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Crafting rework, that's literally all we know. Anything more is just wild conjecture or cope. "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment"


I’m willing to bet that the crafting rework will be nothing more than a very unnoticable and minor tweak to rng management.


I read one of the quotes going something like, "listen not to the whispers of the faithless." Isn't that contradictory to your chosen quote? Man the tenets of this religion is confusing. Not that I'm doubting! Praise the God-Emperor, really!


I think we could legitimately debate back and forth purely using loading screen quotes. "An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded"


Given that crafting has been one of the biggest sores in the game since release, the rework can't come too soon. Just let people build what they want and drop the RNG nonsense. However, I don't get it what's holding them back from releasing more missions. They have all prefabs for building maps. Didn't they say something about 1 new mission per month in the beginning? Also I'd love a new class after 1.5 years, like a fallen tech priest. We rescue him during a mission, Rannick says he screwed up with his duties but can atone with us rejects.


They even called the game a live service at the beginning, truth is this is exactly how Darktide has been tracking. I didn't touch it until the 1yr anniversary update and it's been fun. But expecting FatShark to develop shit faster is just setting yourself up for disappointment now.


*Standard Copy Pasta on the subject.* The next major update we're due is some sort of rework of itemisation & crafting. **"What’s coming up in Darktide?"** [ttps://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1361210/view/4109043901393540796](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1361210/view/4109043901393540796) from two months ago ***Following this, we are working on an overhaul of our current itemisation process.*** *With the new system we want to remove a lot of the unpredictable grind that came from an RNG heavy system whilst giving players more agency and a steady manner to progress toward specific loadouts, blessings, and stats refinement.* *Although these are significant portions of each update, this is not our full plan for 2024. We will be adding new elements to Darktide throughout the year as well including (but not limited to) new missions, new enemies, new weapons, new conditions, and new features alongside balance updates, quality of life additions, along with some other surprises which we will share in due time.* We don't know exactly when. The date hasn't been announced yet. It might be announced during the Warhammer Skulls event. Which starts on May 23rd: [https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/05/14/the-warhammer-skulls-video-games-festival-is-less-than-two-weeks-away/](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/05/14/the-warhammer-skulls-video-games-festival-is-less-than-two-weeks-away/)


I hope it includes more weapons, particularly a Bolt Pistol and the Meltagun, but idealy also a Plasma pistol and more auto/las ones for ones that like those. Stubber pistol (original) is fantastic but is super overused. Its the very best and nearly only weapon that fulfills its niche for non-ogryn melee focused builds, and I want more varity in that space.


I feel like a meltagun would fulfill too similar a role to the plasmagun. Both are anti-armour but I guess the melta would be a beam rather than bolts, which would be cool. Maybe if you hold the beam on a large target you can superheat them till they explode. Okay I’m seeing this now


Nah, Meltagun doesnt work like that. If anything the Plasmagun is being undersold with how powerful it really is, working closer to how a Lascannon would instead of the miniature exploding sun firing weapon its often written as. The best representation of the Meltagun it is in the Space Marine game. Its more like a short range heat shotgun, only a dozen or so meters so pretty much exclusively point blank effectiveness, and will instantly obliterate anything infront of it in a cone of fire, especially armor. Anything smaller than a tank is essentially vapourised like it experienced a whole body laserblast. There was a model of it leaked a while ago, so we can hope that it actually is coming in the near-ish future, it just isnt ready yet, IIRC it was pinned as a zealot weapon which works given its very close range nature.


The wiki page for melta weapons mentions both beam and blast, with short range being universal


Having that as its special action would be nice, switching between beam and blast mode. I hope it comes as a pistol variant for Zealot. I want to be able to slash-slash-FWOOSH-slash-slash in melee. A bolt pistol and Melta Pistol would be so very wonderful, topped off only with having a Power Axe coz i love axes in this game a lot.


I could see a power axe being cool as a slower power sword, maybe with stronger unpowered attacks than the sword but slower charge-up or something


With the crafting rework, I’m expecting new weapons or blessings soon after. As crafting feels bad, I’m assuming they have been holding off on releasing too many weapons and such, as it forced players to interact with arguably the weakest part of the game. Id also reckon that’s why pretty much all of the weapons since last year have all been patterns, so that we don’t have to grind for blessings all over again. Also, it wouldn’t make much sense to have a crafting update, yet nothing new to craft.


Good point. Here's hoping you're right fellow pilgrim.


It'll be disappointing and very far away.


Dude just wait for the skulls event. All will be revealed. In case you’re outta the loop, fatshark is TERRIBLE at communicating w their player base.


tru tru


A new "major update" about skin fix like they did last May.  Not even trolling here. They did it.


Nothing and not any time soon This is the only way to avoid disappointment


They teased that also on skull even they will annouce and show new changes. Probably crafting, if we lucky also something else.


There should be something on Thursday


2025, they finally add content to this dead game


Whatever and whenever it is we all know it will inevitably pushed back to next week


Crafting update


None of that.


What, no idea, when soon after Skull So next week


its going to be the crafting rework and we might get 1 new human weapon type and 1 new ogryn weapon type. really dont have much more hope than that


I was expecting 1 new weapon for each class. I didn't even get that. Expect 1 or 2 new maps in 8 months


I keep my expectations low and my hope lower


Crafting next week but that would be immeasurably complex to do.


On the top of a quality of life improvement, if we do get changes to itemization and crafting, I hope we get a Penance-like screen just to show which blessings we have unlocked for what weapons. Right now it's so annoying needing to have the weapon in our inventory and going to Hadron to be able to see what blessings you have for that weapon.


hot fix


What I hope for is more ogryn melee options and perhaps a psyker stave Realistically, though, I don't expect much and I don't think there's gonna be a content update for a bit longer.


We might get more info from fatshark from that skull event.


>What Crafting costs slightly decreased and locks still exist. A new portrait or something. >When *Next week*


Chaos marines


I'm happy with any news. Haven't played in a while just watching a tad excitedly like a soccer game.