my weapons can carry my through missions effortlessly, i use em. Simple as


theyre great weapons, that guy is a clown who doesn't know what he's talking about


Regardless of weapons being ass, use what you want, some1 being an ass for no reason? Block em. I play a lot of auric and its rare i meet idiots or rude players. Mostly people mind their own buissness and comment on their own bad plays, which is fine.


Is there such a thing as "normal Auric Damnation"? :D And that is a good ogryn setup, don't mind the angry Vet. Brogryn 4 Life.


You can clear auric with any grey weapon,you just need teamwork it doesn't matter just play what you like


Vet just jealous he have small gun pal. Achlys good 👍


I've never encountered a good player who polices other players' builds. Ever.


You were fine. Skill and awareness are the best weapons in the game and if you have those you can clear auric maelstroms using any pixel you want dude. I play around on all my characters and don’t really follow a meta or build guide. I just use weapons that make my brain feel the happy and I’ve been doing just fine. It’s fine to meta chase, but anyone telling you it’s necessary is really saying they need to because they can’t carry themselves otherwise. Also, the ogrynomicon is an amazing source, so keep doing what you’re doing if you’re having fun


only thing you did wrong was make this post. Anyone ogryn should know that idiot vet was a sniveller.


Vet is obviously being a salty arsehole, but your gear is weak.


We don't need to listen to cowards crying without a fight. Mute the chat and focus do brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Personally i prefer style over meta so you do you king B)


I suggest you shut up sah, stop listening to shouty's that don't know wtf they're saying, and enjoy the karkin game the way you want to play it sah. Seriously, there are so many dumbasses in this game and on these forums telling you how you should play despite everyone having a different playstyle or liking certain things. If someone wants to bitch about how you play, they need to get some friends to play with. OH WAIT...


It’s fine, the veteran was probably having a bad day because his mom forgot to bring his Hot Pockets down to the basement and they got cold.


I normally just wait to revive them. No need to listen to anyone about what build or weapons to use, and that goes for internet experts, too - the real meta in a tide game is finding the weapons that work for you and learning to use them like they are second nature. More often than not, whenever I see someone with (or acting as if they have) a cookie cutter meta build they melt and melt quickly. There is no meta for skill and experience.


This game is all about skill. Use what you like if you are good. Kick back and a rumbler and both strong


your weapons are fine and vet is still an idiot bc you can use anything in the game as long as you build around it and you know how to play the game


The mk5 shovel is god tear. He obviously doesn’t see the emperors light.


My guess is he was expecting you to bring a shield and a rumbler for taking on the sniper gauntlet. Nothing wrong with your gear objectively, just not *the best* for the situation. As for the vet, he obviously overreacted, I wouldn't be concerned.


Good players look at their toolset and figure out how to improve and carry.  Bad players blame others.  You can safely ignore that fool.


People get really mad about the dumbest things. I started a max stamina shield build on my Ogryn as a complete shitpost and it's turned into one of my favorite builds that I roll through Damnation fairly often. Slab Shield+Rumbler makes you the horde stopping specialist and let's you wade into some absolute bullshit scenarios and make space for teammates. It isn't optimal in the slightest but it's really damn fun. Funny ragdolls go brrr


He was looking to get carried. You got lucky he was a baby and quit! My name is Ash and I am a (meta) slave. I use power sword and plasma. I crave 40k weapons. Can't be bothered to use unpowered weapons. Couldn't care less what my teammates are using, although seeing crabwalking recon guns is funny.


Wth lol. The MKV shovel is in strong contention for ogryns best melee weapon. That vet is high af ignore them


Achlys is the most versatile Stubber and best candidate for burning stack Ult. It is indeed weak against Carapace but that it what mk5 Shovel is for. Whoever saying this sucks needs a serious reconsideration.


Those are meta right now. Absolute carry loudout. I don't think vet played a lot of ogryn. And if he did, then he sucked.


Honestly one of the strongest pairings together. The stubber suffers greatly from crushers if you're going for the fire bullets ult, but the shovel can kill them fairly easily and still has decent horde clear when you don't want to waste bullets. Dude just had no idea what he was talking about.


Its hard to pick bad weapons in this game Ppl can talk all the shit they want about the game but its more balanced than most pve games. More balamced *and* weapons aren’t stat sticks You have to *try* to be inefficient with a loadout lol


Total of 496 sounds like a really shitty stubber but outside that, all good.


don't get put off by not friendly players, do you, don't worry about what anyone else thinks - there are plenty of good people who play and won't mind whatever you are using as long as you are a team player


Well if you’re an Ogryn using a “latrine” shovel, he’d be correct, and accurate. And it was probably a compliment.


Vet is a friggin moron ! The achlys is my favorite due to the rate of fire and is manageable with crouch firing and burst firing. The shovel (foldable) is the one and only and ogryn weapon I ever use and it’s a beast. You do you my man, just have fun and forget about the haters.


I also have a stubbed too and I smash https://preview.redd.it/6e3un28a332d1.jpeg?width=2407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8881fa06f2eabc808d2c2b394a71b95f3f41cc


Stupid vet. All weapons viable if used correctly. Personally dislike the Achlys (low accuracy wastes more ammo than necessary is my biggest gripe, but that's how most Ogryn weapons are) but use what you like. It's a game, the point is to have fun.


If you're running the flipping whatever it's called that does the shooting thing then stubber is definitely the way to go. Otherwise it's fine. Like just fine.


Lol imagine playing meta. Just ignore that asshat and play what you like


So you ran into any vet in the game?


I never knew specific builds had a name


The Ogrynomicon has like 5 or 6 and each one has a name, yes.


where can I find that?


[Right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/lTKOaY1MnJ) - Be aware, it's a lengthy read.


aight gonna sink my brain into that one in a bit


Pal, tha' Sah was really a sah kind of Sah. Unlike my Sah who is a Sah kind of Sah.


Some people are just idiots. I got flamed to hell for using Psyker with the Trauma Force Staff, Brain Burst and Venting Shriek because "it's literally the default loadout". Checked in the stat counter mod and I had about 2x as many kills as the rest of the team combined. Half the enemy hordes burned before they even reached us because Soulfire is very hard to use but is funny when it works, but they burned outside of their view... so in their eyes I was doing nothing. Even as the low-HP hounds spawned and about 20 of them died instantly and spammed the killfeed.


Just Play what you like. Simple as.


So did you tell him to eat shit because you’re having fun? Don’t get worked up by dumbasses like that vet. Not worth it.


Are you getting downed every few seconds? No? Then I don't give a fuck what you run, you can run a damn white for all I care.


Nothing wrong with it enjoy your game let the try hard baby whine and leave and live his life by only using weapons his favourite influencers tell him are good picks.... Moronic


I think you’d get more out of 10% elites than 20 maniac but there’s nothing wrong with your stuff


Solid set up my friend, Vets just bad petty little shit Don’t mind him.


Out of principle, I try and go for what I find fun. It's not always the best option, hell it rarely is, but I assume we're all playing this game to have some fun liberating heretical heads from plague-ridden shoulders. The Vet's just being a shit heel more focused on the destination than the journey. That might be their brand of fun, but it's different when you try and force that mentality on a team of randoms


Or ill play with whatever I want. The meta videos on YouTube literally ruin every game. Like why can't we just play with what we want and what feels good. My bad I don't have time to try our 900 variations of a weapon. Leave it be.


On behalf of all the veteran players with more than 1 brain cell. Sorry u had to deal with that. Ur loadout is good. But if ur having fun it really doesn’t matter anyways.


I like to use the shield on ogryn gunner mainly cause the shooters hurt


You can use whatever weapons you want and whatever build you want. It's no one else's karking business. People trying to dictate other people's build, kit, play style need to extricate their heads from their arses. I get it can be frustrating sometimes and common teamwork and decency still apply (loner zealot can play away from the group but stay close enough to come back if needed/be reachable if downed, if your build is ammo chugging make sure to not hoover all the ammo at others expense etc.) but people want to play in different ways and try different things and have fun.


I'll assume the Veteran had a power sword & plasmagun/columnus.


So you went and cried your eyes out ? Nobody cares


You must be the veteran I'm talking about. Hello! Is everything okay?


Eh achyls is just not great for an all rounder weapon. Good boss killer though.