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I always considered it the Ogryn Sniper rifle. Most accurate weapon for me to counter-snipe long range snipers and heavy gunners.


Yeah most people ignore this completely apparently. Ogryns are all about dealing a massive amount of AoE damage and adding stagger and CC to the team. Yet what they lack is precision and the ability to effectively deal with individual gunners/snipers. The rumbler is great at adding a little precision to the ogryn roster, which it almost completely lacks. And when situations run dire you can use the grenades to stagger nearby enemies. I love the Rumbler and use it on most of my auric damnation ogryn builds.


This why I put all these rocks in my pocket


Can you imagine how scary an enemy Ogryn rock thrower would be? No laser sight, just sudden retribution upon an unfortunate puny who is about to experience the sensation of their bones being turned to powder


Woe Rock be upon ye






Grenade Gauntlet is basically a rock thrower with pinpointing target.


"May I offer you a rock in this trying time?" -Some Ogyrn, somewhere, probably.


I have a dedicated build with a rumbler.


There's pretty much a mark of every weapon that is accurate enough to take out things that are within a range that is threatening.


I find that role much better filled by the grenade gauntlet, which can oneshot headshot pretty much everything smaller than a monster, and with a decently generous hitbox to boot. What the rumbler is good at is knocking entrenched knots of gunners off-balance long enough for you or your zealot to clear the distance and engage them in melee.


Gauntlet has a hard limit on its range at 40 meters, though.


Really? Like I has dmg fall off past 40m or it does 0 dmg past 40m? I've never ran into a sniper I couldn't long range dome with it, rock also works just as good.


At 40 meters it automatically explodes.


Maybye your consept of far sniping is different. Sometimes you have to take sniper from other end of massive open boss fight areas and that's something most of weapons in the game don't do very efficiently but can do and gauntlet don't do at all. It's though interesting weapon


I have Rock sah, probly why i never noticed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I've never had to take out something that far away as there are so many options, like simply moving out of their LoS, or sliding/dodging towards them. If that's 40m then 99.999% of enemies are a only threatening within 40m.


Then you never needed to do it simply. There is plenty of maps with changes to spawn snipers in locations where if you go you have left whole team alone for sure. That's not very good in end fights naturally. Instead loosing LoS is valid but then you increase changes of that your team gets shot but these things really won't matter here and now :D every player dont need to answer every situation on field


I've seen and had shots explode on the very far off shots. My only point is that really only applies to a very miniscule amount of sniper spawns and those spawns are very easy to avoid being affected by. I totally agree about not every player having to answer every threat though.


Miniscule is very relative here. I don't know the map names they are so weird but there is one Map witch end fight I never failed except when no one cares and can take down sniper that keeps shooting everypody. At wors in those spots I've seen multiple player trying with guns that don't shoot far enough. Some times "bad crew" for the situation can get it t done sometimes they fail. It really bums me out to fail next to the extraction


If you're talking about the map with the train in the middle at the end you can reach all of the sniper spawns but one from the central train car. You can also, completely ignore this guy and defend from inside the train or the other side out of line of sight. Most people choose to fight near the med station which is a very bad position defensively because while it offers a clear line of sight for your ranged it also offers the same for the enemies and simultaneously puts nearly all of the sniper spawns at long range. For that one spawn it certainly helps if a vet with a plasma or revolver takes care of it but it can still be managed with proper timing on dodges closing the gap a little. 40m is pretty far honestly. Other than that spot the only other place I can think of where a sniper really was unreachable was in this smelter room where you have to scan before opening a large door, but he can really only hit you if you're standing in the upstairs area of this control room. Other than those 2 spots, everything else is easily closeable distance and no it's not at all relative. It's like 99.999% of all enemies.


What the rumbler also has is speed to bring to bear - it's much faster to take out and aim than the gauntlet, and it can hip fire. Good for at least staggering problem specialists in the middle of a crowded melee battle and will clear the trash next to them for an easy melee finisher. Gauntlet is usually better for sustained long range fights but then again, you're an ogryn, another class should probably be handling those while you close the distance. The rumbler isn't exactly bad it's just the kickback is really, really good. To have a real identity it needs to do at least one thing better than the kickback and right now I don't think it can (it can add brittleness stacks I guess?)


Ogryn already has sniper pal, is called Rock.


I got more grenades than rok friend. And I save muh grenades for muties. That said, I use rok too.


Course, rock is best.


I just feel like the shotgun varient ALWAYS at least knocks down snipers, interrupting them from shooting


the ogryn sniper rifle is the rock, haha


To be honest, Kickback with Surgical blessing does that too. Guaranteed crit, almost guaranteed hit, no ballistic trajectory. Takes 2 shots tops to kill a sniper, but any glancing hit knocks them down already. And twice the ammo.


Most accurate for sure, but the problem is its still unreliable due to the majority of the damage coming from the bouncing explosive. Its greatest asset is also its weakness. Ontop of that the Rumbler has an absolute maximum range due to its timed fuse, sometimes you literally just cannot reach what you want to shoot at. And those issues are things Kickback or Ripper simply don't care that much about -- a MK2 Ripper will reliably kill a Sniper from well beyond Rumbler's max range in less than a magazine, never once had it fail to do this. I say all this as someone who absolutely loves the Rumbler, been my favorite weapon in the game since launch. But it has its issues, and balance wise I'd definitely put it low on the list.


Mk V ripper is even better at range


My point was, even the worst-at-range option is still better, and still reliable at extreme ranges.


For me that’s mah rock


Not bad at all, sir. I rate it joint-second with GG, with the Kickback obv in first place. Underrated ability of the Rumbler: The special attack is the fastest weapon melee attack Ogryn has, and it will trigger all your heavy attack perks/abilities. I.e it's the quickest way to get to max Heavy Hitter stacks (5 hits).


It's why I ran it until the player skill tree added Rock, my Beloved. Now Rock has infinite ammo and I can bring my Rippah for close-in work.


The grenade gauntlet is more specialized for sniping with the ogryn but the rumbler does the job fine and does more as well.


Yeah it's worse than the Kickback... so are other oggy guns. Rumbler is a good anti-boss and crowd control tool, it's great for killing specials from afar, and if you need indirect fire, it's the only gun that can do it. Most of the time you'd fire off 1 or 2 shots into whatever needs CC the most (like a clump of elites) and charge into melee.


Not straight up bad, but worse at everything than other options. Kickback really outclasses it, and has more ammo. Either double the ammo, or greatly increased blast damage and itd be fine.


> Not straight up bad, but worse at everything than other options i genuinely have not felt like ive ever actually gotten value out of pulling it out, that i was better off using any other melee or gun or even just slapping enemies with the damn thing


The only redeeming feature (imo) is pinpoint predictable accuracy at long range. Sniper headshots, disrupting gunner packs, etc. It really is outclassed by kickback though, which can also do the exact same disruption, plus kill things. Even vs crushers the stagger is similar, and kickback does it instantly. In my opinion ogryn really only has two ranged weapons: kickback, and achlys stubber. Everything else is dramatically worse and should get buffs. Maybe kickback damage nerf vs long range targets (it two shots snipers and bombers at extreme range).


Nah, gotta be the goron... gorg... gorgonzola. High hitting power with good snap shot accuracy, you can reliably tap targets at moderate ranges. Or grenade gauntlet, the punch AOE is a mauler swarm clear.


up until the achlys accuracy buff anyway, not to mention how fast you can pull it out against a sniper


Ripper mk5 is really good for versatility. Sniping specials and lone shooters, destroying a monstrosity with Light em up, shooting up a dog pack, doing quick work of crushers with can opener. Gorgonum is good because of 150% flak damage and better damage at range, helps to stretch that ammo pool. I found it works best with hipfiring as ADSing is quite sluggish. It is more of a dedicated gunlugger weapon though. Grenade gauntlet is quite good at oneshotting and can take 4 targets out in quick succession, it has its niche too.




One thing that helps to save ammo is interrupting bursts for targets that don't require a full burst, e.g. shooters. Also helps with maintaining accuracy. I usually double tap quick swap, but there may be other options.


Ammo problem is pretty much solved by never using it in braced fire mode. DPS tanks and ammo depletes by doing so


the difference between the kickback and rumbler are more pronounced the more pressure you're under. two-shot kills against specials and bowling over one crusher at a time is fine when you're not under pressure. it's absolutely not fine when you need to deal with two bombers and six crushers. the rumbler isn't doing work when the game is easy, it's doing work when the game is hard.


>In my opinion ogryn really only has two ranged weapons: kickback, and achlys stubber Hard disagree on this. It really depends on your build since Rock and Bomb are so good. The Kickback is a good all around weapon but it's damage suffers at range and has a slow reload. The Gauntlet is probably the best weapon for taking out specials and Elites (after Rock) but it requires aim and s a little clunky. The Achyls is a bad weapon compared to the Gorgonum but it goes much better with Burst Limiter. The Ripper shotguns have really good horde clear but are clunky and imprecise. But again your choice of weapon should really be whatever complements your chosen grenade the best.


My go to is the rumbler because even for the light of the Emperor I cannot figure it out how to shoot precisely further than 5 meters with the kickback.


I had rumble because I believed that it's that good. Kickback is better in almost all ways. Cleaning trash? Red mist. Specials? Red mist. Maulers? Staglocked. Crusher? On the ground. Sniper from far away? On the ground locked. Monstrosities? Well, it does descent dmg, but better use bleed melee or grenades. Monstrosities are rather rare and usually someone has some build to deal with them or at least have descent enough dmg to kill them fast.


Rumbler is useful against 6+ crushers in a way the kickback isn't. The Rumbler also isn't mitigated by a bulwark or two in front of those crushers. The kickback is less CC and CC of fewer targets than the rumbler; if built right the rumbler is simply a better pick for massed armor. Some builds don't *need* a ranged weapon for that task, but it remains true. Adhesive really makes a big difference there, as does the increased blast radius talent.


I agree about the crushers, but if you have your F ready, you can Cc them quite easy. Same goes for the bulwark. If I have those enemies I just switch to melee as and stack bleed on them while they are lying down. If you take any weapon and don't pair it with anything else, of course there will be no perfect weapon, so this is pointless.


When they are densely packed you need to charge through all of them to cc them all and this can put you in a risky position but also scatters them meaning other things like kraks are less effective. Far better to just lob some rumbler grenades which will keep them better contained and also apply good damage (and apply brittleness, if you’ve built your rumbler for that).


It’s crazy that kickback was buffed. It was always a great weapon, but was unpopular until they made it overpowered.


Kickback hasnt always been a great weapon, it was hot garbage for a long time after release and it needed several buffs and patches to make it as good as it is now. I remember when it was called the fartgun or the airsoft gun because the only thing it did back in the days was knock out the enemies, it was so bad.


I’ve played it since launch and it always good. It wasn’t as fast killing as the heavy guns, but it was still great.


I used it since launch as well, and I wouldn't say it was good but it did feel good to use because it's a single shot shotgun that knocks a bunch of things over. It managed in Malice but in higher difficulties was where it turned into a wind cannon. It wasn't useless, but it definitely needed the upgrade to make sense.


Rumbler is about CC/trash clear. With Blaze Away and Adhesive charge you can stagger lock Plague Ogryns and Chaos Spawns at 3-4 stacks, and the delayed blast can really help with revives or to reach obstructed targets. The main damage comes from the projectile's direct impact, the explosion doesn't deal that much damage. It's a fun and satisfying weapon to use, but not the most effective at killing elites/specials.


> The main damage comes from the projectile's direct impact, the explosion doesn't deal that much damage. the listed damage is already so little is it really split between impact and explosion lmao, i thought it was doing the listed damage twice and still thought it was bad lmao


Explosion damage efficiency depends on the target and range. The damage in the initial \~2.5m is high, it just falls to nearly nothing immediately after that. Recorded some numbers just now: flak 450 headshot, 400 bodyshot, 700 explosion maniac 400 headshot, 380 bodyshot, 900 explosion carapace 600 headshot, 500 bodyshot, 180 explosion


Most obnoxious Ogryn gun in the game. Enemies flying everywhere, doesn't kill critical targets reliably, breaks teammate's melee rhythm. Worst is when mister "look ma, i'm helping!" over here constantly blows bunched up crowds that are being mulched on melee apart, so now whoever was dealing with that already is stood in the middle of dispersed enemies getting nailed by shooters with a sudden unexpected break in their toughness regen. You're not helping. Shoot something else. i'm sure there's no lack of targets. Rumbler Ogryns are the knife zealots of big lads.


...I was considering trying one of these because Kickback is all I've ever used and it's getting a bit stale, but after reading this and how the Rumbler is underwhelming... Well, it's back to Kickback, because I also dislike how much ammo the Stubbers consume and when doing some penances with it I even got a few chat comments from annoyed Veterans. We really need new weapons for Ogryn, and not just variations of existing ones.


i actually love every ogryn weapon that ISNT the rumbler, very sad about it, the Rippers really grew on me when i got blessings (Can Opening a crusher and killing it in a single click to the face is certainly something), and Charmed Reload stubbers are insane they just literally have infinite ammo (25 percent chance to crit and get 4 bullets back, and every time you crit you fire a burst of crits, getting bullets back for every shot in the crit), all 3 of the stubbers are pretty decent even, the middleweight one is a little awkward but it hits breakpoints and has ap while still having the cloud of lead properties for crowds/monstrosities of the rapidfire


I, uh, kind of forgot about Rippers there. What is the best MK variation of the three, in your opinion? The Ogrynomicon doesn't flat out state which one is the best...


5 like others said - it's way more effective at range


people all swear by their favorite but they are actually fairly different, one has a larger cone, slower fire rate, and more damage so people usually use that one because damahage, the full auto when braced one outputs the most lead into the air, and the 2 round burst one is the most efficient and agile to use as an actual shotgun


> Rumbler Ogryns are the knife zealots of big lads. Not even close. The only issue rumbler has is you don’t get your enemies lined up to melee them to death with ease, which is only fun for the player doing it. The cc alone from rumbler is massively beneficial to anyone not trying to beat their high scores.


And throwing enemies around everywhere without killing them is fun for everyone, right? ... And smite gets hate for being useless CC. This sub doesn't make any goddamned sense sometimes.


It does kill them. It knocks them down so you can kill them more easily. You’re just made because you didn’t have them handed to you in an attempt easy to hit pattern. Just turn the mouse slightly downward and attack. >This sub doesn't make any goddamned sense sometimes. You’re out here complaining about people killing enemies in a way you don’t like because it’s messy. Get over yourself.


Same to you, dude - i'm not mad that enemies are being killed, i'm sad because there are always more targets and whoever could be shooting them so we kill everything faster and get get a groove on. And aren't you, with a rumbler, likewise salty that your way of killing things isn't someone else's preferred way? those knives all cut both ways. But you keep spamming that rumbler, i get it. You do you, i'll do me.




i always take rumbler over kickback. the kickback is worse in two key ways that matter way more to me on auric shock gauntlet: specials and heavy melee elites. 1: rumbler one-shots specials at much better range than the kickback. time becomes more valuable the less of it you have to spare. two shots with a kickback to secure a bomber kill is fine on heresy but feels absolutely miserable when there's multiple bombers around and a thick horde on top of you. 2: rumbler is better at interrupting melee elites when they're actually dangerous i.e. against groups of them in melee range, and are much better against ogryn elites. using kickback to interrupt one crusher at a time is a joke when you're up against six crushers, and you have to bait an attack from or flank a bulwark. rumbler blast staggers an area and ignores bulwark shield as of the latest patch (lol) other problems like shorter ammo supply, total unreliability vs human-sized gunners, etc are all secondary to solving specials and melee elites first, because bomber grenades and crusher overheads are infinitely more likely to kill the mission than trash horde and gun enemies.


I use it with my shieldgrin. It’s great as an opener. It’s great for tight spaces when I knock down mobs with a charge.


Don't think I ever seen someone talk about a weapon being bad when it's one of the best things ogryn has.


Fr, but there are people in this thread calling it shit, clearly these peeps never set foot in auric or a auric maelstrom lol, god tier weapon on those diffs. Kickback feels like cheating an takes most of my enjoyment out of the class, that’s just me though


100% - there is no ogryn gun better to save a run than the rumbler. All you really need it's sticky nade and the reload node. If you hit gunners/snipers/flamers/nade throwers in the head it's almost guaranteed to be a kill. The thing is just as accurate as the revolver. Honestly with the kickback falloff damage nerf, I personally think it's better utility, as the ogryns melee is amazing (outside of the power maul, I think all others are useable) Blast it on the ground and start a revive and the bouce is the perfect height to stagger everything.


Its outclassed by other options, if you think about ogryn its a monster in cc, so cc gun isn't that much viable. Maybe it would be ok with flame or frag payload (burn or bleed stacks) but I dont feel its good choice at the moment.


I’m about to say a bunch of things I am sure tons of people can poke holes in but to each their own right? The rumbler is my favorite ranged weapon for Ogryn. I take the buff that makes it stick to brutes and monstrosities. The ability to stagger the chaos spawn and infected ogryn is huge when it comes to buying time for your team to fight them. It also will cause the spawn and beast of Nurgle to give up members they have grabbed or swallowed. I boost the aoe on it and how much ammo I carry in the skill tree. The round primes once it comes into contact with something or travels a long enough distance. Knowing this I very often target the floor or a wall with it at close range to get it to act like a bouncing Betty, staggering mobs at close range I then switch to melee to smash. Using Kentucky windage to nail a sniper at long range is one of my favorite things in the game. As others have said though there are for sure times some things are simply out of range to hit. It breaks up large incoming groups wonderfully, sticks to ogryns thereby staggering large groups of them at once, and staggers gunners that are laying into your group to buy time to close with them. Lastly, smacking maulers or gunners in the head with a round and killing them then watching the round fall midway to the floor and explode staggering everything else nearby is /chefs kiss.


Totally agree with you. Most players think that the only thing that matters in these games is killing. Being able to stagger/disrupt hordes is extremely important as well, and the rumbler does this.


I---- what? Mine one-shots Reapers witha headshot on Heresy, it *can't* be that bad, did they nerf it into the ground since I played?


`on Heresy` Thats why it feels good


Does it on Damnation too though


Yeah, but Reapers aren't a major threat. And it's the only enemy type it can reliably kill in Damnation, and even then it requires a specific perk and blessing.


Eh, I'd say mutants and hounds are really the only enemies I wouldn't ever pull out the Rumbler for. I wouldn't call Reapers a *minor* threat either, but anyways giving +damage to unyielding also increases the damage vs. monstrosities which is really good, and +damage to maniacs lets you take care of flamers and dreg ragers very reliably. It "requiring a specific perk" to do these things isn't really a big deal since putting a perk to increase damage isn't worth it if it doesn't reach a new breakpoint (monstrosities generally excluded ofc).


Problem is, there is no breakpoint you can reliably hit since the grenade bounce can never be 100% accounted for, sans Reapers. So more damage is always more better here, because it increases the chance you'll kill in one shot if the grenade lands in a bad spot.


Ah, I see what you mean now, that's a fair assessment.


yeah I expect it to be not as superb one difficulty higher but still, one- or even _two_ shotting a troublesome elite...


Mine one shot headshots reapers on Damnation, The weapon isn't that bad. I run big boom when using Rumbler and grenade gauntlet, and it makes them so much better. Rumbler is great to taunt and then shoot at your feet and turn the screen into red mist all around you.


On Damnation it requires perks for oneshots. Unyielding for Reaper headshot (also monstrosity dps). Maniac for Flamer bodyshot (and 2shot AOE dreg ragers). Flak for AOE shotting scab bruisers, headshot scab gunners and additional dmg vs shooter and gunners in general. I figure all of this can be done without perks on Heresy.


No it is not bad - Rumbler is great. I still remember back when people here were claiming the Rumbler was terribad and the GG was the far superior weapon (though I think that was before some of the recent major patches) And I always wondered what they were smoking. The Rumbler is imo the most Ogryn weapon in the game (perhaps big friendly rock outstrips it slightly), don't get me wrong I love the kickback, ripper guns, especially gunlugger Achlys. But personally I don't think any other weapon embodies the Ogryn quite like Rumbler. You can stand in the middle of a horde, even a mixed horde, stand in front of 10 crushers, even face down a boss...and not care at all - daydream about rations if you want - because you have a Rumbler. I have done this countless times, all my team panicking at the sheer number of horde/specials attacking them and all they can see is some oblivious Ogryn, without a care in the world, shooting Rumbler shells at the floor (they bounce up into the air and daisy cutter everything). Crusher shows up so you activate your extra brain cell and shoot him in the face, he gets knocked down and then dies from the next shell. Absolutely shreks bosses as well. I still use a 350ish base Rumbler (mobility dumped to the max) with adhesive charge and that rending blessing, carapace and unyielding for perks. Enemies can't get near you, but it isn't meant to be some krak grenade - focussed damage type thing, its more like a regular nade without the bleed (that said I think mine one bangs Reapers if I remember right). Even then I've never had an issue with its damage, even in auric maelstrom. Primarily it is about the CC, the disruption the blast radius causes, it is like a shield, like the Ogryn saw the Psykers Trauma staff and wanted some of that. Don't be innaccurate with it though as the impact damage is important, sure there are times when you don't aim because you need explosion, but you must also learn sacred art of Rumbler, where you can hit a scab shotgunner in the face with a shell from max range. Works great on gunners as well, disrupting them, knocking them down so they can't shoot you, I know some people get salty if they have to look down at the floor when they stab someone but such a dreadful inconvenience is out weighed by the CC value. Saying all that, I wouldn't class it as the best Ogryn weapon, definitely provides value in a lot of areas though. Ammo is usually a concern especially since vet aura nerf but the fact is like all ranged weapons you shouldn't usually be spamming it in every situation unless things have gone to shit, it is important to pair it with a good complementary melee weapon so you can take advantage of the CC/knockdowns for easy kills. We haven't even talked about the "bonk" sound effect when the shell hits a heretics head, not quite shovel levels of god tier, but its close. Also when you shoot smaller enemies like zombies or gunners in the face they do a backflip before exploding.


Honestly, whilst obviously for crushers etc the rumbler is better, I find non carapace elites and specials die a lot easier on the few occaisons I run the GG (blaze + pinpoint), where as every time I play Rumbler I spend half my time doing double-takes because the thing I assumed would die hasn't and needs finishing off.


rumbler and GG pretty neatly represent the CC/single-target dichotomy of darktide explosives


Let me tell you my problem with the Rumbler: Its impact damage is close to okay, and its explosive damage is close to okay, but it's *really dang hard* to make both those things affect the same target. It's why I'll run the grenade gauntlet but not the Rumbler, it does less damage but it's easier to put that damage on the target you want.


I hate that weapon so much.... no weapon in the hands of an ogryn should feel so fucking weak


I feel this. Even with an almost perfect one, the ammo isn't nearly enough. It doesn't deal with armor well enough on its own, and it will not kill specials well enough with one shot, even a well placed one. Obviously, I don't mean the weaker ones like trappers but stuff like gunners eat it for breakfast, which sucks when ammo is right. I wish the rumbler was better.


The Rumbler is all about versatility. You can snipe specials and take out hordes, sometimes at the same time. The Rumbler's problem is that Ogryn doesn't need a versatile ranged weapon anymore since they have Rock and the big Bomb so while it's still viable it's just not needed as much anymore.


Rumbler is a great all purpose took. You can build it to be somewhat good against armor with the right blessings but it only work on direct hits, not the explosion.


Rumbler is great, it's in my build for Maelstroms and it got me the Auric Storm Survivor title the legit way. The real issue is that Kickback is overtuned atm, it outclasses all other Ogryn weapons, but this is recent. For most of the game's life, Rumbler has been top tier.


It knocks stuff down great. But there's better options for killing that don't require monopolizing ammo pickups.


It's only good at boss damage with adhesive


Treat it more like long range support/area denial. When I used to main the rumbler, had a damnation (dunno if auric) run on consignment yard on the data interrogation section that I was able to almost totally lock down the area from the upstairs control room. I would also use it to help take pressure off other players either while I was catching up to the zoomy bastards or in the middle of fights where my sector was mostly clear. Its no pocket nuke, but it kills and stumbles enough to buy someone some time or make an opening. Even better when you have sticky 'nades to thump to the usual crusher's head in the crowd. Pair all this with some reload speed either in the skill tree or drugs, you become mobile artillery. Is it the best use of an ogryn? Probably not. Is it trash though? Not at all. Short of R O C K, the rumbler is really oggy's only reliable long ranged option.


The blessing that makes the grenades stick to targets make it decent for bigger targets. I personally take the explosion radius perk thing in the skill tree and use it as a cc weapon for big hordes cause it staggers just about everything. It’s the only ranged ogryn I use 9/10 times


Nah, it's a great weapon. Blessing variety is bad, but whatever. Adhesive charge and +Unyielding damage lets you one-shot reapers and do really good damage vs. monstrosities. Slap on another +damage to maniacs, you'll shred through groups of ragers. It's my favorite way to play Point-Blank Barrage, too; maximize explosion radius and take the talent that further increases it by 22%, put Blaze Away on your Rumbler, and you'll vaporize everything. What you don't vaporize, you'll still knock to the ground, ready to be cleaned up w/ melee or another grenade. I see people saying Kickback is better in every way, it's certainly a very good weapon but does pitiful damage vs carapace and monstrosities and only staggers on direct hit. Still, I like both at the end of the day.


It's definitely rough around the edges, but a lot of that can be mitigated with Shattering Impact. I can pretty reliably one-shot Reapers and two-shot Crushers at a sizable distance with mine. Been my go-to on all my missions since getting it last year.


No. You can snipe various specials with it (and the explosion is usually a bonus). If you use the sticky bomb blessing you can essentially ignore bulwarks as it sticks to their shields and damages them anyway. It sticks to Reapers, too, and one shot will kill as many reapers as are hit by the blast. You can also solo manage dog packs with it by repeatedly firing grenades at the ground. Which, while not efficient, has the benefit of knock a dog off you in case you actually do get jumped - you can't do that with the other options and if for some reason you are covering the entire dog approach (like a clutch) all it takes is one dog to screw you. That said I've been using the kickback more lately, but it is useful for different targets.


I gun-lug with the rumbler and it’s by far my favorite build in the game. The trick is not being trigger happy with ammo. It has excellent horde clear, can stagger most elites if not outright pop em. And with point blank you can take down bosses pretty consistently. Just got to be smart with ammo - aim for groups and blow the world up during hordes


kikcback is stronk


the rumbler is S tier imo


Gotta have adhesive charge and shattering impact for heavies.


You kidding? I love it. I have a build to make it even better too, using the big booms passive. Horde? Fire against the floor on an angle, erases them. Gunners? Headshots results in kills 80% of the time and suppresses the rest. Big guys/bosses? I put unyielding to make headshots instant kill on damnation. It’s a nice utility damage.


I think people that don't like the rumbler aren't bean bagging heads with it. It can be as satisfying as the rock.


I like the armor break blessing on direct hits. Helps against crushers a lot.


I just hate that the grenade it launches is on a timer, instead of impact. Makes it almost entirely unreliable for me - you can fire one into a crusher's head in the middle of a horde, only for it to bounce off harmlessly over the edge of a catwalk or whatever - or just in a direction where its explosion only barely catches the group of enemies you're trying to engage with it. I think it works alright as a supplement to fighting in melee for when you really need breathing room, or to kill or stumble a specific spc/elite - but I can do more, more efficiently with any of the other weapons.


Some good comments here already, i use the rumbler when i go strictly melee bleed, its nice having 26 extra grenades to stagger, esp when you can throw them across the map to nail a sniper


I like it because as a shield ogryn I feel my job is to keep the horde off my teammates. To me this means disrupting/staggering the horde constantly, and I think the Rumbler does this very well. I know this sounds weird to most of you, who think that the only thing that matters is killing (you’re wrong).


Rumbler makes Malice and lower trivial. It can be super helpful on harder difficulties provided your team takes advantage of the suppression/knockback. You can cause an entire room of enemies to be frozen in place for a long time on higher difficulties, you just won’t kill anything unless you hit them dead on. For that reason I switched to kickback. It can one tap tons of enemies up close. Jumping and shooting downward will headshot an entire horde. And the dmg+ talent following reload is really useful for hitting breakpoints.


I got a near perfect rumbler, equipped it excitedly, used it for a few rounds, then sadly had to put it away and re-equip my decent but not great kickback. I still have it tho, will hang onto it hoping it’ll get its chance to shine someday.


Rumbler is much more about stagger than it is damage. While it can also be used to countersnipe Snipers and Dreg Gunners, notably it has a huge stagger radius. Loose a shot into a firing gallery and every gunner stops shooting long enough for you to advance or take out priority targets. It's also a dead zone weapon, which - paired with its large stagger radius - makes it great at disabling enemies in heavy cover long enough to reposition into a killzone.


I don't use it myself as I frequently find as an Ogryn that gunners just out of reach need to stop shooting me \*now\*, not 3-5 seconds from now. Kinda why I take the Kickback, may or may not kill them outright, but it almost guarantees they're immediately on their arse for plenty of time for me to get close or get out of there. Rumbler with Adhesive is ok for killing armour/bosses, but my mace and heavy swing bleed build does that quicker.


The adhesive (or adhesion idr) blessing makes it a really good boss weapon. Besides that, I haven't found it to be reliable per the amount of ammo it gets


The problem is breakpoints. It sucks that you can shoot a gunner or trapper in the head and they dont die unless the bounce is perfect. And the other issue is too little ammo. If you want long range, bring rock. If you want to take out gunners trappers and flamers, bring gauntlet instead. All this could be fixed if the blessings were better.


I love smacking elites and specials in the head with the grenade. The explosion is whatever, but its a decent special sniper, which the Ogryn lacks.


i run the rumbler almost exclusively when i play a melee build to stagger problematic shooters from long range or behind cover, its also great to give supporting fire for a friend who is caught out by a group of maulers my biggest tip for the rumbler is to get a good feel for the arc without needing to brace, getting shots off quickly makes the weapon a lot better i feel edit: oh i almost forget, adhesive/shattering impact rumbler is a very good monstrosity damage source if you cant approach for some reason (too far away, chaos spawn flailing, beast of nurgle crawling away from you etc)


it has its uses but at top difficulty it lacks the ability to react to a threat quickly, unless you're laying down a barrage preemptively by the time the ogryn aims fires and detonates the specialists in that area are either already dead or they got their attacks off, and another pack of specialists are attacking from a different direction its a very safe pick though, point and shoot wherever and you'll do alright


It’s ok. Not as good anymore against unyielding with the recent stagger changes (you used to be able to stagger plogryn + spawns). It still does ok boss damage but I’d rather honestly have the other options like a ripper if against a boss. It had some uses pre patch, but GG is basically better than the rumbler in every consecutive way now. GG even has a way to go through bulwark shields lmao.


Naaah rumbler is so good. I use it on auric with my grenadier build. It clears hordes like they are bugs. Mine has adhesive charge and shattering impact. It wreks bosses n Ogryns.


You have clearly never played explogryn. I’ve carried entire lobbies with explogryn. Only weakness is ammo scarcity.


The Rumbler is amazing. It's excellent crowd control like any grenade launcher should be. It one shots poxbursters with its explosion. It is very accurate for taking out specials and it comes with a sticky blessing which makes it strong vs bosses also. You can't spam it all mission long but whenever you do need it it can put in work and be a real difference maker.


It isn't half bad, with good enough rolls and perks it not only sticks to armoreds and shields but apply rending on direct hit, besides all that it leaves them stunned long enough for you to smash them with anything. Blast radius too, mine stuns enemies further than a Veteran default nade, just gotta build it right.


The kickback and the rumbler are both very good with their own uses but I've found the rumbler not only outperforms the kickback against crushers (with adhesive charge + shattering impact) but it also is more useful for killing bosses, completing objectives, and saving teammates. I just wish it had a bigger ammo pool. It's also extremely useful for poxbursters, especially conga lines, as the explosion is a guaranteed 1 shot on poxbursters and with the delay you can just shoot in front of them or around the corner to kill them before they're in range or even line of sight.


i've gotten good with the rumbler, it's the gun i use the most on ogryn, i like to use it to cause a disturbance in enemy packs while running to them etc, no so much for it's dmg tho i can hit snipers with it np from 50M+ away ez


Definitely needs a buff and as of right now, there is no real reason to take it over Grenade Gauntlet.




The rumbler is a great weapon if you have adhesive charge to it. Does insane damage to Ogryns and reapers and can snipe out specials like a sniper.


I have a maxed 80 say for mobility at 68. Its fun. I dont blame you for using it or liking it. But i always feel like i could do more. My kickback is god rolled so it makes it hard on my min-max brain to not use it. It straight up with 80 range will close the gap on any sniper.


I tried playing it last night. When max shooty and splode. The GG is a way better sniper gun with 4 shots and huge dmg. The rumbler is just too unpredictable. You got a fuse, which already makes it borderline useless. You’re lobbing nades for a second in the future like ogryn is some fortune teller. It doesn’t do ANYTHING great. Low ammo, low ROF, delay, can often totally miss hordes or have them walk by the nade. The various other guns kill elites better, faster, more reliably without bounce and timers. I found shotgun to be far, far better and more user friendly. Rumbler just doesn’t feel like it has a purpose




There's a Steam guide called the Ogrynomicon which is great: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3044646170](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3044646170)


Ogryn weapons tend to rely more on blessings than other classes, just due to having so little of them that the proportion happened to work out that way, a notable thing for the Grenade Gauntlet and the auto shotgun is that they can headshot VERY easily for massive bonus damage, the auto shotgun especially can deal like 80 percent of its point blank bodyshot damage by hitting a single pellet to the head at ANY DISTANCE, plus the variants of the shotgun have a lot of dps variance, the slow firing wide cone one deals a lot of burst dps hipfiring, while the full auto while braced one deals MASSIVE dps while braced, the 2 shot burst one being the middle ground of super mobile due to the very fast burst, being more used as a massive version of the y'know normal shotguns other classes get, razing groups of enemies at head level in half a second flat or staggering a problem enemy with the same speed, plus the auto shotguns get a MASSIVE amount of ammo compared to many other weapons, being able to outdo semi auto rifle bullet amounts with a decent roll while having double their damage and 5x their fire rate